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Reflect on the school year -


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Have your dc completed any materials? Yes, WWE, SOTW1, thisclose to finishing science and art


What are your favorite subjects to teach? art and math


How about the kid's favorite subjects? art, music, writing


What changes really paid off this year? switched to MEP and learning +/- facts, insisting on "sounding out" words b/c Ariel is a natural sight reader


Do you predict changing materials next year? Yes, OM2 is right up her alley, with all the drawing and animal studies


In what area has your dc grown the most this year? She's actually starting to enjoy reading and is getting much better at narration.


What areas are you still trying to find that match for? Making school more enjoyable and less of a checklist, incorporating art and drama instead of narration and writing.


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? We moved a few months ago and our new library is tiny. I have to buy most of the books I need/want and we had to take a break for a couple of months while we packed and then got settled again.


What projects or activities stand out so far? Nothing in particular at the moment. :blushing: Recently we've been trying to wrap up everything to start fresh in January, so it's mostly been "get 'er done."

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Have your dc completed any materials? Yes - ds finished Right Start A & the first ETC book. Dd finished PLATO Life Science. (Dd is also four-five weeks away from finishing her math book, and will finish PLATO Earth & Space Science before we break for Christmas.)


What are your favorite subjects to teach? It's interesting, these are different for each kid. With dd, I love doing language arts stuff with her, discussing what she's read, and so forth. With ds, it's probably history & math.


How about the kid's favorite subjects? Dd loves math. She's also really enjoying critical thinking this year. Ds loves history.


What changes really paid off this year? No huge changes. This is ds's first year of 'official' school. I did add in Miquon after we finished Right Start A, and we'll keep doing it alongside Right Start B once we finally start it.


Do you predict changing materials next year? For dd, we'll have to find something new for science and logic. I plan to change up her history/social sciences as well. Probably few if any changes for ds.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year? Ds: concentration and ability to sit still. Dd: Time management (though it's still a work in progress!)


What areas are you still trying to find that match for? History/social science for dd. I'm still trying to formulate what I want to accomplish in terms of foreign language study.


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? Teaching two students, and keeping the two year old entertained while I do so.


What projects or activities stand out so far? Is it bad if my answers are extracurricular/outside the house things? The kids both loved homeschool soccer this fall & can't wait to do it again this spring. Dd is taking a fantastic history of science class through one of the local hs groups, and ds has taken oceanography through the same group. They've been a huge hit.

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Have your dc completed any materials?

My ds has completed Miquon Red and Singapore 2A/2B so far and we'll finish SL Core K next week.


What are your favorite subjects to teach?

Definitely math! But I'm also enjoying Latin.


How about the kid's favorite subjects?

Math, science, Latin, geography, and SL.


What changes really paid off this year?

We didn't really change anything just added a bunch for 1st grade.


Do you predict changing materials next year?

No. We'll have to do something else for Latin. I think we'll go with Prima Latina.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year?

Hmmm. He seems to be learning a lot in every subject. I'm really happy with how the 3Rs are going since that's most important for me this year.


What areas are you still trying to find that match for?

Nothing for now. I'm just trying to figure out where we're going to go with writing once we get to 3rd grade. Lots of good options.


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year?

Homeschooling with a 2 year old and pregnant. I'm so glad my oldest is only a 1st grader and I can afford to be relaxed about school.


What projects or activities stand out so far?

We are really enjoying the experiments in Noeo Chem I. As far as outside activities, golf has been a big hit this summer and fall.

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Have your dc completed any materials?


Goodness no, LOL! Well, we've completed some of the materials we're using for Bible and geography for the year. And of course we've completed tons of books, but not texts....


What are your favorite subjects to teach?


Whenever I teach outside classes, which isn't often, I tend to gravitate toward biology or earth science, history or geography. So I guess those are my favorites to teach to groups, although we like lit time at home....


How about the kid's favorite subjects? Hmmmmm, he's been saying history and geography for a while, but he's really my more math and science oriented kid.


What changes really paid off this year?


I just couldn't stand R&S 7 (and that's the first time I've had such a problem in my 12 years of hsing). This son really has tremendous difficulty with LA related things and after looking at Easy Grammar I felt it would be simplistic enough to allow me to slow him down, and review over and over to make sure he really understands points. It seems to be working thus far.


Do you predict changing materials next year?


There are some things I always do differently, such as history and science, but I don't tend to use texts much for those subjects. Of those courses where I do use texts, I can't think of any I plan on changing.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year?


Well, he's actually experiencing great difficulty with anxiety this year. The hormones seem to be kicking in and causing this. He's OC and has always had some anxiety issues, but we've never really had a problem like we're having this year. I'm hoping that our constant counseling will help him get through this without our having to seek counseling that might perhaps lead to a push for medication. Because he's growing, I'm afraid that it would take forever to get medication adjusted, etc. Plus I just don't like the idea of putting him on meds long-term....


He is stepping up in a lit/writing class I've put him in. He's doing a better job writing for someone else than he ever has done for me (which is what I suspected would happen and why I put him in it). He's picked up many of the chores his older brother used to do around the house and is doing a pretty good job keeping up with them, which also has surprised me a little.


What areas are you still trying to find that match for?


I still wish for a sound, thorough science program that I could use without having to cobble together so many resources on my own. And I still wish for a logic program that is more secular and more fun....


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year?


The anxiety issues that I mentioned above. Since Halloween, every outside thing we do has been a challenge. I can't let him shut himself off from the world and stay at home alone.....


What projects or activities stand out so far?


I like how our chemistry studies are going this year. We've done some good programming with Frazier Arms Museum this year. He just did his first oral presentation in lit and that was on Route 66. I thought he did a good job on it. He's in the best indoor soccer clinic we've ever had him in. He's getting ready to start a big project on Napoleon Boneparte for a Walk through History program that Frazier is hosting this winter.

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Have your dc completed any materials? Map Skills 3


What are your favorite subjects to teach? Science, of course. :D


How about the kid's favorite subjects? Science, science and science.


What changes really paid off this year? Combining the oldest 2 kids and working through the Core Knowledge topics. Going over library books on the topics, covering the art/poetry portion of the CK Sequence. We also added CLE Math to Singapore Math and my kids are doing much, much better with math. Also, doing lots of Unit Studies.


Do you predict changing materials next year? For 1st grade, I plan to change LA - going to use FLL/WWE together.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year? Math


What areas are you still trying to find that match for? LA/Reading for the oldest kids...:confused:


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? Writing.


What projects or activities stand out so far? Farmer Boy Unit Study, art projects from the CK Sequence...

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Have your dc completed any materials? A lot! I discovered early on that I'd misjudged her level when she flew through most of the materials I'd planned for 1st. I think I've finally gotten the level right.


What are your favorite subjects to teach? I'm really enjoying teaching math and history. Math isn't too much of a surprise, but history is.


How about the kid's favorite subjects? Latin, Spanish, and Greek


What changes really paid off this year? Homeschooling instead of parochial school.


Do you predict changing materials next year? I plan to add Cambridge Latin to LfC to give DD more reading practice and to switch to Spanish for Children from Elementary Spanish. I'm torn on Sonlight.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year? Writing


What areas are you still trying to find that match for? Science


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? Science


What projects or activities stand out so far? Native Americans unit study.

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Have your dc completed any materials? Completed? No.


What are your favorite subjects to teach? Well, it's not really teaching, but I am enjoying read alouds again. And I love to teach Latin. Though I don't love teaching phonics, I love that using SWR a couple years ago gives me the tools to do explain phonograms and spelling rules off the cuff, any place, any time.


How about the kid's favorite subjects? My oldest - reading from a shelf full of books - he would do nothing else if I allowed it. My 2nd ds - probably his SL science kit w/ dvds. He even TOLD me he needed a science notebook for it (WOW? he wants to write something down?). My dd - possibly Singapore math since we're using it as a break from her CLE. My 3rd ds - has a love/hate relationship with ETC. When I tell him it's time to do it, he hates the idea.... but when he starts it, he keeps going and going.


What changes really paid off this year? I could write a book on changes we've made this year. But I'll try to keep it short: (1) Dropping CC this year (Love staying home every morning and LOVE dropping the memory work) (2) Putting 2nd ds in Singapore Math and giving him SL Science 1 to do on his own w/ LRAFO books (3) Using Writing Skills Book 1 w/ my oldest (4) Going back to AO Yr 2 for history and read alouds for the middle 3 dc (5) Adding a separate read aloud for oldest ds and me alone - this has been great for us! (And me - actually starting to read LOTR so we can discuss these too! Though Simarilion is killing me!) (6)No longer visiting churches - going to the same one every Sunday - kids are even in the Christmas musical, LOL!


Do you predict changing materials next year? If there is one thing that is predictable here it is change. Currently, oldest ds and I are doing math on a white board together. I'm browsing math books on my own time and teaching him off the top my head, LOL. Hopefully we will return to a more standard text at some point? Also, I hope to start him in a Spanish program (Visual Link?) since he would prefer that over Latin. And, we need to find a grammar that I can stand teaching and he can stand learning. And I will consider other science for him - although I take comfort in 8fillstheheart's posts that her kids used whole books until about 8th grade! Also, I'm not sure if I'll have 2nd ds use FLL 4 or not - as I remember it seemed pretty redundant after FLL 3.... just not sure what I would use instead. History - will probably use AO as my base or Guerber as spines and make up my own book list to go with it.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year? Oldest - Yikes - his heighth and his peach fuzz! :001_huh: And I'm seeing slow and steady improvement in his writing when he tries. 2nd ds is doing more reading on his own. DD - reading and math are steadily improving. And her ballet is impressive to me! I'm pleased with their steady progress with piano too.


What areas are you still trying to find that match for? Grammar after FLL.


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? Dh's deployment. Adding "student" number 4. Adjusting to changes in my oldest. Deciding whether to combine or separate. Being too overwhelmed by all of it to trust my own plans; Used and Loved HOD for the 1st 12 weeks. Then dh came home on leave. Trying to start again after his leave was the absolute biggest challenge of the year. We said good bye once, who knew saying it again would be so hard? Though he's been deployed before he did not have leave during that deployment. So, I was totally unprepared for how depressing and difficult it would be to care about anything after his leave. We are rebounding now and it's getting better.


What projects or activities stand out so far? Discover and Do dvds w/kits from SL (not doing the schedule!). BSF has been really good for all the kids. The middle three kids were enjoying HOD a lot (especially the various activities/projects)... but nothing was fun or interesting after DH's leave and I was having a hard time doing three guides and oldest ds just wanted to read (and I didn't like the IEW Middle Ages and he didn't like the science - and writing and science were the main two problems I wanted it to solve for me) and I was missing everyone doing the same history time period..... but I digress!


Sorry I wasn't very succinct, even though I hate long answers. It's been a CRAZY year - but honestly the dc continue to learn inspite of me.

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Have your dc completed any materials?

We completed Apologia Exploring Creation with Astronomy in early October.


What are your favorite subjects to teach?

Any one that she is not complaining about;)


How about the kid's favorite subjects?



What changes really paid off this year?

I love everything we're doing this year.


Do you predict changing materials next year?

No, not for DD.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year?

She's reading beautifully!


What areas are you still trying to find that match for?

None. I'm very happy about that:)


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year?

Getting school done with my 2 year old fussing at me about... everything.


What projects or activities stand out so far?

Umm... We haven't done very many. Making a cuneiform/hieroglyph clay tablet (yes, she put both on it). Making butter.

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Have your dc completed any materials? No, but ds has increased his reading speed and has finished more books this year than in previous years.

What are your favorite subjects to teach? Love doing read alouds it's such a bonding time. I like teaching Latin, it's such a detailed subject.

How about the kid's favorite subjects? Being read to, science, and while he wouldn't say he loves it, he really gets math.


What changes really paid off this year? Moving. :lol: It's been a chaotic year, we're barely getting started I feel, but we just moved.

Do you predict changing materials next year? Some, but mainly because of the level. We are sticking with some favorites, including Latin Alive, LoF.

In what area has your dc grown the most this year? Writing. He hasn't balked about writing as he did in years past.

What areas are you still trying to find that match for? science. We had planned to do science 2nd semester and because of moving we're behind. I'm going to change our science (just decided this yesterday). I feel like we've found good fits with other subjects.

What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? Life. Dh was un/underemployed since May, we started planning a move in August which just happened. Our routines has suffered. We took off three weeks in November and this has been our first week back and today I'm sick. :lol: I'm working on remaining flexible. Gumby, I'm Gumby.

What projects or activities stand out so far? My ds went to work with dh for three weeks in August. It was out of town (my dh is in construction) to work on a relatives house. We want ds to learn the skill of construction, so it was a great project, plus he got to spend time with family we don't see often.

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Have your dc completed any materials?

Singapore Math 1a, Lollipop Logic, Sonlight P3/4, Peak With Books and we will complete Horizons Math 1 this month


What are your favorite subjects to teach?

I really don't have a particular favorite


How about the kid's favorite subjects?

math and science


What changes really paid off this year?

We haven't made any changes, my big girl really enjoys and does well with anything that is put in front of her!


Do you predict changing materials next year?

Yes, we are going to start history and a new math in January.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year?

I would say handwriting (as her "weakest" subject) and she is just thriving in math (as her "strongest" subject)


What areas are you still trying to find that match for?



What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year?

Probably my small girl (the toddler thing! LOL) and trying to get used to my big girl's completely different learning style from my own.


What projects or activities stand out so far?

The coral reef diorama and the water molecules we made! And anything Magic School Bus is a H-I-T!

Edited by MissKNG
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Have your dc completed any materials? No.


What are your favorite subjects to teach? Language Arts and Math


How about the kid's favorite subjects? dd10-art and science, dd9-science, ds8-math and science. They also love story time aloud together.


What changes really paid off this year? I love Learning Language Arts Through Literature and combining history and science instead of separating them.


Do you predict changing materials next year? hmm...well while we have loved combining all 3 this year, it is evident that my dd10 is way advanced for her age and really needs to be challenged more. We will still combine, but I will have her do more in depth next year.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year? maturity! After public school, we struggled with a lot of issues and they definitely had been taught to think with the pack and not on their own. It took a long time for it to sink in when discussing things that there is no right or wrong answer sometimes. You need to think things through and find your own convictions.


What areas are you still trying to find that match for? I think I am pretty settled with our plan. I do worry about math though. Not b/c I dislike our math program or anything, but b/c we have to test yearly and my children have had to play catch up a lot b/c of gaps in public school.


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? Overextending us. We were doing a co-op, scouts, 2 soccer teams with games and practices amongst 4 children in the fall. We started the year great for about the 1st four weeks, then soccer and co-op started as well as scouts. We got behind by about 5 weeks. We were only able to complete a week of work in 2 weeks b/c of the hectic schedule.


What projects or activities stand out so far? To be honest, we have been so overbooked so far that we have skipped some cool projects. We are going to pick back up in January after I try to figure out how to still finish on time for the year.

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Have your dc completed any materials?


We've just finished flying through FLL4. Peyton did FLL3 year before last and took a year off grammar. FLL4 was very easy for her, even with a year off. We will be starting MCT Town and JAG after the holidays.


What are your favorite subjects to teach?


Math - we switched from MUS to Math Mammoth this year and we both love it (I still like MUS very much, too.) History - this is our chill out after lunch time. We are doing SOTW 4 and have enjoyed some very interesting conversations this year.


How about the kid's favorite subjects?


Peyton says she likes Spelling (Megawords), History, and usually math.


What changes really paid off this year?


Math Mammoth. DS is in PS. I hope this doesn't end up being a permanent change, but it has been good for my relationship with my middle child and I have given her education much more focus this year. In the past I have been so focused on DS because he is older that I don't give her education the focus it deserves.


Do you predict changing materials next year?


I imagine we will stay the course. We've been at it a while and like what we are using. I've gone through the ogling Sonlight phase, and I'm pretty comfortable where we are. There will always be tweaking, and needed changes as they pass to the next level, but we're pretty steady.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year?


One of the reasons I thought PS would be good for DS is that he is very smart, but lacks confidence. This experience has been amazing in building him up in that area. He has done extremely well academically, and he immediately stepped up as a leader at his school.


Ironically, I have seen that same growth in DD here at home this year. I don't really know why, but she has a calm confidence about her that is new. It's a very nice thing to see.


What areas are you still trying to find that match for?


Science. This year I am having Peyton do various science lessons that I come up with, then I videotape her teaching them. We are editing the videos and eventually, if we every do a decent job of it, will post them to You Tube. I hope to have something more organized next year. We'll see.


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year?


Her name is Romy and she is 3 years old.


What projects or activities stand out so far?


I think what we are doing for science is pretty cool.

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Have your dc completed any materials?


We finished up OM 2 & 5 and Rod and Staff 4.


What are your favorite subjects to teach?


Math and history


How about the kid's favorite subjects?


Lapbook & reading


What changes really paid off this year?


Oak Meadow and going more Waldorf really made things so much better. I am more relaxed and with OM, I know that we are getting things covered. I don't worry as much anymore.


Do you predict changing materials next year?


No, but I am adding in some other stuff to enrich grade 3.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year?


My youngest is reading and doing math on her own now. My oldest is starting to write without a lot of pain.


What areas are you still trying to find that match for?


I think we are good in all areas now.


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year?


Helping my youngest to become a fluent reader and my oldest to become a fluent writer.


What projects or activities stand out so far?


From last year, we all really liked the trip project. For next year, there is so much fun stuff coming up.


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Have your dc completed any materials? No, but ds has increased his reading speed and has finished more books this year than in previous years.



Did you do anything specific to accomplish this? Peyton needs to work on speed. We went back to the beginning and did about a month of heavy phonics instruction, to be sure she wasn't guessing. Now we are taking turns reading passages to one another to work on fluency and speed. I'd like her to continue to improve, but need ideas.

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Have your dc completed any materials?

younger dd finished ETC1.

older dd finished her math book from last year and started a new one.


What are your favorite subjects to teach?

for younger dd, I love doing science with her.

for older dd, I still love literature. I love discussing it with her.


How about the kid's favorite subjects?

for younger dd it is probably free play. :)

for older dd, it is her fine arts classes at the art center.


What changes really paid off this year?

for younger dd who is just in K, we just stepped to school being required instead of optional. She is of course getting more done.

for older dd, we completely stepped out of our old school mode. We aren't doing formal science or history this year. She is do a lot more self-selected activites and hands-on projects. It has been stellar.


Do you predict changing materials next year?

oh yeah. they are both getting more structure next year. I love what we are doing, but I am constantly worried that it isn't enough.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year?

younger dd has a some vision problems with midline jumps and reversals, but our focus on phonics has provided great leaps in her reading despite continued vision problems.

older dd has leapt ahead in writing. She struggled to get a few sentences on paper at the beginning of the year, but is now writing terrific, well-developed stories which are thousands of words long.


What areas are you still trying to find that match for?

for younger, nothing.

for older, last week I would have said grammar, but I found it and am happy.


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year?

Balance with my work. My work schedule is very different from last year and I'm trying to work a full-time professional job at home while teaching the kids.


What projects or activities stand out so far?

for younger, it is Rosetta Stone Japanese. She loves it and is pretty good. It is amazing to see her sitting there doing that. She won't be proficient this way, but she is developing an ear for it and is able to repeat the words and phrases correctly.

for older, it was pottery class with her dad. They spent 11 weeks doing wheel-throwing and real pottery. She's also started sewing clothes and stuffed animals. She loves it and is teaching herself a lot.

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Have your dc completed any materials?

Younger DD is almost done with her math.


What are your favorite subjects to teach?

Phonics, because it's mainly just playing games (Happy Phonics).


How about the kid's favorite subjects?



What changes really paid off this year?

New math program (McRuffy) and phonics (Happy Phonics). The kids love both of them.


Do you predict changing materials next year?

Yes, I plan to add a slightly more structured approach to science and history.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year?



What areas are you still trying to find that match for?

Science, history


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year?

Helping older DD in her reading confidence. She decodes words well for her age but is totally intimidated by actual books. Another challenge is getting the extras done (history, science, art).


What projects or activities stand out so far?

Nothing yet.

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Have your dc completed any materials? If you're talking about this calendar year, then yes, he finished a bunch of stuff last spring/summer. This academic year, no (we're only 3 months in). My answers below are based on our still-underway academic year.


What are your favorite subjects to teach? Spelling, because it is so gratifying. My son has very poor phonemic awareness and our spelling lessons target that skill, and I can see him grow every single day.


How about the kid's favorite subjects? He would say science!


What changes really paid off this year? We started My Pals are Here 3/4 for science which is a good fit for him, and we also started using Oak Meadow for Social Studies which is a really good fit for *me*.


Do you predict changing materials next year? I sort of want to do Sonlight Science 5 (Human Body) next year, but I'm not sure if I should deviate from MPH. I might just stay the course and get 5/6. We're doing 3/4 in a year and I hope I could do 5/6 in a year as well.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year? He's continuing to rapidly catch up in reading and is now approaching grade level. His confidence & willingness to write has improved tremendously in the past few months but we still have a long way to go.


What areas are you still trying to find that match for? Writing. I'm using the four-square method for writing paragraphs and doing about 80% of the work, and I'm crossing my fingers he will be able to take over more of it. I don't know what else I would do if the leap is too great.


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? Finding the right amount to "push" with writing (enough to stretch/challenge him to grow, not so much to discourage & frustrate him harmfully).


What projects or activities stand out so far? DS is proud of his Native American projects (map, house, totem pole, report) but we're also having a ton of fun growing bacteria and mold! :tongue_smilie:

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Have your dc completed any materials? So far, just God's Design Our Universe, but were close to completing several other books this month.


What are your favorite subjects to teach? Math, history, and science


How about the kid's favorite subjects?DD11 - history and anatomy, DD9 - science and typing, DD6 - history and science


What changes really paid off this year?Adding a lot more hands on for history and science


Do you predict changing materials next year?Just the ones we've finished: my oldest will be completing the Singapore primary series and the Latin for Children series so I need to decide where she goes next


In what area has your dc grown the most this year?writing abilities for the girls and reading ability for the 6yo


What areas are you still trying to find that match for?None


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year?Keeping the toddler entertained. He's my most active kid yet.


What projects or activities stand out so far? Probably the edible castle and the balloon rockets

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Did you do anything specific to accomplish this? Peyton needs to work on speed. We went back to the beginning and did about a month of heavy phonics instruction, to be sure she wasn't guessing. Now we are taking turns reading passages to one another to work on fluency and speed. I'd like her to continue to improve, but need ideas.


Not really. He's a delayed reader, maybe a touch of dyslexia. We've been making him read consistently which I believe has helped. We added Megawords last spring and we do Latin. I think both of those help him learn to break down a word. We did Rewards last year and that helped his reading level, but not necessarily his speed.


I've also varied the length of his reading material. We take turns picking his free reading books. I will pick a shorter book and put a time limit on it, then do a longer selection without a time frame.


It's all been very hit or miss with results, but we've been working diligently, purposely for the last 3 1/2 years on his reading. Some days it's felt we are tiptoeing through a minefield while holding our breath.

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Have your dc completed any materials? No. We've made what seems like tons of change and have been on stanby with certain subjects so we can start them again.


What are your favorite subjects to teach? I am loving SOTW and OPG for my son.


How about the kid's favorite subjects? DD likes science, DS LOVES Math


What changes really paid off this year? Going from boxed to picking from different companies.


Do you predict changing materials next year? We might change science. I'm waiting on grammar and writing programs to come right now, so I'll to see how that goes.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year? Can't tell yet.


What areas are you still trying to find that match for? Math, Writing and Grammar


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? My DD's attitude


What projects or activities stand out so far? Evan Moor History and Caldecott pockets.


Great thread:)

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Have your dc completed any materials? Um, no. Not yet.


What are your favorite subjects to teach? History & science. We're moving back to a more CM/living books approach in both subjects, and we love it.


How about the kid's favorite subjects? Science definately, and art. They love history too if told in story format. Both are good at math, but I wouldn't call it their "favorite" subject!


What changes really paid off this year? Actually, unschooling. We have managed to unschool 90% of our school year so far, and it has brough about a longing for schooling. Seriously. The kids told me they miss sitting down together to do lessons, hence the return to (mostly) CM methods. It was a good experiment for us, and we did learn a lot from it, but it just doesn't quite fit us in the end.


Do you predict changing materials next year? No, not much. We'll stick with Saxon, PLL/ILL, and lots and lots of good books. Might add in or use Life of Fred in place of Saxon for ds... we'll see.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year? Ds is really getting independant and reliable about doing his work, whether it is school or chores. Dd is finally finally making progress in reading, real progress!


What areas are you still trying to find that match for? I was trying to match up history and science programs, but the kids begged for more cuddled up reading time, so I switched us back to the idea of living books. Thanks to this forum, I now have good living book lists for both history and science!


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? Making time with all that we have going on. Being organized. I am trying hard to be more proactive in organizing our home and schoolwork. We've spent a lot of time cleaning lately, which has helped us feel more ready to do other things. Also, letting go. Realizing that just because I love the idea of a particular program, it doesn't mean the kids will too. For example, Time Travelers Explorers. I love the idea of the cd, and the lapbook, printables, etc., but frankly the kids were not thrilled with the idea of learning 25 explorers, although we have used the games, and some of the other printables from the cd. They said they want hands-on but more practical hands-on, like learning to make butter (after reading Little House in the Big Woods), whittling, building a model ship to test out, etc.


What projects or activities stand out so far? Hmmm... tough one. Since we've been unschooling, the kids have done all sorts of projects, self-initiated and self-guided. We're loving our 4H Arts & Crafts project meetings this year - a week or so ago they got to fuse glass, which was pretty cool!

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Have your dc completed any materials? We're all over the map with finishing and starting things throughout the year because we school year round.


What are your favorite subjects to teach? History and I love our bible lessons too.


How about the kid's favorite subjects? History, Bible, Science, Read Alouds, Art between the two of them.


What changes really paid off this year? I struck out on my own in planning most everything except a math program and some materials for bible. It's going well thus far.


Do you predict changing materials next year? No.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year? Both kids have grown the most in reading this year. One has made some really nice progress on some learning issues as well.


What areas are you still trying to find that match for? I feel well matched. However, once I exhaust the plans I've created, which I expect to carry me through two academic years, I'm not sure I want to do it all from scratch again. I've loved making plans tailored to us and carrying them out is even more fun. However, it was a lot of work for me and I'm not sure I will do that again. That said, I'm also not sure I can find something to fit us well. I think I will do a premade science at that point for sure because I didn't particularly enjoy planning that compared to the other subjects. I might look into something planned for art as well for similar reasons.


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? Life/health/financial stresses have been a lot to navigate for our family this past year and those have necessarily impacted our homeschooling.

What projects or activities stand out so far? The history units have been really fun for us probably.

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Have your dc completed any materials? My oldest has finished TT 6


What are your favorite subjects to teach? I have always loved math and science is fast becoming a favorite


How about the kid's favorite subjects? My oldest loves math, my middler loves science, and my youngest just loves being an official homeschooler. :lol:


What changes really paid off this year? Meeting my kids where they are instead of worrying about where ney sayers say they should be because of their PS counterparts.


Do you predict changing materials next year? My son is asking to go to Saxon for math but I'm not sure if it will stay that way or not. He's going to be starting 7/6 on Monday since he's finished TT6, so we'll see how it goes. I'm not sure about the other subjects, it really depends on how the 2nd half of the year pans out.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year? My oldest has become a bookworm which I never thought possible. My middler has finally started making great strides in reading after many years of struggles.


What areas are you still trying to find that match for? Spelling, it's always been a thorn in my side for oldests.


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? My husbands crazy ship schedule, it's really hard to plan time off for when he's home when the schedule is constantly changing.


What projects or activities stand out so far? The field trip to dh's ship for his promotion to Commander in the US Navy. Ok so it's not really 'school' related but it is definitely a stand out moment in our year.

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Have your dc completed any materials?

Not yet as we're only about 9 weeks in.


What are your favorite subjects to teach?

DD1 History, DD2 Reading (just love to watch the progression and she's really motivated)


How about the kid's favorite subjects?

DD1 History and Chemistry

DD2 Everything


What changes really paid off this year?

I'm trying to do more hands-on projects to make learning fun, and it's working. Math Mammoth has also been a fabulous addition.


Do you predict changing materials next year?

Yes, but I'm still in the exploratory phase. :lol:


In what area has your dc grown the most this year?

DD1 Math

DD2 Learning how to read


What areas are you still trying to find that match for?

I'm always looking at everything. :tongue_smilie:


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year?

My 2 year old


What projects or activities stand out so far?

All of our history projects

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Have your dc completed any materials? We finished the First Steps book from the Pathway Readers Series and moved on to Days Gone By. We also finished Singapore 1A and MEP 1A.


What are your favorite subjects to teach? I like to teach Phonics Road, Geography, Elemental Science biology, and sometimes Math.


How about the kid's favorite subjects? He says they are ALL his favorites. I hope his enthusiasm continues throughout the years. :D I notice he gets particularly excited about Phonics Road (he LOVES doing the markings) and geography (Evan Moor Beginning Geography).


What changes really paid off this year? We are in K so we haven't had many changes.


Do you predict changing materials next year? I think we'll continue with what we are using now, but will be starting some new things like Latin and Galloping the Globe.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year? His writing and reading have soared. He went from complaining about printing one word to writing multiple sentences in cursive without complaint.


What areas are you still trying to find that match for? History


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? trying to fit it all in


What projects or activities stand out so far? We enjoy the ongoing habitat activities with Elemental science.

Edited by Cindyz
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Here are my answers as of very late at night :)

Have your dc completed any materials? Besides read alouds and science living books, none of our regular curriculum


What are your favorite subjects to teach? Phonics to my little k-er and, as wierd as this may sound, phonograms through WRtR to my 3rd grader. The reason I like teaching this is because it's making such a huge difference in her spelling.


How about the kid's favorite subjects? My little guys favorite is math through MUS Primer. My 3rd grader's favorite is science and language through LLATL Yellow. But I don't think this is a love relationship.


What changes really paid off this year? I had realized that my daughter in 2nd grade didn't know how to spell the most basic words, so I started WRtR with her and she has improved markedly from no correctly spelled words in a paragraph, to only 3 in a beautifully handwritten paragraph last week. It's a blessing!


Do you predict changing materials next year?

Yeah, just about everything. I've realized that my kids aren't having very much fun. Most of this is because of our year, moving, mommy being very sick, etc. So we've only been able to concentrate on the bare minimum. But next year, I'm going to be doing MFW ECC with both, changing 3rd graders LA and adding MM for math. For handwriting, I'm going to concentrate on dictation and narration instead of a formal program. For K-er, combining with his sis on what I can, and changing his handwriting so something more fun. ONLY Things I'm continuing is their Math and the k-ers phonics program.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year? K-er is really taking off on reading and writing. 3rd grader is really taking off on spelling and writing. Very impressed with her!


What areas are you still trying to find that match for? I've spent the whole last several months coming up with a totally different approach for both kids. I pray that I've made the right decisions.


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? This year has been taken up with moving to a very remote town in 3rd world country and then in November I was rushed to the ER in the capital city, been on bedrest then surgery. Then we go to the US for 3 months home assignment. I think this year is only going to settle down around March, then I need to get the kids caught up on everything. I just keep telling myself--this is the flexibility we need as missionaries, this is why we homeschool. But I still need to keep myself acountable!


What projects or activities stand out so far? Unfortunately, the fun stuff is what has been left out. But I have to say that the kids have come up with some wonderful crafts for the holidays looking through some of our old books here at the house. They are awesome kids![/QUOTE]

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Have your dc completed any materials?


What are your favorite subjects to teach?

bible, latin


How about the kid's favorite subjects?

latin, science


What changes really paid off this year?

using apologia general science, changing to cambridge latin from henle


Do you predict changing materials next year?

i plan to use LLFLOTR for our literature/writing next fall and we are excited about that


In what area has your dc grown the most this year?

latin, bible, math


What areas are you still trying to find that match for?

history for 8th grade


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year?

homeschooling and working and going to grad school!


What projects or activities stand out so far?

he is LOVING the labs with his science

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Have your dc completed any materials? Yep, Singapore and MM 1B and Portraits of American Girlhood.


What are your favorite subjects to teach? History and Art


How about the kid's favorite subjects? Reading, Art, History


What changes really paid off this year? Phonics Road!


Do you predict changing materials next year? Hope not!


In what area has your dc grown the most this year? Dd-Spelling and Writing, DS-Letter sounds and Counting


What areas are you still trying to find that match for? We seem to be doing pretty good, I am not really looking for anything right now.


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? Working with DS's confidence. He already notices the difference between his sis and himself. He is ready and wanting to learn to read, but some switch flips when his sister comes in the room and he acts like he cannot read something I know he can. DD is very outwardly intelligent and I think he already struggles with not trying because he thinks he doesnt have a chance. They are two years apart and both very intelligent, just in different areas. Hers are more obvious.

Also, with DD I am working on empathy and understanding of others who are at a different level. She talks about what she knows and notices (aloud) when someone doesnt know something. This is not helping the problem above!


What projects or activities stand out so far? DD really got a kick out of creating a clay version of a flower with all its parts for Botany. DS is really enjoying the tracing Kumon book. We have just started TOG, our first big project for that is this coming week. We are building a Ziggurat, I think the kids will love it!

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Have your dc completed any materials? Well, no. DD6 has completed a unit of phonics, reading, and handwriting but she has 3 more to go for the program to be completed.


What are your favorite subjects to teach? Definitely history, art and surprisingly music. I also enjoy a co-op class I am co-teaching. It is history for the very little crowd: K-2nd graders.


How about the kid's favorite subjects? dd8's favs are art and science. DD6 says reading is her favorite. She likes the poetry unit we are on in R&S reading.


What changes really paid off this year? No changes. We added Prima Latina and Drawing with Children and moved to Chemistry for Science as planned. All have been wonderful for my 8 yr old especially.


Do you predict changing materials next year? Well, we will drop the formal reading program, but that is not a change. It is the same thing I did with my older dd after 1st.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year? dd6 has improved so much in the core subjects: reading and math. DD8 is getting very quick with her math, and still loves everything.


What areas are you still trying to find that match for? None. I am happy with what we use so far.


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? The same as always.. just trying to get it all in: house, shopping, outside classes, homeschool etc. Just juggling all of the hats of a sah, hsing, mom.


What projects or activities stand out so far? My girls have liked the art lessons from Drawing with Children. We haven't done anything special with it yet, just the ones in the book. DD8 likes the science experiments in Adventures with Atoms.., and I love the lessons I have prepared for the co-op class.

We did sign up for a science fair coming up early in the new year. That will be a big project for both of them. Then we will do the PBS Go Writers book contest. Our big things are yet to come. Oh, but they did win some craft ribbons in the state fair in early fall. I almost forgot. That was fun!

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Have your dc completed any materials? No


What are your favorite subjects to teach? History and Math


How about the kid's favorite subjects? Art, History and Science


What changes really paid off this year? switching back to Singapore Math for my oldest, using a weekly schedule


Do you predict changing materials next year? Yes, I am going to combine my dc for Science so I'm going to switch to a different program, most likely REAL Science Odyssey. And I'm switching to MCT LA next year. Prima Latina doesn't seem to get done around here, so I dropped it for now and am hoping to use Song School Latin for next year.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year? DD~more co-operative, understands now that school is top priority. DS6 is now ready to learn

What areas are you still trying to find that match for? DS~a math program, most likely he will start with Singapore in January. DD~a more challenging Spelling program


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? trying to teach the older two while a toddler is running around destroying the house lol


What projects or activities stand out so far? Nothing comes to mind... looks like I need to do something about that...

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Have your dc completed any materials?


No, not yet. We've completed 13 weeks of our school year so far, starting week 14 today.



What are your favorite subjects to teach?


We've been having fun with science and social studies (OM5). And I love when we read aloud together.



How about the kid's favorite subjects?


Science, reading, math, social studies (in that order). (OM5, TT5)



What changes really paid off this year?


Dropping OMK and deciding to wait until next year to do K with my very young 5 y/o. He wasn't ready. I haven't really made any changes with regard to my daughter.



Do you predict changing materials next year?


No. I love Oak Meadow and bought it used from K-8 in one lot. So far we've used part of K before deciding to wait til next year (I'm looking forward to giving it another try then), all of OM4, and we're 13 weeks into OM5. I'm committed to using it at least through OM8. This is for all subjects but math.


For math, TT5 is going VERY well for us this year, so I will continue with TT6 next year. I MIGHT also introduce LoF 'for fun' and see how my daughter likes it because I think it sounds like a cool concept.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year?


My daughter (10) is becoming more independent with writing assignments. And since starting TT this year, her attitude toward math has changed in a very positive way. She LIKES math now! And I don't dread math now! (math isn't MY strong point either).



What areas are you still trying to find that match for?


I don't think this is relevant to us. What we're using is going very well.




What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year?


Hm. If this means what is my child struggling with the most, that would be knowing which exact page to find definitions in the dictionary, and she's still kind of weak with multiplication table memorization- we've tried reviewing in many different ways, but a lot of them don't seem to click. We've tried Timez Attack, Times Tales, a chart on the wall, index card review, spending a couple of weeks on each table and doing it very gradually (she remembers for a while but it always ends up going out of her head again).



What projects or activities stand out so far?


There are so many with Oak Meadow, which is what I like about it. For science, she's made a cool multi-media forest mural, buried things in the backyard and dug them up weeks later to see if they changed, started a simple worm bin, and more. For social studies, she's made her own compass and done a variety of hands on projects and handicrafts (making a wooden sailboat, a paper bag Pocahontas puppet, a diorama of Jamestown by making popsicle stick houses, her own butter, a cross stitch initial, a sock doll, and more).

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Have your dc completed any materials? Ds completed Math Mammoth 1A, now he's on 1B. He also completed Tanglewood Phonics review, Giotto and Tchaikovsky studies.


What are your favorite subjects to teach? History and Natural Science


How about the kid's favorite subjects? History, Natural Science, Picture and Composer Studies


What changes really paid off this year? Math! I love Math Mammoth and the way ds is learning so much.


Do you predict changing materials next year? I don't like our Spelling, so I already switched to Wheeler's Elementary Speller. I may just continue with spelling and dictation. For grammar I'm adding in a bit of Voyages in English next year. Otherwise, I like everything.


In what area has your dc grown the most this year? Being able to focus better, understanding math, remembering, and making connections.


What areas are you still trying to find that match for? Spelling still remains to be seen.


What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? Keeping everything organized. I've been so tired! Half of the year I've been pregnant so far :tongue_smilie:


What projects or activities stand out so far? The Ancient China kit and the art projects with Daddy

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