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Anyone who spends 10 minutes here can see that is crazy talk. Though we disagree plenty, the diversity here is amazing.


:iagree: The person at the link accuses the board of being intolerant and bigoted and yet displays those exact qualities in that post.

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Anyone who spends 10 minutes here can see that is crazy talk. Though we disagree plenty, the diversity here is amazing.


:iagree: And I can say that as a moderately liberal non-Christian.


But it certainly was good for a laugh! Thanks for sharing! :D

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I can't believe you would say that! That's it. Nobody loves me and I'm so misunderstood.

Stop hurling that cross at me and PMing me images of garlic! I CAN'T STAND IT!!!




I think I'm going to set up an alter in my bedroom and fill it with WTM voodoo dolls....

no wait... that's too religious for me...





I'm meltiiiiiiing......

(oooo did I just say d$mn without a symbol replacement? ACK!) :lol:




okay, I'm done. :tongue_smilie:

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If he had a comment box, I'd tell him:


I'm not a classical homeschooler, I'm not a Christian, I voted for Obama, I've never been to Australia though I find the accent quite attractive, I don't spank my kids, that whip was for my husband and I to...er, uh, um, never mind, I've never had a thread spammed or locked (though one was deleted, but it was probably my fault), and I haven't been banned yet. Oh, and I had no trouble shopping for my bathing suit. So there!

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I can't believe you would say that! That's it. Nobody loves me and I'm so misunderstood.

Stop hurling that cross at me and PMing me images of garlic! I CAN'T STAND IT!!!




I think I'm going to set up an alter in my bedroom and fill it with WTM voodoo dolls....

no wait... that's too religious for me...





I'm meltiiiiiiing......

(oooo did I just say d$mn without a symbol replacement? ACK!) :lol:




okay, I'm done. :tongue_smilie:


So you *do* know who it is! :lol:

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I don't think you want to make nice with her (pretty sure it's a her).


You know for someone who didn't join until Jan 2008, I too am pretty sure it's a her.



I have seen this before. Don't know why I never told anyone here about it.





ETA: Is it, "It's a she" ? Hmmm, now the grammar geek in me is wondering. It must be, right?

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You know for someone who didn't join until Jan 2008, I too am pretty sure it's a her.



I have seen this before. Don't know why I never told anyone here about it.





ETA: Is it, "It's a she" ? Hmmm, now the grammar geek in me is wondering. It must be, right?


I think it's been discussed here before, that may be why you remember it. Ah yes, here we go.

And here

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holy cow!


Oh wait, does that count as religious talk?


That person is way off the mark. Maybe they have visited WTM's alternate ego in a parallel dimension.:blink:


Don't mind me, I have been watching too much sci fi.

That is one place that I don't want the TARDIS taking me.

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If you are implying that the post was made by one of the persons I think you're implying, then you are wrong.


?? LOL, I didn't imply anything, except that I think it was a woman who felt scorned. If *you* are implying who *I* think *you* are implying, that wasn't who I was thinking of. That person didn't even post on the old boards (I'm pretty sure she didn't).

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I think the booze in your avatar belies that. :lol:

Ah, so, what? Are you calling me a drunk.



















Okay, I haven't laughed this hard while reading a thread in quite some time.

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Hey, I never have a clue when the thousand + post crowd is going on about something. I just thought it was cool that they were reading each other's minds.

I'm part of the 5000+ crowd, and don't remember more than vague bits and pieces. I'm blaming it on copious amounts of alcohol I'm virtually consuming. Otherwise people will think I either don't care or don't pay attention. :D







Not that I'm bragging. I just have a limited amount of IRL adult interaction. AKA: I talk a lot.

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