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We need to put our dog to sleep tomorrow

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My husband took our dog the vet on Saturday and we had x-rays taken today. He has a massive cancerous tumor in his whole shoulder area. Since he is 12 there is nothing that can be done. He is in a lot of pain but does ok on the pain pills. The vet said that we could probably have a few more weeks with him but there would be a good chance of him breaking his leg and of course that would be more painful. We all decided that we didn't want to take that chance. So today we are loving him and feeding him some of his favorite foods. The appointment is at 11:00 tomorrow so I would appreciate some prayers. My two youngest kids know and they are taking it pretty hard. My oldest goes to a private high school so she won't know until she gets home from school. His name is Thunder.

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I'm so sorry.


I'll pray for Thunder, as well as for you and the kids.


This is such heartbreaking news. We have been through it, so I know how absolutely awful and helpless you're feeling right now. I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better, but I know that nothing will help.



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My husband took our dog the vet on Saturday and we had x-rays taken today. He has a massive cancerous tumor in his whole shoulder area. Since he is 12 there is nothing that can be done. He is in a lot of pain but does ok on the pain pills. The vet said that we could probably have a few more weeks with him but there would be a good chance of him breaking his leg and of course that would be more painful. We all decided that we didn't want to take that chance. So today we are loving him and feeding him some of his favorite foods. The appointment is at 11:00 tomorrow so I would appreciate some prayers. My two youngest kids know and they are taking it pretty hard. My oldest goes to a private high school so she won't know until she gets home from school. His name is Thunder.



Oh, I'm sooooo sad to hear this. Will be praying for your family. Same happened to us about 8 years ago.....we were devasted. Happened on Christmas Eve day. Just enjoy him and try to remember all the good memories you made with him. :grouphug::grouphug: Sheryl <><

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I can!


If you want to email a jpg of Thunder, I will do it for you. Danestress@carolina.rr.com.


If you would rather do it on your own, there is a paper clip on the task bar that allows you to browse and upload a photo.


I am so sorry for your loss. It's just a really difficult time in the life of a family to lose a beloved pet. I know you all will mourn him and I hope your good memories will be a comfort.



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He's beautiful. I'm so sorry for this loss! :grouphug:


When we had to put our dog down last year, we took a lock of her hair and the vet gave us a paw print. Together we collected all our favorite pics of her and made a shadow box and included her tags. It is on our living room wall because it is so precious to us.


I'm so very sorry. :grouphug:

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Thunder is beautiful. I am sorry you are all going through this. I hope that you all find a way through the process that gives you peace and comfort and some special memories to treasure.


On our oldest dog's last day, I held her like a baby for hours (she was small, and had become too weak to stand long.) We set her in a sunbeam and fed her bacon and cookies. We took lots of pictures. She was smiling and happy. I believe she knew she would be released from her broken down body soon. It was a good day, with sweet memories. She went to sleep peacefully in my lap. I still miss her terribly - she was my soul dog. But I have peace knowing that letting her go when it was time and being there with her through the whole process was the most loving gift I could give her. I made a small scrapbook with pictures from her life, pictures with each of our kids, and the beautiful pictures we took on her last day. She was cremated and I have her ashes, her pawprint, a trimming of fur, and her harness with her tags on it. These are very special mementos of her.

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I will be thinking of you tomorrow. I had to do the same for my 12.5 year old dog last month. We had a cancerous tumor removed last August, and unfortunately it spread and was causing internal bleeding and liver failure.


It's so hard to loose a companion you've had for so long. I'm still getting used to her not laying by my feet or being there to keep me company while dh is on deployment. He got her for me before his first deployment since we didn't have children yet, he wanted me to have someone to keep me company.


Each day gets easier but the first few are so hard. Hang in there and know there are people out there thinking of you in your time of grief.

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Here is a picture of Thunder taken last year.


Oh, Thunder is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sweet!!! He looks just like my Bailey. My black lab, Sasha, and yellow, Bailey, are buried together on the wooded line at the end of our yard. I'm going to plant a shade garden and put a granite bench there one day. The garden may be ready this year!


It's AWFUL having to do this, but the ultimate act of love to prevent pain and suffering.


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I am so sorry for your family. That is just so hard. We had to put our 12-year-old dog to sleep last summer. Even tonight I was thinking about him when I was throwing away sweet potato peels - he used to always eat them!


You are definitely making the right decision by not holding onto him for a couple of weeks - it's hard but it is the unselfish way to go. I felt like we waited a week too long with our dog and was sorry about that.


Hugs to your sweet Thunder and to your family.




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Thank you everyone for your kind words. Yesterday we spoiled Thunder and gave him some of his favorite foods. We very rarely gave him table scraps so this was a real treat. He had apple at lunch and a whole McDonalds hamburger for dinner followed by popcorn as a snack and a small cupcake for dessert. I swear he had a smile on his face.


The kids slept downstairs with him last night. We have a sectional in the family room so Thunder slept on the floor surrounded by the kids. He hasn't made it through the night all week but by 5:00 am we hadn't heard from him. My husband went to check and he was wide awake but content with the kids surrounding him. My insomniac daughter was SOUND ASLEEP with her arm around him. It was so sweet. I still hadn't heard anything by 8:00 so I went down to check on him again. By then I could tell that the pain pills had worn off and when I went down there he was softly whining-so soft that the kids didn't wake up. I swear that he didn't want to leave the kids. He hasn't made it this late before needing to go outside and wanting to eat breakfast in quite awhile. I think it was his gift to them. I let him outside awhile ago and now he is lying in the sun.


This is going to be a very difficult day. (The vet appointment is 11:30) but I am so happy that it seems like his last day was very content for him.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy



We had to make this exact heart-breaking decision a year and a half ago with our yellow lab when she developed osteosarcoma. It is so very hard but I still think we did the best thing. There was too much of a risk of her being in excruciating pain if her leg did break. We didn't want to risk that and possibly having to say good-bye in an emergency just to have that bit of extra time.


If you want to ask about it (just in case, some people might think it's weird but I'm putting it out there anyway), I had the vet cut a small piece of her fur for me. I don't know why I asked for it and it happened spur of the moment on that day but I'm somehow comforted by having it.


It was so hard. Take it easy on yourself. That day almost broke me. I survived it by telling the kids funny stories about Momma when she was young, before they were born. (She ate our wedding cake!)


It's OK to miss them forever. :crying: :grouphug:

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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Thank you everyone for your kind words. Yesterday we spoiled Thunder and gave him some of his favorite foods. We very rarely gave him table scraps so this was a real treat. He had apple at lunch and a whole McDonalds hamburger for dinner followed by popcorn as a snack and a small cupcake for dessert. I swear he had a smile on his face.


The kids slept downstairs with him last night. We have a sectional in the family room so Thunder slept on the floor surrounded by the kids. He hasn't made it through the night all week but by 5:00 am we hadn't heard from him. My husband went to check and he was wide awake but content with the kids surrounding him. My insomniac daughter was SOUND ASLEEP with her arm around him. It was so sweet. I still hadn't heard anything by 8:00 so I went down to check on him again. By then I could tell that the pain pills had worn off and when I went down there he was softly whining-so soft that the kids didn't wake up. I swear that he didn't want to leave the kids. He hasn't made it this late before needing to go outside and wanting to eat breakfast in quite awhile. I think it was his gift to them. I let him outside awhile ago and now he is lying in the sun.


This is going to be a very difficult day. (The vet appointment is 11:30) but I am so happy that it seems like his last day was very content for him.



Bless you. That is a beautiful post. What a sweet dog.



It's OK to miss them forever. :crying: :grouphug:


Yes! We had our lab, Sadie, put to sleep about 3 years ago, and it still hurts. I was running yesterday and saw a black lab, and I about started crying. We miss her everyday.

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Wanted to let you know that I've been thinking about your fam. and Thunder today.


It sounds like you all had a beautiful last night to remember always.


I hope you find some comfort in the days ahead.


I have 4 dogs. Peter, my labradoodle is at my feet now, enjoying a chewy. I love him so much.


I'm so, so sorry for your loss.:grouphug::grouphug:

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I've been thinking about you all day today, and hope everything went smoothly and peacefully for Thunder. I saw the picture you posted, and he's a beautiful and sweet-looking dog.


I'm so very sorry your family is going through such a difficult time. :grouphug:



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Thank you everyone for your kind words. Yesterday we spoiled Thunder and gave him some of his favorite foods. We very rarely gave him table scraps so this was a real treat. He had apple at lunch and a whole McDonalds hamburger for dinner followed by popcorn as a snack and a small cupcake for dessert. I swear he had a smile on his face.


The kids slept downstairs with him last night. We have a sectional in the family room so Thunder slept on the floor surrounded by the kids. He hasn't made it through the night all week but by 5:00 am we hadn't heard from him. My husband went to check and he was wide awake but content with the kids surrounding him. My insomniac daughter was SOUND ASLEEP with her arm around him. It was so sweet. I still hadn't heard anything by 8:00 so I went down to check on him again. By then I could tell that the pain pills had worn off and when I went down there he was softly whining-so soft that the kids didn't wake up. I swear that he didn't want to leave the kids. He hasn't made it this late before needing to go outside and wanting to eat breakfast in quite awhile. I think it was his gift to them. I let him outside awhile ago and now he is lying in the sun.


This is going to be a very difficult day. (The vet appointment is 11:30) but I am so happy that it seems like his last day was very content for him.


oh, how sweet and how special. I am bawling my eyes out!!!


What a sweet, sweet dog.

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I have had to put down two pets. One was my mini poodle mix Zeke who developed a brain tumor. He was going blind intermitently, chasing flies that didn't exist obsessively, and getting snappy at times. We had him on medication for a while and it did help but then it soon started coming back. He was not happy and I don't even know if his head hurt. But we couldn't let him continue to get worse and worse.


Then last year we had to put down our Siamese who was 16. He had developed a heart problem and became slower and somewhat thinner but then he developed something else. The veterinarian checked him for a number of things but came to the conclusion that he most likely had an invasive cancer of some internal organ. He was wasting away. We had him for months and he was not eating much at the end but when he stopped drinking water, I knew it was time.


My prayers go out to your family at this sad time.

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