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I hope this little boy is found safe.

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From today's press conference:







Kyron Horman's stepmother was the last known person to see the 7-year-old on the day that he disappeared, said Capt. Jason Gates, and authorities hope her photo might help jog the memories of other witnesses.



The discrepancy between this and previously released information that a witness had placed him in the school at 9am was not addressed.

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Supposedly Terry Horman (Kyron's stepmother) is supposed to take a second polygraph tomorrow.




Finster is a longtime friend of Horman's. I can't make heads nor tails of this part of the interview:


Horman told Finster, "I just don't know what's going on. This is what I did that day."


Finster said Horman had told Kyron's teacher the day before that she was taking the boy to the doctor on Friday, June 11, and gave the teacher paperwork to fill out related to the appointment.


Finster said that when Kyron didn't show up at the bus the afternoon of June 4, Horman talked to the teacher who said she thought that Horman had taken Kyron to the doctor that day. Horman told Finster that the child's teacher was new, in her first year of teaching, and was hard of hearing in one ear. "She doesn't know if she understood her," Finster said.

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Terrible. If she didn't do it, I hope the truth comes out QUICKLY for her sake. However, what they do have looks suspicious. First, I just can't get beyond that press conference behavior (but I would if I were a juror). But then to have evidence that she was lying about what she was doing, the whole teacher thing, etc? ick. But maybe she's having an affair (still immoral, but not murder at least!) and it's just an unfortunate misunderstanding. But right now, I just hope she comes clean. Stop the lies. If she was having an affair, for example, then she's holding up progress on finding Kyron because they are now worried about her. If she killed him, let the family grieve.

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is there any more news on the search for Kryon? I don't really care about the accusations/suspicions about the step-mom (and why not the birthmom?!? It seems just as weird if not weirder to live that far away from your child IMO... not that I suspect her, just saying you can find any # of reasons to suspect people, but it's not helping find the kid), I just want him to be found. I am just sick about this little boy. He reminds me so much of one of my sons at that age. I searched and found 2 clips on the today show (nbc) website and at the end of the second one, the reporter said that the search is being scaled back. It's heartbreaking.

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One of the earliest reports I read talked about a woman in a white pick-up that was seen twice in a desolate area during the school day, between the time they said that Kyron was dropped at school and when he was reported missing. The article interviewd a neighbor that saw the truck and he said it was odd because he saw her twice that day sitting in the truck and usually only people who lived in the area were on that road (or something similar). At the time I read the article, I had not seen anything indicating that the step-mother drove a white truck, but when I read that it gave me a chill. I haven't seen anything else in the news about that neighbor's report and I haven't found the original article again either, but I am wondering if it was on the island they have been searching (this was before they publicized that search so I hadn't heard the name of the island to make a connection to where the neighbor said he saw the woman in the truck). Being a step-mother myself, I had hoped that it wasn't her, but it looks more and more like there is at least reason to be suspicious of her.

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Oh no, that doesn't look good.


No, it doesn't.


One thing that struck me in an earlier article about the step-mother is that a teenaged boy in their household had moved out (the dad's from a previous marriage? I can't remember) in the spring. I hate to even "say" it out loud, but that combined with what was described as strange behavior about her obsession with her daughter made me wonder if she might be eliminating other children from their life. Did anyone else notice that?


My own step-mother saved my life, so I am totally pro step-parents, and that makes it hard for me to cast doubt on her. I also fully believe in the whole innocent until proven guilty thing, but I have to say that I did wonder.

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She had an obsession with her daughter? I hadn't heard that. What was said?





Not obsession. I should not have used that word. But she apparently sent out lots of photos of her daughter to (I think) her ex-husband and others, people she was not especially close to, and they were quoted discussing their surprise about that. It think those were supposed to be examples of her devotion to children in general. It was just a feeling I got from reading the article, that she was super focused on the daughter. I could have misread this, but I did get a sinking feeling about the boy moving out and nobody knowing why.

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Here's another article that does not look good for the step-mom:




The last part of the article says:

Terri Horman was served with the restraining order and divorce papers about 6 p.m. Monday.


Kaine Horman's petition for a restraining order, which must offer an explanation of why he feared his wife was a threat to himself and their daughter, was sealed by Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge Keith Meisenheimer. It was sought after Kyron's dad, as well as his mom and stepdad, had been "fully briefed by law enforcement on the on-going criminal investigation."


There were two 9-1-1 calls on Saturday from the Horman residence off Northwest Sheltered Nook Road.


The Bureau of Emergency Communications said the first call came in at 5:17 p.m. as a "threat" call. A sheriff's deputy responded. The second call was made at 11:39 p.m., regarding a "custody" issue, said Jacquie Carlson, dispatch spokeswoman.


The Multnomah County Sheriff's Office, citing the ongoing investigation, has declined to allow the release of the 9-1-1 audiotapes.


A group of local news organizations, including The Oregonian, has requested that the petition for the restraining order be made public.


The restraining order says the stepmom can have no parenting time with her 19-month-old and restricts her from possessing firearms.


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I hope he is found safe!


(Moving this higher in the page so it is easier to follow)


Regarding the landscaper: anyone who got approached about murder for hire months ago and only comes forward when there is press all over the place is someone I would not trust as far I as could spit. He may be telling the truth, but he could just be looking for some attention.

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(Moving this higher in the page so it is easier to follow)


Regarding the landscaper: anyone who got approached about murder for hire months ago and only comes forward when there is press all over the place is someone I would not trust as far I as could spit. He may be telling the truth, but he could just be looking for some attention.


I thought about that as well, but it doesn't sound like he came forward, but that the investigators are speaking with any and all who have had contact with the family over a certain amount of time. Of course, again I have to wonder WHY one wouldn't come forward immediately if someone approached you about murder for hire.

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(Moving this higher in the page so it is easier to follow)


Regarding the landscaper: anyone who got approached about murder for hire months ago and only comes forward when there is press all over the place is someone I would not trust as far I as could spit. He may be telling the truth, but he could just be looking for some attention.


That's what I was thinking too.


But I still think she did it.

Edited by Perry
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(Moving this higher in the page so it is easier to follow)


Regarding the landscaper: anyone who got approached about murder for hire months ago and only comes forward when there is press all over the place is someone I would not trust as far I as could spit. He may be telling the truth, but he could just be looking for some attention.


I wondered about that too. But maybe he didn't take her seriously at the time or maybe his conscience bothered him after the boy went missing.

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Do you think she has hidden him away, was hoping to have the husband murdered and was then going to take the boy from where he was hiding and start a new life somewhere? That is the feeling I get. I think she wanted out of the marriage but she loved her stepson and wanted to take him with her.

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I may be totally wrong but I can't get over the feeling that the step-mother is being made the scape goat.


Polygraphs only show stress and if the whole world thought I had harmed my son, I think my vitals would indicate stress when the topic came up. Maybe she is totally psycho, but what if she's not?


What if she is being wrongly accused? We only have one random guy's word that she allegedly tried to have her dh knocked off. Has anyone investigated the gardener? What if he did it and is covering his tracks? Really, what a crappy deal. You raise a child as if he is your own, volunteer in his school, take pictures of his projects, all the regular mom things.


Then he disappears, a random person accuses you of trying to kill your dh. Your dh believes the random guy instead of you, files divorce and a restraining order and takes your baby away. Then, in trial by media the rest of the world decides that since this random gardener is such a reliable person:glare: he must be right and then you must have also gotten rid of the child you raised, even thought there is no evidence or any indication of a motive.


If you are innocent, well, having your entire life destroyed might bring on a bit of stress.:001_huh:


Jaycee Dugard's stepfather was a person of interest in her case - we now know he had nothing to do with it.

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The part about hiring the landscaper to harm the boy gave me the chills.
She allegedly asked him to kill her husband, not Kyron. Kaine Horman has confirmed (via his request for a restraining order, and in a press conference) that the police hold the landscaper's story to be credible and informed him about it. There's been no official comment from the Sheriff's Office about the landscaper's story.
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Yeah, I can imagine stress would alter results. However, the MAJORITY of people taking a polygraph are in stressful situations! The biological parents have their kid out there SOMEWHERE, possibly dead. THAT is stressful. And most people who are honest pass the polygraph even though they were very nervous, stressed out, etc.


But I do feel for her if she IS innocent.


But then I think of things like the hubby and bio mom. These are people in a working relationship altogether with no real family issues going on that they are aware of. Terri took good care of the child as far as anyone is aware. And yet the bio mom felt something wasn't right pretty quickly. And dad couldn't trust his wife either. It would take something much more than some random guy making a statement for my hubby to turn on me!


And then there is the fact that Terri *IS* lying! She lied about a few things. Would you lie about ANYTHING if your child's life or safety was on the line? What *if* she were having an affair? Would covering her butt about THAT be more important than finding, ideally ALIVE, this child she's supposedly loved for YEARS? What if she went to a doctor for an abortion? Would covering her rear about THAT be more important than finding, again ideally ALIVE, this child? NOTHING would keep me from cooperating FULLY with authorities!


I just CANNOT respect this woman whether she is innocent or guilty because she is NOT doing what is in Kyron's (or his family's) best interest for some reason or another; but NO reason can compare to a SEVEN yr old being out there SOMEWHERE.

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I wondered about that too. But maybe he didn't take her seriously at the time or maybe his conscience bothered him after the boy went missing.

:iagree:I can't imagine taking someone seriously if they approached me in a 'murder for hire' scheme. I'd think they were bizarre, absolutely, but not serious. That kinda thing 'just doesn't happen' in my head, so perhaps the landscaper thought the same? Heck, my landscaper dh has been HIT on by women, and thought they were kidding (when they weren't), so I can see someone brushing it off.


Not only that, but I can also see thinking, "Who would believe me? I have no proof". And, assuming there aren't any actual hitmen in the area for hire, brushing it off.

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The test is not about stress per se but rather variance in how you react to stress. It measures the consistency of answers based on sample questions. For example, if asked, is your hair brown and you are nervous but it is in fact brown that provides a baseline for your own physiological responses to other questions. They are looking for variance. So is you were showing increased heart rate on mundane questions but steady, nary a spike on questions to which they did not know the answer they would rate the response as dishonest based on the non variance of physiological factors. Clear as mud?? There is a reason the results are not accepted in court. They are merely tools for the prosecution and defense to get the defendant in a state of mind to take a deal. There is no good ever that comes to those who take a test like this. If you pass they can still allege that you are a sociopath.....lying comes easy so no variance demonstrated on the polygraph.


I think that little boy is gone.

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Me too....I was surprised to hear one official say they were fairly certain the child is still alive. :confused:


What I had heard explained on our local news is that they thought that the stepmom wanted to get rid of the husband and then start a new life with this little boy who she loved (if you can say this kind of behavior is true love). So they think she stashed him somewhere. What I don't understand is why whoever is keeping him would continue to do so - unless she told him that the father was abusive or something and they are doing it out of a belief that they are keeping him safe. . .


But - even though I heard this speculation on the news, it is still just speculation until /unless the boy is found and more facts come out.

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totally off topic about the polygraph thing...


The body is wild. This instructor told me to hold out my arm. I did. He asked me my name and tried to push down my arm. Then he told me to answer a fake name when he asked me my name. I did while he pushed down my arm MUCH easier. We played with this for quite awhile. It's funny.


I'm sure SOME people could make there not be a difference, but it's worked with everyone I've done it with since.

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And then there is the fact that Terri *IS* lying! She lied about a few things. Would you lie about ANYTHING if your child's life or safety was on the line? What *if* she were having an affair? Would covering her butt about THAT be more important than finding, ideally ALIVE, this child she's supposedly loved for YEARS? What if she went to a doctor for an abortion? Would covering her rear about THAT be more important than finding, again ideally ALIVE, this child? NOTHING would keep me from cooperating FULLY with authorities!


I agree...Remember the little boy Adam Walsh? His mother did have an affair and she revealed that during the investigation even though it did not have anything to do with anyone who abducted the child. That is how a normal mother/step-mother would behave in those circumstances....

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What I had heard explained on our local news is that they thought that the stepmom wanted to get rid of the husband and then start a new life with this little boy who she loved (if you can say this kind of behavior is true love). So they think she stashed him somewhere. What I don't understand is why whoever is keeping him would continue to do so - unless she told him that the father was abusive or something and they are doing it out of a belief that they are keeping him safe. . .


But - even though I heard this speculation on the news, it is still just speculation until /unless the boy is found and more facts come out.

If this is the case, I wonder what she planned to do with his other set of parents?

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If you live in the Charleston ,West Virginia area please be on the look out for a 94 silver Ford van with no windows. The FBI has alerted the police in that area that Kyron maybe in that area. The van and boy were allegedly spotted at Advance Auto Parts on

Charleston's west side sometime Saturday night. If you spo...t the van please call 911






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The story says the request came from the FBI. It makes me wonder what info the FBI has that makes them think they should be looking for Kyron in other states. If they do have such evidence, that means there is a very real chance Kyron is still alive. I hope he is and will be found soon.


OTOH, I have been afraid for a while that his step-mom has known all along he wouldn't be coming home.

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The story says the request came from the FBI. It makes me wonder what info the FBI has that makes them think they should be looking for Kyron in other states. If they do have such evidence, that means there is a very real chance Kyron is still alive. I hope he is and will be found soon.


OTOH, I have been afraid for a while that his step-mom has known all along he wouldn't be coming home.


Doesn't the FBI get involved in most stranger kidnapping cases?

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