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So, what TWTM forum posts do you shake your head at?

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Okay, I did a search, but I can not find exactly what the whole shopping cart thing is, please explain. Have I mentioned that I am technologically challenged?


It would be another situation if I were not morally superior as I would allow my dc to do the searching for me, but I do not allow any type of computer activity unless they are working on computer programing as they are just child geniuses. Especially the 3 year old. She started algebra as a fetus, none of that silly listening to music stuff:lol::lol::lol::lol:


here you go. Knock your socks off:



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Thanks Denise. I breezed through the first 4 pages. I never would have thought of shopping carts as so controversial and I will make sure to veer away from any such thread. (see how I am carefully not mentioning which side of the cart debate I believe in as to not further any conversation on it):bigear:

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It's already been alluded to earlier in this thread, but posts that are nothing more than teasers for a NEW blog entry annoy me - especially from posters that harbor delusions of becoming a next big/paid mommy blogger.


The part that actually has me shaking my head is the REPLIES those receive here (why not just comment on the blog while you were there??) I know some of them are pity replies because the OP has not taken the general clue that 200 views and no comments means there is more "what has she posted now" curiosity than there is bona fide interest, ... and she has bumped her own thread to page one less than an hour after her original post ... but let the market speak! Watch the hobbit, don't feed it!




As to the search function issue ... so many things are easily searched, whether here or on Google. But is that why we're here? For answers?? Some of us, yes. Some of the time, yes. But by and large what makes this a great place to hang out is THE COMMUNITY. While it must be tiresome for old-timers to answer the same questions ad nausem, re-visiting threads or re-hashing a topic on a new thread DO serve a purpose greater than simply asking for or seeking an answer.


For newer members here it offers an opportunity to become part of the WTM community in way more meaningfully than simply reading old posts found via search -- it's a way to jump feet first into the water. It also opens the door to non-old-timers who may have no need to search for a topic, weren't around the last go-around it was discussed, but have something to offer on the topic. For older members here it's a way to sniff the butt of the new dog, and get a feel for a new poster -- I rather like millions of lunch threads, etc. especially seasonally :tongue_smilie:

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those laughing guys were because of your comment, "You talk about me as if I weren't right here." That cracked me up!


THEN I noticed the signature and knew you were awesome. :thumbup: Now add the Rod and Staff to the mix and....... well not everyone can be as awesome as us. Poor people. Did you also start R&S when your child turned one? :lol:


ETA: end quotation. What an embarrassment to be grammatically incorrect while talking about our superior grammar program. :blush:


Did you miss me? I just now had time to get back to the boards. I was off enriching my little lovelies, you know. ;)


You and Wendi just crack me up, Denise!

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The ones that discuss/debate choices of math and science curriculum each school year. Okay, the first year I learned alot but come on, enough already:001_smile:


But to be fair-this is a homeschool board to discuss curriculum and it is always someone's first year.


I can choose not to read topics like this if I'm not interested but I can't begrudge some newbie the opportunity to dialog about this.

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The ones that discuss/debate choices of math and science curriculum each school year. Okay, the first year I learned alot but come on, enough already:001_smile:

But we are homeschooling, of course we are going to want to talk about math and science with a community of homeschoolers.


"The first year I learned alot......" One year is hardly time to know much at all. Perhaps you are joking. It's hard to tell online.

Edited by Miss Sherry
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The ones that discuss/debate choices of math and science curriculum each school year. Okay, the first year I learned alot but come on, enough already:001_smile:

Sorry, let me make myself clearer. The posts about Teaching Textbooks (is it challenging enough) and Apologia High School science curriculum(are they challenging enough)

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Sorry, let me make myself clearer. The posts about Teaching Textbooks (is it challenging enough) and Apologia High School science curriculum(are they challenging enough)

I thought you may be joking, because after all this is a homeschool discussion board. It's visited by homeschoolers with a very diverse range of experience and methods used.

Everything is new, or old, to someone on a board like this. I don't see how you could reasonably expect anyone to feel that it's NOT OK to discuss math or science. :tongue_smilie:

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The posts I hate are cleverly concealed cries for adulation. For example:


"My child is five, but since he's very precocious, he's actually in 2nd grade. Do you think this is a good schedule for him?

I wake him at 6:30 and after our organic breakfast of home-laid eggs and soy bacon, we take care of our chickens and dairy goats. He writes a daily report on the number of eggs and then practices economic projections based on the averages of the last 18 days.

Then we do Saxon math, then Singapore, then Math-u-See. We spend two hours on our history and timeline; we've cycled through history once already, so we are on fifth-grade-level Ancients. I don't think this is too much for him, though, because he really is very precocious. We do Easy Grammar, Sequential Spelling, WWE, IEW and MCT. We play Bananagrams for 30 minutes, then do Mad Libs. We start Science; I couldn't decide on just one, so we're doing Sonlight and Abeka. Our Latin tutor comes, then the violin teacher. After that, my Spanish abuelita comes and conjugates verbs with him.

We hope to get him in competitive swimming next year, but I just can't find the time right now. Do you think he's being disadvantaged without a P.E.?

Any advice appreciated."





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we recited the entire Encyclopedia Britannica today. What did you do? Not a comparison, just wondering.................:lol:

That's all? I dictated it to mine so that they could translate it into Latin and braille as their community service project for the day.

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we recited the entire Encyclopedia Britannica today. What did you do? Not a comparison, just wondering.................:lol:


That's all? I dictated it to mine so that they could translate it into Latin and braille as their community service project for the day.


Oh, is that all you guys did? We finished 12th grade and MY children will be starting college on Monday.



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That's all? I dictated it to mine so that they could translate it into Latin and braille as their community service project for the day.


So you dictated it in English? I suppose that's a start...you can move on to ancient Urdu when you're ready. We can't all go at the same pace, you know.

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That's all? I dictated it to mine so that they could translate it into Latin and braille as their community service project for the day.


Oh, is that all you guys did? We finished 12th grade and MY children will be starting college on Monday.




So you dictated it in English? I suppose that's a start...you can move on to ancient Urdu when you're ready. We can't all go at the same pace, you know.


Please forgive me if you find this offensive, and I really hate to One Up you all, but we recited it in every language known to man, and then wrote it in every language known to man. We were a little tired so we're going to take a little break before enrolling in college, where it's been recommended we teach instead of become students.


I still had the energy to slaughter a cow for dinner, grind wheat for home baked bread, canned 5,000 jars of veggies and fruits, deliver a baby, and guess what? Because of our efforts today, we now have World Peace.


Boy, I'm tired.

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Please forgive me if you find this offensive, and I really hate to One Up you all, but we recited it in every language known to man, and then wrote it in every language known to man. We were a little tired so we're going to take a little break before enrolling in college, where it's been recommended we teach instead of become students.


I still had the energy to slaughter a cow for dinner, grind wheat for home baked bread, canned 5,000 jars of veggies and fruits, deliver a baby, and guess what? Because of our efforts today, we now have World Peace.


Boy, I'm tired.


Best. Post. Ever.

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Please forgive me if you find this offensive, and I really hate to One Up you all, but we recited it in every language known to man, and then wrote it in every language known to man. We were a little tired so we're going to take a little break before enrolling in college, where it's been recommended we teach instead of become students.


I still had the energy to slaughter a cow for dinner, grind wheat for home baked bread, canned 5,000 jars of veggies and fruits, deliver a baby, and guess what? Because of our efforts today, we now have World Peace.


Boy, I'm tired.


I think we have a winner !!! :lol::lol::lol:

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Please forgive me if you find this offensive, and I really hate to One Up you all, but we recited it in every language known to man, and then wrote it in every language known to man. We were a little tired so we're going to take a little break before enrolling in college, where it's been recommended we teach instead of become students.


I still had the energy to slaughter a cow for dinner, grind wheat for home baked bread, canned 5,000 jars of veggies and fruits, deliver a baby, and guess what? Because of our efforts today, we now have World Peace.


Boy, I'm tired.



Yea, that's what we did yesterday. We are on to bigger, better things already. :001_smile:

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I can't quote all of you, so I'm just going to say...I'm totally amused by you one-uppers! :lol:


All we did today was clip our toenails. Before you judge our slacker-ness, you should know that we incorporated every subject (core and non-core) into the process. I'll let you know when the unit study will be available for purchase.



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I can't quote all of you, so I'm just going to say...I'm totally amused by you one-uppers! :lol:


All we did today was clip our toenails. Before you judge our slacker-ness, you should know that we incorporated every subject (core and non-core) into the process. I'll let you know when the unit study will be available for purchase.




make sure your toenail clippings haven't fallen into the materials!!!!!!!!:svengo:

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Please forgive me if you find this offensive, and I really hate to One Up you all, but we recited it in every language known to man, and then wrote it in every language known to man. We were a little tired so we're going to take a little break before enrolling in college, where it's been recommended we teach instead of become students.


I still had the energy to slaughter a cow for dinner, grind wheat for home baked bread, canned 5,000 jars of veggies and fruits, deliver a baby, and guess what? Because of our efforts today, we now have World Peace.


Boy, I'm tired.


If you really want to impress me, tell me you potty trained a litter of puppies! Sheesh.


ETA: And not the smart ones! I mean the dumb type, you know, that one puppy that someone dropped on its head, that eats his poo and goes potty on his food. Yea, that one.

Edited by jewellsmommy
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Rosie is in a p!ssy mood too.


I hate posts where Pagans are being blamed for de-railing CC threads when it is either some other kind of non-Christian, or dare I say it, another kind of Christian.


I hate posts where a certain country that generally doesn't remain nameless is being overly patriotic about being better and free-er than everyone else.


I hate posts where people apologise for having offended someone who was offended by something that was clearly not a direct attack on them. If someone means it personally they will use your name and possibly even drop by your house to egg your windscreen.


I hate posts where people come to ask if they should continue to allow themselves to be treated badly by psychotic relatives. No, you shouldn't. No, you are not a bad person. Or if you are, you are no worse than most and almost certainly very much better than your psychotic relatives. Change your phone number and don't think about them again.


I don't mind the religious questions threads, though do wish people would read the archives and come back with more clarifying questions if there has been a run of them in the recent past. There is one poster who has asked some of these questions over the past few years and I've seen her understanding grow. That makes it all completely worth it to me, even if someone in a snit didn't like the way she phrased her questions. (And if they don't feel like enlightening anyone on the topic, then go play somewhere else.) Religion is a tricky topic and you can only start from where you are, even if where you are is uncomfortably worded questions. :) It's safer for these questions to be asked her than IRL.


My biggest pet peeve is posts where people seem to be using their religion to cage themselves in, rather than lift themselves up. They make me sad.



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Sweetie, that's a lawsuit waiting to happen. SOMEONE will inevitably hurt themselves on one. They harden as they age. It's like enclosing metal pieces. Shrapnel, if you will....


:eek: (I got that guy by using the "more" button, which used to be invisible to me, thankyouverymuch)


But now, woman, the gloves are off! You just all but said I'm OLD! And to preface the insult by referring to me as "Sweetie"? Well, you might as well have come right out and said, "Bless your heart"!


You're killin' me w/the humor. :D And I'm not sending a complimentary copy to you now.

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:eek: (I got that guy by using the "more" button, which used to be invisible to me, thankyouverymuch)


But now, woman, the gloves are off! You just all but said I'm OLD! And to preface the insult by referring to me as "Sweetie"? Well, you might as well have come right out and said, "Bless your heart"!


You're killin' me w/the humor. :D And I'm not sending a complimentary copy to you now.


:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: THE CLIPPINGS GET HARD AS THEY AGE, NOT as YOU age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA!!! LOL!!!


Cut off a fingernail or a toe nail. Feel it. Then feel it again a few days from now. It will be VERY hard. You will be able to use it to pierce ears. If it's jagged, it will cut a steak.:rofl:


I am probably older than you..... just saying. But I don't act my age. (47 is my PHYSICAL age.) Please tell me you're younger so I can come back with one of my favorite lines. :D

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Please forgive me if you find this offensive, and I really hate to One Up you all, but we recited it in every language known to man, and then wrote it in every language known to man. We were a little tired so we're going to take a little break before enrolling in college, where it's been recommended we teach instead of become students.


I still had the energy to slaughter a cow for dinner, grind wheat for home baked bread, canned 5,000 jars of veggies and fruits, deliver a baby, and guess what? Because of our efforts today, we now have World Peace.


Boy, I'm tired.


If you really want to impress me, tell me you potty trained a litter of puppies! Sheesh.


ETA: And not the smart ones! I mean the dumb type, you know, that one puppy that someone dropped on its head, that eats his poo and goes potty on his food. Yea, that one.



The two of you brought tears to my eyes!

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I can't quote all of you, so I'm just going to say...I'm totally amused by you one-uppers! :lol:


All we did today was clip our toenails. Before you judge our slacker-ness, you should know that we incorporated every subject (core and non-core) into the process. I'll let you know when the unit study will be available for purchase.







Is this Nail Clipping 101? Do you plan on designing a lesson plan for a more advanced student who finds NC 101 too easy? Have you applied to have this class credentialed as AP? If we were to start now, would it be possible to take the AP test this spring? What great books would you recommend to complement this course? Does the Klutz book on manicures qualify as a great book? Should we include it on our high school reading list?

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No, not all of them. If I gave specifics someone would get hurt and sad and I would get banned so I'll leave it at that.


It's me, right? You're talking about me. I knew it! Why is everyone so mean to me! I'm offended. I didn't MEAN to be narcissistic. I'm sorry if YOU took it that way.


That's it. Everyone is so mean. I'm leaving!

















;):tongue_smilie::lol: DH is still on nights and I'm feeling a little silly.

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It's me, right? You're talking about me. I knew it! Why is everyone so mean to me! I'm offended. I didn't MEAN to be narcissistic. I'm sorry if YOU took it that way.


That's it. Everyone is so mean. I'm leaving!

















;):tongue_smilie::lol: DH is still on nights and I'm feeling a little silly.


*sing along, everyone!*


You're so vain, you probably think this post is about you...

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:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: THE CLIPPINGS GET HARD AS THEY AGE, NOT as YOU age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA!!! LOL!!!


Cut off a fingernail or a toe nail. Feel it. Then feel it again a few days from now. It will be VERY hard. You will be able to use it to pierce ears. If it's jagged, it will cut a steak.:rofl:


I am probably older than you..... just saying. But I don't act my age. (47 is my PHYSICAL age.) Please tell me you're younger so I can come back with one of my favorite lines. :D


Oh, I'm really mad now! I had great replies all typed out, but when I hit the button it said that Denise had too many funny guys in her message and I should go back and take some out. When I hit the back button, my words were gone! :angry:


I can't believe I misunderstood the nail thing! Really! I'm way too self-absorbed, obviously. I'll just take your word for it on the test. But I have to ask...have you really tried it on steak? Remind me not to have you over for dinner.


Anyway, missy, I'm 45 going on 60. Bring on the funny line!




Is this Nail Clipping 101? Do you plan on designing a lesson plan for a more advanced student who finds NC 101 too easy? Have you applied to have this class credentialed as AP? If we were to start now' date=' would it be possible to take the AP test this spring? What great books would you recommend to complement this course? Does the Klutz book on manicures qualify as a great book? Should we include it on our high school reading list?[/quote']


You, bless your heart, are going to be a problem customer from day one. I really don't think this program will work for you. I recommend that you stick w/your current nail clipping curriculum. ;)

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Oh, I'm really mad now! I had great replies all typed out, but when I hit the button it said that Denise had too many funny guys in her message and I should go back and take some out. When I hit the back button, my words were gone! :angry:


I can't believe I misunderstood the nail thing! Really! I'm way too self-absorbed, obviously. I'll just take your word for it on the test. But I have to ask...have you really tried it on steak? Remind me not to have you over for dinner.


Anyway, missy, I'm 45 going on 60. Bring on the funny line!






You had me literally:rofl: HYSTERICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My line is to say: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS. There I said it. Be nice and respectful. I'm older than you.


I'm sorry you lost your post. :lol:

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You, bless your heart, are going to be a problem customer from day one. I really don't think this program will work for you. I recommend that you stick w/your current nail clipping curriculum. ;)


But my current nail clipping curriculum isn't really cutting the mustard - or steak for that matter. I could continue with it, but what's the point? I've done searches on here for good curricula and have filed away those ideas, but what it really comes down to, is that it's not rigorous enough. I know that's rough to admit this late in the game, but it's not been all smooth sailing. I've worked on this and have come up with several ideas for how to word this on the transcript, but no amount of polishing is going to help it pass as an acceptable honors credit course. Sure, some admissions people may be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of nail clipping course descriptions they've read that day and just gloss over it, but invariably there will be others who will really try to pick it apart.


So I guess what I'm asking is, if we're willing to pay for expedited shipping, get the DVDs that accompany the text, work really hard, and get a tutor if necessary, would you be willing to work with us?


Oh my gosh, I just re-read your post and I'm realizing the problem is me!!! :eek: If anyone is willing to help me work through this, I'll be posting in another thread as I don't want to create a tangent in this one.


Does this post make me look fat? :tongue_smilie:

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