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Dr. Who Christmas Special

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Me me me!


RoughCollie, are you asking a serious question or kidding around? I can't quite tell. :001_smile: The Doctor is a Time Lord who travels around the universe in his time/spaceship, which is disguised as a blue phone box and is way bigger on the inside. He is a bit mad and usually has a Companion along. He solves problems. And is cool. The terrible special effects are part of the fun (though now they're not so awful).

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We're super excited, though I told the kids they'd better get a nap. They didn't sleep well last night because Christmas was so exciting... or the night before because Christmas Eve was so exciting... or the night before because they were excited to be at the grandparents'... or the night before that because... well, let's just say I'm not even sure how they're still standing. Probably if I try to make them nap they won't be able to sleep because the Doctor Who special is so exciting. At one point, it seemed like they were more excited about that than Christmas presents!

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Here here! We don't have cable either, but you are *supposed* to be able to purchase it for streamed viewing on Amazon on Sunday, and I *think* iTunes will have it as well.


We do have cable but we won't be home in time for the first showing...and I am not sure that I will be able to make it till midnight to watch the next one! So I hope this is true - it will take the pressure off me tonight. "Course, my older girls will stay up and watch it and then I will probably hear all about it before I get to watch it :glare:

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Kids overtired themselves to the point of illness (seriously - they sound horrible even this morning) so they missed it and will have to make it a Boxing Day treat, which is actually our usual tradition anyway. But dh and I watched it. I rank it pretty highly - certainly better than that Titanic Christmas mess - but it wasn't as good as The Runaway Bride or anything. I loved Michael Gambon and the the opera singer who played the woman was great.


My only question is... really, is sexy policewoman meets Roman gladiator a common fantasy?

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Classic! Amazing! Totally Awesome!

Doctor Who at his Who-y-est!


And I can safely say (without any spoilers) that the music was beautiful! Just lovely!


Did you catch the Proms special earlier in the day? Boy I would have loved to have been at that concert!! Or is that what you were talking about?



My only question is... really, is sexy policewoman meets Roman gladiator a common fantasy?


Well, it could be for them! Especially Rory. What he did for her was so super romantic, a gladiator in shining armor, er leather.


My dd12 made her Facebook status, 'What color is it? Big! Big color!'

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We just got home this from staying with family and as soon as the kids went to their rooms for rest time, DH and I turned it on. LOVED it!!!


I would have liked to see Amy & Rory more, but I thought Michael Gambon and Katherine Jenkins were completely wonderful. I was prepared to think Katherine Jenkins was just a pretty girl for the special, but she was much better than I expected - Michael Gambon was even better, and I expected a lot from him!


I am SO. EXCITED. for this spring and the new episodes!!!!

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I posed something in the Tardis social group, but I wanted to post here too.


We enjoyed it, but now I'm thinking about the little clues. "We're halfway through the darkness" and why didn't the Doctor know why they were dressed that way? And what kept biting him? There was nothing there. And he was so callous about the dying girl. He totally used her.



I can't wait till this next season begins!

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I posed something in the Tardis social group, but I wanted to post here too.


We enjoyed it, but now I'm thinking about the little clues. "We're halfway through the darkness" and why didn't the Doctor know why they were dressed that way? And what kept biting him? There was nothing there. And he was so callous about the dying girl. He totally used her.



I can't wait till this next season begins!


And you know the song that whats-her-name sang? Wasn't it about "silence"? Isn't the next season about "silence" coming? I bet there are more clues.


I still really liked it. It was very "Christmassy" but....going all DW geeky for a minute, I think there were some inconsistencies. Old and young Kazran touched -- a BIG no no according to "Father's Day" -- what about reapers??? Also, why wouldn't the Doctor try to save all of those frozen people? That was very out of character. How about going back into someone's personal timeline -- a huge rule breaker -- "We can't go back, we're part of events now" was practically a mantra by 10. Maybe 11 has a different view of time than 10 does, though. Maybe he's more of a rule breaker.

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And you know the song that whats-her-name sang? Wasn't it about "silence"? Isn't the next season about "silence" coming? I bet there are more clues.


I still really liked it. It was very "Christmassy" but....going all DW geeky for a minute, I think there were some inconsistencies. Old and young Kazran touched -- a BIG no no according to "Father's Day" -- what about reapers??? Also, why wouldn't the Doctor try to save all of those frozen people? That was very out of character. How about going back into someone's personal timeline -- a huge rule breaker -- "We can't go back, we're part of events now" was practically a mantra by 10. Maybe 11 has a different view of time than 10 does, though. Maybe he's more of a rule breaker.


I should have said SPOILERS sorry. Warning. There are more spoilers in this thread.









You know, I did not catch on to the song. I knew it was out of place, but I couldn't figure it out.


Yes, they did a lot of no no's. Maybe that's why the Ood show up?

Edited by Kim in Appalachia
to fix spacing
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Old and young Kazran touched -- a BIG no no according to "Father's Day" -- what about reapers???


I asked DH about this very thing and he said the word on the "boards" (no clue where he reads this stuff) is that Father's Day was different because things were already weakened by Rose altering history.


And the doctor has had contact with former doctors so it's not the first time that happened.


The special was good but I'll agree it had some weird things. I couldn't figure out why her case-thing had numbers on it in the first place! Or why some of the things in the present weren't changing as history was being rewritten.

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I can not express how awesome it is to me that you all love Doctor Who as much as I do. There is no one I know IRL who I can geek out with :D


And I KNEW there was something off about the Christmas song - it was much more....dark...than a normal cheery Christmas Carol, even if she was sad. Hmmm.....


Come geek-out with us over in the WTM Doctor Who social group, The TARDIS! :coolgleamA:

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