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Urgent prayer request

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No new update. They are trying to rule out everything it possibly could be. We should know more in a couple hours. My mom just called and mentioned heat stroke. Dh was outside most of the day yesterday and it was hot and humid. So, I wonder if that could have been it. If so, I'm REALLY glad I took him to the ER.


Chris - Thanks for asking about d.s.' ankle. It's very swollen and purple. He is putting a little weight on it though. So, we're going to play this one by ear today after ice and compression.


Somehow, I missed this when I flipped through the pages.


I, too, would suspect heat exhaustion. Praying he feels better. Are they giving him IV fluids to rehydrate him?

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No new update. They are trying to rule out everything it possibly could be. We should know more in a couple hours. My mom just called and mentioned heat stroke. Dh was outside most of the day yesterday and it was hot and humid. So, I wonder if that could have been it. If so, I'm REALLY glad I took him to the ER.


Chris - Thanks for asking about d.s.' ankle. It's very swollen and purple. He is putting a little weight on it though. So, we're going to play this one by ear today after ice and compression.


Oh my goodness, Jennifer, your family has been through a LOT recently!!!


I pray you get your answers for your dh soon. When I just read your post and your responses, looking for an update, it sounded eerily familiar to when my kids had high fevers and febrile seizures. They're scary but apparently harmless, so I was told at the ER YEARS ago.


Please keep us posted!!! :grouphug:

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Thanks all. No new news, unfortunately. He still is running a fever - even after Motrin and Tylenol. It ranges from 100 - 102. He's on antibiotics just in case it's diverticulitis. But, he hardly has any pain in his stomach. When he has diverticulitis, he's in massive amounts of pain.


The doctor still hasn't come in. I just want answers now!!! I want to know if they tested for the flu. I want to know if this could be heat stroke. I want to know if this could be the same thing that two of my kids and I had a couple days ago (general achiness). But why did his get so bad?


He doesn't sound good on the phone. I've been in twice, but he was sleeping one of the times and I didn't want to wake him up. I really hate seeing him so weak. Is that weird? He's supposed to be the strong one. But, I'll probably go back one more time today before bedtime.

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I really hate seeing him so weak. Is that weird? He's supposed to be the strong one.


I felt the same way when my DH was admitted with meningitis 6 years ago. It's weird seeing your DH flat on his back with tubes and wires coming out of him. My DH was pretty out of it for about a week. Thankfully, DH has never gotten sick like that again.

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I felt the same way when my DH was admitted with meningitis 6 years ago. It's weird seeing your DH flat on his back with tubes and wires coming out of him. My DH was pretty out of it for about a week. Thankfully, DH has never gotten sick like that again.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. My dh is my rock. He's there for me every step of the way. He gets me. He supports me. Seeing him weak and needing me to be strong is SO hard. I'm NOT strong. I don't like this one bit.


He still so weak. I hate talking to him. He's so down. They're keeping him another night. At least. No new answers. No conclusive tests other than the fact that it doesn't appear to be diverticulitis. His fever after motrin and Tylenol is still 102.9. At least he's not hallucinating any more.


You know, you really learn who your true friends are through all of this. Those who ask if they can help and really mean it. Those who come over and help with whatever. Those who bring dinner. And, those who pray. (And then there are those who ignore you . . .)


Thank you to all of you. Knowing I've got a prayer team behind me is helping a lot.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one. My dh is my rock. He's there for me every step of the way. He gets me. He supports me. Seeing him weak and needing me to be strong is SO hard. I'm NOT strong. I don't like this one bit.


He still so weak. I hate talking to him. He's so down. They're keeping him another night. At least. No new answers. No conclusive tests other than the fact that it doesn't appear to be diverticulitis. His fever after motrin and Tylenol is still 102.9. At least he's not hallucinating any more.


You know, you really learn who your true friends are through all of this. Those who ask if they can help and really mean it. Those who come over and help with whatever. Those who bring dinner. And, those who pray. (And then there are those who ignore you . . .)


Thank you to all of you. Knowing I've got a prayer team behind me is helping a lot.



Oh, Jennifer! I'm praying that he is up and around in no time. I know how frightening this all is. I am stunned that you could be ignored at a time like this -- I am glad though that there are folks there who are helping.:grouphug:

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I'm glad I'm not the only one. My dh is my rock. He's there for me every step of the way. He gets me. He supports me. Seeing him weak and needing me to be strong is SO hard. I'm NOT strong. I don't like this one bit.


He still so weak. I hate talking to him. He's so down. They're keeping him another night. At least. No new answers. No conclusive tests other than the fact that it doesn't appear to be diverticulitis. His fever after motrin and Tylenol is still 102.9. At least he's not hallucinating any more.


You know, you really learn who your true friends are through all of this. Those who ask if they can help and really mean it. Those who come over and help with whatever. Those who bring dinner. And, those who pray. (And then there are those who ignore you . . .)


Thank you to all of you. Knowing I've got a prayer team behind me is helping a lot.


Bless you. I know what you mean about your dh being your rock. And unfortunately, I also know what it feels like to be forced to find out who your true friends are.


Praying for you and your dh. Keep us updated. :grouphug:

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He still so weak. I hate talking to him. He's so down. They're keeping him another night. At least. No new answers. No conclusive tests other than the fact that it doesn't appear to be diverticulitis. His fever after motrin and Tylenol is still 102.9. At least he's not hallucinating any more.



I hope he feels better soon!!!!!!!


This reminds me of a few years ago... my Dh got so sick from something. We thought he had the flu but that was negative. A very high fever, dehydration, body aches, massive headache, hallucinations, and a cough. The doctors never did find out exactly what Dh had. He was in the hospital for 5 days and they ran every test they could on him. In the end, they assumed it was a virus and that it had to run its course. Once his fever broke, he recovered fairly quickly.

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I hope he feels better soon!!!!!!!


This reminds me of a few years ago... my Dh got so sick from something. We thought he had the flu but that was negative. A very high fever, dehydration, body aches, massive headache, hallucinations, and a cough. The doctors never did find out exactly what Dh had. He was in the hospital for 5 days and they ran every test they could on him. In the end, they assumed it was a virus and that it had to run its course. Once his fever broke, he recovered fairly quickly.


These were his exact symptoms! They diagnosed him with "fever of unknown origin." Nice. I really believe he had heat stroke.


Anyway, he's HOME!!!!!!!! Of course, he's trying to get caught back up with work stuff. But, I'm just so glad he's here and feeling well. I really get lonely when I'm alone and stressed like that.


I know people go through so much more than we just did. But, I REALLY found out who my true friends were. Some offered to help and I'd ask for something particular and they'd say no! I wasn't asking for anything big - just pick up something at the store I needed for a concession stand that dh and I run for the local Little League. Fairly simple. I figured they were serious when they asked what they could do. One emailed and asked what she could do. I told her something simple - pick up change for the concession stand. She ignored it. Another friend called and asked what she could do. I asked her to come over and keep me company. I could tell she didn't want to. So, I told her to forget about it and I hung up and just cried.


But, I found a new friend. We've been acquaintances with a family in our neighborhood for a while. They were around when my son called to tell me about dh. They were the ones who helped the most. She gave me her car at one point, she came over when we needed someone to watch the young ones, she did my dishes and cleaned up my house when I was gone. She was wonderful!!!


So, some good did come from this!!!!

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I'm so glad your dh is getting better and glad you have a new friend. It does make you cry though when someone says they will help and don't. That has happened to me. But, I always have this one friend who always comes through for me. And you know what? She has a child that is very special needs yet she is always there for me.

You have friends here too. They will always find a way to help. ;)


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I'm so glad to hear a good update Jennifer! It is so scary when doctor's cant seem to find out what's wrong. The body can do some strange things LOL! But I'm glad that he's home and seems to be getting stronger.


I know what you mean about DH being the strong one. Mine never gets sick, never worries, always seems to have a level head.....while I'm the one that seems to feel bad sometimes, freak out and worry, etc. It's really strange when DH is the one to get sick....I don't like it either!

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