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We recently learned we are expecting twins in July!


I need some BTDT experiences and information.


I am about 15 weeks along and so far all I know is that each baby has its own placenta and its own sac. I was told that is good as far as low risk twin pregnancy.


Some of my questions:

Did you have to go on bedrest and why/when?

Were you able to nurse both babies? How did you work it out?

Did you have to have a C-Section?

If you homeschool, how did you do it the first year?


Thank you!!


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My twins are now 10 yrs old.


I was never on bed rest. They were full-term weighing 6lb4oz and 6lb8oz. It was a fairly unremarkable labor and delivery. My 4th pregnancy.


I nursed both of them. One had an esophageal stricture requiring 3 different surgeries so I ended up supplement with her earlier. Other than that and me being very, very tired, nursing was successful.


I had 3 other children, but I admit we used a lot of workbooks and did a lot of read alouds or books on CD.


I was very fortunate throughout my pregnancy. The hardest part was getting enough sleep, and I did rely quite a bit on my older dd's for help during the first year. We survived.

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Did you have to go on bedrest and why/when?

No. I did have a lot of mild contractions, but my doctor was very relaxed. He always said, "have all the contractions you want. If you aren't dilating, I am not putting you on bed rest." So I had a lot of contractions but very little dilating, and never went on bed rest. I also had some other worrisome things around 12 weeks (spotting, etc) but he saw no reason to think bedrest would help. I went full term, to 38 weeks, and was calling him crying insisting on being induced because I was sure they were ripping my internal organs, lol. I was 109 pounds when I got pregnant.



Were you able to nurse both babies? How did you work it out?


Yes. I nursed them 17 months. I worked it out day be day (hour by hour, at first). I found it hard to nurse together. Mostly I nursed one at a time, and I did need help. And for a couple of months, it's about all I did. Nurse, change diapers, nurse, change, drive my older son somewhere, nurse. I just surrendered to it, you know? I made it my priority. I did supplement a few times and never had problems maintaining nursing.



Did you have to have a C-Section?


I had one the old fashioned way and then had an emergency C-section with the other. Not the best scenario, lol, though both babies were healthy and happy and came home from the hospital with me. So it wan't the worst outcome - just a really tough recovery. Bad recovery. Not recommending it.


If you homeschool, how did you do it the first year?


That I can't help with. I didn't homeschool my older son.


Feel free to PM with other questions. My babies are 13 now, and my memory may not be the best, but I have loved having twins. My best advice is, at all costs, avoid women who tell you how hard it is. It's not that hard. I mean, it has hard moments, but it's so much joy. Don't let people scare you.

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congratulations! mine are now 10 years old.

i was blessed with a relatively easy pregnancy. i was tired the last three months and really swollen the last two, but i carried 38 weeks and delivered two 7-plus pounders v@ginally 15 minutes apart. we came home in two days. i did not have an epidural (this was never an issue with my doctor) but i did require some augmentation with pitocin because my uterus was "over-stretched" due to fourth pregnancy and the size of the babies. and i delivered in an operating suite with lots (10 to 12) people in attendance, just in case i needed an emergency c-section. i think this was the hospital policy.

i did nurse them both for 12-13 months. it took time and a little assistance. when i had another adult around, i nursed them together. when i was alone, i nursed them back-to-back with one in a bouncy seat waiting. after a few months, when they had better head control, i could nurse them at the same time when i was alone. ultimately, one per side at each feeding, alternating who ate where at which feeding.

as for school, these were my most scheduled babies: i put them down awake but they didn't cry much, probably because they were in a crib together for 6 months. they slept through the night at 4 months (early for my babies) so i wasn't as sleep deprived as i could have been. and they napped regularly because of this more structured approach on my part. we did minimal school - math, read-alouds, independent stuff like handwriting for a while, but my oldest was only seven so we really didn't get behind.

a lot of their early years is fuzzy, but we made it through!

again, congrats! what a blessing!

Edited by freetobeme
to add a little more info about my birth story
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I'll answer your questions but twins were my first (and only) kids and I think that makes a difference both in pregnancy and early days experiences. You are, for example, more likely to have issues with preterm labor or low birthweight when twins are the first pregnancy. Learning to be a new parent, nurse, cope with sleep deprivation, etc. with two is tough but I suspect it's easier if it's the 2nd or 3rd etc. time through the experience! It still fills me with awe that my two have a life experience of always having someone else to share with (well, to this point). They don't know "alone" in a way that I think is very special.



Did you have to go on bedrest and why/when?

24 weeks, preterm labor (twin A engaged, plus 2 station) You are less likely to have preterm labor or other issues when a twin pregnancy isn't your first.


Were you able to nurse both babies? How did you work it out?

We nursed for about a week. Then one of mine got very sick and as hospitalized for two weeks and I foolishly (I blame hormones) finally decided to "temporarily" pump for both babies as I was feeling more bonded to baby I could nurse than the one in the incubator. Hindsight...bad choice on my part! We pumped for the duration. That's an incredibly hard way to feed. You can certainly nurse both babies and I'd encourage it--once you get the hang of tandem nursing it is the easiest way to feed two babies! You won't be fumbling with bottles (or pumps in my case) with babies crying or in the middle of the night when you could be sleeping!

Did you have to have a C-Section?

yes, but that occurred after labor and long pushing with a baby who was malpresented in a rare way who wouldn't have been born vaginally even had he been a singleton. There is no reason to expect you will have to have a section. Most doctors will be pro-vaginal delivery if baby A is head down regardless of B position. Labor, pushing, then section....horrible recovery. I think one or the other would have been fine in terms of recovery. The section recovery was easy for me compared to the effects of the pushing phase and the physical combination of the two.

If you homeschool, how did you do it the first year? These were my first and only. I can tell you that I would try to work it out so I wasn't doing much that required me in the early months of the twins lives. I think you could homeschool on bedrest though if it came to that. The early months are hard with twins I think for most just because of the sleep deprivation. In most cases they take a while to coordinate their sleep patterns with each other so often someone is awake all the time or at least that is how it went here. The hardest part of it all for me was the sleep deprivation (and the crying because there was one of me and two babies).

Edited by sbgrace
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Two placentas and two sacs, that's great! (Mine shared a placenta and outer membrane, which meant VERY close monitoring!)


I was on bedrest for about a month because of contractions and dialation (dialated to 4cm the last month). They were born at 34.5 weeks, the day I was released from bedrest. (yep, that was all that was keeping them 'cooking')


I had a vaginal delivery, actually much easier than my first. My only real complications were that my labor stopped after the 1st twin was born, and I had to be induced for the 2nd! And I had excessive bleeding...but it was quickly brought under control.


I was able to breastfeed them, the logistics were fine. I did end up bottle feeding due to some other problems.


I wasn't homeschooling at the time.


It's an exciting ride!

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We recently learned we are expecting twins in July!Hooray! I think everyone should have a twin. It seems wonderful to be one to me.


I need some BTDT experiences and information.


I am about 15 weeks along and so far all I know is that each baby has its own placenta and its own sac. I was told that is good as far as low risk twin pregnancy.


Some of my questions:

Did you have to go on bedrest and why/when?Yes. But, I have a bad pregnancy history.:glare: I was around 24 weeks. It escapes me now. I went in for a routine check and was in hard labor. I stayed on bedrest and medication until it just wouldn't work any longer at 32 weeks.

Were you able to nurse both babies? How did you work it out?Oh yes! Worked great. No problems.

Did you have to have a C-Section? Yep. a breach and transverse baby=not a whole lot of choice.

If you homeschool, how did you do it the first year? One subject at a time. Homeschooling is something you just kinda gradually grow into.


Thank you!!



Have fun!

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Congratulations! You are in for a wonderful ride :D


My 5.5 year old boys are fraternal -- each had their own placenta and own sac. They are my only children and I had just turned 38 when I had them.


Did you have to go on bedrest and why/when?

I went on bedrest at 24 weeks because that was standard protocol for twins with both my regular OB/GYN and my perinatologist. I was on bedrest at home laying down for most of the day. I was allowed to walk the stairs twice a day (once down and once up)mand had to walk for 30 minutes a day. Otherwise I was laying down. I have to say that I was so big (the babies were all out front), that last month I could barely get myself to the bathroom and back to the couch. It must have worked because I was blessed with no complications and full-term twins (born at 37.5 weeks) and no NICU time. They boys were 7 lbs 8 oz and 6 lbs 6 oz at birth.


Were you able to nurse both babies? How did you work it out?

This was my biggest regret. I tried really hard and it just didn't work out for me. I stopped at 2 months -- even expressing because I just wasn't producing much of anything. That was with the help of 2 lactation specialists. I have a friend that nursed her triplets with no problem although she was pumping a lot.


Did you have to have a C-Section?

I opted for a scheduled c-section. Recovery was a little harder -- I knew that going in -- but being almost 51 inches around and all out front, I couldn't lay on my back for more than a minute at a time and that was struggle. I'm not sure I would have been able to push them out.


If you homeschool, how did you do it the first year?

These are my only children so I didn't have to worry about schooling older children that first year. I would give yourself a break that first year and just do the best you can.


I wish you a blessed pregnancy and healthy babies!

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We recently learned we are expecting twins in July!


Some of my questions:

Did you have to go on bedrest and why/when?

Were you able to nurse both babies? How did you work it out?

Did you have to have a C-Section?

If you homeschool, how did you do it the first year?


Thank you!!






My twins were my first pregnancy. Don't let my "story" scare you. I had a difficult pregnancy and post-partum recovery. Most twin pregnacies have no problems. Of all the moms of twins I know personally (about a dozen), I was the only one who had ended up on bedrest and had complications.


My asthma flared up bad in all my pregnancies so I don't know if that caused other issues for me.


With my twins I ended up in the hospital for asthma issues when I was 16 weeks along.


Two weeks later I went into preterm. Was hospitalized 10 days and went home on bedrest. Back in hopital a few weeks later for about 5 days. Went home with a terbutaline pump and a contraction monitor and complete bedrest. Pump was disconnected when I made it to 32 weeks. Doctors thought I would be delivering within a week... but nope... babies lasted to 36 weeks.


Water broke around 8pm. I delivered Ds at 5:46am, and Dd at 6:58am... Yes an hour and 12 minutes apart!!!!! I did end up with preeclampsia and had some difficulty with deliving them. We made it though. No C-section.


I did not nurse them though. Because of my meds, I was told I couldn't. It was a very good thing that I didn't nurse them. I was on magnesium sulfate for 2 days after giving birth, and I couldn't even hold them without help. Went home and had a slow recovery, anemic and blood pressure issues. Three weeks after giving birth I was in the hospital having emergency surgery to have my gall bladder removed and my liver was also infected (Ds and I both were jaundiced together- LOL). Took about 6 months for me to recover from that.


So my complications likely had nothing to do with having twins. I had similar issues with my two singleton babies. I didn't have to go on complete bedrest with them. I did have contractions and had to take it easy. I also had to go see the OB every two weeks throughout the pregnancies.


We didn't homeschool until our twins started high school last year.

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My boy/girl twins are 11 now. They were my second and third kids. My first was four when they were born.


Did you have to go on bedrest and why/when?

Sort of. I was a little paranoid about contractions and spent a couple of evenings in the hospital at various times, starting at about 20 weeks. I was never admitted and no one ever used the term "bedrest." Instead, I was told to "take it easy" and the definition of easy changed as the pregnancy progressed. First, it was to lie down for half an hour several times a day. Then it was to only be up for half an hour at a time. Then, well, the details are fuzzy, but you get the idea. My sister had been on real bedrest for a much more serious condition several years before, so my experience seemed pretty mild by comparison. They told me I could stop taking it easy at 34 weeks. The babies were born at 37 weeks two days. (Not that I was counting or anything. ;) )


Were you able to nurse both babies? How did you work it out?Sort of. My stinkery little kids refused to nurse if they could touch the other baby. They would not stay latched on. (This actually started in utero. We have video of one twin batting at the other [who was sitting on his head].) So I had to nurse them one at a time. All four of my kids were also big comfort nursers, preferring to be attached pretty much 24/7 and refused pacifiers. The qualities are a bit tricky in a singleton but are really difficult with twins. My husband was in school and working full time. Starting at 6 weeks, I allowed myself one sanity bottle per twin per day. Some days I didn't use either bottle. On really bad days, I cheated and gave each baby two bottles, but I wanted to keep nursing so I tried to keep those days to a real minimum. We nursed until the twins were 11 months old.


Did you have to have a C-Section?No. My twin delivery was my easiest delivery, hands down. (Thanks, mostly, to wonderful baby A, who was the only one of my kids to figure out the "face down" part of the "head down face down" delivery position. His sister was all over the place--a different position on every ultrasound--and was delivered as a footling breech. (Essentially the doctor reached in and grabbed her feet and pulled her out.)


My twin delivery was my only non-medicated delivery, although I did agree to an IV just in case things went south. And I had to deliver in the operating room and sign a waiver that I realized I was refusing an epidural against doctor's orders. There were a lot of people in the room (my midwive, my OB, my doula, my husband, a doctor for each baby, a nurse or two for each baby). I think it must have been a slow night.


The labor was about 12 hours, start to finish, with only the last three in the hospital.


If you homeschool, how did you do it the first year?I hadn't discovered homeschooling yet.

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Did you have to go on bedrest and why/when?

Not officially. However, I have very little energy when pregnant and get dizzy very easily. This was MUCH worse with the twins, and I had to spend a lot of time in bed. Even when friends came over, I couldn't sit up the whole time. Also, towards the end of the pregnancy I was so HUGE I really couldn't anything. So, basically, I was on bedrest LOL.



Were you able to nurse both babies? How did you work it out?

I exclusively nursed my twins (neither of them ever had a bottle). It's hard work and takes a long time. I totally see why many moms don't do it. If you're going to nurse them at the same time, it's very hard to get them into position by yourself. Plus, I never liked that, because I felt trapped beneath them, and you pretty much have to have your shirt off with no way to cover up. My pediatrician wanted me to nurse one first because he was gaining slower than his brother (ironically he is the bigger one today!), so then I started doing that instead. I preferred nursing them one at a time, but then you are pretty much nursing all the time! They nursed until they were almost 2 1/2, and at that point I was pregnant with my youngest.


Did you have to have a C-Section?


No. Both babies were head down, although my OB said that he didn't care what the second one was, as long as the first was head down. He had told me that the c-section rate was 33%, but after I had them, someone who came in my room told me I did something really unusual. I couldn't figure out what, and asked him, and he said, "Having twins vaginally!" So I wonder if that 33% was the OB's personal C-section rate, or the hospital's overall rate, but it couldn't have been the twin c-section rate.


If you homeschool, how did you do it the first year?

My oldest, who was in high school, worked independently. My two middle dc had checklists of things they could do independently. My twins were born the beginning of October, and we didn't start school until the beginning of January when they were 3 months old, taking it lightly.

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We have a set of twins within a set of triplets.


Bedrest? I was in the hospital from four months until birth. They were six weeks early. I began going into labor at 4 months because I was so big. I went into labor every six days for weeks. We managed to hold on with lots of drugs.


I pumped for six weeks, the babies never did nurse. Had to put it in bottles. After that I gave up.


Yes, C section.


Began our second yr homeschooling when the babies were 6 months old, big sis was 18 months and big brother was six. We had help from 8-5 for six months then we were on our own. We just plugged along.

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Congratulations! Our b-g twins, now 8 years old, are a blessing. They are our 5th and 6th children.


Here are some answers for you.

Did you have to go on bedrest and why/when?
No bedrest. I was bigger and more tired for the twins' pregnancy, though, and had to rest. I couldn't walk up the stairs (we live in a split level, 6 or 7 steps, depending) without having to lie down after I was about 6 mos along. I just went with it, and did what I could to conserve energy and take naps.


Were you able to nurse both babies? How did you work it out?
Yes, they thrived, and nursed until they weaned themselves at 22 months. I used a nursing stool and this awesome pillow:


We did get thrush, and really struggled to get rid of it. I never had thrush before or after. My guess is that the added stress to my system from being pg with twins caused a yeast imbalance.


Did you have to have a C-Section?


Almost. We actually didn't know that there were two babies until the first one was born. We had never had a sonogram for our first 4 dc, so we didn't for that pregnancy. Our first twin was born at home with a CNM, then we drove to the hospital to have the other baby (labor stopped between as often happens with fraternal twins). The dr. said the 2nd baby had to be taken by C-section because he was transverse. Dh (bless him!) told the dr. to double check the baby's position just before the surgery. We were so thankful that he had turned! He was born 15 minutes later. Their delivery was not my hardest by a long shot.


If you homeschool, how did you do it the first year?
When the twins were born I was homeschooling a 12yo and a 10yo. Homeschooling with infants wasn't too tough. My biggest challenge that year (besides the thrush) was keeping after my then 4yo and 2yo boys. I recommend training your older dc to do as much as possible and getting your home organized before they arrive, and just staying home as much as possible for the first year.


Now homeschooling with twin toddlers, that's a different story:tongue_smilie:. I homeschooled in shifts, with an older child always on duty with them unless they were napping. It was interesting how much more trouble they got into than a singleton!


I pray your pregnancy goes well. Enjoy your twins!


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Did you have to go on bedrest and why/when?Nope, was healthy and felt strong throughout the pregnancy. Also, had a 3yo and 18 mo at home to care for - including nursing the baby.


Were you able to nurse both babies? How did you work it out? I tried, tried, tried. Home lactation consultants and all, but it was just TOO painful. There was never time to recover before another baby needed to eat. I eventually compromised by pumping for the first 6 months.


Did you have to have a C-Section? I had to be induced at 39 weeks, lol. However I did end up with a c-section, because one baby actually "turned" during labor. The OB was amazed


If you homeschool, how did you do it the first year?

All of my boys were little, so we were just messing around with preschool. Oh, and I was blessed to get to hire a friend from church to come over a few hours a day to help and for me to get out of the house with the bigger boys. It saved my sanity!



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I did not ever go on bedrest.

I delivered at 38w1d.

I had a vaginal delivery.

I did not nurse but for a short time ( I was inexperienced and lacked support) but I know many many many women who have bf'd twins successfully and if I had it to do over again I would have kept at it.

Schooling is GREAT with twins because you have two students in one grade. Projects are way more fun.

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Some of my questions:

Did you have to go on bedrest and why/when?


No. My pregnancy was very uneventful until my water broke 7 weeks early.


Were you able to nurse both babies? How did you work it out?

Yes, they were breastfed from about 6 weeks through 15months. They were in the NICU exclusively bottle fed for 3 weeks and then it took a little time to switch them to breastfeeding. Having an older child around, I didn't like tandem nursing at all. I preferred to have a free hand and to have the one on one time with each baby. I hated tandem nursing and only did it in emergencies when they were both screaming.


Did you have to have a C-Section?

No. And you didn't ask, but I didn't have an epidural either. Don't let them tell you that you have to if you don't want it.


If you homeschool, how did you do it the first year?

We were not homeschooling yet as my older son was only 2 when they were born. If I were to have twins now, knowing what those first months are like I would be considering some sort of easy online program like time4learning if sending them back to school isn't an option. But, we had no outside help and it may be easier if you have family nearby or if your other children are older.


Congratulations!! Twins are so much fun!

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There was never time to recover before another baby needed to eat.


There were times I sat holding a pacifier in one or both of their mouths because I just couldn't face nursing again so soon. I am generally anti-pacifier, and the twins didn't like them and wouldn't keep them in their mouths. :D

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Thank you all so very much!


It feels so unknown to me even though this is my seventh pregnancy.


I am so encouraged by all the nursing success stories!


It was one of the top moments of my life seeing those two babies on that ultrasound.


I hope that I will be able to go full term and have a normal delivery.

That is my hope and prayer...


This helped me so much.

Thank you,


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I do not want an epidural.

I had a very bad experience with one here with my sixth baby (although great experiences in another part of the country with my first five). It will take A LOT to make me comfortable enough to have one here.


It is an amazing blessing I never really expected to experience and I am all awe and wonder.


I am nervous about a C-Section- mainly for the hospital reasons.

I have had six non-surgical ;) births- very uneventful. Except for the bad epidural which then required a blood patch. :(


Does anyone know when you are allowed to travel/not travel? We usually take a 14 hour trip "back home" every year. I am wondering if I will be able to do it this year. I plan to ask the OB next visit.


So far I feel really good- actually far better than I did last pregnancy.

But everything is new.


Because they have their own sac and placenta- does that mean they are fraternal?


Thank you!


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If you do not want an epidural, you should be prepared to fight for it if your doctors are very mainstream. My normal very sweet OB had no problem with it and said he'd prefer if I didn't have one so I could better work with him. When I was sent to another hospital- a big fancy teaching one- the doctors were horrible about pushing the epidural and giving me crazy scare tactics. You will likely be doing it AMA and they may get cranky with you. Whether you have an epidural or not you will probably deliver in the ER in case they need to do an emergency c-section. They actually told me while I was in labor that there was a really good chance I would need to be cut from my vagina to my belly button if I didn't get an epidural and did I really want to feel all of that?? :mad:


You can still by carrying identicals. If they are the same sex and have the same blood type the only way to know for sure is to have a DNA test. My girls are identical but had two placentas.


I think they will discourage travel after about 24/28 weeks if you are having no problems.

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Mine probably won't be too encouraging... Sorry!


Did you have to go on bedrest and why/when? I went on bedrest at about 20 weeks, I was dilating and effaced 50%. Was hospitalized at 30 weeks for a week to try to stop my labor. They were born at 33 weeks and HUGE for how early they were: 4 lb 8 oz and 5 lb 3 oz. They were in the NICU only 9 days.


Were you able to nurse both babies? How did you work it out? I had to pump and use tiny bottles for the first 3 months because they didn't know how to suck but I just had them try to nurse every time before I gave a bottle and the transition went fine. I nursed the boys for 16 months and had no problems after that. Baby 1 always nursed on the left and Baby 2 on the right. That way when I was tired I knew who I had fed lol.


Did you have to have a C-Section? No but my twins were 118 minutes apart and I wish I had!! LOL


If you homeschool, how did you do it the first year? They were my first sorry :)


I had to have an epidural at the hospital where I was, whether or not they put meds in it because of the risk of an emergency C-section. I also had to deliver in the Operating Room so they wouldn't have to move me.

Edited by ds4159
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btw, in answer to your later post: no, separate sacs/placentas doesn't necessarily mean they're fraternal. About 1/3 of identical twins have their own placenta. So, they could be either.


Did you have to go on bedrest and why/when?

Were you able to nurse both babies? How did you work it out?

Did you have to have a C-Section?

If you homeschool, how did you do it the first year?



I didn't go on bedrest, but I was in the hospital for the last six weeks for monitoring. I had monoamniotic twins, so the procedure was different than it is for most twins. Their monoamniotic condition also meant an automatic c-section. But neither of those will apply to you! :) As someone said earlier: own sac/placenta = good!


I did nurse them both, till about 17 months. But we didn't start until they were two months old; they spent a month in the NICU (they were early, again due to being monoamniotic) and came home drinking breastmilk in bottles. I pumped for a month, during which I periodically tried them on nursing, but it took them till 2 months of age (i.e., when they would have been term) to be mature enough to nurse (nursing's harder for little babies than bottlefeeding; it's more work for them).


But I was really glad I kept trying, because once they learned to breastfeed, my life got a lot easier! I nursed them together, and highly recommend the EZ2Nurse pillow (not shilling, just loved the product) which is a high-density foam pillow designed for nursing twins. It straps around your back and holds the babies up where they need to be, which leaves your hands free to help them latch. Wonderful invention.


I didn't homeschool while my twins were babies, because my older two were 3 and 1 when they were born!

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