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OK, I took pix of our homeschooling "home" LOL


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That's awesome! Just curious...I see some storage on the left hand side of your kitchen pic (in the pic with the maps/science posters). What do you store there? It seems that I may have a similar layout in that it's an open floor plan (or maybe that was just my perception based on the pics), so I am taking notes on organization. :tongue_smilie:


I love all the playmobils. I've been wanting to start collecting for my kids.

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I love your rooms! We love books in this house too and they are all over the place. My husband finally installed set 1 of 2 sets of new bookshelves in our homeschool room. Our budding history books collection quickly filled the shelves.


I have been lurking on the board for a couple of weeks but I always read your posts. My girls are still little (2 and 4) but I have downloaded all of the wonderful artist and composer resources you have shared for future use. Thank you for sharing!





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I just uploaded photos of that too. It's my stamping and tools storage.


It's not a very fancy kitchen. ;)


That's awesome! Just curious...I see some storage on the left hand side of your kitchen pic (in the pic with the maps/science posters). What do you store there? It seems that I may have a similar layout in that it's an open floor plan (or maybe that was just my perception based on the pics), so I am taking notes on organization. :tongue_smilie:


I love all the playmobils. I've been wanting to start collecting for my kids.

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Certainly. The large world map was bought from Amazon -- you get a US map and a world map.




The smaller ones are help by clips which actually hold a map of each continent. I clipped them so that I can bring whichever one to the forefront that I need based on what area we are currently studying. I bought these at TAPs teacher store locally.


You can see them here on Amazon:



These also look similar:



and http://www.amazon.com/Trend-COMBO-PKS-CONTINENTS-INCLUDES/dp/B000Q6RYRK/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1282965775&sr=8-8


Rainbow resource sells something similar. Search for ISBN 9780970240354

Wow!! I love it!! Can I ask where you got your geography maps?
Edited by nestof3
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Your space is just gorgeous and I wish I could be that organized. But I also want to tell you how fantastic your blog is. WOW!!! I've just spent nearly an hour looking at a lot of your science entries, my boys are going to love the stuff you posted. Thanks a bunch!

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It's the first (and only) matching furniture we've ever bought! LOL We've had two nicks in the "wood," but I use a little craft acrylic paint in cream color to touch it up, and then you don't notice it. I think I've hit it with the vacuum.



I absolutely love it!!! It all looks so organized. My office (scrapbooking/homeschooling/home office) furniture is from the same set. I'll have to take a picture of it all next time it is somewhat tidy.
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Thank you so much.


I love your rooms! We love books in this house too and they are all over the place. My husband finally installed set 1 of 2 sets of new bookshelves in our homeschool room. Our budding history books collection quickly filled the shelves.


I have been lurking on the board for a couple of weeks but I always read your posts. My girls are still little (2 and 4) but I have downloaded all of the wonderful artist and composer resources you have shared for future use. Thank you for sharing!





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Thank you so very much! :D


Your space is just gorgeous and I wish I could be that organized. But I also want to tell you how fantastic your blog is. WOW!!! I've just spent nearly an hour looking at a lot of your science entries, my boys are going to love the stuff you posted. Thanks a bunch!
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Tell me what organizational method you used to organize you legos?


We have a play room.....it takes me FOREVER to clean/organize it, only to find the entire floor COVERED in tiny legos that I about want to SCREAM every time I see.


I have bins.....not like yours, but I have things to get organized....I need a METHOD.






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Actually, my son, Ben, organized them by color. Our eldest did that as well with his. His Legos were in his bedroom, though.


It is a pain when taking them apart, but they find it worth it when they look for pieces.


Nathan doesn't really play with Legos though he did get a lot of Star Wars ones. I then found out that he only got them because he likes Star Wars. :tongue_smilie:


So, for now, Ben is the only one that really plays with them. He is on another kick now, though. When he gets too many Legos built that there is not room on the table or on the storage drawers, I have him take some apart. He now puts them in ziplock bags and stores them in the garage where the sets of Playmobil are kept. He has a little OCD tendency.


We have stored the Lego instructions in a file folder box with hanging file folders -- one for each theme. So, when he needs the instructions for a Racers set, he goes to that folder.


We keep the following Playmobil in the house: landscapes, trees/flowers, people, animals, basic items like canons, carriages, etc. Building sets are stored in Rubbermaid containers by theme. They're only allowed to have one theme in the house at one time.


It stays organized in that they have to clean the area up every night before bed. Since the Playmobil containers are labeled and there are designated drawers for everything (plastic animals, road, erector set, etc) it's pretty easy for them at clean-up time.


I love your blog and I love your photos! What a beautiful job you've done.


I have to ask: You've organized your LEGO by color? Did I see that?



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I answered this above. I know they can be a pain. Our boys' bedroom (they share one) is so small that they don't have room for toys (thus half the family room is a play room). That leads to Legos and Playmobil on the floor of the family room. I try to make sure they keep it on their side -- leaving the area with the sofa free. It's a battle, though.


They clean up their own toys, though once a year, we dump all of the Playmobil boxes out and remove items that ended up in the wrong place. We then resort -- animals in the animal container, trees in the tree container and so on.


Tell me what organizational method you used to organize you legos?


We have a play room.....it takes me FOREVER to clean/organize it, only to find the entire floor COVERED in tiny legos that I about want to SCREAM every time I see.


I have bins.....not like yours, but I have things to get organized....I need a METHOD.






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LOCK those toys up! Rotate them. Mondays is legos day. Tuesdays is craft day. Etc. Or they have to ask and then PICK up that one b4 they can get out more. Only works if ur ON THEM tho or they just ignore the rule. Yes, it's an expense, u have to buycpbds with doors with handles so u can put a kiddie lock across them. And u realize the kids have tooooo may darn toys, etc to begin with once they have to be housed such...

Creativity is not stifled as they werent being creative anyway with everything just all over the floor. My kids would find a corner that wasnt covered and just play there and ignore the rest of the mess/toys/crafts.

Once theyre older, enforce consequences for messes left out. But when theyre little, unless u enjoy playing maid, lock it up. Or u enjoy marathon sessions of whining and tantrums while u try to get them to sort, etc.

Some things need to wait a little longer in life...like til 9 or 10 or so. :)

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Please tell me it is not this neat/tidy/organized on a daily basis.....I am getting a complex!


I try to keep our schoolroom somewhat tidy as it is our sunroom and is open. But the toys......I have a room I can shut the door!



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The play area definitely looks played in during the day, though I do require them to clean the area if they are moving on to something else. To find Playmobil people, they will take the entire container and dump it on the floor! If they are sure they plan to come back to the Playmobil and Legos, I will let them leave it out. It is all cleaned up so that John or I can vacuum at bedtime.


The area in the pictures is our entire house except the three bedrooms and bathroom, so it really needs to be vacuumed daily.


The other areas, though -- the office, family room and kitchen are kept like that except for books or things like that on the ottoman. Again, I have to have it all cleaned up and the boys' rooms cleaned up before bedtime.


Of course, there are times Ben makes a fort in the living area or runs his hot wheel track down the length of the room. That is when I try to quiet my neat-freak voice. ;)


Please tell me it is not this neat/tidy/organized on a daily basis.....I am getting a complex!


I try to keep our schoolroom somewhat tidy as it is our sunroom and is open. But the toys......I have a room I can shut the door!



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