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Do you use the same thing for youngers as you did for olders?


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For things like math and LA, do you use the same thing for younger kids as you did for their older siblings?


For example, I use RS math for Becca and I really like it. But I use Horizons for Sylvia right now. I was using it as a kind of "holding pattern" until I felt she was ready for RS A, but as she nears the end of the first workbook, I'm not sure I'm going to switch her. She's more independent and likes workbooks, and when you ask her questions she tends to just say, "I don't know." I feel like if I put her in RS we'd both get frustrated. But am I giving her the shaft by not using this math program that I really like and use for her older sister? Or am I just being silly? Is some amount of change for youngers to be expected because you (by their very nature) have more than one child to teach now?

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Nope. I don't use hardly any of the same materials for my two kiddos. They have very different learning styles. My daughter is much more independent and advanced than my son. She is very comfortable with self-teaching. But my son does really well with online curriculums. He gets really annoyed when he thinks something is too "babyish" for him but truthfully, he can only handle so much before he gets frustrated. The same curriculums would not work for them.

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A mix. When I first started, I wasn't as familiar with the various options and some things weren't available. I'm more confident in my teaching ability now. Also, I have a bigger budget because the kids are enrolled in a virtual charter providing a curriculum stipend vs. HS through the private school option & having to buy everything out of my own pocket.

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I try to...but if something doesn't work for a younger that worked for an older, I'm more than happy to switch. DD7 just couldn't do MUS, so I got TT for her...which means DD5 has Saxon, MUS, and TT to choose from. So far MUS is working well for her. We all do WWE together except DD10 and the middle two did Phonics Pathways, but I switched to OPGTR as soon as I found out about it. Besides those, I've been happy with what we've used and haven't felt the need to switch.

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I have used most of the same LA and math. I do tweak to fit each child. Like my oldest is more auditory, so I read more directions to her (and I had the time to back then), where my middle two are more visual, so I am more likely to pull out a piece of paper and illustrate something.


But we are all fairly similar in learning style, in we all are kinsthetic to a point, and most of what I use works for multiple learning styles (i.e. is multi-sensory).


Oh and my kids are really close in age. :D



Edited by siloam
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So far, I'm using mostly the same stuff for language arts... ds is able to succeed with Spelling Workout, whereas dd was not, and we had to find a different solution for her.


Math... yes and no. Miquon is a repeat. I would have liked to use Developmental Math with ds but a lot of the workbooks are now unavailable, so I decided not to go that route.

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My youngest is very different from my two olders. I have had to switch up a lot of things for my youngest. She's also the hardest one for me to find things that work. My two olders are both visual learners like me. My youngest is an auditory learner.


I've switched programs from the oldest to the middle only when I ended up not liking the program I used with the oldest. I didn't like Miller&Levine Biology that I used with my oldest, so I used Holt Biology with my middle. I didn't like Spectrum Chemistry that I used with my oldest, so I'm going to use Prentice Hall Chemistry with my middle. I didn't like Hewitt's Conceptual Physics that I started using with my oldest. I switched her to Giancoli's Physics and I liked it FAR better, so that's what I'm using for my middle.

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I'm not using the same as my first dc, but she is 9 years older than dc #2. There are so many more choices now than there were 9 years ago.;)


My 2nd dd has been a guinea pig to find what and how I want to teach. I have found that I want my beginning reading program in workbook form and that I want my handwriting and readers to correspond with the phonics being learned. CLE LTR did all this, so I feel comfortable using it to teach reading. Because it has all the elements I looked for, I can tweak it to fit my dc's needs. Dc#2 used it last year. Dc#3 is using it this year and it is going great and I plan on dc#4 using it in 2 years.


After trying several math programs, I have ended up with Singapore using HOD's plans. it is working well with both dc right now, so I plan on using it with the last dc.


Other that that? I plan on using the same stuff once I find out what I teach the best. If I don't like teaching the material, it won't work. I find what I like and adjust according to each dc learning style and needs.

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Sort of. With my oldest, I did a lot of figuring out what we liked and my youngest is benefiting from that. Also, my children learn differently from each other. My oldest is a VSL and my younger is a hands-on/audio learner.


We have really found a nice place with curriculum this last year though and are looking forward to another good year with:


Rod and Staff Math

Spell to Write and Read

Oak Meadow

Scott Forseman grammar




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I use different things for each child. My son uses R&S Math, Saxon Grammar and takes an IEW class. My daughter uses CLE math and LA, and WWE.


I did move from using very teacher intensive materials with both of my kids a couple of years ago because of some issues I was having in relation to my son's lds. At the time, I felt some guilt over that, especially for my daughter. I sometimes think she'd love FLL, but she's using CLE instead. In the end, though, I think it's fine. She does great with whatever I give her and her mother is in a better state of mind if she's not working one-on-one teaching for hours each day. That's more important than using the most teacher intensive program, IMO.



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For things like math and LA, do you use the same thing for younger kids as you did for their older siblings?


For example, I use RS math for Becca and I really like it. But I use Horizons for Sylvia right now. I was using it as a kind of "holding pattern" until I felt she was ready for RS A, but as she nears the end of the first workbook, I'm not sure I'm going to switch her. She's more independent and likes workbooks, and when you ask her questions she tends to just say, "I don't know." I feel like if I put her in RS we'd both get frustrated. But am I giving her the shaft by not using this math program that I really like and use for her older sister? Or am I just being silly? Is some amount of change for youngers to be expected because you (by their very nature) have more than one child to teach now?


I'm also using Horizons K as a "place holder" for my 5.5 ds. I'm guessing I'll eventually switch him to singapore, but I don't have time for the hands on stuff in their K books and he's too young for level 1.


But... to your original question... some things are the same and some things change. I dropped MUS for my oldest because we hit a wall with it and also because I didn't like the way it taught multiplication and some other things after that. Since it didn't jive with me I dropped it for everyone. FLL has been good for my boys so far - quick and painless. Not sure yet for my dd - she might enjoy more writing and benefit from more repetition (maybe a candidate for CLE LA). But when you've already been a curriculum junkie, you already have it all on hand. It's okay if something doesn't work - you just go look in the closet for that other program you bought two years ago.:D


And, yes, somethings just have to change because other dynamics change. It is not humanly possible to implement my first choices for all 4 of my children (who are currently school age). But that's okay. I love the idea of SWR, but I don't do it - they are all using SWO. But I learned a lot of phonics from SWR and it has made me a better teacher no matter what method or materials we are using.

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My kids have used a lot of different stuff. My older 2 both did MUS for years and then TT for awhile. My 6 yo twins are doing RS and Singapore. Part of it is I couldn't stand the thought of doing MUS again plus RS looked like such an interesting program I wanted to try it. I have a hard time sticking with one thing for a long time. I also just discovered MFW last year. In the past I'd done both Sonlight and WP with my older girls. They had also done LLATL and Daily Grams that I don't use with my younger kids either.


About the only thing all my kids have used is FIAR. I haven't done all of the books with any of them but every kid has rowed some books. I don't see changing that. Some of the FIAR books have become my kids favorite books.

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Somewhat, but tweaked.

Same math.

Same science, but start sooner (b/c I found it late with the Elders) with additions to enrich.

Same history as a spine (SOTW) with much more b/c we use TOG now.


Totally different Language Arts, though with regrets that I didn't find it sooner.


I think I'm much better at identifying needs now, so that makes a huge difference in my tweaking abilities and with being able to identify curriculum that will or will not work. I also need a more organized curriculum; I simply don't have the time to put it all together myself, anymore.


Funny, when recalling a recent thread about not being able to give as much time to the Little League, I can say, they will get a better education :) (not that the Elders got the shaft there at all).

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Mostly yes, but it depends. My first two use everything the same. My 3rd child is my "mold breaker" and I've had to make some changes for him. I'm using a couple things I don't particularly enjoy and didn't pick for my first two, but the important thing is they are working for him. He is only 6 going on 7 but does best doing everything independently. The rest of my kids love one on one time with me. So... I had to change all the curriculum that was heavy teacher involvement (except WWE!) to things mostly independent. My overall plan is to keep everything the same to begin with and only change if absolutely necessary. Then I can focus more energy on ds #1 who is paving the way and requires more research!

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I will use the same programs for youngers that I have for olders as long as they are working for the child. I get hives when I think about changing programs (the learning curve for MYSELF:tongue_smilie:) so unless the program is just not working, I will use it.:001_smile: (For us, that means Singapore math, WWE, FLL...)

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For things like math and LA, do you use the same thing for younger kids as you did for their older siblings?


For example, I use RS math for Becca and I really like it. But I use Horizons for Sylvia right now. I was using it as a kind of "holding pattern" until I felt she was ready for RS A, but as she nears the end of the first workbook, I'm not sure I'm going to switch her. She's more independent and likes workbooks, and when you ask her questions she tends to just say, "I don't know." I feel like if I put her in RS we'd both get frustrated. But am I giving her the shaft by not using this math program that I really like and use for her older sister? Or am I just being silly? Is some amount of change for youngers to be expected because you (by their very nature) have more than one child to teach now?



OK...You set me down on a reminiscent path.....I blogged about this answer. Link in my siggy :D



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Not counting the curricula we acquired before we finally settled on what we were going to stick with for the oldest, yes. I absolutely tweak what we have for strong learning style differences. To me that's easier than having to sort out a whole new curriculum. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm already noticing that I don't have doubts about what will/won't work with dd5 so far. I tried out so much on my poor eldest...





OK...You set me down on a reminiscent path.....I blogged about this answer. Link in my siggy :D




Beautiful post!:001_smile:

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I am using the same programs, but tweaking them differently. Younger dd loves writing and workbooks. She has done the writing portions of RME, while older dd never did. She is on level 5 of ETC, while older dd stopped after only 2 books. I'm planing to use WWE with her, and know that she'll need more focus on the narration, and less on the copywork. They both use AAS and Singapore.

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Some things yes and some things no. There are some things that work well for one dc, but not for another due to learning style differences.


There are some things that didn't turn out to be what I wanted, so they don't get used again, and may not have even made it through a school year. (And a big sorry to the ds who had to be the guinea pig for them!)


There are things that worked well enough, but I might not use them again just because I need some variety.


OTOH, there are some things that are so wonderful that they will be used for every dc and then I'll have trouble getting rid of them. I will probably give them to a good friend rather than sell them because they will be so hard to part with if I don't know I can visit them.

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My first round of homeschooling ran from 4th-7th grade with dd13. So far, I have done K, 1st and 2nd with my youngers. So I guess the only overlap that I have really had is within my 2 youngers. So far, I have used all of the same curriculum with them. They are different, but not so different that I think I will need to change anything from one to the next. However, I don't think I will be using most of the curricula I used with my oldest again. I used SL with her, and I knew from the start that it wasn't going to be a great fit for ds. When it came time to look for a core curriculum, I found and fell in love with MFW. I anticipate that I will use it all the way through with the 2 youngers. I also used MUS with the oldest, but found Singapore for the younger 2 and don't plan on changing. The only thing that I can see myself using with them is IEW, but we're a ways off from that.

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mine are all bright, but my 3rd and 4th are gifted and so we definitely customize what we use. Oldest ds uses a different math than the girls who are all accelerated and some even gifted in math. He will also use a different science than #2 dd. She just learns differently. She enjoys the self-paced workbook/textbook approach. They are studying different languages as well.


I also changed phonics programs for #5 because I couldn't face the one I used for the older 4 yet again. So, sometimes, it is for my sanity that I make a change.

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You can save your treasured much-loved curriculum that was just right for your older dc, and then when your younger one comes along it can be totally wrong for them. Oh, sad! And in the meantime, the publisher updated and came out with a new edition, and now you can't even sell yours any more. Oh, the pain of it all! I HATE when that happens, ugh. But such is our common experience. It's just the way it goes.


There was not very much I used both for my olders and my youngest. Too bad. It would have been so convenient! But noooooooo....

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I don't use the same programs. One reason is that the older one has LDs. The other reason is that I've learned a lot in the past 6 years and don't want to make the same mistakes.


For example, I used Saxon with the older one and I'm using Singapore with the younger one. I wish I had known about Singapore when the older one was in 3rd grade. But even if I had, I probably wouldn't have been able to teach it well.

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OK...You set me down on a reminiscent path.....I blogged about this answer. Link in my siggy :D





Lovely blog, Faithe! I'm honored that my question earned a place in it! :001_smile:



Everyone else so far: Thanks for your words of wisdom. I feel much more comfortable in allowing the changes. :001_smile:

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For things like math and LA, do you use the same thing for younger kids as you did for their older siblings?


No. And I learned my lesson. I'm going back to some of what we used with Ana. I feel she had a superior experience to Christian and Elizabeth.




Sometimes a change is good. Sometimes, not so much. The hard part is you can't tell until you've done it.


I will say that part of my reason for going back to what we were using isn't because it's a SUPERIOR curriculum, but because of ease of consistent use. That's not as much fun but I know from Ana that a good curriculum used consistently is often much better than just a great curriculum that requires a lot of teacher time so it might not get done every single day in this house.

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