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I think I found our big fork and spoon

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My quote at the bottom is about not letting a suitcase full of cheese becoming our big fork and spoon. That's from an episode of Everyone Loves Raymond. Ray and his wife refused to move a suitcase from the stairs and each would pass it each day. I think Ray put a stinky cheese in it but they both still refused to move it. The mil told the story of the big wooden fork and spoon on the wall in her kitchen and how she hated them. It became a power struggle with her husband. So she gave the advice of the suitcase not becoming the same issue.


I am normally a very easy going person in the kitchen. If I make dinner(which is most nights) I still clean up the pots and pans and dishes. If dh makes dinner I usually wind up cleaning the kitchen which is fine. I do wonder how he uses twice the amount of pans as me but it's fine. I also wonder how he makes such a mess.


A couple nights ago, dh made dinner while I was purging the kids clothes and pulling out the spring stuff. He used several pans and the George Foreman grill. I cleaned up after dinner but the grill just ticked me off. I've showed him numerous times that if he places a wet soapy towel on the grill when it's still warm it cleans so easily. Each time he uses it he doesn't that what I showed him. So then I clean it later after it's caked on.


I finished the dishes but left the grill unfinished. I made dinner yesterday and cleaned up the dishes. But the grill was still undone from the night before. I know I'll have to clean it today because I don't it want to attract bugs. I really don't want to clean it though. I may have to ban dh from using it if he can't clean up afterwards.


I know it's such a small thing but it really irritates me. I am grateful that I have a wonderful spouse that helps out around the house. But he often makes such a mess while helping. Ugh. Please send me some good thoughts.

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Oh, there are flippin' big forks, spoons and suitcases just flung all over my house, lol. The major one right now is a recliner that the cats and kids have destroyed. Dh has replaced it with a nice recliner, but there the shabby blue one still sits, waiting for the dump fairy to come and take it away.



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LOL! Mine is "garbage vs. recycling". I mean, how hard can it be to remember that junk mail goes in the recycle bin?


For my husband, it is tying the garbage sack onto the kitchen wastebasket really tightly. He hates it when it sags and stuff gets between the sack and the can. One night he had a tutorial for us. Now if I start to forget, the kids remind me to do it or "Dad will get really grumpy and make us have a lesson in how to do it!"


Neither of these are things we walk by but they are definite issues in our house!

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Just a hint on the Foreman Grill... You can heat it back up and put the wet soapy paper towel in it, and it will make it easier to clean. I have to do that because my DH forgets, too.

I do something like the same thing...I take my soapy dishrag, lay it in the griller and turn the thing on for just a minute or two. After a minute or two more, it wipes out as easily as it would have when it's "freshly used".


But to the OP, I see your point, and I'm sorry that you have to clean the griller at all. It annoyed me so much that I finally ditched my old one and bought one with removable plates.

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Our big fork and spoon is the cleaning of closets. My husband likes closets to be CLEAN, but the way he goes about it drives me straight up the wall.


Everything comes out of two or three closets at a time. Towels, sheets, blankets, coats, sporting equipment, cleaning supplies etc. are stacked on chairs and counters or piled on the floor around the house.

He'll wipe down the walls and shelves, then vacuum the floor of the closet.

That's it. He closes the door and he's done.


Never in our 13 years of marriage has he ever put away a single thing he's taken out of the closet. :glare:

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My husband never closes a drawer or pushes in a chair completely. Leaves drawers open an inch and chairs out just a few inches. Drives me nuts; I mean, if you can get it that far... ??


Stinky cheese/bfas is my favorite Raymond episode. :D

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Hands down my favorite episode of that show. Every married couple has a "Big fork and spoon." We actually had a suitcase that was left out for weeks because HE did not put it away. When we first got married, we bought the ugliest couch because neither one of us wanted to admit we were wrong. (We casually mentioned in passing that it looked nice. How we ended up with that thing is beyond me.) And the shoes! The shoes that my dear, sweet, wonderful husband leaves EVERYWHERE! I will make a production of tripping over them thinking maybe he will get the hint, but nope. Of course, it doesn't help matters that dh and I could be world champs at stubbornness.

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This is a great thread! Ours would have to be him leaving out the container after he has poured himself a drink. Always! Just lets the milk, juice, lemonade or anything else out on the counter for me to put away. I think he would say mine is leaving my socks around the house. Because of my psorisis I change my socks often during the day and I'm bad at picking up the dirty ones after I change them!


It's funny how each person has their own little things. I know that if I want my husband happy at night the family room should be picked up. I can clean the rest of the house and do tons of laundry, but if the family room is a mess in his mind I haven't done anything. The reverse is true also, the rest of the house can look like a hurricane went through it and he won't notice as long as the family room is picked up.


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I sympathize with the grill cleaning. I have a similar BFAS with pots and pans in general. I am the only person in the household who understands that soaking a pan does no good at all unless you fill the pan all the way up! :glare: Over and over and overandoverandover again, I've told each and every family member this, but over and over, they don't do it right. Everyone, including dh, puts and inch or two of water in the bottom, leaving the rest of the pan to turn into Mashed Potato Mortar. Soak it all or don't bother! :glare:

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Just a hint on the Foreman Grill... You can heat it back up and put the wet soapy paper towel in it, and it will make it easier to clean. I have to do that because my DH forgets, too.


I know, I know. That's how I clean it AFTER he leaves it. But it just aggravates me. If he would leave the wet rag in it-I would just come in and clean it right away.


It cracks me up, all of the fork and spoons that we have here. I'm glad I'm not being petty all by myself-LOL


And yes- the grill is still not clean. Dh made lunch for us after we came back from a doctor's appointment. He MOVED the grill to the side but it's still dirty. Sigh. I'll clean it after he leaves for work. I may have to put a sticky note on it saying that you may not use it unless you clean it.

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One of our BFAS is his lunch. Kid you not.


He expected that I should make his lunch after we were married. He didn't ask me, mind you, or even tell me. It was an internal mind meld he expected, that I would just *know* and do it.


When he finally DID say something, he was all ticked that I hadn't been making it. For me, I thought he was nuts. First, ticked about something I didn't know about, and 2nd...He's an adult, fully capable...WHY should I be making his lunch? We were both working.


Anyways, since then I've gone through phases of making his lunch, after he told me that it made him feel important and loved. Problem is, now that I have RSD, there are nights when I'm in bed before the kids, and can barely manage to focus through the pain to get TO bed...let alone make a lunch. Other thing is, I FORGET. Wolf's had times of being unemployed, so its not just a routine when he's been off work for several months in the year. I asked him to remind me. I don't mind doing it, but if you see that I haven't, please, for pity sakes REMIND me.


Found out this am that apparently needing to be reminded is a grave insult.



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Oh, I miss Raymond! I have finally (married 10 years) moved past my irritation over my husband squeezing the toothpaste from the middle of the tube and setting a new roll of tp on the shelf next to the holder instead of replacing the empty one, but his dang shoes drive me crazy! He will leave no less than 5 pairs in the living room at one time. He is a firefighter and paramedic at 2 different services so he has a pair of boots for each, he has working in the yard tennis shoes and going to town tennis shoes, he has church shoes and crocs for hanging around in the house plus the boots he wears when he is clearing the tree line. :glare:

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My husband never closes a drawer or pushes in a chair completely. Leaves drawers open an inch and chairs out just a few inches. Drives me nuts; I mean, if you can get it that far... ??


Stinky cheese/bfas is my favorite Raymond episode. :D



OMG!! Are we married to the same man?! My dh never used to do this, but for some reason, about five years ago he totally 'forgot' how to close a drawer completely!! Just yesterday, I had to finish closing four of the five drawers on his dresser. They were all sticking out 1-4 inches. :confused:


I also love that episode of Raymond. I haven't seen too many of them, but that one is priceless!!!

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LOL at this thread! Glad I'm not the only one! My husbands thing that drives me crazy is when he gets medicine out of the little shrink wrap he never throws it away! He justs leaves it on the counter....he also never throws away his napkin. He just leaves it on the plate next to the sink.


I on the other hand never close a cabinet all the way and that drives him crazy so I guess we are even!:)

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Mine is that when a dog or cat has vomited on the carpet, he folds up a paper towel and lays it on top of the puddle. If there's chunks, he'll pick them up first and then lay the paper towel on the wet puddle. But he does not apply cleaner or do any kind of scrubbing to clean it. Some time later, I find the folded up paper towel and now dry stain on the carpet.

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Oh, there are flippin' big forks, spoons and suitcases just flung all over my house, lol. The major one right now is a recliner that the cats and kids have destroyed. Dh has replaced it with a nice recliner, but there the shabby blue one still sits, waiting for the dump fairy to come and take it away.




Put it on Freecycle. Someone will love it!

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I don't know if there is enough room here. I think part of our problem is that I was a total slob when we married. I was never required to do chores. I think the only thing I really did growing up was occasionally dishes and the dog poo. I really liked the dog and it got me outside I guess. My mother's only requirement for cleanliness was a fire path from bed to door and bed to window.


The more children I have the more I crave clean. I was horrible this pregnancy. I was too sick to clean and it drove me nuts.


He wasn't really messy or anything, but he does have ADD. So, he doesn't remember to do a lot of little things AND they all add up to big things.


We lurve Raymond. That show is hilarious.

Edited by Hausunterricht
stoopit spelling
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Our big fork and spoon is the cleaning of closets. My husband likes closets to be CLEAN, but the way he goes about it drives me straight up the wall.


Everything comes out of two or three closets at a time. Towels, sheets, blankets, coats, sporting equipment, cleaning supplies etc. are stacked on chairs and counters or piled on the floor around the house.

He'll wipe down the walls and shelves, then vacuum the floor of the closet.

That's it. He closes the door and he's done.


Never in our 13 years of marriage has he ever put away a single thing he's taken out of the closet. :glare:


I am so thankful to know that your dh does this also!!! It drives me NUTS when my dh does this!! Now I know I am not alone! <3

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I'm so glad to know I'm not alone! We just had a BFAS tiff tonight because I'm so sick of DH taking the sink strainer thing filled with gunk/bits OUT of the drain cavity but leaving it somewhere else in the sink (because it's impeding the water flow, of course) and then walking away or preparing a messy meal. So then not only do I get to clean the now-dried gunk out of the strainer, but I also get the honor of picking out all the little bits now trapped in the bottom of the drain itself :glare: He swears he doesn't do it, but it disgusts me every time I find it, and I've seen it happen at his mother's house a million times *barf* My other favorites are the empty containers that make it aaaaaalmost all the way to the recycling bin but stall out just in front, on the edge of the table, or the empty containers that just get left on the counter, like the milk cartons that sit all day until I finally spot them, open them to rinse, and get treated to a big poof of spoiled milk gases *sigh*


Though yes, I'm sure the man has a BFAS list of his own, and I'm sure I'll hear about them tonight (hair left in the tub? falling asleep on the couch? laundry that never makes it back up from the laundry room? :lol:).

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I am so thankful to know that your dh does this also!!! It drives me NUTS when my dh does this!! Now I know I am not alone! <3



I was sure it was a quirk he inherited from his mother (the only clean parts of her house are the insides of her closets. ;) )

Wait! Maybe our husbands are related. :D

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Me, too. Until I imagined our husbands' BFAS thread. :001_huh:


Eeek! That wouldn't be as fun :lol:


Ours was the "Great Garbage Stand-off" that happened a few years back. Dh hates taking out the garbage, I felt like he should be responsible for SOMETHING around the house (and I was tired of lugging those big bags down the driveway). It went on for about two months... with all of the bags tossed into the huge heap in the backyard... I couldn't take it any longer so I asked for his credit card and went and bought myself the nicest big wheeled trash can that I can easily roll down the driveway with almost no effort. That ended the stand-off and it has never been a problem since. My friends tell me that I shouldn't have let him win so easily, but I at least I made him pay for it ;).

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