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Mothers Day?

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I would love to have one of those silver and gold Roman numeral rings commemorating a special date (for me it would be my baptism, but some may like their anniversary or some other significant event).


ETA - This is a wish, not my expectation! Joanne's request is one I'd be quite thrilled to receive. But if all I get is not having to clean up the kitchen myself, I'll be a happy clam.

Edited by AuntieM
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$$ for homeschooling books, art supplies, etc. ;) I would love (for myself) a houseplant, a homemade card or a walk in the local botanical gardens. I am not holding my breath, however, for dh is not the most gift- giving dh in the world. If I want something for Mother's Day, I have a feeling that I'll have to buy it for myself. :tongue_smilie: Sigh...

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My birthday was Wednesday...it always falls so close to Mother's Day...so I feel a little guilty. All I ever tell dh is "don't make me cook or clean." He is very good about this :001_wub: We used to do dinner out on my birthday and dinner out on Mother's Day, however, that is getting a little expensive and I hate waiting with all the crowds at the restaurants after church. So last year and this year we ate out big for my birthday and we'll just run through drive-thru on Sunday. Dh will take care of dinner for the kids Sunday night.


I already got a Vera Wang Hipster, make-up bag, and case for my straightner, that dh picked out on his business trip for my birthday. I was totally surprised. So I don't expect gifts for Mother's Day.


If we had unlimited expenses, I'd want a Kindle or a patio set.

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I asked for my car to be cleaned and washed..no such luck.


Its Mothers Day here today. I got flowers from dh, a car from ds14 and a painting from dd15.


I always think Mothers Day is more of a token kind of present, and just an acknowledgement of the value of mothering- time, visiting mothers, phonecalls, that sort of thing. Its flower season here- our autumn rains bring the flowers out. So Mothers Day is usually just flowers.

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Dh went a bit overboard, as it's my first Mother's Day, so I got:


"vintage" studio portraits of just me and Keaton

an engraved heart/birthstone necklace from Things Remembered

a digital picture frame


dinner out

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It's hard to get it across to a 9yr old, but I don't enjoy money being spent on things I don't really, really need or want. I got new flannel PJs and a box of those individual sachets of Vanilla Latte coffees from Nestle. And my husband picked roses from the garden. Perfect for me, although I did also mention that good behavior would be most appreciated and the kids (9 and 3) had 2 screaming fights and dd woke me up from a nap while being noisy with her friends. But mostly dh did an excellent job keeping them out of my hair most of the day, which is the ultimate Mother's Day gift, to be honest.

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I just get my own gifts. I know that may take the fun out of it for many, but DH seems to not get the one I asked for (thinks he does), etc....and it just makes it easier.


I ordered earrings for Mother's Day this year. :D I am also getting some scrapbook supplies. I am ordering those too.

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I bought myself a set of Chuck, Season 2 DVD's. :D


I was going to have one of the kids click "buy" but when I saw the price going up, thought it best to take care of it myself. I know, it wasa cheap thing to do.


I've been rethinking this buy your own MD gift strategy after a conversation I had with my 16yo. He was telling me that his guy friends were all talking about going out shopping for their moms, while he informed him that I'd taken care of it myself. Hmmmm....

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