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What my kids learned at co-op today

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ICUP (say the name of each letter out loud, not in front of anyone important!;))


The following song, which has been sung all day at the top of their four sets of lungs:


Joy to the world, Barbie's dead,

We barbequed her head!

Don't worry about her body,

We flushed it down the potty!

It went round and round again,

Round and round again!

And round and round and round again!

(Just like a Cheerio!)

:o :leaving:

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The neighbor boys taught my kids the ICUP thing. They were thrilled for about a week and seem to have forgotten it. I once confided to DH that I have a secret fear that someday when someone asks me if I worry about my kids missing out by not attending PS, I'll answer that they may go through life not knowing the beloved Christmas tune "Jingle Bells, Batman Smells." Then again, maybe they'll learn it at co-op.:D

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The neighbor boys taught my kids the ICUP thing. They were thrilled for about a week and seem to have forgotten it. I once confided to DH that I have a secret fear that someday when someone asks me if I worry about my kids missing out by not attending PS, I'll answer that they may go through life not knowing the beloved Christmas tune "Jingle Bells, Batman Smells." Then again, maybe they'll learn it at co-op.:D


My kids learned it from Barenaked for the Holidays and I'm afraid they have, indeed, taught it to most of the kids we know. Sorry!

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Our songs are about Barney the Purple dinosaur.


Joy to the world, Oh Barney's dead,

We barbequed his head!

We flushed him down the potty!

Forget about his toes

we stuffed them up his nose

Round and round and round he goes!



ABCDEFG Barney is my enemy

Stuck a rifle up his nose

Pulled the trigger, there he goes

ABCDEFG Barney is my enemy


Yes, TOP of the lungs in unison. When I asked my children where they heard these lovely diddies they happily replied that it was at the homeschool Valentines Party.:001_huh::lol:

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Our songs are about Barney the Purple dinosaur.


Joy to the world, Oh Barney's dead,

We barbequed his head!

We flushed him down the potty!

Forget about his toes

we stuffed them up his nose

Round and round and round he goes!



ABCDEFG Barney is my enemy

Stuck a rifle up his nose

Pulled the trigger, there he goes

ABCDEFG Barney is my enemy


Yes, TOP of the lungs in unison. When I asked my children where they heard these lovely diddies they happily replied that it was at the homeschool Valentines Party.:001_huh::lol:



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I once confided to DH that I have a secret fear that someday when someone asks me if I worry about my kids missing out by not attending PS, I'll answer that they may go through life not knowing the beloved Christmas tune "Jingle Bells, Batman Smells." Then again, maybe they'll learn it at co-op.:D


Come on over to ours, we'll lern 'em for ya!

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See, hsed kids are socialized!:lol::lol:


My dd came home from hs PE singing the "I'm a barbie girl" song.


I have personally taught them :


- "Jingle bells, Batman smells"


- I'm rubber, you're glue....


- Spell PIG backward and say funny


- The complete awesomeness of Tom Petty and Weezer


Although, I was quite disappointed during a star study when we covered "Betelgeuse" and they didn't repeat the name 3 times. I have some catching up to do.

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My kids brought home:


I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world.

My boobs are plastic, it's fantastic!


My dd learned it this way,


I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world.

Life is so fantastic, when you're made of plastic.


Which IMO is not as bad. My kids hear many of these type of songs from the neighbors or their cousins. They learned a lot of potty jokes while at a cub scout campout that is made of homeschoolers. :tongue_smilie:

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I have personally taught them :


- "Jingle bells, Batman smells"


- I'm rubber, you're glue....


- Spell PIG backward and say funny


- The complete awesomeness of Tom Petty and Weezer





I personally taught my kids this one...


I see England, I see France,

I see William's underpants.


Of course my dh said, "What were you thinking?" I wish I hadn't especially when I hear them repeating it in front of other kids.

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Kids, gotta love 'em!


My 9 year old cracks herself up by reciting the alphabet, but skipping over and not saying the letter "P."


Then at the end she goes: "Where'd the P go? Running down my leg!" I have to strongly discourage her from teaching it to my four year old, but I think it's already too late.

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Our songs are about Barney the Purple dinosaur.


Joy to the world, Oh Barney's dead,

We barbequed his head!

We flushed him down the potty!

Forget about his toes

we stuffed them up his nose

Round and round and round he goes!



ABCDEFG Barney is my enemy

Stuck a rifle up his nose

Pulled the trigger, there he goes

ABCDEFG Barney is my enemy


Yes, TOP of the lungs in unison. When I asked my children where they heard these lovely diddies they happily replied that it was at the homeschool Valentines Party.:001_huh::lol:


Ah yes, Barney.


I hate you, you hate me

Lets all go and kill Barney

With a metal bat and a two by four

No more purple dinosaur!





Y'know, I still remember my little brother coming home from Beaver camp and teaching us this lovely little song at the dinner table:


Great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts

mutiliated monkeys meat

little birdies dirty feet..

Great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts



The last line must be YELLED of course. ;)

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Ah yes, Barney.


I hate you, you hate me

Lets all go and kill Barney

With a metal bat and a two by four

No more purple dinosaur!





Well, I've shared this with my daughter and she was thrilled! Her remark was "that's genius"! She has relatively low standards for excellence.:rolleyes:

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Great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts

mutiliated monkeys meat

little birdies dirty feet..

Great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts



The last line must be YELLED of course. ;)


You forgot the YUM! YUM! at the end. Dd came back from ps with that one.

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Great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts

mutiliated monkeys meat

little birdies dirty feet..

Great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts



The last line must be YELLED of course. ;)


You forgot the YUM! YUM! at the end. Dd came back from ps with that one.


Nope, the *real* last line (from the playground in my 4th or 5th grade class as a child) is "but I've got my straw.....SLURP!":D

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Dh teaches the kids those songs. I guess he figures they would be missing out other wise.


So far they know Deck the Halls with Heads of Barney, I'm Looking Over My Dead Dog Rover, and Constipation by Wierd Al. There are others but I have blocked them out of my memory.

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You forgot the YUM! YUM! at the end. Dd came back from ps with that one.


Nope, the *real* last line (from the playground in my 4th or 5th grade class as a child) is "but I've got my straw.....SLURP!":D



Darn regional dialects!

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Great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts

mutiliated monkeys meat

little birdies dirty feet..

Great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts



The last line must be YELLED of course. ;)


You forgot the YUM! YUM! at the end. Dd came back from ps with that one.


I'm the one who taught this to my kids! :tongue_smilie:

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Y'know, I still remember my little brother coming home from Beaver camp and teaching us this lovely little song at the dinner table:


Great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts

mutiliated monkeys meat

little birdies dirty feet..

Great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts



The last line must be YELLED of course. ;)


I learned the fourth line as "French-fried frog eyes rolled up in camel snot."


When I was 15, my best friend and I entertained our 4 younger siblings on a long car trip by making up 4 more verses, including one about dessert! :DI hope I can find my notebook where I wrote them down so they can be preserved for posterity! The only line I remember at the moment is "bobcat brownies with chewy-chocolate-chicken-chunks."

Edited by AndyJoy
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The variations from region to region or school to school, etc. are interesting. Here are two I remember:


I hate you, you hate me,

Let's hang Barney from a tree.

With a great big thump now

Barney's on the floor.

No more purple dinosaur.


(Unfortunately, I had a purple coat with green lining in 5th grade so this song was often sung AT me.)


Deck the halls with gasoline.

Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.

Light a match and watch it gleam.

Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.

Burn the school right down to ashes.

Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.

Aren't you glad we play with matches?

Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!

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My 11yr.old dd has a dance that goes with this one.


I like big bubbles and I can not lie

Laugh when it pops in my eye

When I laugh then I choke

When I choke then I die

Then it all starts over and I don't know why.


My husband is one of those that comes up with different lyrics to any song. He didn't come up with that one but he couldn't hide his pride when she first sang it to him. :glare: I just keep telling myself that if that's the most undesirable behavior she ever exhibits I should count myself truly blessed.

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I learned all those in grade school. Here is my favorite...sang to the tune of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen." *ahem*


The restroom door said gentlemen

So I just walked inside

Took two steps then realized I'd been taken for a ride

I heard high voices, turned around

The place was occupied

By two nuns, three old ladies and a nurse

What could be worse

Than two nuns, three old ladies, and a nurse


The restroom door said gentlemen

It must have been a gag

As soon as I stepped in there

I bumped into some old hag

She sprayed me with a can of mace and hit me with her bag

I could tell this just wouldn't be me day

What can I say

This just wasn't turning out to be my day


The restroom door said gentlemen and I would like to find

That crummy little creep who had the nerve to switch the signs

Cause I have two black eyes and one high heel up my behind

Oh, I'll never sit with comfort and joy

Boy oh boy

No, I'll never sit with comfort and joy


It took me 9 hours of singing it over and over and over and over as my mom, grandparents, a friend and I drove to florida. Oh yeah, they were THRILLED.


Did I mention, it was also the middle of summer?


Gotta love being a kid!!


Oh...and in the spirit of ICUP...


m r pigs

m r not pigs



m r pigs

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I must be really twisted, as I'm laughing so hard that I have tears running down my face! I thought I couldn't laugh any harder than when I first heard the kids singing the Barbie song (somehow, I missed that one in childhood!), but I definitely can now.



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My kids learned a lot of these from schooled friends and homeschooled friends.

And some from me.


Their favorite for weeks was to walk up to someone and tell them that their epidermus is showing. Cracked themselves up every time.

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ABCDEFG Barney is my enemy

Stuck a rifle up his nose

Pulled the trigger, there he goes

ABCDEFG Barney is my enemy


Yes, TOP of the lungs in unison. When I asked my children where they heard these lovely diddies they happily replied that it was at the homeschool Valentines Party.:001_huh::lol:


My boys learned this at their co-op too! Drove me nuts for 2 weeks straight.

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Ah yes, Barney.




Great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts

mutiliated monkeys meat

little birdies dirty feet..

Great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts



The last line must be YELLED of course. ;)


No, no, no, it's actually:


Boys are made of gooshy goshy gopher guts,

Mishy mashed up monkey meats,

Contaminated pigeon feet!

French fried eyeballs broiled to a crisp in blood...

Ain't that a tasty dish?

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Ah yes, Barney.


Great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts

mutiliated monkeys meat

little birdies dirty feet..

Great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts



The last line must be YELLED of course. ;)


Ok, jumping in here with the way we learned it in girl scout camp:


Great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts

Mutilated monkey meat

Little bloody birdy feet

French fried eyeballs rolling in a frying pan

And I forgot my spoon


So they gave me...


Fresh fish, Spit on top

Monkey vomit and camel snot

Potato chips dipped in dooooo-dooooooooooo

Eat it (insert person next to you's name), it's good for you!


:tongue_smilie: :D

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Well....I learned it like this:

Great, green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts,

Marmeladed monkey butts,

Itsy-bitsy birdie turds,

French-fried eyeballs swimming in a pool of blood,

We forgot our spoons...

Oh, no, we'll have to suck it up through straws,

Slurp, slurp! Yum Yum!


(I'd have to admit I prefer the other versions posted--I could do without butts and turds now that I'm the mother!)


I was being silly one time and sang it for the kids...dh about fell off his chair that *I* would be the one to introduce this to them! (I'm the one who gets all bent out of shape over burping at the table). Of course, I regretted it as they started to copy me. What was I thinking?!?

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LIB=Well, I'll be!


I taught my children this one:


There's a place in France

Where the naked ladies dance

There's a hole in the wall

Where the men see it all....


What was I thinking?


My daughter came home from 3rd grade singing this one:


Oh, Christmas Tree! Oh, Christmas Tree!

Why did you fall on me?

You broke my arm, you broke my back

You gave my mom a heart attack

Oh, Christmas Tree! Oh, Christmas Tree!

Why did you fall on meeee?


Then there's the old classic:


How dry I am

How wet I'll be

If I don't find

The bathroom key...



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