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Not Judgemental Just Really Curious

Guest mrsjamiesouth

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They haven't gone in years, but when they were younger, both attended Mothers Day Out at different times. Sometimes it was 1 day and sometimes 2. If I had a younger child now, I would likely do the same to give me some concentrated time with the older kids. Before I was homeschooling, I mostly used that time to run errands/ go to the doctor or dentist/etc...


For the kids, it was at our church and quite comfortable for them. No tearful adjustment or anything. They had fun, played, did mildly educational stuff, had lunch and came home while I ran through the drudgery of groceries, etc.. In half the time because I wasn't fiddling with car seats and shopping carts and binkies.

Edited by snickelfritz
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My older 2 boys went to preschool 2 years (before I planned on homeschooling) and my 3rd son went one year. Then it got to be more hassle than it was worth.


IMO there is a *world* of difference between the sweet little 10 kids to a class christian preschool my children attended and the public school. We loved preschool! It was fun, the teacher was wonderful and truly cared for our kids, she planned fun crafts, they did bible stories and talked about obvious topics that aren't always obvious to preschoolers (you can't always be first, you have to take your turn, etc). I thought it was great all around - the kids loved it and there wasn't much of a reason not to do it, even after I was homeschooling. When kiddo #3 got to his year before kinder I decided to skip preschool because we had joined a coop where he could get some preschool-ish type experiences and the getting him back and forth was starting to eat into our school time. But while it worked for us - it was really a great fit for our family.

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I think a great preschool can be a blessing for a child and a family. My kids attended an amazing preschool three days a week with plenty of singing, art, outdoor time, center time etc... Really fun and just from 9 - 12. If I had a little one now, I would send her to that preschool two/three days a week.

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My daughter went to MMO before we moved. It was a great opportunity for me to go to the doctor, run errands, etc. If there was a MMO program in the town where I live now, I would send my son, so I could do some stuff with dd without him being into everything!

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"How come?" Well, likely because they see it as a good fit for their family. There is no one-size/methodology-fits-all. :001_smile:


I send DS3 to a church "mom's morning out" program, 2 mornings each week/4 hours each morning during the school year. It gives him time to play & have fun, while allowing me to spend concentrated time w/ DD. Simple.

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I've practically begged my DH to send our current 5yo to daycare, preschool, the Democratic Republic of the Congo........ He tends to take more "effort" from me than the others... Than the others combined, actually.


But DH is right. (Don't tell him I said so though.) He NEEDS to be home with me, being trained, being loved, and I need to put forth the effort into our relationship too.


But frankly, I understand the thinking. My day would be SO much easier. :D And I could focus!


It's really very hard to switch between age ranges. I find the upper half VERY easy to be with. I find the lower half VERY easy to be with... The complication comes when I toss them all together and then try to multi-task. :grouphug: :D

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My Reasons:

1. I was teaching two older kids


2. My youngest LOVES to cut, paste and make stuff and I hate those things. I outsourced.


3. It was at our church and he was having trouble making friends just seeing the kids once a week.


4. We realized that he had NO friends his own age. All his friends were actually his brothers' buddies.


5. He needed attention and play time and it made me sad that I couldn't give him the same pre-school experience I gave his oldest brother, who did preschool at home but with several other friends who I also taught.


6. I'm NOT all caught up in being the only one who ever teaches my child. I outsource MANY things. I don't hold homeschool sports classes here. I don't teach handbell choir. Why teach pre-school arts and crafts if I can pay someone else to do it?

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How come some moms that homeschool choose to send their little one's to daycare part time or full time??


In our case, ds2 was in a preschool so we decided to continue with it when we started to homeschool ds1....for several reasons including focus on the gradeschooler and allowing younger brother to be with peers so that he wouldn't always be the little brother, working hard to catch up, etc.


Some families with several kids do it so that preschoolers have some fun "me-centered" time while mom is focussing on tougher subjects with older kids. Some do it to give their kids a taste of "real" school. Some do it to take advantage of a particular program -- like montessori or reggio-emilia or a church-based group.


Many don't view it as any kind of commentary on homeschooling either way.



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I send my little guy because it's a wonderful opportunity for him. He's learned things I wouldnt have thought about teaching him. He's growing and learning and enjoying this phase of his learning.

I wish I had sent my older 2 to Montessori preschool when they were younger, I feel like my 3rd ds has gotten a head start in his learning and development. It's been good for the entire family.

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In the end, I chose not to send my son to preschool when he turned 4. But I did consider it. My reasons for considering it:


1. Because I thought he would enjoy it.


2. Because I thought he'd make friends and have fun being around them.


3. Because as a new homeschooler at the time, it would have allowed me to focus on doing some things with my then 8 year old, without my 4 year old constantly interrupting or distracting or being bored.


We were on the waiting list and everything. When the time came, I had decided to keep him home instead. But I can definitely see why people might choose to utilize a daycare or preschool program for their little ones.

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My Reasons:

1. I was teaching two older kids


2. My youngest LOVES to cut, paste and make stuff and I hate those things. I outsourced.




4. We realized that he had NO friends his own age. All his friends were actually his brothers' buddies.




6. I'm NOT all caught up in being the only one who ever teaches my child. I outsource MANY things. I don't hold homeschool sports classes here. I don't teach handbell choir. Why teach pre-school arts and crafts if I can pay someone else to do it?


This is us. Except it's a she not a he. Romy will go two days a week to the church around the corner. I'm still teaching her, we're just getting a break from eachother, and someone else is doing the fingerpainting with her. It's the best of both worlds. :001_smile:

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My Reasons:

1. I was teaching two older kids


2. My youngest LOVES to cut, paste and make stuff and I hate those things. I outsourced.


3. It was at our church and he was having trouble making friends just seeing the kids once a week.


4. We realized that he had NO friends his own age. All his friends were actually his brothers' buddies.


5. He needed attention and play time and it made me sad that I couldn't give him the same pre-school experience I gave his oldest brother, who did preschool at home but with several other friends who I also taught.


6. I'm NOT all caught up in being the only one who ever teaches my child. I outsource MANY things. I don't hold homeschool sports classes here. I don't teach handbell choir. Why teach pre-school arts and crafts if I can pay someone else to do it?




My little guy goes 3 days a week. He loves it, we love it, and I can actually get some work done with the older ones. Oh, and I'm not crafty and I will not put shaving cream all over my tables for him to play in. :)

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Why not?

It was a safe, "educational" environment and my children were happy to go a couple of afternoons a week. They got to enjoy things I was unable to provide for them, and it gave me some time to school the older children without constant interruption.

I'm certain some mothers manage to homeschool with toddler twins, or a colicky newborn, or all kinds of other distractions. I just fell short :)

My children had no problem going from a pre-school program to homeschool.

There's no "right way". This way worked for us.

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We didn't but if I could go back in time I might send one of mine to preschool anyway. I think he would have loved it--the activities, the other kids, etc. I think it would have been good for him though his brother needed to be home.

Edited by sbgrace
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DS5 went for the past 3 years because I was working part-time. I'm done with my job and he is excited about Kindergarten homeschool. He loved the 2-yo program he was in 2 mornings/week, and we have the chance to send DD2 to the same one this year. DH actually suggested and promoted it. We will probably only do this coming year though.

Since we have a DS due in December, it will be something routine for her and a good chance (all year) for me to focus on DS.

I also agree with others who enjoy having someone else do all the crafts - we do some but the pre-school's are usually beyond the effort I plan to invest. :001_smile:

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I sent PDG to 2-day half-day PreKinder for 1 year.



1) I was in a women's Bible study at the same as the PreK class one of the days. The other day I used to go into town and grocery shop etc. It gave me a bit of time alone with LLL as well, which was nice.

2) There were no other children home during the week. None. She was lonely.

3) She needed to learn how to play nicely with other children -- she's kind of a diva (still is, in fact...)


We didn't do Kinder, but chose to homeschool instead. I don't necessarily regret putting her into PreK, but I can't say that she learned one thing that I didn't have to re-teach from scratch at home. It wasn't for learning purposes, solely for friend-making and socialization.

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Every one of my kids went to preschool. 2 yro is going to preschool next year. Preschool can be a great experience for them. They're only there for a couple of hours, it's mostly play/arts and crafts/learning seasons, etc. There's usually just a small handful of kids in the class and it's very nurturing. They can stay home "that day" when they're too tired or not feeling well. There's no standardized testing, assemblies, sitting on the hot school bus for 3 hours, playground bullies or other preteens soliciting them for "you know what" :glare: (yes, as a matter of fact, we HAD this specific experience).


I'm a big supporter of preschool.

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Honestly? As one who has taught preschool (mostly 2's btw), I think there are REAL benefits to going to two and three yr old preschool or at least a GOOD home childcare. Now I don't agree with having them there 10+ hours a day, 5 days per week; but several hours 2-4 days per week can be a great experience.


Neither of my kids went to preschool; but had I to do it over again, I'd make a different choice. Of course, I'd find a location with an awesome teacher.

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I sent dd to a Montessori school the first year ds homeschooled. It helped us get in the groove and added structure to our day. I didn't mind the drive because I take my oldest to school everyday, so one more drop didn't matter. Dd still talks about her ps experience and went back for a couple of summer sessions. If we didn't hs, I'd enroll her at this school, it is really a great place.

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We send our dc to our church's preschool when they are 4 three days/week. We do it because it's a great program, they have wonderful teachers who pour into our dc, and the art, music, and in-house field trips are awesome. Since I stay home and hs, it's really the only opportunity for my dc to do a completely independent activity that I'm comfortable with. It also creates a nice transition between non-schooler and schooler.


I will say that it isn't mandatory in our home. It would be the first thing to go if we finances change or if the dc didn't want to go.

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My Reasons:

1. I was teaching two older kids


2. My youngest LOVES to cut, paste and make stuff and I hate those things. I outsourced.


3. It was at our church and he was having trouble making friends just seeing the kids once a week.


4. We realized that he had NO friends his own age. All his friends were actually his brothers' buddies.


5. He needed attention and play time and it made me sad that I couldn't give him the same pre-school experience I gave his oldest brother, who did preschool at home but with several other friends who I also taught.


6. I'm NOT all caught up in being the only one who ever teaches my child. I outsource MANY things. I don't hold homeschool sports classes here. I don't teach handbell choir. Why teach pre-school arts and crafts if I can pay someone else to do it?


This exactly. Ds will be going 3 days a week this fall and he can.not.wait! He was at our church preschool back home and not only did he make friends his own age, he formed a super-close relationship with his teacher. He adored Ms. Nicole and she adored him. I love him having other adults in his life that he loves and trusts completely.

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Time management for me/fun for dd.


At ages 3 and 4, dd attended the church preschool two mornings each week. This gave me some time to really focus on schoolwork with the older child, and dd had a blast. She had wonderful teachers, a good program, time with friends, and an excellent environment. It was convenient for dh to do most of the transportation, and it was free to us (sort of a job perk b/c he was on staff at the church). I wouldn't have sought it out, but the opportunity just presented itself to me, and I took it w/no regrets.


With our first child, we didn't do preschool. I took him to story hours at the library, art classes through parks and rec, play dates at the playground - that sort of thing, and that was plenty.

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With our first child, we didn't do preschool. I took him to story hours at the library, art classes through parks and rec, play dates at the playground - that sort of thing, and that was plenty.


This is very important. We were out and about so much when the older two were little. Now that they are 12 and 10, we really do need to be home schooling for the better part of the day. That's just a bit hard on the 3 year old. It might be easier if she had a sibling closer to her age.


Now I can do my more concentrated teaching on the two days she's at preschool and then be available for questions but focus more on her when she's home. I hope it will work!

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