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Bye bye cable! Hello Hulu Plus!!!

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I am looking for something that will allow my children to be able to watch the History channel, Discovery, and things like that. And hey if I could get CourtTV back, that wouldn't be all that bad either ;) LOL


Can Huli do that for me?? We already have Netflix, but I don't see a way to do that on there either...

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We dropped cable 2 months ago after reading all the wonderful post here about it!! We got Netflix, and tonight we just ordered a Roku box!!! WOO HOO! Also they are having a promotion, when you buy the Roku, you get a month free of Hulu Plus! Gonna try it when it gets here! I can't wait!! Thanks to everyone who wrote about ditching cable, may have been the best free advice I've ever read!!! :) We are saving about $80 a month!

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I would like to know more about this. I am guessing you must have high-speed internet-which we do not have-so probably only an option in urban areas? Our area will be getting broadband in a little over a year:glare: So until then, probably not an option, right? Does this leave me with satellite? (You cannot get cable out here.) This being rural and poor sometimes sucks, ya know!:tongue_smilie:



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I am looking for something that will allow my children to be able to watch the History channel, Discovery, and things like that. And hey if I could get CourtTV back, that wouldn't be all that bad either ;) LOL


Can Huli do that for me?? We already have Netflix, but I don't see a way to do that on there either...

Often, you can go directly to the particular channel and watch full episodes. Here's the History Channel. Watch on your own schedule.


Also, if you do a search on Netflix for "History channel," you'll see lots of episodes that you can play.

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I would not get a Roku and get a blue ray player that can do Netflix and Hulu as well as others IMHO so that you get more functionality. We are still waiting for the price to come down and I think the prices are just about right:D



As for the selection of Netflix via Wii, they just enhanced the functionality through Wii to enable searches. I also recommend filling up your instant queue to the max since you can access it on the Wii.

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So with this Roku thing it's pretty much an "on demand" thing, so we'd use Netflix and Amazon etc. I'm not so concerned about my kids and myself, but dh likes his football outside in the garage. I don't see where on Roku we can get current football when it airs, like on FOX or ESPN. That's out, right?

Can't help you with the football, but we just hook up my laptop to our 52" TV and watch Netflix, hulu, whatever. No Roku (don't even know what that is, lol).

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Right now we are with AT&T, paying $32 per month on internet service. We don't have cable, and don't really need it. Our phone bill runs about $90 per month.


Dh would like to get totally rid of the landline and I'm okay with that, but we have to have it in order to use internet. So what is another option for us to help save money?


Any ideas out there?

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I would not get a Roku and get a blue ray player that can do Netflix and Hulu as well as others IMHO so that you get more functionality. We are still waiting for the price to come down and I think the prices are just about right:D



As for the selection of Netflix via Wii, they just enhanced the functionality through Wii to enable searches. I also recommend filling up your instant queue to the max since you can access it on the Wii.


I haven't a clue what Roku and Hulu are! :tongue_smilie:

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  • 5 months later...

My dh has agreed to ditch the cable. Shocking news since he lives for all things football.


We have an antenna and get about 20 channels with it. How might we be able to watch more on the TV. I don't really care about watching anything, but I'm afraid my hubby will plunge into a deep depression without it. Any way he can watch football games you might normally only see on cable?


Here's what we have:

flat screen TV

playstation 3

high speed internet


It seems we should be able to use these to watch something on the TV, but don't know how. Also, there is no way to hook our computer up to the TV easily. Will one of those Roku boxes be good for us?


One more thing. Can our second TV be hooked up to the antenna in the attic as well?



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We got Roku boxes and called the cancel Directv when it got up to $100 per month!!!!!!!


Directv ended up giving us 2 free months, but we will cancel after that.


We really like HuluPlus and Netflix.



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This is our set up:


Cable Modem high speed internet: $39

Ooma phone service: $1.50

TV: $18 with HuluPlu and Netflix through Roku

Other TV: $0 antenna


Go check out Ooma.com. It is $199 for the sign up, but prices is under $5 per month including unlimited long distance, caller ID, call waiting, and voicemail.


It is an internet based phone service.




Right now we are with AT&T, paying $32 per month on internet service. We don't have cable, and don't really need it. Our phone bill runs about $90 per month.


Dh would like to get totally rid of the landline and I'm okay with that, but we have to have it in order to use internet. So what is another option for us to help save money?


Any ideas out there?

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Please...can someone explain what Hulu and Roku is? :001_huh:


We are moving and don't want to pay for either cable or satellite. So far, we have only had an antenna for basic TV and we use Netflix for whatever we like to watch. Dh would like to see some sport broadcasts now and then but it is not worth paying for cable.

Can you get more channels with Hulu than just an antenna? Where does Roku come into play?

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Please...can someone explain what Hulu and Roku is? :001_huh:


We are moving and don't want to pay for either cable or satellite. So far, we have only had an antenna for basic TV and we use Netflix for whatever we like to watch. Dh would like to see some sport broadcasts now and then but it is not worth paying for cable.

Can you get more channels with Hulu than just an antenna? Where does Roku come into play?


Roku is a digital streaming box you hook up to your tv and wifi. Then you can subscribe to streaming services through it. Hulu is a streaming service for tv shows.

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We have a blu ray and a wii (and an hd tv). Is it possible for us to ditch cable and not lose espn? Also we "need" to watch several shows on discovery, A&E (Storage Wars) and the travel channel.


I loathe the cable bill, any suggestions for decreasing it would be very welcome!

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So with this Roku thing it's pretty much an "on demand" thing, so we'd use Netflix and Amazon etc. I'm not so concerned about my kids and myself, but dh likes his football outside in the garage. I don't see where on Roku we can get current football when it airs, like on FOX or ESPN. That's out, right?


This is our problem, too! We'd do it in a heartbeat if we could watch college football somehow...

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This is our problem, too! We'd do it in a heartbeat if we could watch college football somehow...

Football is why we kept Comcast (cable and internet) until the bill was over $200 and I threatened to climb the pole and disconnect it myself.


We got a new antenna (looks like the old antenna, but no rust), and amplifier and converter boxes and we get about 50 channels (we're an hour from DC & Baltimore, 90 minutes from Philly and mostly get all those). Actually, we get a lot of CBS channels. :001_huh: Sometimes, the DC Fox channel chooses to go out when the Redskins are playing so I tell my husband to walk down to the pub or go to the Y. The Y threw him out when they closed one night. At 10. He had been running on the treadmill for 2 hours. :lol:


OP and others: please keep us posted on how Hulu Plus works out for you. I keep waffling about it... not sure that there's much that I can't watch with the antenna, though I would like to be able to watch a couple of things we don't get and aren't available on Netflix.

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This sounds great, but i am wondering what you all are doing for internet service. We only have cable because it was cheaper than the internet alone when we signed up. We get 5 (woohoo!) channels with the antenna, but that would be fine if i could figure out an internet solution. :( Any suggestions???

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We have internet enabled Panasonic Blu Ray players, and it says it will be set to work with it later this year, at which point we'll try it.


One question - does it have current HBO and Showtime shows? I love those two channels for their regular show, like Nurse Jackie and more.

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We have a blu ray and a wii (and an hd tv). Is it possible for us to ditch cable and not lose espn? Also we "need" to watch several shows on discovery, A&E (Storage Wars) and the travel channel.

Sometimes you can watch shows on the specific networks; for example, here's Storage Wars, right on A&E TV. You can't always watch full episodes, but you can in many cases.

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My husband is dragging his feet on cancelling Directv, but when he does we'll sign up for Hulu Plus. That, along with Netflix, Amazon Prime videos, and the Roku channels would keep ds and me happy. Dh is the one who likes to channel surf. I told him he should learn to surf our Neflix instant queue.

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Sometimes you can watch shows on the specific networks; for example, here's Storage Wars, right on A&E TV. You can't always watch full episodes, but you can in many cases.

oh that hadn't even occurred to me, thank you! I can run that to the tv through the ipad if the bluray wont pick it up. now just need a solution for espn haha!

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