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S/O: What FB posts do you just shake your head at?

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What's with all the "...at the 'grocery store'? "...at the 'oil change place'? Seriously? Should I post via my mobile acct that I am going to the dry cleaners and then to pick up some ice and then to the library?
No, you should post this: @ Target for some new underwear and needed to use the restroom...woman in next stall yapping on her cell the entire time! Ugh. The entire world does not need to know your business, lady! Off to pick the kids up from dance, Outback takeout in the car on the way to soccer, then homework, baths, and bedtime...soooooooooo tired! Being a mommy is hard work! Loving my family!!!
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An old high school acquaintance keeps posting things about drinking vodka during the midday hours, then the other day she posted that she was looking forward to "getting some" since it had been a whole 9 months since her last time.



May I just say, ew.

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I really, really dislike people posting quotes that are supposed to sound profound but are trite, shallow, and idiotic. BARF!!! Sometimes those posts do not include the originator and so give the appearance that the offender came up with that thought themselves.


Unless you are an ancient Greek/Roman philosopher or a saint, st!u.


Pre-workout supplement kicking in, need to go sweat now.

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I really, really dislike people posting quotes that are supposed to sound profound but are trite, shallow, and idiotic. BARF!!! Sometimes those posts do not include the originator and so give the appearance that the offender came up with that thought themselves.


Unless you are an ancient Greek/Roman philosopher or a saint, st!u.


Pre-workout supplement kicking in, need to go sweat now.


I agree!!!!


My SIL is like this. She's the one I posted about who just had a c-section...btw, she changed her name on facebook to include "tr!delta" after her last name. What is that?


But she's always posting profound quotes by people like Marlyn Monroe and weird old 80s heavy metal videos that no one has ever seen.

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I agree with almost everything that has been posted thus far.


I really, really dislike people posting quotes that are supposed to sound profound but are trite, shallow, and idiotic. BARF!!! Sometimes those posts do not include the originator and so give the appearance that the offender came up with that thought themselves.


Unless you are an ancient Greek/Roman philosopher or a saint, st!u.



Err...I post quotes as my status update in response to what is going on with my friends' pages. I don't post political things, but apparently for many of my facebook friends it appears to be their first day on the internet. It hasn't occurred to them not everyone is going to like what they say. So, instead of arguing with them (which would generally be fruitless), I post quotes in my own status that reflect my feelings without being political. For example, right now my status is "Civilization is a method of living, an attitude of equal respect for all men. -Jane Addams" I do provide the originator of the quote though.

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I might be guilty of this, but not when I'm at the grocery store or oil change place. I like to post that I'm happy to be at my favorite Indian restaurant with my family,


A friend of mine does this. He regularly travels for business and shares at which restaurant he's dinig for lunch or dinner. He also posts about his first glass of a new wine as he tastes it and offers his opinion.


I love his status updates!

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I still say the worst ones end with copy/paste into your own status or else.

I might be guilty of this, but not when I'm at the grocery store or oil change place. I like to post that I'm happy to be at my favorite Indian restaurant with my family, or at a local park (in case anyone wants to join me) or if I'm at a particular function for a kid or a friend and I'm proud of them I might post that as well.

:lol: I have lots of friends that do this and some that post things like "doesn't really care where you are eating lunch, thanks." There is a place for everyone.

I agree with almost everything that has been posted thus far.




Err...I post quotes as my status update in response to what is going on with my friends' pages. I don't post political things, but apparently for many of my facebook friends it appears to be their first day on the internet. It hasn't occurred to them not everyone is going to like what they say. So, instead of arguing with them (which would generally be fruitless), I post quotes in my own status that reflect my feelings without being political. For example, right now my status is "Civilization is a method of living, an attitude of equal respect for all men. -Jane Addams" I do provide the originator of the quote though.

Yes, but our quotes are not trite, shallow or idiotic. She was talking about THOSE comments ;)

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I had one FB friend who would post a bunch of vague "Uh, so much drama!" type posts, then when a bunch of people would ask "What's wrong?" she'd respond "If you don't already know the details, then please don't ask. I only tell my really close friends the details about my life. They don't have to ask."


Oooookay then. :huh: Nice to know I'm on the "B list".

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Okay, just checking. I have a cousin who seems to think Slash from GnR is the height of philosophical thought, so I sympathize. :D

We must have some mutual friends :lol:

I had one FB friend who would post a bunch of vague "Uh, so much drama!" type posts, then when a bunch of people would ask "What's wrong?" she'd respond "If you don't already know the details, then please don't ask. I only tell my really close friends the details about my life. They don't have to ask."


Oooookay then. :huh: Nice to know I'm on the "B list".

Okay, that's just rude :glare:

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I had one FB friend who would post a bunch of vague "Uh, so much drama!" type posts, then when a bunch of people would ask "What's wrong?" she'd respond "If you don't already know the details, then please don't ask. I only tell my really close friends the details about my life. They don't have to ask."


Oooookay then. :huh: Nice to know I'm on the "B list".


How ridiculous!

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I had one FB friend who would post a bunch of vague "Uh, so much drama!" type posts, then when a bunch of people would ask "What's wrong?" she'd respond "If you don't already know the details, then please don't ask. I only tell my really close friends the details about my life. They don't have to ask."


Oooookay then. :huh: Nice to know I'm on the "B list".


WOW!!!!! That is crazy!

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People promoting their business.


People saying unkind things.






I have one *friend* always bragging about her great deals on furniture etc. It's nice that your dh makes $150k+ a year so you have all that disposable income, but don't brag about it.

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Obscenity is uncalled for. If you can't be more literate than a stream of expletives, don't post.


I had to hide a family member due to her obsenity laced FB message -- directed to her baby daddy for cheating on her for the umpteenth time. Aaauuuuugh. :confused: I feel for her, but that post just makes her out to be nutty, IMO.

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I get annoyed with the condemning bible verses when it's all someone posts.


Or the passive-aggressive bible verses. We've got some support group issues right now, with families coming down on opposite sides of some pretty emotionally-charged issues, and I am fairly sick of seeing The-Lord-stands-with-the-righteous type posts from some of those members. Ick.

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No, you should post this: @ Target for some new underwear and needed to use the restroom...woman in next stall yapping on her cell the entire time! Ugh. The entire world does not need to know your business, lady! Off to pick the kids up from dance, Outback takeout in the car on the way to soccer, then homework, baths, and bedtime...soooooooooo tired! Being a mommy is hard work! Loving my family!!!

:lol::lol: It's funny because it's true!:lol:

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(single) People who ONLY post about their relationships, desired relationships, or lack of relationships.


People who whine incessantly.


People who cryptically talk about people who disgust them (was it me???) or hurt their feelings (I didn't mean to, really!).


If these people think posting such things will win them friends or popularity, they are sadly mistaken.

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I have a friend who does this. But it's more cryptic. Like "sad today *sigh*" so that she is encouraging everyone she knows to chase after her and go "what's the matter sweetie?" Blech.


The cryptic posts drive me batty. If you aren't going to say what is going on, why post at all? Maybe 3 of your friends get it, but the rest are in the dark. It's about as polite as whispering in one person's ear when you are with a group of friends.


So, cryptic posts and obscenities are the main things that annoy me. I just ignore everything else.

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I might be guilty of this, but not when I'm at the grocery store or oil change place. I like to post that I'm happy to be at my favorite Indian restaurant with my family, or at a local park (in case anyone wants to join me) or if I'm at a particular function for a kid or a friend and I'm proud of them I might post that as well.

:001_smile: Those types of posts are fine. It is meant to share with friends your posts. I probably drive my FB friends crazy with my (unintended) sharing of YouTube videos on Poirot, Miss Marple, and how to crochet a granny square. LOL -- I'm too lazy to bookmark them. (I tell my FB friends this too and delete the links once I am done with them.) but like to use FB to quickly access them while late at night crocheting and watching PBS Mystery! ;)

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Err...I post quotes as my status update in response to what is going on with my friends' pages. I don't post political things, but apparently for many of my facebook friends it appears to be their first day on the internet. It hasn't occurred to them not everyone is going to like what they say. So, instead of arguing with them (which would generally be fruitless), I post quotes in my own status that reflect my feelings without being political. For example, right now my status is "Civilization is a method of living, an attitude of equal respect for all men. -Jane Addams" I do provide the originator of the quote though.


Well, context matters. I am really referring to those who aren't the least bit contemplative clumsily attempting thought. It's just phony. They should just mail out the Hallmark cards, I could at least rejoice in receiving a pretty card.

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No, you should post this: @ Target for some new underwear and needed to use the restroom...woman in next stall yapping on her cell the entire time! Ugh. The entire world does not need to know your business, lady! Off to pick the kids up from dance, Outback takeout in the car on the way to soccer, then homework, baths, and bedtime...soooooooooo tired! Being a mommy is hard work! Loving my family!!!


LOL! That's awesome! I suppose nattering on has its place.

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A friend of mine does this. He regularly travels for business and shares at which restaurant he's dinig for lunch or dinner. He also posts about his first glass of a new wine as he tastes it and offers his opinion.


I love his status updates!


I had a local Pinot Grigio (it was the best glass of wine I ever had, but I was relaxed and possibly delusional) the other night and debated about posting. I didn't want to seem like a lush. :D Next time I'll post it.



Religious and political posts don't bother me overly because I post some occasionally. The things that do bother me are the handful of people, generally teens, that post vague updates. When you inquire what they're talking about, they either don't want to talk about it or they can't talk about it for whatever reason.

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For your viewing pleasure, I give you Lamebook. This should cover all the bases.


ETA: There is some foul language, so make sure you enjoy this without kids, preferably without a drink of any kind as it WILL end up on your monitor.


Thanks. I hadn't heard of this. I have Failbook on my reader, though. Same profanity (and other) warnings apply.

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How could I forget?!?


Anything that finishes with a threat, admonishment, or warning that you aren't whatever enough if you refuse to copy and paste it into your own status.


Those, imo, beat all.



Well, SOOOOORRY!!!, but my status today is:


"If you TRULY, MADLY, DEEPLY love the WTM board as much as I do and it has made you a better wife, mother, teacher and lover then you shall immediately cut and paste this status into YOUR status. If you don't then you are anti-WTM and I'm tellin' SWB on you!" :001_huh:




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Well, SOOOOORRY!!!, but my status today is:


"If you TRULY, MADLY, DEEPLY love the WTM board as much as I do and it has made you a better wife, mother, teacher and lover then you shall immediately cut and paste this status into YOUR status. If you don't then you are anti-WTM and I'm tellin' SWB on you!" :001_huh:





:001_wub: Loves it!

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Well, SOOOOORRY!!!, but my status today is:


"If you TRULY, MADLY, DEEPLY love the WTM board as much as I do and it has made you a better wife, mother, teacher and lover then you shall immediately cut and paste this status into YOUR status. If you don't then you are anti-WTM and I'm tellin' SWB on you!" :001_huh:





You NEVER fail to make me :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I had a local Pinot Grigio (it was the best glass of wine I ever had, but I was relaxed and possibly delusional) the other night and debated about posting. I didn't want to seem like a lush.


Maybe that's why he only posts about his first glass. ;)




Next time I'll post it.



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No, but this reminds me of another peeve: Parents who allow their under-13 children to open Facebook accounts. I don't post crude things, but I do usually assume that my FB audience comprises adults, not kids. I have a separate list and exclude them when necessary, but I don't think they should be on Facebook to begin with, especially since they had to lie in order to get an account.



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I shouldn't be surprised. As a teen this woman drank and smoked pot with her mother and had sex with her boyfriend in her bedroom while her mother was home.


Omit "with her mother" and this sounds very familiar. I think I managed okay afterwards, though. You SHOULD be surprised. Praise God that what I did as a teen (a stupid teen) and the lack of direction from my poor, single mom, does NOT define nor resemble who I am today!

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Well, SOOOOORRY!!!, but my status today is:


"If you TRULY, MADLY, DEEPLY love the WTM board as much as I do and it has made you a better wife, mother, teacher and lover then you shall immediately cut and paste this status into YOUR status. If you don't then you are anti-WTM and I'm tellin' SWB on you!" :001_huh:





Where is my like button? THAT was awesome!

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OH!...and I HATE farmville. I don't care how many chickens you need, how many bricks you have, and on and on. Now there is petville and loserville (okay, maybe not yet...but soon). I hate to go look at my homepage only to see a bunch of farmville...or go to my messages to see a bunch of "farmville gifts." Blech.


You know you can block all those 'ville/game things, right? It took me a good week, but I finally got them all deleted. Just hover over on the right side of the post and there will be an "X", click on that, and then it will say block application or something like that. I also did that when people sent me "gifts" and now I never get those anymore. Very rarely, I will see another game pop up in my newsfeed, and I just block it too. I honestly wonder sometimes how people have time to keep their farm, their cafe, their aquarium, their zoo, and their mafia running so well.

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I think FB is fake intimacy. I see it all the time. Someone wants to be my "friend" on FB. THe next thing I know is that I see much more about their life than I ever wanted. Then, when I see them face to face, they hardly speak two words to me.:huh:


I would rather real, live, relationships.

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I think FB is fake intimacy. I see it all the time. Someone wants to be my "friend" on FB. THe next thing I know is that I see much more about their life than I ever wanted. Then, when I see them face to face, they hardly speak two words to me.:huh:

I would rather real, live, relationships.


Me too!! Then I really want to unfriend them, but I'm afraid to because if I see them again, I will be embarrassed. UGH!

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I would rather real, live, relationships.


I've actually experienced the opposite. I get to know a lot more about the lives of people I am friends with but rarely get to see due to busy lives, so then when I do see them in person I can say (as I did at the grocery yesterday), "How did Max's soccer tournament go?" rather than, "So whatcha' been up to?"


I also don't buy the oft-floated idea that if these people were truly my friends/important to me, we'd make time to get together regularly. I am nearing 40 and have made hundreds of friends in my life. They are not all my best friends but that doesn't mean I don't like them a lot and want to know what they are up to. I believe they feel the same way about me. People can be important to me without being in my immediate, daily sphere of life. Facebook has served an important function for in that respect.



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I've actually experienced the opposite. I get to know a lot more about the lives of people I am friends with but rarely get to see due to busy lives, so then when I do see them in person I can say (as I did at the grocery yesterday), "How did Max's soccer tournament go?" rather than, "So whatcha' been up to?"


I also don't buy the oft-floated idea that if these people were truly my friends/important to me, we'd make time to get together regularly. I am nearing 40 and have made hundreds of friends in my life. They are not all my best friends but that doesn't mean I don't like them a lot and want to know what they are up to. I believe they feel the same way about me. People can be important to me without being in my immediate, daily sphere of life. Facebook has served an important function for in that respect.







I like the daily, seemingly mundane status updates. I'd much rather have those than political, scripture, faux inspirational (like those related to business).


I am thinking of paring down my friend's list, but I do think that it is a great way to be more, not less, connected to real people.

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Originally Posted by Tree House Academy

My best friend is a mental health caseworker and her 11 y/o dd keeps posting about the voices telling her to do stuff, etc. She is joking, but her mom is pretty mad seeing as how it really sort of discredits or pokes fun at the people she (mom) works with!




I wonder why your friend doesn't correct this?


My teen son has a similar sense of humor as the 11 year old mentioned. I imagine it is his way of processing, connecting, and bonding. It's not politically correct, but as a mental health professional wanna-be myself, I would not "correct" my child or discipline them over this.

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