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Dh is a ps teacher and was beaten by 4 students...

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We are so upset. He was not seriously injured, but its all over the news. He stepped in to break up a fight that he thought would lead to serious injury. The students (4 girls) had metal pipes, brooksticks, and glass bottles. It was caught on security camera and the media is trying to get the video. It was a "gang" related situation and he just wants to be left out of it. It really is aweful that there are about 2500 students who are expected to learn in that environment and this is supposed to be one of the "better" schools in our area.


They are charging the students as adults (felony assault) and I just can't imagine it all going away. I worry about his safety, but he worries about the other students. I want him to quit and he wants to continue to be an influence in the lives of students.


Thanks for listening.

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Oh my! That's horrible. At least,those 4 students won't be back this year, and thank goodness your dh was not seriously hurt. I used to teach ps and the day I broke up a fight and got punched in the face was the day I quit breaking up fights.

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My dh taught for 8 years in 2 diff. innercity schools in Baltimore. He is the kind to get in the middle to break up fights and "help", too. My dh is tall and scrawny and most of the students in the school were quite a bit "larger" than him (boys anyway). He's had his glasses knocked off and broken, stuff stolen out of his bag while breaking up a fight, been knocked down and threatened, etc. Thankfully, nothing serious. BUT, I do know your fear and worry. When dh's last school had police come in and confiscated more than 100 guns and knives from unmarked lockers (students were never given their own lockers but rather just "claimed" one...talk about inefficient admin.), I was at my end! Who knew how many MORE weapons were on campus? Thankfully, dh worked something out w/ his previous job with JHU as an ed. reform specialist and left that school 2 mos. ago.


Can your dh transfer? Is there a "safer" school around where he could teach? I told my dh NOT to break up fights anymore...just call in a higher-up. You just never know what a kid is "packing" these days and it is sad. I'm praying for you and your dh...I do know what you are feeling right now. Hopefully, he can transfer.

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Thank you all for your support. You really have become part of our extended family as we have dealt with quite a bit of craziness lately.


The sad thing is that this is not one of the "bad" schools. I will say that my husbands resolve and dedication to provide an alternative for our own children has been increased by his time teaching. Before he started teaching he thought that homeschooling was a "cool" thing for "me" to "try" for the earlier years. I have seen him change so much in this regard during the last few years. Now hs is what we do as a family and is a long term desire of us both. We are just heartbroken for students that don't have any alternatives.


Laurel T.

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We are just heartbroken for students that don't have any alternatives.


Laurel T.


Yes, I bet many of the students were terrified and will always remember your husband taking a personal risk to try to prevent and even worse injury. I'm sorry for you and for him, gratified that he wasn't injured more seriously, and just so sad that that should happen in a school.

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I'm so sorry that your husband was hurt.


Of course most of us who homeschool probably view this as reason 4,234, 256, 239 that we DO homeschool.


I totally understand your fears for his safety, but I have to say that I greatly admire him for being willing to continue to work towards making other people's children's school experience a positive. In some ways his bravery and unselfish acts of courage are similiar to the brave men and women in our military. They chose their careers knowing that it would put them in grave danger, but willingly accepted the challenge for the "greater good". As the wife of a retired military man, I can assure you that their spouses feel as you do.....and yet the military member feels as your husband does.


My husband retired before 2001 as he'd put in his 22 years and had an injury (non-work related) that made military life more difficult. Yet, despite the fact that he had put in his years, been in many dangerous situations, and was no longer physically able to deploy, when 9/11 came he felt guilty and ashamed to not be going with the rest of his old unit to Iraq. His words stick with every time I think of it...."If not me, then who?" Meaning that if he's not willing to do the rough jobs, then someone else will have to do it in his place...and he doesn't like the idea of someone else fighting and dying while he sits on the backporch sipping ice tea watching the kids play.


Your husband is to be commended for his resolve to make things better for someone else's kid. He could easily say "forget it, my kids are safe at home so I'm outta here".


God Bless all who are willing to put themselves at risk for others.

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This has been happening since I was a kid. I remember in a middle school in OH, just outside Wright Patterson AFB where my dad was stationed a bunch of kids attacked and knifed my math teacher. They used to attack elderly ladies walking to the store, too. Its horrible and unexcusable but its not new. I wish it was. :(

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I will say that my husbands resolve and dedication to provide an alternative for our own children has been increased by his time teaching. Before he started teaching he thought that homeschooling was a "cool" thing for "me" to "try" for the earlier years. I have seen him change so much in this regard during the last few years. Now hs is what we do as a family and is a long term desire of us both. We are just heartbroken for students that don't have any alternatives.


Laurel T.



I am so sorry that this happened. It is sad isn't it? Every year starting in April, I count the days to the end of the year by hoping that nothing happens today. Like your dh, mine's resolve to homeschool for the long term grows stronger every day as well.


I'm glad your dh is ok. ((((both of you)))

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That is so terrifying. I'll never forget the day my DH called and said they had arrested a 4th grader who threatened to shoot my husband at school. They locked down the school and everything. My DH wasn't even hurt and I was terrified. Being a school teacher can be a really scary professions now-a-days. I'll say a prayer for your family. I'd want my husband to quit or AT THE VERY LEAST be moved immediately to another school site. You really should push for that. If this was gang-related (as most of ours are) you really want your husband out of that turf.

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Another observation from this experience...the news (including newspapers) is not a realiable source of information. The newspaper is reporting that "the unamed teacher" (my husband) left the school in an ambulance after sustaining injuries. UMMM no. He drove home and asked for 3 tylenol. I guess that is not as exciting to report. It is really like this kind of thing takes on a life of its own. DH did just call and say that the District Attorney wants to speak with him again. UGGGG. We do not have time for this.


Laurel T.

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I know you must be reeling from this. I can't imagine how vulnerable and anxious you must feel. I'm so sorry. I can tell you, though, that your husband's example has positively affected lives, young and old. Whether they come right out and say it, you can be sure they are feeling grateful that someone as selfless as your husband walks on this earth.


Peace to you both!


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I'd want my husband to quit or AT THE VERY LEAST be moved immediately to another school site. You really should push for that.


I wish so much that he had that option. The subject he teaches is not taught in any other school within a 250 mile radius. I think things will intensify as it is being made into a political issue.


Thank you all for your prayers.


Laurel T.

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I wish so much that he had that option. The subject he teaches is not taught in any other school within a 250 mile radius. I think things will intensify as it is being made into a political issue.


Thank you all for your prayers.


Laurel T.




I can't imagine what you two are going through. After 9 years of boarding school teaching my dh has never encountered anything like that. As much as he complains about his job, he says he has it easy compared to ps teachers. Have you checked with private schools to see if they offer what he teaches? The pay is not great, but the safety is (and boarding schools give you housing, meals, etc.).


I hope this all passes quicker than you think.

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We are so upset. He was not seriously injured, but its all over the news. He stepped in to break up a fight that he thought would lead to serious injury. The students (4 girls) had metal pipes, brooksticks, and glass bottles. It was caught on security camera and the media is trying to get the video. It was a "gang" related situation and he just wants to be left out of it. It really is aweful that there are about 2500 students who are expected to learn in that environment and this is supposed to be one of the "better" schools in our area.


They are charging the students as adults (felony assault) and I just can't imagine it all going away. I worry about his safety, but he worries about the other students. I want him to quit and he wants to continue to be an influence in the lives of students.


Thanks for listening.


((Laurel)) I am speechless. Thank the Lord that he is OK.

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My dh is also a ps middle school teacher and he was assaulted a few weeks ago while trying to break up a fight -- and he is a big guy (see my profile). The student was taken into juvenile detention, given a talking-to, and sent home. Today a dangerous student was returned to school because a psychological evaluation by the school system showed he's not responsible for his actions. Things get worse daily, but he can't leave before the end of the school year.


My heart SO goes out to you. We need our own support group!:grouphug:



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He stepped up and did the right thing. Once things settle down a bit, perhaps suggest to him that he never, ever step into a girl-fight. They are the worst. They just do NOT back down! When I was teaching, we all agreed to that. A girlfriend of mine who teaches is a tiny thing -- she'll step into a guy-fight because they'll stop (ok, i'm speaking in generalities here), but never, ever into a girl-fight. Just call security and stay out of the way.


My DH is still teaching high school. It's a great school, but all you need is one kid making a bad decision in a bad moment.....


Will your DH pursue charges?

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Will your DH pursue charges


He has no desire to pursue charges. He just wants the whole thing to go away, but the District Attorney is moving forward on adult felony assault charges. Which could bring a max. of 10 years in prison. I don't think that they will get that heavy of a sentence, but I just don't know. They are not backing down and there were other students hurt in the incident.


You all are so kind to express your care and concern. DH is feeling better this morning and really looking forward to the weekend and springbreak!


Laurel T.

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Holy buckets!!!! How scary is that?! I can't believe he wasn't seriously injured considering how these "little darlings" were armed!


I agree with you about the newspapers and always take everything I read there with a grain of salt. When I was working in a law office, they never could get the details right of the cases we were trying, even though all they had to do was get their facts from the written documents. Unfortunately, not enough people realize this, and it's easy to forget even if they do.


I am *so* glad he only needed Tylenol!!!!


(I'm sorry -- I can't help myself --)


So much for socialization!

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