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I am not missing the homeschooling days.

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And I'm glad for a place where I can go as a homeschooler and not feel mocked for my choices. I know she is a long time member and that might somehow earn her the right to say whatever she wants in your eyes but I do hope she was somehow being sarcastic or something.





I certainly didn't intend to mock anyone's choices.

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No offense, but why are you still here?


I've been wondering that about all the former homeschoolers who are still here despite the fact that they are no longer homeschooling any of their children. As a homeschooling mother, I come here to get support for homeschooling. I don't feel so supported in homeschooling when I'm reading lots of posts from people who put all their kids school for whatever reason.


I'm not saying that you shouldn't put your kids in school if you feel that's what's best for them. Just that maybe you should now be frequenting a public school support forum.


There are some classical afterschoolers here:) That is what I am doing this year:)

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No offense, but why are you still here?


I've been wondering that about all the former homeschoolers who are still here despite the fact that they are no longer homeschooling any of their children. As a homeschooling mother, I come here to get support for homeschooling. I don't feel so supported in homeschooling when I'm reading lots of posts from people who put all their kids school for whatever reason.


I'm not saying that you shouldn't put your kids in school if you feel that's what's best for them. Just that maybe you should now be frequenting a public school support forum.


Because we have been here on this board (or on the old board) forever and MAY have something to share from our hs experience? I do still have one at home for now, but he is doing FL Virtual School, not classically anymore. I think we belong here just as much as the homeschoolers without school-age kids (the ones with preschoolers) or the others who have *never* homeschooled, but use TWTM as a supplement.


I have *no* interest in a public school forum - I checked some out. No thanks, I prefer the varying perspectives and intelligent opinions from *this* board.

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No offense, but why are you still here?


I don't feel so supported in homeschooling when I'm reading lots of posts from people who put all their kids school for whatever reason.




Really? There are over 22,000 members here. Of those there are probably only a handful who have graduated their homeschool students or put their kids in school.


No offense, but if you don't feel so supported why are you here?

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Really? There are over 22,000 members here. Of those there are probably only a handful who have graduated their homeschool students or put their kids in school.


No offense, but if you don't feel so supported why are you here?


The other thing is that very little on the General Board is ever about homeschooling.


I don't post on the K-8 board anymore because I don't homeschool classically anymore. I post on the Afterschooling board and the Special Needs board because they both have given me great support. I have posted on the High School/College board about my 17yo, who has *never* been homeschooled, but most of the issues are the same.


I still have a homeschooling "attitude" which means I don't really fit in with ps parents. Y'all have ruined me!:lol:

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The other thing is that very little on the General Board is ever about homeschooling.



That is a great point.


I still have a homeschooling "attitude" which means I don't really fit in with ps parents. Y'all have ruined me!:lol:


*That* was intentional. So you'd never leave us. ;)

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No offense, but why are you still here?


I've been wondering that about all the former homeschoolers who are still here despite the fact that they are no longer homeschooling any of their children. As a homeschooling mother, I come here to get support for homeschooling. I don't feel so supported in homeschooling when I'm reading lots of posts from people who put all their kids school for whatever reason.


I'm not saying that you shouldn't put your kids in school if you feel that's what's best for them. Just that maybe you should now be frequenting a public school support forum.



Kidshappen-:grouphug: and if I hear "I made it to Arlington" one more time, I'm going to scream! :lol:

Edited by Unicorn
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Holy cow. I just read it like one of the "boy, that yellow bus sure is tempting!" posts that *many* of us make.


And I am beyond grateful for the veteran homeschoolers who still hang out and share their wisdom, even when they don't have to.


I hope everyone feels better after a good sleep. :chillpill:

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I certainly didn't intend to mock anyone's choices.


It certainly did not come across as mocking to me. Personally, I would rather keep the frequently posting veterans over those who rarely post. That's just me.


Eta: I am sick with the cold my hubby brought back as a present from his last trip. If I sound cranky, it's probably because I am. Did I mention he took a day off work and slept an entire day because of said cold? Do I get a day to sleep? NOooooooooOOo! I drove to the zoo to drop eldest off for a service project then ran errands then took youngest to the dentist then ran more errands and am now waiting for my friend to return eldest to me so I can go home and cook dinner. Did I mention that I am cranky?

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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Holy cow. I just read it like one of the "boy, that yellow bus sure is tempting!" posts that *many* of us make.


And I am beyond grateful for the veteran homeschoolers who still hang out and share their wisdom, even when they don't have to.


I hope everyone feels better after a good sleep. :chillpill:


yeah ~ bit of an overreaction here eh? wowsers. :001_huh:

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No offense, but why are you still here?


I've been wondering that about all the former homeschoolers who are still here despite the fact that they are no longer homeschooling any of their children. As a homeschooling mother, I come here to get support for homeschooling. I don't feel so supported in homeschooling when I'm reading lots of posts from people who put all their kids school for whatever reason.



I pulled the oldest two out in elementary. I graduated the first four. The 17 year old is in college. The 18 year old has been accepted, she just hasn't started yet. I homeschooled the youngest two until middle school. I've spent 15 years homeschooling and almost 8 years on this board. I am old (I've got grandchildren!), tired, chronically ill and obviously don't have the patience and good grace I used to have but I do like to think that I can occassionally be helpful and supportive. Hopefully, you can find encouragment in this post right here, surely if I can do this then you can too. ;)

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This is a unique board, people form friendships with the other posters and most of the topics discussed on the general board aren't directly about homeschooling. I wouldn't want any poster to leave just because they no longer homeschool.


:iagree: I have been on quite a few boards, that are always grouped for one reason or another. One was a pregnancy board, but when we had mama's sadly lose their babies, they still came around because they had made friends and bonds. One was a Gymboree board, but even those that had quit buying because their children had outgrown, still frequented because after 6,000 posts and years invested, they had friends. I can see why should be here, and I don't begrudge her or anyone else that. And maybe some, hang around because they are questioning their decision. None of know WHY one person may chose to stay even when their life decisions have altered from the main focus of the board, but it certainly no one's place to judge either....


On either end.

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Get mad at me if you want, but that's just common sense. :lol:



So, why is it okay for a homeschooling mom to come on and say she's ready to put her kids on a school bus, but it's not okay for a mom who's been homeschooling for 15 years to say she doesn't miss it? Surely most have had days where we look forward to the times when we can do something else.


Oh, and I'm trying to see the sense in the :lol: smilie after your sentence. It's not the least bit funny. In fact it's a bit insulting. For one thing, I don't see your comments as "common sense". But, even if they were, what's so funny?


Sheesh. People are so sensitive. :001_huh:

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Guest CarolineUK

I opened this thread because I thought "Great, there is life after homeschooling!", as I really can't envisage not missing it. After I read the first page of posts I just thought "Whaaat!?".


I actually feel very supported by the comments of anyone who says they're not missing the homeschool days, because as gruesome as some days are (and I'm having one of those days at the moment :glare:), homeschooling becomes so much a part of your life, so much a part of who you are, that it is very scary sometimes to contemplate the days when all your babies are out at school and you're left all alone :crying:.


Glad that commonsense seems to have prevailed on the whole in this thread in the end.

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It certainly did not come across as mocking to me. Personally, I would rather keep the frequently posting veterans over those who rarely post. That's just me.


Eta: I am sick with the cold my hubby brought back as a present from his last trip. If I sound cranky, it's probably because I am. Did I mention he took a day off work and slept an entire day because of said cold? Do I get a day to sleep? NOooooooooOOo! I drove to the zoo to drop eldest off for a service project then ran errands then took youngest to the dentist then ran more errands and am now waiting for my friend to return eldest to me so I can go home and cook dinner. Did I mention that I am cranky?


He has a man cold! The poor little bunny!

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I was rather busy yesterday, but I was wanting to post how much I know my youngest would love a particular school. She would absolutly thrive there, and I miss it, as a parent. It's warm and fuzzy and I could have that particular little village back in my life. I don't think every kid and every family does better as hsers. Heck, no. We're doing well here, but we'd be well (in a different way) if we went to this particular school. I should have posted this yesterday to keep the heat off of you. :auto: Homeschooling can be a really dumb thing for some families to do.

Edited by LibraryLover
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No offense, but why are you still here?


I've been wondering that about all the former homeschoolers who are still here despite the fact that they are no longer homeschooling any of their children. .


Because now that my kiddoes are all married, I have more free time. My DD is carrying on the torch of homeschooler her kids, so I am still connected to the homeschooling world.


I find the collective wisdom of the women on this board absolutely fascincating and helpful.

I learn new things all the time! Just last week I learned about a low iron condition may cause one of the symptoms my sleep Dr. has wanted to treat aggressively with a very strong drug. I have resisted and felt ok with my decision. Last week it was confirmed here that I was on the right track.


And so, I read on.

Thank you.

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I don't get it. I asked why she said that, because I didn't get the 'funny' of it. Now people are saying that I overreacted, implying that it was ridiculous of me to ask why she'd say such a thing on a homeschooling board, etc. I didn't realize I am supposed to be able to read minds, the appeals to authority don't make sense- anyone who's been here a long time can STILL say something offensive/inappropriate, time spent here does not equal immunity.

People are becoming severely offended by the fact that KidsHappen was questioned about her post, and then telling those who calmly questioned her to take a chill pill. WTH? I really wasn't 'upset' with her OP- I just didn't get it so I asked about it. I think those that are offended by the questions are the ones who need to take a chill pill. Just saying.

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I think those that are offended by the questions are the ones who need to take a chill pill. Just saying.


I understand asking her to clarify the intent of her post. I don't think that is offensive.

I wasn't bothered until someone asked why she is still here, which I thought was incredibly rude.

I used that particular poster's own phrase in my reply to illustrate how awful it sounds to question a member's presence here. And it does sound awful. I've wanted to edit that post since it went up. :D

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I understand asking her to clarify the intent of her post. I don't think that is offensive.

I wasn't bothered until someone asked why she is still here, which I thought was incredibly rude.

I used that particular poster's own phrase in my reply to illustrate how awful it sounds to question a member's presence here. And it does sound awful. I've wanted to edit that post since it went up. :D

Whew. I was feeling like a leper here. :001_smile:

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So, why is it okay for a homeschooling mom to come on and say she's ready to put her kids on a school bus, but it's not okay for a mom who's been homeschooling for 15 years to say she doesn't miss it? Surely most have had days where we look forward to the times when we can do something else.


Oh, and I'm trying to see the sense in the :lol: smilie after your sentence. It's not the least bit funny. In fact it's a bit insulting. For one thing, I don't see your comments as "common sense". But, even if they were, what's so funny?


Sheesh. People are so sensitive. :001_huh:


I'm just now seeing this after not being on much in the last few days.


I'm not going to even address any other threads.I feel no obligation whatsoever to do so. That's silly. I don't even have time to read them all. I'm too busy homeschooling.


If you can't see how starting a thread on a homeschool support board with "I don't miss homeschooling" could be seen as being out of place than I think trying to explain any further why it comes across as out of place won't help you. :lol: And yes, the inability to see that IS a little bit funny to me especially this late at night when I am getting tired. Oh, and I think YOUR somewhat hostile post is a bit over the top. :chillpill:

The original poster has every right, just as anyone else does on here, to continue to post on here. I enjoy the wide variety of posters. But I still think it is out of place to say on a homeschool board " I don't miss homeschooling", but I suppose it depends on how it's said. I would also think it would be out of place to say " I don't miss having my kids in p.s. " on a p.s. board. :lol: In my mind, it's the same thing. If I were reading on a p.s. board and saw that a homeschooler had posted " I don't miss p.s. " I might laugh and think there was some humor in it, some but not much, but I would think that for the most part it was out of place and I wouldn't post that statement.

Edited by Miss Sherry
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I'm just now seeing this after not being on much in the last few days.


I'm not going to even address any other threads.I feel no obligation whatsoever to do so. That's silly. I don't even have time to read them all. I'm too busy homeschooling.


If you can't see how starting a thread on a homeschool support board with "I don't miss homeschooling" could be seen as being out of place than I think trying to explain any further why it comes across as out of place won't help you. :lol: And yes, the inability to see that IS a little bit funny to me especially this late at night when I am getting tired. Oh, and I think YOUR somewhat hostile post is a bit over the top. :chillpill:

The original poster has every right, just as anyone else does on here, to continue to post on here. I enjoy the wide variety of posters. But I still think it is out of place to say on a homeschool board " I don't miss homeschooling", but I suppose it depends on how it's said. I would also think it would be out of place to say " I don't miss having my kids in p.s. " on a p.s. board. :lol: In my mind, it's the same thing. If I were reading on a p.s. board and saw that a homeschooler had posted " I don't miss p.s. " I might laugh and think there was some humor in it, some but not much, but I would think that for the most part it was out of place and I wouldn't post that statement.



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Back the truck up, guys! All she's saying is that by not having a school routine today, things were disorganized and she got nothing done. I'm sure that when she did homeschool that things were not like that because there is routine, but it is easy to forget.


:iagree: Um, yeah.

I am kind of sad at the responses to her post, but I guess nothing surprises me here anymore.

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