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Do You Practice Self Education?

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Yes, I am always educating myself. I consider myself the oldest homeschooler in our family. I especially look forward to summer when I do my "Teaching Seminar" also known as reading theoretical books on teaching and homeschooling. This often includes a re-read of Charlotte Mason and the WTM plus other books relevant to teaching either subjects or grade levels I am approaching. I also pre-read and make notes on the books or textbooks we will be using the following year. During my "Teaching Seminar", I often read inspiring books to help me to keep on, keepin'on.


During the school year, I am always reading and writing something. Last year I worked through an Algebra program. This year has been very stressful, so I have been reading fun books, but plan to continue my own studies after Christmas by following year 11 of Ambleside Online...(That is the one I am up to for my own studies and I already bought the books :D)


I usually do my reading etc. during swim practices and swim meets where I have long stretches of time to just sit....



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Well, I'm taking Latin with my daughter online and LOVE it. I take fiddle lessons and LOVE those, too. I'm teaching myself to preserve food mostly through canning. Also, whatever we're studying in school for history or science, I read on as well. Oh, I teach writing and I do read and research that subject.


oh, I taught myself to embroider and hand stitch as well. I've used several books and online resources.


Does that count?

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Is it possible to be a homeschooler and not be educating yourself in something? (In other words, yes.) :-)




I don't follow a curriculum per se, but I'm always reading non-fiction - how-to, self-help, biography, etc. or watching some educational something on tv. I'm always lernin'. :001_smile:

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I don't follow a curriculum per se, but I'm always reading non-fiction - how-to, self-help, biography, etc. or watching some educational something on tv. I'm always lernin'. :001_smile:


This is essentially me too. I tend to get very interested in something for awhile - obsessively read all I can on the subject, and then move on to another subject.


Before I started homeschooling I used to design formal classes for myself. Now, all of my planning energy goes into homeschooling.

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I read a lot, and I try to challenge myself to read difficult things and science books and whatnot. I also like to try new things in sewing.


I started a small job at a CC this semester, and yesterday I was looking at the catalog and coveting the chem and bio classes. I can't see how I could fit one in right now, but I sure would like to...

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Yes! I have to. My PS education wasn't stellar, and I have to reteach myself many things. Plus, once I began homeschooling, I remembered how much I love learning.


Yesterday I began reading the American Government text I bought for dd to use in a year or two, because I never took Government in high school. I'm discovering I didn't know as much as I thought I did.

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You would have been a very successful unschooler. :001_smile:


Yes indeed! My final year of high school, our school piloted an independent study program that I participated in. I was allowed to design my own classes (based on my interests) and I got to work from home. The teacher made the classes "fit" so that I got the necessary credit for them & I only had to go to school once a week to check in with her and turn in assignments. That year instilled in me a lifelong passion for learning.

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Yes, I always. I don't think I could quit if I tried. The need to know everything has been a driving force in my life for as long as I can remember. I am spending this year delcluttering, organizing and cleaning and then I intend to begin a a more structure course of formal learning. I do have a BA but I also am getting a bit senile so I have forgotten most of what I have learned and really do need to review a lot of basic material before moving on to learning new stuff. I am just hoping that it will stick this time and keep my brain from deteriorating even more.

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Yes indeed! My final year of high school, our school piloted an independent study program that I participated in. I was allowed to design my own classes (based on my interests) and I got to work from home. The teacher made the classes "fit" so that I got the necessary credit for them & I only had to go to school once a week to check in with her and turn in assignments. That year instilled in me a lifelong passion for learning.


Wow, that sounds like an awesome program.

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This is essentially me too. I tend to get very interested in something for awhile - obsessively read all I can on the subject, and then move on to another subject.


Before I started homeschooling I used to design formal classes for myself. Now, all of my planning energy goes into homeschooling.


When my girls were younger I spent every summer creating a curriculum overview for the them. I learned so much and ended up with a list of things to learn for myself.


Renewed education for the teacher is a benefit of homeschooling.

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I don't follow a curriculum per se, but I'm always reading non-fiction - how-to, self-help, biography, etc. or watching some educational something on tv. I'm always lernin'. :001_smile:


This is essentially me too. I tend to get very interested in something for awhile - obsessively read all I can on the subject, and then move on to another subject.




This is me... Generally reading 2-3 books (exclusively non-fiction) at a time, coupled with online research depending on the topic.

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Yup. The plan is to homeschool all the way through high school so I'm trying to prepare myself a little bit at a time so I'm ready! :D


Right now I'm working through The Well-Educated Mind and a French program. I'm also skimming through a grammar program.

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This is essentially me too. I tend to get very interested in something for awhile - obsessively read all I can on the subject, and then move on to another subject.




This describes me exactly. I've studied all sorts of random things very intensely in bursts, things like growing roses and their history in gardens, yurts, and wool felting. I went on a religious history kick five years ago and ended up converting to Catholicism because of what I learned and I studied all the major world religions pretty intensely, even attending both religious and secular classes (I was a lapsed Protestant when I began). I am now obsessively learning about educational styles, philosophies and homeschooling. :tongue_smilie:

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This is essentially me too. I tend to get very interested in something for awhile - obsessively read all I can on the subject, and then move on to another subject.




This is me, too! My DH likes to ask what the "flavor of the week" is, based on how deeply and quickly I can immerse myself. Although sometimes I really wish I'd pace myself and maintain longer term interests more.

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Yep. I find that even though I haven't hsed for 3 years now, that the rhythms and routines of autodidactism have really stuck.


I have several areas of person study: art techniques and art history, poetry, early childhood development, sign language, religion/spirituality, and continuing to read as much good literature as possible. I am also slowly working my way through the required reading list for post-partum doula training.


I sometimes feel like I am hsing my way to a very unique college degree. I have been reading journal articles and current studies in prenatal/infant/baby development. I am currently teaching myself new watercolor and acrylic techniques using art technique books.


I find self-study to be uplifting and energizing.

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Yes. I started it before homeschooling, just to see if it was going to be worthwhile to teach my dd6 Latin, the classics, etc.


I wanted to be sold on Classical Ed. before I tried to sell it to my kiddo. I'm very happy to say I love Latin, and am looking forward to learning some Greek next, though it seems a little intimidating at times. I've enjoyed getting into epic poems (Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid) and am looking to expand into some philosophy and drama. My ps education left me with many gaps. It seems overwhelming if I look at everything I haven't read, but I just pick away at books little by little.


I am also working through some math textbooks, just for fun. I know that will come in handy in a few years.

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Not as much as I'd like, but yes- some. I've so much I want to learn!! It seems that history calls to me most during this time in my life and it's what I've devoted any of my extra time to education-wise. I'd love to take up Spanish again, brush up on math skills. I figure math and science I'll re-learn and expand upon along with my dd as she grows. That's half the fun of home schooling, right? :) I'd love to write more too.


Music too...I played clarinet through high school, but I never learned bass clef well- I'd love to learn the piano and play the violin or guitar.


I think it's too much but you've got to start somewhere, right? ;)

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Yes. I started it before homeschooling, just to see if it was going to be worthwhile to teach my dd6 Latin, the classics, etc.


I wanted to be sold on Classical Ed. before I tried to sell it to my kiddo. I'm very happy to say I love Latin, and am looking forward to learning some Greek next, though it seems a little intimidating at times. I've enjoyed getting into epic poems (Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid) and am looking to expand into some philosophy and drama. My ps education left me with many gaps. It seems overwhelming if I look at everything I haven't read, but I just pick away at books little by little.


I am also working through some math textbooks, just for fun. I know that will come in handy in a few years.

Same here, I try to anticipate questions DS might raise (though he can sometimes come up with some real head-scratchers) and bring up connections I know he'll be interested in for a certain topic . Not sure how long I can keep up the pace.

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Always. However, although for many years I learned alongside the kids and sometimes jumped ahead in Latin or Grammar or History because I felt inspired to....I do not "self educate" in the classical or neo classical sense any more. I just learn what I am interested in...often reading health or spiritual or psychology type books. Always something.

For academics, mostly I learned alongside my kids and that worked perfectly well for us up till now. I can still handle their maths- I outsourced science and some writing. I also spent a LOT of time researching homeschooling and curricula etc (probably way too much). Now....its not that I couldnt work out a way to do the academics with them...I could...but its more than its jsut time for them to be taught by other teachers. I dont want to be everything to them anymore. Both are moving out of the nest- dd16 to college, dd15 to highschool. I might enrol in something for myself now.

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