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Please pray for us --

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Dd2 (the 12yo) was just diagnosed with type 1 diabetes tonight. My dh has type 1 so this is not out of the blue, but....we will be spending the next few days at a hospital. She was given a BIT of insulin tonight and we were sent home to get some sleep.


Now, how to tell the big sis, who is starting final exams tomorrow.....


All of a sudden which college ds2 decides to go to is remarkably unimportant!


God has this all under control.

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I'm so sorry to hear this, Gwen. My daughter had a bone marrow transplant when she was seven, so I can definitely relate to that feeling of having your world turned upside down all of a sudden ... and realizing that all the things you were worried about up until the diagnosis were really pretty petty in comparison! I'll be praying for your DD and your family ... You are right, God IS in control, and I know you will see His hand in everything you are experiencing right now.

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And, such an overwhelming, life-changing event. Last night I turned in while my son was eating his usual bedtime carb snack feeling thankful that I wasn't worrying. What a change from those anxious first days and weeks when we were trying to find his "best" routine and I second-guessed every little thing.


I hope that your daughter is feeling better today, and that you are able to settle into a predictable routine quickly.


My prayers and best wishes,


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Thank you all for your prayers.


We went to the hospital this morning and were greeted by a wonderful super-friendly doctor who, since this was Saturday and the usual diabetes educators were at home, trained dd2 and dh and me.


The doctor was amazingly sweet, choosing insulins to match dh's and colors to NOT match dh's. She was a great teacher and made dd2 feel comfortable with the routine. We have been "educated" and let loose. I assume that if dh weren't diabetic we would have received MUCH more training, but we are off and running. Dd has given herself two shots -- it's a beginning.


God has been really good, blessing us in all kinds of ways. The sweetest thing was to come home and find two VERY worried big brothers. Neither admitted they were actually worried, but they were SO glad to see their sister home safe and sound! They wanted to hear ALL about everything. For the most part they ignore dh's routine, but they wanted to know ALL the details of their sister's!


The funniest thing -- the doctor homeschooled her own kids up through 7th grade, and she was DELIGHTED to find out that dd2 is homeschooled! She went on and on about how hard it is for ps kids who have to have the school nurse deal with everything actually take charge of their own regimen when they leave for college!


We're still a bit wibbly, but God has surprised us with some VERY unexpected blessings. I so appreciate your prayers. Thank you all!

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This is an intense time. I pray your daughter is feeling better soon and that your family finds a way to your "new normal."


One other thought--You may already be familiar with this option, but I would urge you to consider an insulin pump for your dd and dh. A friend of mine has been thriving with hers for years. She said it keeps her feeling much, much better more consistently. She also researched it quite a bit and was impressed with how well the pump seems to prevent more catastrophic diabetes complications down the road.



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Gwen, so sorry to hear your young daughter is suddenly thrust into this situation. It is fortunate for you all that Type I diabetes isn't an unknown entity; your learning curve will not be quite as steep as it was for my friend whose young daughter was diagnosed about a year ago. Trusting that the God who knows her intimately will hold her close as she adjusts to a new way of life.

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Dd2 (the 12yo) was just diagnosed with type 1 diabetes tonight. My dh has type 1 so this is not out of the blue, but....we will be spending the next few days at a hospital. She was given a BIT of insulin tonight and we were sent home to get some sleep.


Now, how to tell the big sis, who is starting final exams tomorrow.....


All of a sudden which college ds2 decides to go to is remarkably unimportant!


God has this all under control.


Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear your news, Gwen. My thoughts are with you and your daughter.



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Isn't it neat how God can work things out like this? what a testimony!


We'll keep praying that dd gets settled into things and doesn't have a hard time with the adjustment.


what a sweet blessing in the brothers too....sounds like you've got a great bunch there Gwen.


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Thank you all for your prayers.


We went to the hospital this morning and were greeted by a wonderful super-friendly doctor who, since this was Saturday and the usual diabetes educators were at home, trained dd2 and dh and me.


God has been really good, blessing us in all kinds of ways.

We're still a bit wibbly, but God has surprised us with some VERY unexpected blessings. I so appreciate your prayers. Thank you all!


Thanks for the update! Still praying.

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Praying for you, Gwen. The good news... yes there is some good news.... Since your dh is type 1, you guys already know the ropes. I can't begin to tell you how horrifying it was for us to have 17yodd diagnosed type 1 at age 7 and then we had to learn diabetes care from the ground up.


So sorry this has happened to your precious dd. Keep your faith. It's what got us through it.

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Praying for you. The little girl down the street (she is 12) was diagnosed at age 10 and her mom pulled her from public school to homeschool her (for strictly the reason that the elementary school didn't really want to deal with her, as she was the only diabetic in this school). The first six months or so was tough for the family as they started this new journey, but now it's more "old hat" and not as scary. They see doctors (of all types) more often for check ups of vision, circulation, etc. THis little one is on an insulin pump which is easier to deal with than shots (how she started out). They are "pros" on this now.


Praying! I know it's a big new journey that nobody would pick. Take it one day at a time. Make "getting through today" your goal. God's mercies are new each day, as our your challenges.

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Thank you all. I so apprciate the words of encouragement and caring.


Yes, we are definitely doing one day at a time. That's all I can deal with right now.


But dd is doing so well -- she is doing her own shots and proudly calculating how much insulin she needs and ..... It's still a game to her; the fact that his is her "new normal" hasn't hit yet, but at least she is handling it well so far!


I am amazed at all the younger diabetics out there. Dh, who has type 1 but didn't get it until he was 26, has met very few type 1 diabetics, so just hearing that there are others out there is encouraging.


We'll be going to a local support group meeting next week and hopefully meeting some others......


Thank you all.

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you all so much for your prayers.


This has been difficult, but God is good and I have learned so much about what an organized, put-together daughter I have!


She is in the Colonial Williamsburg Fife and Drum Corps (junior division for the moment), and of course during performances there isn't time for testing or snacking. She has studied how much her blood sugar drops, exactly what her target blood sugar should be before a performance, and even how much a certain # of carbs raises her blood sugar. (Did I say she is organized?) I am so proud and impressed and THANKFUL that she is so responsible. :001_smile:


The hardest moment has been when her older sister came home from college for a week. Watching dd1 for the first time watch dd2 giver herself a shot was something -- the pain in dd1's face was awful.


God has blessed us beyond imagining through this -- great doctors, people who reached out to us who I barely knew, and so much love.


Thank you all for your prayers and your support. :)

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