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I need a short, simple before-meal prayer that DD5 can lead

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Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm not looking for anything that has to be sung or anything silly--just something simple and sweet. (And I'm not sure if it matters, but something Catholic-friendly, though I can't imagine what there would be in a mealtime prayer to offend!)



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Here are the ones we always did as kids. My mother is Catholic.


"God is great, God is good, Let us Thank Him for this food. Bless this food to our bodies and us to thy service. Amen"


"Bless us Oh Lord and these Thy gifts which we are about to receive, from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen."


Sorry about the wacked out capitalization. I wasn't sure where to go with all of it. :tongue_smilie:

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My five year old memorized the standard table blessing he learned from his Catholic family in no time at all, a few years ago. Would that work?


Bless us, O Lord for these Thy gifts which we are about to receive ... (that one) ...


if not that one, maybe a simple but heartfelt:

Thank you Lord for the food on our table and the friends/family around it. Amen.


There's always this one LOL:

Good friends, good meat, good grief, let's eat!



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We do what is apparently the standard Lutheran table prayer, though I've no idea how it came to be :tongue_smilie::


Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest, and let thy gifts to us be blessed. Amen.


(And can you believe I totally blanked on it and actually had to google "lutheran table prayer" to jog my memory :glare:.)

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Not Catholic, but we say three at our house - as each DD has a favorite & DH & I have ours:



Thank You for the world so sweet.

Thank You for the food we eat.

Thank You for the birds that sing.

Thank You, God for everything.



God is great...



Come, Lord Jesus, our Guest to be,

And bless these gifts, bestowed by Thee.

Bless our loved ones everywhere,

And keep them in Thy loving care.


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We typically do the "Bless us O Lord, and these thy gifts..." that someone posted above, but we shake it up everyone once in awhile with:


"A, B, C, D, E, F, G....thank you God for feeding me."




"For every cup and plateful, God make us truly grateful, Amen."

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Bless this food on my plate, that is all 'cause I can't wait!


My 5yo uses the line from Madeleine and tacks a "Thankyou Jesus!" at the end. "We love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all we love each other." Complete with French accent.


My older kids' favorite when they were little was sung to the tune of Frere Jacque.

Thankyou Father, Thankyou Father

For our food, for our food

We are very thankful so very very thankful

Thankyou God, Thankyou God


Their favorite now probably wouldn't classify as sweet. They sing that one to the rhythm from Queen's We Will Rock You. Whack-the-table, whack-the-table, clap! They still giggle over the memory of catching a quietly reverent grandmother off guard with that one.

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We used the first two lines of the "Come Lord Jesus" blessing, till old enough to be able to add the 3rd and 4th lines. The person blessing got to say if you held hands, or held hands with arms crossed....we were not Moravian but thought that blessing was Moravian.




PS Also, may people say, in line 4, "loving care" and my Mother always said "tender care" so the child saying the blessing had that option to personalize also.

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Then we all say, "Amen." We pray before every meal, even in restaurants. (It's not unusual here in the South.)


When I was a kid, my sister & I always recited, "God is great..." until one day when were were teens, our dad finally said, "It's time to retire the kiddie blessing and pray from the heart." I think that's why we never did teach our kids the cute little recitations; we would rather that they pray a heartfelt prayer than to memorize something to "perform". (But please don't take that as a criticism of you for wanting your dc to learn a proper blessing.)

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I think that's why we never did teach our kids the cute little recitations; we would rather that they pray a heartfelt prayer than to memorize something to "perform".

A bit OT, but memorized prayers can be said from the heart, too :). Just because I didn't make it up from whole cloth doesn't mean it has no meaning for me ;).

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God is great. God is good. Let us thank Him for our food. By His hands we are fed. Thank you for our daily bread. Amen.




(Singing)... God our Father. God our Father. We thank you. We thank you. For our many blessings. For our many blessings. Amen. Amen.

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Our family prayer is

Thank you, Jesus, for this good day and this good food. Amen.


On special occasions, we pray more spontaneously.


On Thanksgiving, we each have 3 kernels of popcorn by our plates, and we go around the table naming 3 blessings. Then we conclude with a little prayer.

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Our family traditional blessing (we often recite in unison) when we're not doing a heart felt spontaneous prayer (which is often) is this:


Thank You for the food,

Thank You for the day,

Thanks for all things good,

To You Dear Lord we pray. Amen.

Which was then amended to In Jesus Name we Pray when we decided to include the Lord's name in all our prayers.

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