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I think I've reached the end of my rope........seriously.......

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All I wanted to do was bake Christmas cookies this weekend......not a huge thing, right?


My dd30 just called - she is suffering from chronic lyme's and has been on disability for 2 years -- her husband has a good (as in reliable) job, but they count on those disability checks to pay their rent and pay for most of her treatment - which is of course not covered by insurance.


Well, three weeks ago her insurance company made her have an IME (independent medical examination) to determine if they were going to continue to pay her benefits - and today she received their decision that they are not going to pay her monthly benefits any longer.


I am on my way to get her - she is hysterical, I am upset.


I know that compared to what others are going through here, this is not that big of a thing, but this is for my daughter, the last straw.


Now, I am beaten -- really. :crying::leaving:

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Mariann, thanks for letting us know. I will be praying for her and her husband. This is a VERY BIG deal and it bothers me no end that the neighbor across the street draws disability for a bad back but takes cash money for BALING HAY in the summers and though turned in, the government doesn't care but your daughter who truly deserves it, is being cut off!


I will definitely be praying about this.



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This is a VERY BIG deal and it bothers me no end that the neighbor across the street draws disability for a bad back but takes cash money for BALING HAY in the summers and though turned in, the government doesn't care but your daughter who truly deserves it, is being cut off!


I will definitely be praying about this.





I am related to one of those. GRRRrrrrrrr.


Mariann, I am so sorry. You are living proof that the role of a mother doesn't end when the kids leave the nest. You have really been pulled in many directions this year!


Remember, even when there is an end to your physical and emotional energy, there is no end to your love for your children. More than "Mom, fix it!", what they want and need is your love and comforting presence. Prayers going up that the LORD will supply your well with His endless spring.


PS If you haven't started your holiday break with the younger set yet, methnks today is the day...

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Mariann, I am so sorry. You are living proof that the role of a mother doesn't end when the kids leave the nest. You have really been pulled in many directions this year!


Remember, even when there is an end to your physical and emotional energy, there is no end to your love for your children. More than "Mom, fix it!", what they want and need is your love and comforting presence. Prayers going up that the LORD will supply your well with His endless spring.


PS If you haven't started your holiday break with the younger set yet, methnks today is the day...



She said it SO well. Your children are blessed to have you as a mom. I'll continue to hold all of you up in prayer.


How is your other dd doing with teaching? I'm still praying for her!

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All I wanted to do was bake Christmas cookies this weekend......not a huge thing, right?


My dd30 just called - she is suffering from chronic lyme's and has been on disability for 2 years -- her husband has a good (as in reliable) job, but they count on those disability checks to pay their rent and pay for most of her treatment - which is of course not covered by insurance.


Well, three weeks ago her insurance company made her have an IME (independent medical examination) to determine if they were going to continue to pay her benefits - and today she received their decision that they are not going to pay her monthly benefits any longer.


I am on my way to get her - she is hysterical, I am upset.


I know that compared to what others are going through here, this is not that big of a thing, but this is for my daughter, the last straw.


Now, I am beaten -- really. :crying::leaving:




Oh Honey, I am so sorry. Lyme disease is a great big deal. My son has been suffering from post Lyme for the last year and had lyme disease for at least 18 months before they diagnosed him. It has devastated him. He is only 16. He had to give up pretty much everything he loves and has worked for years to attain. he will not be able to graduate from HS early, he can not focus long enough to study for his SAT, so there go his chances for an academic scholarship. he can not do swim practice more than 2 or 3 nights a week...there go his division 1 NCAA dreams. Maybe he will be able to get div. 3, but then again, no scholarship money.


Lyme disease is debilitating and the medical community and insurance companies do not want to fund or pay for treatment beyond 2-4 weeks of anti-biotics.


Our family is devastated. Your daughter needs to fight their assessment. Get an attorney to write a letter of protest. Of course they are going to try to say she is not disabled...and those nuetral parties are not so nuetral....ask who paid the bill.


I am so sorry you are going through this. Your family has been through enough and your dd certainly is understandably hysterical.


As always you and yours are in my prayers. I hope we are in yours as we seek our new normal for my son and the rest of my family....we all seem to have some sort of chronic conditions which make me think all of this is not only physical, but also a spiritual battle.





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Mariann, thanks for letting us know. I will be praying for her and her husband. This is a VERY BIG deal and it bothers me no end that the neighbor across the street draws disability for a bad back but takes cash money for BALING HAY in the summers and though turned in, the government doesn't care but your daughter who truly deserves it, is being cut off!


I will definitely be praying about this.




Thank you! Prayers needed and appreciated.


Oh, that's just terrible. I wish there was something I could say but there are just. no. words.



Thank you. I appreciate the hugs.


Oh, honey.


That is just - oh.


Too much.


Praying here. That's for your dear wonderful daughter, who is blessed to have you in her life.


That's so sweet - thank you.


I am related to one of those. GRRRrrrrrrr.


Mariann, I am so sorry. You are living proof that the role of a mother doesn't end when the kids leave the nest. You have really been pulled in many directions this year!


Remember, even when there is an end to your physical and emotional energy, there is no end to your love for your children. More than "Mom, fix it!", what they want and need is your love and comforting presence. Prayers going up that the LORD will supply your well with His endless spring.


PS If you haven't started your holiday break with the younger set yet, methnks today is the day...


That is horrible. Hugs for you both. And prayers.




Thank you so much. I am trying to help dd and her dh process all of this so they can draft a rebuttal letter. I so appreciate the hugs and prayers. And you are so kind to say what you did.




She said it SO well. Your children are blessed to have you as a mom. I'll continue to hold all of you up in prayer.


How is your other dd doing with teaching? I'm still praying for her!


Thank you -- I covet your prayers! Stacey had a pretty good day at school yesterday - she said that "R" avoided her. I thought that was great -- and proof that you ladies here were hard at work praying for her.




Oh Honey, I am so sorry. Lyme disease is a great big deal. My son has been suffering from post Lyme for the last year and had lyme disease for at least 18 months before they diagnosed him. It has devastated him. He is only 16. He had to give up pretty much everything he loves and has worked for years to attain. he will not be able to graduate from HS early, he can not focus long enough to study for his SAT, so there go his chances for an academic scholarship. he can not do swim practice more than 2 or 3 nights a week...there go his division 1 NCAA dreams. Maybe he will be able to get div. 3, but then again, no scholarship money.


Lyme disease is debilitating and the medical community and insurance companies do not want to fund or pay for treatment beyond 2-4 weeks of anti-biotics.


Our family is devastated. Your daughter needs to fight their assessment. Get an attorney to write a letter of protest. Of course they are going to try to say she is not disabled...and those nuetral parties are not so nuetral....ask who paid the bill.


I am so sorry you are going through this. Your family has been through enough and your dd certainly is understandably hysterical.


As always you and yours are in my prayers. I hope we are in yours as we seek our new normal for my son and the rest of my family....we all seem to have some sort of chronic conditions which make me think all of this is not only physical, but also a spiritual battle.






Thank you -- yes, Faithe, your family is in my prayers and oh, my your ds -- I certainly understand. I can pray more specifically for you now. Yes, we are beginning to draft the rebuttal letter. DD is on leave of absence from med school so she has a very good idea of what specifically to rebut in the other doctor's assessment. And, yup, I know that this is spiritual and physical.




Give your daughter a big hug from all of us, get home, have a cuppa. (Good British remedy, that :001_smile: )


Continuing to pray for you all.

Thank you so much -- much appreciated.


There are no smilie guys to express what I want to say to you.


I am so sorry Marianne.

Korin -- Thank you so much.


and prayers. I've read that one has to really fight for disability these days...I'm sorry. Next year just has to be better for your family!
Thank you so much and you are SO right -- I am SO ready to kick this year to the curb.


You are such a loving mom, hang in there. Hugs an prayers.
Thank you so much -- that is so nice to read.


Thank you all so much -- I really just fell apart with this news -- guess I have been holding it together for so much else and just could not any more.


DD and a nurse who works in the attorney's office will begin drafting the rebuttal letter - it is due in 10 days. DD thankfully has an amazing knowledge as far as medicine (she plans to return to med school within 1-2 years) so she sees in the doctor's assessment precisely where he is stating opinion and not scientific fact -- so she knows where to begin and how to make this manageable.


Thank you all again -- I just feel spent -- as if I have nothing else to offer. Your prayers, though, clearly reached dd b/c she is thinking and functioning.:grouphug:

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All I wanted to do was bake Christmas cookies this weekend......not a huge thing, right?


My dd30 just called - she is suffering from chronic lyme's and has been on disability for 2 years -- her husband has a good (as in reliable) job, but they count on those disability checks to pay their rent and pay for most of her treatment - which is of course not covered by insurance.


Well, three weeks ago her insurance company made her have an IME (independent medical examination) to determine if they were going to continue to pay her benefits - and today she received their decision that they are not going to pay her monthly benefits any longer.


I am on my way to get her - she is hysterical, I am upset.


I know that compared to what others are going through here, this is not that big of a thing, but this is for my daughter, the last straw.


Now, I am beaten -- really. :crying::leaving:


:grouphug: I am so sorry. I will pray for all of you.

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Mariann, I'm so glad she has the knowledge and strength to fight this doctor's report!


Starr: Thank you! Yes, although I pulled the covers over my head by 9pm last night, I see this morning from emails that she is already working on it and if I know her, it will be done by the end of the weekend.


And, thank you b/c you did make me laugh -- I'm glad she has the knowledge and strength to fight as well b/c there is NO ROOM for her and her dh in this house! :lol: I sometimes do have a warped sense of humor.


Thanks and :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: to you!

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:grouphug:It is a big thing. It's your daughter and it's a big thing.:grouphug:


Thank you so much! I am barely through my first cup of coffee and I read this -- thank you.:grouphug:



Let me just say that in case anyone here thinks that the 'mothering' ends at some point, well, that has not been my experience.:001_huh:

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Thank you so much! I am barely through my first cup of coffee and I read this -- thank you.:grouphug:



Let me just say that in case anyone here thinks that the 'mothering' ends at some point, well, that has not been my experience.:001_huh:


nope, the Mothering does not end...ever. That is a good thing too. I love my kids and like being their Mommy through the good , the bad, and the ugly. i think the ugly part needs to leave us alone for a while...a really loooonnggg while as I am tired of that part.:grouphug::grouphug:



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I am glad they have a chance to appeal.


Praying for you all!




Thank you (drat, those cookies would have been awesome!) -- I am glad that it is a short window that they have (10 days) b/c perhaps that means if they win the appeal, they won't miss but one check which equals one month's rent and THAT we would be able to help with - more than that, uh, not so much.:glare:


Thank you again for your prayers - I am still feeling totally defeated this morning but I AM making jokes which dh says is a good sign. I'm most encouraged by the fact that dd is not letting this stop her (except for the short fit of hysteria) -- I have learned this past week by being in NJ with Stacey and by watching DD30 with this disability thing that if nothing else, my girls are strong. That does make me feel good.:grouphug:

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Mariann, thanks for letting us know. I will be praying for her and her husband. This is a VERY BIG deal and it bothers me no end that the neighbor across the street draws disability for a bad back but takes cash money for BALING HAY in the summers and though turned in, the government doesn't care but your daughter who truly deserves it, is being cut off!


I will definitely be praying about this.




I've noticed a lot more advertisements explaining medicare/medicaid fraud and similar ... how to spot it, avoid it and report it. The closing line gives the message, "keeping it honest so there's more money for legitimate claims." The fraud #s must be staggering.


When I was growing up, our high school principal did this (worker's comp). He lived not far and we would see him doing "impossible" things when we drove past. :glare:


Sorry to hear about your dd, Mariann.

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I've noticed a lot more advertisements explaining medicare/medicaid fraud and similar ... how to spot it, avoid it and report it. The closing line gives the message, "keeping it honest so there's more money for legitimate claims." The fraud #s must be staggering.


When I was growing up, our high school principal did this (worker's comp). He lived not far and we would see him doing "impossible" things when we drove past. :glare:


Sorry to hear about your dd, Mariann.


Yup you're right - the fraud is a huge issue - we know that dd was being watched. When my sister was recovering from her breast cancer surgery, she was watched -- yup, folks get watched.


The positive in this is that the doctor who wrote her assessment did state that she is unable to work or hold any kind of job at this time -- then he went onto disagree with her treatment protocol (which is none of his business as he is NOT her doctor). He concluded his assessment by saying that if she just took tons of antibiotics and tons of painkillers, she would probably feel better.:glare:


Well, she takes her antibiotics as her system can tolerate them, and she will not take painkillers as she refuses to mask her symptoms and wants to get to the cause of this. So, I think she has a fair shot at an appeal.


The whole thing is such a quagmire, y'know. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:....and thanks for your kind and wise words.:grouphug:

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You know I'm praying for your family, Mariann!


And don't feel badly about having trouble holding it together -- things keep piling on, and eventually everyone reaches a breaking point. You can only handle just so much, and sometimes you have to give yourself a break.


It's hard being a mom when your kids are going through such hardships and tragedy. You want to leap in and fix everything, and when you can't, it's unbearable.


On the bright side, I'm glad Mr Nastypants stayed away from Stacey, and hope he continues to leave her alone.



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You know I'm praying for your family, Mariann!


And don't feel badly about having trouble holding it together -- things keep piling on, and eventually everyone reaches a breaking point. You can only handle just so much, and sometimes you have to give yourself a break.


It's hard being a mom when your kids are going through such hardships and tragedy. You want to leap in and fix everything, and when you can't, it's unbearable.


On the bright side, I'm glad Mr Nastypants stayed away from Stacey, and hope he continues to leave her alone.




Cat: you're right - I was so encouraged that Mr Nastypants stayed away from Stacey -- 8 more days of school and she goes on Christmas break -- so that is a really positive thing.


I am so unaccustomed to buckling under it all --and, yes, I am a 'fixer' so that makes this impossible stuff really difficult.


Well, today i will do as my sister says: I will get dressed, put on my makeup and get on with it.


Your prayers and kind words are SO much appreciated! As are the prayers and kind words of everyone here -- it really touches me.:grouphug:

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