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What's the weirdest present?

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Some of my friends have laughed at me in the past because of what I want for birthdays/anniversaries/Christmas.


The strangest thing I've gotten from dh was a wheelbarrow. Stranger still because I told him I wanted one.


I have to say though, he gets me pretty much whatever I want, and frequently surprises me.

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One year for my anniversary I got a dozen roses. Okay not so weird until I explain that they were a dozen bare-root rose plants from an heirloom mail-order gardening place. When you opened the box, it looked like a clump of string and sticks. :)


Oh, I also got a gallon of enriched Compost Tea to go with them! :)

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I ask for what I want and I never get it. :glare: Although my brother (with Autism) has figured out I like 'girl soap' better than the Dial dh always wants and has for the last several Christmases given me way more floral smelling soap than I can use before my death.


I will admit however that the weirdest gift I gave was a set of hair brushes to the teen neice of my dh. My first time to meet her (and all his family) and it was Christmas. She was all into the big hair of the 90s and such. So when we found this large collection of really cool looking hairbrushes we thought of her and bought them. My SIL actually asked, "So what made you think Heather would want more hairbrushes?" Most likely my SIL and niece post on the boards they frequent that this is the worst or weirdest gift received.

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When I was in the 5th grade, my aunt bought me an oversized sleep shirt with

lingerie attached :001_huh: It was a big white shirt with lingerie sewed to the front and back. She didn't make it, she found it some store.



Even weirder... she got me another one the next Christmas :lol:

Edited by Tiff in TX
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After our second letter from the HOA complaining that our lawn wasn't edged to the curb, I told dh to get me a gas powered edger for my b-day.


Watching him outside, playing with my new toy was the best gift, ever.


I still don't know how to operate the thing. :)

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One year for my birthday the dh (and we were newly married) got me some comfy jammies. Nothing sexy about them at all. I thought it was odd, but sweet.


Instead of a robe, in the morning I put on this black, oversized chenille cardigan that I've had SINCE HIGH SCHOOL. It's all threadbare now, it has like 2 buttons left, it's really just ghastly. So with my birthday coming up next week, I picked out a big ol' zippered chenille hoodie at QVC and emailed it to the dh and asked him to get me that for my birthday as a replacement for the ghastly sweater and that he could surprise me with the color. He told me he'd get me some nice new jammies as well. To me, perfect! It'll be my teaching ensemble. :)

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It would probably be a garden tiller/cultivator. I told my friends that my husband bought me a tiller for my birthday, and they were shocked and in the beginning stages of being supportively horrified. I assured them that it was precisely what I had asked for, and actually went with my husband to pick it out. :)

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My DH got me a heifer a couple of years ago. We had been at a farm looking at purebred heifers and bought two. But while we were there, I spotted an adorable F1 cross. My DH noted how much I liked her, memorized her ear tag number, and arranged for the farmer to deliver her just days before Christmas along with the other two purebreds. I named her Holly. Great surprise Christmas present! :001_smile:


ETA: I see I'm not the only one who got a Bovine for a gift!

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After our second letter from the HOA complaining that our lawn wasn't edged to the curb, I told dh to get me a gas powered edger for my b-day.


Watching him outside, playing with my new toy was the best gift, ever.


I still don't know how to operate the thing. :)


Haha! That is GREAT! :lol:

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Well.... I asked for an organizer... you know, the household planner type thingy... It did arrive in the mail in time for my birthday, BUT, we needed a new broom and dust pan and he worked at a hardware store at the time and he was a charmer with all the co-worker ladies. They all had a huge laugh that my dh bought me a broom for mother's day. I'm glad it was a hoot to all of them... :glare:

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Hmmm, Dh is really good at getting me what I want. The year I was pregnant with #2 (and living in MI) I got a snowblower for our anniversary. And yes, I did use it for every snow storm that year and was very thankful I didn't have to shovel. Dh loves telling that story. Two Mother days in a row I asked and got a cooler. Year one: I wanted a five day big cooler, year two: I wanted a smaller one with wheels to take to co-op. This year for Mother's day I asked for bookcases and spent the day putting them together while dh took the kids bowling (best Mother's day ever!).


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My parents bought me a dishwasher (that I asked for) for a birthday. I love that dishwasher. We remodeled the entire downstairs of our house and that is the only thing we kept.


I asked my grandmother to buy me an iron off my wedding registry, something she didn't want to do because it wasn't "romantic". I still have the iron almost ten years later, and every time I use it I think of her. She died fairly recently. I will cry when it eventually breaks.

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I asked my in-laws for The Structure of Evolutionary Theory by Stephen J. Gould. It's a very thick, very dense, very expensive book. This was for my birthday when I was pg with DD, and spending the year out of school.


They got it for me, which delighted me.

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The best Christmas present DH ever gave me was a big, totally coyote-proof chicken coop and pen he built for me two years ago. It's got wire under the dirt, wire over the top, wire up the sides, wire everywhere; a few mice get in and share the grain, but no predators will ever breach the fortress. I still show it off to everyone who comes for a visit, lol. I also got a truckload of compost for Mother's Day once. :D



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The weirdest gift I ever received was from an eccentric aunt. When my dh and I got married (a July wedding) she sent an Easter egg basket full of wood, marble, and plastic eggs...along with a plastic chick:confused:. I didn't have the heart to toss it, so I put it in the back of our built-in cabinets. Every once in awhile I would walk in the room with the cabinets and hear a chirping noise. I drove myself crazy looking for the animal or whatever was chirping. Finally one day I tracked the chirping to the Easter basket and the little plastic chick! :lol::lol:

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One year I asked for, and got, chickens for my birthday and absolutely love them (and their eggs)!


This year, for my birthday, I asked that our old, decaying swingset finally get taken down along with some trees growing too close to our barn and some weeds in various places. The swingset is down! The trees are down (need to be removed totally yet). Some of the weeds are gone. My birthday is Monday...


It's the perfect present for me! I love being able to request what I want...

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For my 17th birthday, my mom sent me a bunch of apples and oranges individually wrapped in tissue paper. I went to a military school for high school, and since I complained of the lack of fresh fruit, she thought it would be a nice gift. My 17 yr old self was devastated. I still tease my mom about it.

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My husband won the prize for wierdest presents received a couple of years ago. My mom gave him a jumbo (think geriatric vision size) rain gauge. The same weekend, his mom gave him a little handheld John Wayne pinball machine. Huh? I think they both must've gone shopping at Cracker Barrel that weekend.

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When Monica Lewinsky was all the rage, my extended family had a little black beret that would wind up as someone's gift (birthday, Christmas...). They would keep it until another gift giving occasion popped up. This went on for a few years. You never knew when that thing would surface!



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Some of my friends have laughed at me in the past because of what I want for birthdays/anniversaries/Christmas.


The strangest thing I've gotten from dh was a wheelbarrow. Stranger still because I told him I wanted one.

Now see, I don't think a wheelbarrow is such a strange gift ~ particularly if the recipient asked for it. On the other hand, I've yet to receive anything stranger than pocket-sized Kleenex/facial tissues. From my mother-in-law, they were. Nine little packets of them, plain white, all wrapped up together in lovely paper. All the guys (five boys and dh) received a nice gift and chocolate while I received Kleenex. Good thing I'm not real into gifts because that one sure bit the big one!:tongue_smilie:
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When I was in high school, the guy I dated for a long time went on a cruise to Mexico with his family. He brought back lots of gifts for all his friends. The girls in our group got nice girly things, like shell bracelets. What did he bring his girlfriend? A blowfish. A used-to-be-alive-now-its-stuffed blowfish. I still have no idea what he was thinking. Wish I'd kept it though. We could have had fun with it when we studied fish last year. :D

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My 10yo dd makes the worst presents EVER. She is a really talented artist however, when she is trying to make something, she comes up with cr*p.

You know, a toilet paper roll with glued plastic on the ends and a slit in the middle (a coin bank). One year she asked me why I didn't wear the necklace she made me. She had taken the dangly part off of a favorite poncho (a decoration) and strung it on a string (from my crochet stuff-that she cut the leading string from the ball). This isn't a gift--it's a punishment waiting to happen. I didn't wear it because looking at it made me mad, but I didn't yell, I just hid it. **sigh**

The thing is she can make the most amazing pictures and art sculptures when she is inspired. I just take the good ones now and told her to stop makeing presents at present giving time.



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My husband won the prize for wierdest presents received a couple of years ago. My mom gave him a jumbo (think geriatric vision size) rain gauge. The same weekend, his mom gave him a little handheld John Wayne pinball machine. Huh? I think they both must've gone shopping at Cracker Barrel that weekend.


:lol::lol::lol::lol: at the Cracker Barrel comment.

Edited by Ferdie
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