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S/O: What do you call the thing you put your groceries in?

What do you call the vehicle you put your groceries (or dc) in at the store?  

  1. 1. What do you call the vehicle you put your groceries (or dc) in at the store?

    • Shopping cart
    • Buggy
    • Wagon
    • Other. Please do share. Inquring minds want to know.

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We use shopping trolleys (or just trolleys) in South Africa.


I understand shoppping cart, but have never heard buggy or wagon. In Britian a buggy is a pushchair/pram/stroller (and there's another word that might need further analysis).


And while we're on the subject of trolley trivia - in South Africa shopping carts are easy to push, but when we moved to the Middle East, and later to Australia, we found that they always went sideways. This requires fairly complex co-ordination to get them to go where you want them too, and if you're on a slope, you're in real trouble. A friend with a more analytical mind than mine says it's because in South Africa only the front 2 wheels swivel, whereas in Australia all 4 wheels swivel. Fascinating stuff :001_smile:

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We use shopping trolleys (or just trolleys) in South Africa.


I understand shoppping cart, but have never heard buggy or wagon. In Britian a buggy is a pushchair/pram/stroller (and there's another word that might need further analysis).


And while we're on the subject of trolley trivia - in South Africa shopping carts are easy to push, but when we moved to the Middle East, and later to Australia, we found that they always went sideways. This requires fairly complex co-ordination to get them to go where you want them too, and if you're on a slope, you're in real trouble. A friend with a more analytical mind than mine says it's because in South Africa only the front 2 wheels swivel, whereas in Australia all 4 wheels swivel. Fascinating stuff :001_smile:

Ah you see, South Africa and New Zealand are obviously sensible countries who choose a far superior trolley to the Australian models, which do indeed travel sideways.

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I call it a grocery cart... I had to be difficult because shopping cart is just not right LOL


Well, that depends on if you are at a Super(insert store name here). You can get your electronics, car accessories, underclothes, shoes and milk and eggs all at the same time! That's what I call shopping! LOL :lol:


Oh, and it's a buggy.

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I call it a trolley :lol:

Shopping cart would also be understood. Buggies and wagons are both horse-drawn vehicles to me.


Another year or two on this forum and I'll be able to talk American if I ever get to go there :D

Edited by Hotdrink
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Ah you see, South Africa and New Zealand are obviously sensible countries who choose a far superior trolley to the Australian models, which do indeed travel sideways.


You will need to squash that into a heavily locked partition in your mind before they'll give you citizenship, you know. :toetap05:




Rosie- Expert trolley pusher. It requires manouvering room that supermarkets and car parks don't have though.


P.S One of you needs to import these superior contraptions.

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You will need to squash that into a heavily locked partition in your mind before they'll give you citizenship, you know. :toetap05:




Rosie- Expert trolley pusher. It requires manouvering room that supermarkets and car parks don't have though.


P.S One of you needs to import these superior contraptions.


:lol::lol::lol: Is the Australian government really so tense? I always thought they were fun-loving, easy-going mates down and under...you know?

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You will need to squash that into a heavily locked partition in your mind before they'll give you citizenship, you know. :toetap05:




Rosie- Expert trolley pusher. It requires manouvering room that supermarkets and car parks don't have though.


P.S One of you needs to import these superior contraptions.

Oh I can sing Advance Australia Fair with the best of them. That's all that's required isn't it? :D

Just don't EVER expect me to cheer for the Wallabies.

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Oh I can sing Advance Australia Fair with the best of them. That's all that's required isn't it? :D


Yup! "Australians all are ostriches!" Nothin' to it.


Just don't EVER expect me to cheer for the Wallabies.
Who are they? Eek! Will they strip my citizenship for being un-Australian? :eek:


Yes Liz, our government is uptight. Aren't all governments? It's pretty funny watching the old guys pretend they are fun loving and easy going though. I think you know they are fun loving and easy going by how often they appear on the news in tracksuits, doing interviews in the middle of their morning constitutional.




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It's a shopping cart to me. I was thrown for a loop at a Kroger when I worked for them though. They are called bascarts. I remember when the supervisor asked me if I had looked in the bottom of the bascart and I was like "Uh, what are you talking about?". She pointed to the shopping cart and I was like "Oh the shopping cart." She shook her head no and said "It's a bascart here." Weirdest name I've ever heard for it.

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From the west and always called them carts. All of our parking lot returns say something like "please return carts here". If you call them a buggy or wagon, what does the sign in the parking lot say? If I google cart return I get all kinds of pictures that look like our grocery story parking lot but if I put in buggy return I get Amish horse and buggy pictures :001_huh:.


eta: I do get a few "please return trolley here" if I put in trolley return

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Ellie, I have recently discovered that for 4.99 a week, I can order all my groceries online. I use the store's weekly specials and recipes on my own computer. I can set a window of time and arrive at the store to pick up my groceries. I don't even have to get out of the car. Someone else has shopped for me, bagged them, and will bring them out, put them in the back, and scan my credit card. It's the best.


So my days of pushing "shopping carts" are over.

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I learned very quickly as a young girl working in our convenience store never to ask the male customers if they wanted a bag. Most times you would get a lewd comment. (Yes of course, even to the young teen girls)

It is always 'sack'.



Shopping carts here on the Northcoast.

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