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s/o boys wiping...

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I am raising two girls so please be patient. I have never heard of boys sitting down to pee until the recent thread. I did grow up with two brothers and I'm pretty sure they didn't. My dh grew up with three brothers and none of them did. Why do some have their boys sit? Weird question, I know, but I have been thinking about since I saw it mentioned in the other thread and had to ask.

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What she said. I tried with my ds, but soon he was watching Daddy and copying, so at 4-5 he started peeing standing up. Wet marks on the toilet seat are common. Sometimes dh does sit when peeing, BTW. Doesn't make him less of a man, just tired perhaps ;)

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I know a couple years ago when I was nannying (is that even a word? lol) I potty trained my 2.5 year old DD and a 4 year old boy. I had him sit down because it was so much easier. No spraying issues for one! Plus it was easier for him to sit and wait for the pee-pee to come than to stand there waiting. I'm not sure how long he stood, or if he is still sitting, since I left the job a short while later.


When I was a teenager I babysat for a family who had a 7 year old. He decided he wanted to stand to pee so we used to throw cheerios or fruit loops in the toilet for him to have something to aim at! :D It worked. hah.

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My last is a boy and he sat until just last week!!! (my heart broke a little) Anyway DH taught him to pee this way and I must say I had less mess potty training him than the other 3 girls. They would pee streight out BETWEEN the seat and the toilet. Huge puddles. I started to keep a washcloth there and replace it several times a day.


I had a friend who raised 5 boys and got so tired of cleaning AROUND the potty she gave them a washcloth, cut it up into 4 pieces and made them clean the floor. Problem solved!



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My dh sits at home, just so I won't have to clean up after him (isn't that sweet?). I have no idea what he does elsewhere.


I don't know what 12yods does either, but I've never seen pee on the seat (or the rim under the seat). So, he either sits, or he cleans up after himself. Not sure which (and I don't care, as long as he doesn't get pee everywhere).

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When my boys were little, I had a turtle stool that they stood on when they went to the toilet. it was just the right height. I rarely had a problem with spills. now my dd on the other hand, was always missing the toilet, even though she was sitting.

I had never heard of men sitting until I read it on this forum.

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Guess I'm an odd ball but I taught my son to sit down unless he was in a place with a urinal or in some guy group pee situation. My thought process was along the lines of cleanliness when he was a little guy, and perhaps again when he is a grown man of over 6 and 1/2 feet tall. Also when in a bathroom by himself, why not? No mess to deal with. I have no idea if he still does this and I'm not about to ask. :)

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Ok, this brings up a funny conversation I had a few months ago.


I have a friend that I see only twice a year. When he heard I was working on potty training my 3 year old, he pipes up with "You're teaching him to sit to pee, right?" This is a manly man kind of guy...works with logging and construction and stuff. He feels guys should sit because it makes less mess...can't stand the thought of pee spraying all over. And it does spray even if you can't see it.


I know another man who wipes after peeing to catch the dribbles.


Personally, I want my boys to sit and wipe but I'm losing that battle. DH thinks they need to stand because public bathrooms are gross and toilets may not be available, and thinks wiping is unnecessary for men when peeing only.

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We had some real challenges potty training my son and standing ended up working better. Now he only sits if he also needs to poop. I wish he would sit since we are having some interesting issues here - he tries to hit the "backdrop" or wants to "clean off" the rim. He also decided to kill a bug on the floor by peeing on it the other day. :glare:


We do ocassionally have a problem with little dd where pee shoots straight out when she's sitting on the potty.


I am so tired of the bathroom always smelling like pee and needing to be cleaned 10 times a day. :ack2:

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My son started by sitting, for a short period of time, when he was first potty-training, because he couldn't "aim" without making a mess. Once he had the hang of actually using a potty instead of a diaper, we started working on standing up like daddy and making sure to aim properly so that pee doesn't get on the floor, seat, walls, himself, etc.


Also, come to think of it, at first we used a small potty that came with a pee guard thing instead of the toilet and if he would have stood up above that and tried to aim down into it, I'm sure it would have made a mess. When he sat on it and was tucked behind the pee guard, it went right into the potty- no mess. :D


Then he moved to the regular toilet with one of those removable seats with handles that fit into it so that the toilet seat wouldn't be too big for him, and then we worked on standing up to pee. It wasn't a long process overall, really.

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I have three boys plus a husband. In my mind, kids become cable of using a paper towel to wipe something at about the same age they are potty trainable. I can't imagine feeling like it's my job to clean my husband's urine because he doesn't want to or thinks it's beneath him. I can't imagine doing that for 3, 6 or 10 year old boys either.


I do the majority of housework in this home and I don't mind - I consider it my job (though others help too). But I would draw the line at training boys that if you feel like spraying urine, some woman is going to follow behind you cleaning it up. Nope. I don't think that's fair to me, and I think it would be a disservice to them. And honestly, I think that when boys/men believe they will be cleaning up their own urine, they get pretty good at aiming. I'm always mystified by the "my bathrooms are gross because I have boys" thread. I live with 4 males, and I think they must have reasonable aim or a healthy respect for who is supposed to clean up his own urine. They don't sit - I'm pretty sure of that.

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Years and years ago when I worked in the day care I had the newly learning to potty boys sit backwards on the toilet. They faced the "right" direction for men and things naturally dropped low so messes weren't an issue. Generally by the end of spring the boys were using the stool and standing up.

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I have three boys plus a husband. In my mind, kids become cable of using a paper towel to wipe something at about the same age they are potty trainable. I can't imagine feeling like it's my job to clean my husband's urine because he doesn't want to or thinks it's beneath him. I can't imagine doing that for 3, 6 or 10 year old boys either.


I do the majority of housework in this home and I don't mind - I consider it my job (though others help too). But I would draw the line at training boys that if you feel like spraying urine, some woman is going to follow behind you cleaning it up. Nope. I don't think that's fair to me, and I think it would be a disservice to them. And honestly, I think that when boys/men believe they will be cleaning up their own urine, they get pretty good at aiming. I'm always mystified by the "my bathrooms are gross because I have boys" thread. I live with 4 males, and I think they must have reasonable aim or a healthy respect for who is supposed to clean up his own urine. They don't sit - I'm pretty sure of that.


I do have my son clean up his own messes (and DH evidently cleans any he makes) but he doesn't do that great of a job so I usually still have to do some. He also doesn't always tell me what he did and I find out mostly by the smell.


We also punish him when he does something deliberately but he's a stubborn little guy with really poor impulse control.

Edited by dottieanna29
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For us, urine is najis, or ritualistically impure. If urine is on his person, ds would have to clean that before he could perform any religious rituals (like the five daily prayers); and if it gets on his clothing, he has to change his clothes. Our boys sit and use water to clean, this is not unusual in the Muslim culture or in many cultures around the world. I haven't done a scientific study, lol, but my impression is that there is a smaller incidence of urinals in men's bathrooms where I'm living now. I can't even imagine a "group bathroom" or whatever, this is seen as an extremely private activity.


Dh did have someone at work as him once why he didn't use a urinal... not that it came up in the context of a general discussion of bathroom etiquette, but out of the blue -- what, was this guy watching him? :001_unsure:

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I have three boys plus a husband. In my mind, kids become cable of using a paper towel to wipe something at about the same age they are potty trainable. I can't imagine feeling like it's my job to clean my husband's urine because he doesn't want to or thinks it's beneath him. I can't imagine doing that for 3, 6 or 10 year old boys either.


Maybe you can train mine then. My 4yo still makes a mess if he pees standing up (and so does my 6yo for that matter, if he's sleepy). I personally don't want to use the toilet after they've peed on the seat and wiped it with only toilet paper and I'd spend a small fortune on disinfectant wipes if the seat was wiped down everytime a boy peed around here! If one of them makes a big mess they do have to clean it up, but then I go behind them and wipe everything down one more time to make sure it is clean. I mean, they are just 4 and 6.

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I have three boys plus a husband. In my mind, kids become cable of using a paper towel to wipe something at about the same age they are potty trainable. I can't imagine feeling like it's my job to clean my husband's urine because he doesn't want to or thinks it's beneath him. I can't imagine doing that for 3, 6 or 10 year old boys either.


I do the majority of housework in this home and I don't mind - I consider it my job (though others help too). But I would draw the line at training boys that if you feel like spraying urine, some woman is going to follow behind you cleaning it up. Nope. I don't think that's fair to me, and I think it would be a disservice to them. And honestly, I think that when boys/men believe they will be cleaning up their own urine, they get pretty good at aiming. I'm always mystified by the "my bathrooms are gross because I have boys" thread. I live with 4 males, and I think they must have reasonable aim or a healthy respect for who is supposed to clean up his own urine. They don't sit - I'm pretty sure of that.



:iagree: Thank you!! I, too always wonder why moms don't teach their children to clean up after themselves in the bathroom! Yuck. :001_huh:

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Dh did have someone at work as him once why he didn't use a urinal... not that it came up in the context of a general discussion of bathroom etiquette, but out of the blue -- what, was this guy watching him? :001_unsure:

That is weird. I had a lady at work ask me if I was pregnant because she noticed I used the bathroom a lot -- huh? Don't people have something better to keep tabs on?!


My husband says some men like to look, at urinals.


I am so glad to be a woman.

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I have not read all the reply's but I started with the standing until I came into the bathroom to find POO on the floor. He just could not grasp the concept that he had to do something different to go #2. So we switched to sitting all the time until he was about 3 1/2. Then one day he realized the difference and started to stand.

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I haven't read the whole thread, so sorry if I repeat something. But to me, aim has very little to do with it. Everyone sits in our household, as far as I know. :tongue_smilie: Even when grown men aim well, things still splatter. :glare: It's a natural part of liquids falling from a high elevation. Yuck.


Pre-kids, we briefly lived in my parents' home by ourselves and one of the toilets had white carpet around it. My dh is one of the cleanest, most hygienic person I know. He aimed fine, or at least tried to. And he always wiped the toilet afterwards. But all I had to do is show him all the yellow spots on that carpet and decided that sitting was a good idea.


And I don't understand the purpose of urinals. :glare: Just because someone can pee in front of others, why would they want to? Even living with all of these men has not led to me understanding everything about them. :lol:

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AFAIK, for most of their peeing, my dad and my husband sit. I'm teaching my son to sit for now. We'll also working on standing up for convenience sake. (peeing on the tire of the car when no bathroom is available, say). But sitting is so much easier on him and me.


And besides, see above re dad and husband. Nothing in my head leads me to believe there is something especially manly about standing.

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I guarantee your brothers and your dh have sat and pee'd before...do they stop in the middle of a BM and jump up? If not, then they have pee'd sitting down.


My boys don't wipe pee...they shake. They can do that whether they stand or sit. Most of the time, my boys stand to pee, but other times, they do sit. They decide that...not me. I never "taught" them HOW to pee...just WHERE to pee. LOL

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