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Toy Story 3

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We are. We don't ever go to the theater (too expensive and someone usually can't sit through the movie), but all three boys are excited about seeing TS3. Ds#3 is finally old enough (we feel) and has enough interest in the movie that we think he'll sit for the whole thing. We're hoping to find it in 2D (ds#3 won't keep 3D glasses on so he can't really see it and I get very easily motion-sick when pregnant, so 3D would suck for me!). But, it's our one movie we plan on going to a theater to see.

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We love the Toy Story movies and will be going to see TS3......However, I'm a little saddened by the move to add more and more innuendo to children's movies.


For instance, in the trailer for Toy Story 3 when Barbie and Ken meet, Ken tells Barbie she has nice leg warmers. Barbie comes back with "nice ascot"---with a purposeful pause before the "cot" and drawing out the "s".


I know that this is considered mild, but, it really irks me that there has to be anything of this nature in there at all.


It certainly wasn't lost on my kids. The first time we saw the trailer, they picked that up.


Can't we let kids be kids?

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:party:We're going! This will be my DD-almost-4's first time in the theater, and since it's her birthday and she picked Toy Story for a theme, it's a no-brainer. We never go, either (DD6 has only been once, for Horton Hears a Who), so it's a big deal. They actually don't know that we're doing it, which means I'm super excited in anticipation. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that it's appropriate still (and that I don't spend the whole time sobbing as I believe Andy's all grown up now). :lurk5:

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We are! We love going to the movies and go often and Indy loves TS1 and TS2. He can't wait to see TS3. Unfortunately it usually takes the military theaters and extra week or two to get new movies (we have only one screen, but it only costs $4 to get in) so we'll have to wait a while for it to get here. I'm not sure who's more excited, Indy or me and dh! :party::party:

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Dh and I are going to see it very soon after it comes out!! He is SO excited. He grew up with and loved the movies, and I saw them a bit later on and enjoyed them. Plus anything Pixar does is pretty much awesome.


We may or may not be going to see it with a group of people between the ages of 18 and 24. You'd think this movie would have a lower target age, but seeing as Toy Story 1 and 2 came out so much earlier...

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This is going to be DS' first movie in the theater, we can't wait. Either my parents or in-laws are going to watch DD and DH and I are going to take DS to see it. I am hoping that we can find it in 2D though since he won't keep 3D glasses on. He loves Toy Story 1 and likes Toy Story 2, so we are hoping he will sit still and enjoy Toy Story 3.

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Oh, yes ma'am! I told my entire family this morning that they will ALL write in stone on their calendars that we have a family date afternoon this Friday to see Toy Story 3. If the President wants to see us, he'll just have to wait. We've loved Toy Story for many, many years and are enjoying it through our 3yr old yet again. I can't wait!

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All 5 of us are going to see it this weekend. I sure hope our local "cheap" 3 screen theatre will be showing it---they usually get the Disney and Pixar movies :) We are a Disney/Pixar-loving family!


Dd15 and I will be packing some tissues as we are criers. We always cry during TS2 when Jessie sings her song. I expect there will be something in TS3 to make us cry LOL

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Dd15 and I will be packing some tissues as we are criers. We always cry during TS2 when Jessie sings her song. I expect there will be something in TS3 to make us cry LOL


Speaking of Jessie, has anyone seen any Jessie costume stuff out in the stores? Our church is doing a western theme VBS and I've been on the hunt for a red cowboy/cowgirl hat to complete my daughter's outfit. She's a helper and I found a perfect western shirt with red fringe and red leather western boots at garage sales and a thrift shop. One of those hats would be perfect.

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We love the Toy Story movies and will be going to see TS3......However, I'm a little saddened by the move to add more and more innuendo to children's movies.


For instance, in the trailer for Toy Story 3 when Barbie and Ken meet, Ken tells Barbie she has nice leg warmers. Barbie comes back with "nice ascot"---with a purposeful pause before the "cot" and drawing out the "s".


I know that this is considered mild, but, it really irks me that there has to be anything of this nature in there at all.


It certainly wasn't lost on my kids. The first time we saw the trailer, they picked that up.


Can't we let kids be kids?



Um, considering the animators named the characters Buzz and Woody -- two things any College Boy will tell you that it is hard to have at one time, that one is mild :lol::auto:

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We are going but probably not this weekend. We only see movies on Saturday morning before noon to get the Early bird $5 price (before noon on Saturday and Sunday). We are busy this Saturday so we plan on going next Saturday morning. :001_smile:



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We're not going. The kids haven't even seen the first two movies... though they will eventually. I just might be the only one here who doesn't care for Toy Story.



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