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Please pray for my husband, justwent to ER with chest pain

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Please pray for my husband Bill. He has had mild chest pain for 3 days and was awoken with sharp pain in chest. He just left for the ER (it's 3blocks away) This man will NEVER see a doctor unless he feels it's serious....please pray I am so afraid and crying right now. He is 45 and has a VERY stressful job.


Thank you



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Thank you for the prayers...I know I wont sleep tonight. I am just so scared for him. Like I said, he does NOT ever go to the doctor unless HE feels it's serious. He's no hypochondriact. we just lost his friend age 46 to a heart attack this past Nov. They are both Police Lt.'s very stressful job and his hours are lousy 3pm to 3am adding more stress on his body,

so just keep praying, and i'll update when I can

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Thanks for the prayers! He came home and they said it all looked NORMAL! They did an EKG, blood test and x-ray. Tomorrow he has a stress test done. We don't know what was causing the pain. Stress?

a pulled muscle?? We are still concerned, but at least for now, no heart attack!

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Please pray for my husband Bill. He has had mild chest pain for 3 days and was awoken with sharp pain in chest. He just left for the ER (it's 3blocks away) This man will NEVER see a doctor unless he feels it's serious....please pray I am so afraid and crying right now. He is 45 and has a VERY stressful job.


Thank you



:grouphug: Just went through this with my own dh 3 weeks ago. Take a deep breath.


Next time don't let him drive. My husband started having additional pain and symptoms on the drive and had to call 911. Nothing more disconcerting that having a 911 operator call YOU and say, "Your husband made it safetly to the ER despite the heart attack like symptoms he began having. He's being taken care of now at ________. " :001_huh:

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Having a dh who lost his dad to a heart attack (therefore making dh more likely to have one sometime in his life), I totally understand the fears. The good news is that most major heart attacks are pretty fast. His dad had symptoms for a day and died very suddenly. For someone who has had pain for 3 days, if he has had a heart attack, I pray it was a mild one.

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:grouphug: Just went through this with my own dh 3 weeks ago. Take a deep breath.


Next time don't let him drive. My husband started having additional pain and symptoms on the drive and had to call 911. Nothing more disconcerting that having a 911 operator call YOU and say, "Your husband made it safetly to the ER despite the heart attack like symptoms he began having. He's being taken care of now at ________. " :001_huh:

I KNOW, I will never let him drive himself again, if it happens again, did they find anything out with your dh? What happened?

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Thanks for the prayers! He came home and they said it all looked NORMAL! They did an EKG, blood test and x-ray. Tomorrow he has a stress test done. We don't know what was causing the pain. Stress?

a pulled muscle?? We are still concerned, but at least for now, no heart attack!


Keep and eye on him and please don't hesitate to go back or to another ER if he continues to have the pain. I won't explain why, because my intent is not to scare you, but please don't ignore anything that seems serious. Still praying for answers for you and your dh!

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Having a dh who lost his dad to a heart attack (therefore making dh more likely to have one sometime in his life), I totally understand the fears. The good news is that most major heart attacks are pretty fast. His dad had symptoms for a day and died very suddenly. For someone who has had pain for 3 days, if he has had a heart attack, I pray it was a mild one.

Oh how horrible for your dh! Luckily both of us do NOT have any heart issues on either side, but I know that does not matter! It just sometimes eases the worrying.

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Keep and eye on him and please don't hesitate to go back or to another ER if he continues to have the pain. I won't explain why, because my intent is not to scare you, but please don't ignore anything that seems serious. Still praying for answers for you and your dh!

No, we won't ignore anything. I know that the tests he had only showed there was no heartattack. There could still be blockages, whatever..is that what you are implying? I studied to be a nurse. I know somethings, so you can explain why, I'm sure you wont scare me, just make me better informed

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Thanks for the prayers! He came home and they said it all looked NORMAL! They did an EKG, blood test and x-ray. Tomorrow he has a stress test done. We don't know what was causing the pain. Stress?

a pulled muscle?? We are still concerned, but at least for now, no heart attack!


I almost went to the ER last night for sharp chest pains. I have had chest pains for so many years now I can't count. Then when I had my mother living with us and she was in the final days of her life, I was totally overwhelmed. I took some of my mom's anxiety medicine. Wrong, I know, but I tried it. The surprising thing was that while on it, it took my chest pains away! I can pretty much expect chest pain and sometimes a racing heart at night, especially if I didn't eat healthy that day.


I went to the dr. and told her that the chest pains went away when on Ativan. She prescribed me some. I was on it for six months and stopped taking it, because I hate prescription meds. My chest pains are back.


All of this to say, could your husband have anxiety? Especially with a high stress job. Another consideration is heart burn. Sometimes the symptoms of this are similar to a heart attack.

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I almost went to the ER last night for sharp chest pains. I have had chest pains for so many years now I can't count. Then when I had my mother living with us and she was in the final days of her life, I was totally overwhelmed. I took some of my mom's anxiety medicine. Wrong, I know, but I tried it. The surprising thing was that while on it, it took my chest pains away! I can pretty much expect chest pain and sometimes a racing heart at night, especially if I didn't eat healthy that day.


I went to the dr. and told her that the chest pains went away when on Ativan. She prescribed me some. I was on it for six months and stopped taking it, because I hate prescription meds. My chest pains are back.


All of this to say, could your husband have anxiety? Especially with a high stress job. Another consideration is heart burn. Sometimes the symptoms of this are similar to a heart attack.

Well he does not have anxiety, but a high stress job. I have anxiety, however, and know it can cause chest pain/discomfort. Not sure about the heartburn.

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It could very well be stress related to his job. My dh had something similar happen many years ago. Despite nothing showing up on the ekg (or it is eeg? ecg? I can never keep them straight!), they kept him overnight and had him do a stress test the next day. They found nothing at all, and decided it was heartburn caused by the stress ofhis job. After taking Pepcid pills for a few days, he was fine. He had never had heartburn before, and it sure didn't sound like the symptoms we had heard about. I also think his worrying about a heart attack made it more stressful, which made the chest pains worse... make sense?


Despite the fact that it 'could be nothing', I agree to return to the ER if his symptoms occur. In fact, as dh was discharged, we were told the same thing by the hospital staff. They said never to take chest pains lightly.


I'll be thinking of you and your dh.... I know how scary it is. :grouphug:

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Well he does not have anxiety, but a high stress job. I have anxiety, however, and know it can cause chest pain/discomfort. Not sure about the heartburn.



So glad it was not a heart attack -- he will likely have a thallium stress test - that will show if there are any blockages. I can say from experience having a thallium and getting a clear report, I was able to relax and identify what I was feeling as a muscle strain or pull or stress.


Keep us posted.

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I'm glad everything is ok (so far) with your dh; it is important to go if you're concerned. Two weeks ago one of my second cousins died -- he wasn't feeling well and instead of going to the hospital decided to go to bed. He was having a heart attack, and died at 45 years old. I did not know him well, but it really struck me because that sounds like something I would do (not go to a hospital, want to lie down and hope I felt better in the morning, etc.).

Edited by Kate in Arabia
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I KNOW, I will never let him drive himself again, if it happens again, did they find anything out with your dh? What happened?

They don't know exactly what happened. They did $$$$ of tests and nothing came up. It was like your husband, pain that woke him up in the early morning hours. Their best speculation is a severe case of indigestion. :001_smile:


He's fine now physically.

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Well I keep telling my dh I think it was a muscle pull. It gets worse when he takes deep breathes, coughs, or moves in a certain postion.

He has a stress test today.


Luckily, we *still* have excellent health care. I'm scared to think about our future care....


Does he remember doing something to pull a muscle? My DH went through this and was worried it was his heart. It wasn't till the doctor asked him what he'd been lifting recently that he remember that he had flipped our heavy king mattress by himself. It had slipped and he caught it with his arm outstretched and that's what did it. Unfortunately he now, several years later, still has stiffness and pain in that shoulder because of arthritis.

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I'm glad everything is ok (so far) with your dh; it is important to go if you're concerned. Two weeks ago one of my second cousins died -- he wasn't feeling well and instead of going to the hospital decided to go to bed. He was having a heart attack, and died at 45 years old. I did not know him well, but it really struck me because that sounds like something I would do (not go to a hospital, want to lie down and hope I felt better in the morning, etc.).

This IS totally me too. In fact the day after my dh's trip to the ER for heart attack symptoms I started having pain in my abdomen and leftside. I was embarassed to spend another day at that ER since we'd just been there the following whole day with DH. I toughed it out until early evening.


Finally DH dropped me off to beg for some pain meds. I had a two kidney stones. :( I was so embarassed though to be there again that it wasn't until I got sick from the narcotics that I didn't care.

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