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Your favorite children's book


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What one children's book do you think every young child should own? It could be a beautifully illustrated picture book, a story collection, a classic piece of litererature that everyone should be familiar with. (Yes, I'm shopping for gifts!) :bigear:

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My favorite book as a little child was Mary Poppins. My faovrite book as a young reading child was The Witch of Blackbird Pond. My fav older kid book was Jude The Obscure. I do own all of those as an adult. :)


None of my kids like Jude, but Mary Poppins and TWBP were both enjoyed.

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Ooooooh, this is a tough question and I look forward to all the responses you'll get! It's impossible for me to pick one, but a few I adore are:


Roxaboxen: http://www.amazon.com/Roxaboxen-Alice-Mclerran/dp/0060526335/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1267714458&sr=8-1


The Mousehole Cat by Antonia Barber (a friend brought this to me from the UK and I see it's not readily available on Amazon)


Make Way for Ducklings: http://www.amazon.com/Ducklings-Viking-Kestrel-picture-books/dp/0670451495/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1267714596&sr=1-3


Danny, the Champion of the World, by Roald Dahl (if you think of R. Dahl as only a dark and creepy writer, read this one. It's in my top five all-time favorite books, child or adult): http://www.amazon.com/Danny-Champion-World-Roald-Dahl/dp/0375814256/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1267714923&sr=1-2


I think every child should own a lovely illustrated collection of fairy tales. Or, if you can't find a whole collection, look for fairy tales illustrated by the modern artists Paul O. Zelinsky or Kinuko Craft. I love books illustrated by the classic artists Arthur Rackham, Leslie Brooke, or Howard Pyle.


I loved Beatrix Potter and Winnie the Pooh as a child, too.


There are many series I think are fabulous, though I wouldn't necessarily say everyone should own them. For example: Edward Eager's "Magic" series, Swallows and Amazons, the Melendy Quartet, Betsy-Tacy series, Joan Aiken's Wolves Chronicles (oh, how I would have loved these as a child!)


Okay, I'll stop here and let someone else talk. :tongue_smilie:

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I have so many books that we love, but a few of our absolute favorites are My Father's Dragon series, Velveteen Rabbit, The Quiltmaker's Gift, You are Special & You are Mine (by max lucado), The Rag Coat, The Little Match Girl, and The Valentine Cat. We also have a big book of classic stories and fairy tales which we absoutely love! For chapter books, our first favorites were Pippi Longstocking & Boxcar Children.




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I second a previous poster's suggestion of Roxaboxen. I tear up a little bit at the end of this book every time I read it when the grown-up child returns to the site of Roxaboxen. It also has such a wonderful portrayal of where imagination can take you, which spurs many lovely memories of my own childhood (creating outlines of houses and stores using grass clippings on the lawn for example :001_smile:).


Erica in OR

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If the child could have only one book: A Treasury of Children's Literature

For babies: Pat the Bunny - Ariel loved this one so much it fell apart

For toddlers: Time For Bed

For preschoolers: Goodnight Moon and Oh the Thinks You Can Think! (My favorite Dr. Seuss)

For early elementary: Raggedy Ann Stories, Skippyjon Jones

For later elementary: Mary Poppins, Ballet Shoes, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

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Picture books:



Anything by Jan Brett

Moe the Dog

If You Give a Pig a Pancake

Elsa Beskow books

Brambly Hedge series

Little Bear stories (by Jane Hissey)


Chapter books:

Ginger Pye and Pinky Pye

The original Paddington books

The Tarantula in My Purse

Little House books

The Borrowers (loved, loved, loved these myself as a kid and so do my kids)

Five Children and It

Sign of the Beaver

Tuck Everlasting

All of a Kind Family



Ahhhhh...one of my favorite subjects. I'm going to stop. For now, lol.



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I have so many books that we love, but a few of our absolute favorites are My Father's Dragon series, Velveteen Rabbit, The Quiltmaker's Gift, You are Special & You are Mine (by max lucado), The Rag Coat, The Little Match Girl, and The Valentine Cat. We also have a big book of classic stories and fairy tales which we absoutely love! For chapter books, our first favorites were Pippi Longstocking & Boxcar Children.




6yo dd adores the My Father's Dragon series and Velveteen Rabbit.

Papa Picolo is my 4yo cat-loving son's favorite along with Peter Rabbit, Mother Goose rhymes and Mike Mulligan & his Steam Shovel (that's this week...)


Actually....doesn't it seem that most of the FIAR books become favorites??? :)

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I second a previous poster's suggestion of Roxaboxen. I tear up a little bit at the end of this book every time I read it when the grown-up child returns to the site of Roxaboxen. It also has such a wonderful portrayal of where imagination can take you, which spurs many lovely memories of my own childhood (creating outlines of houses and stores using grass clippings on the lawn for example :001_smile:).


Erica in OR



Yes, yes, yes!!! I'm the same way! I love this whole book, love the artists (anything by Barbara Cooney is worth having), love the prose. I love when they talk about the rules for "driving" and how one little girl was always speeding: "You'd think she liked to go to jail." Oh, just thinking of it makes me all wistful. The power of imagination is so strong and I love to see it depicted. And one other fun thing about this book is that I've been in the setting where it takes place (not the exact spot, but the AZ desert with that sort of flora and fauna), so I have a perfect image in my mind of how it could have been.


It doesn't hurt that it takes place during my favorite era of children's fashion - all those drop-waisted dresses and short pants.....


Thank you for understanding my geekiness,

another Erika

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Ack! How could I have forgotten the Borrowers?


And I love Richard Scarry collections. If you're buying a gift for a 2-year-old, you can't beat 'em! I used to love the story about the girl (well, I think she's a cat) who visits her dad in the bakery and her dolly falls into the bread trough, so one of the loaves keeps saying, "Mama!"


Oh, I could go on and on. My favorite part of parenting is reading aloud. :001_smile::001_smile::001_smile:

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

favorite picture book: three way tie between Dogger, Annie Rose Is My Little Sister (the best big brother book ever!) and Rhymes for Annie Rose (and anything else by Shirley Hughes but these are really special)


favorite fairy tale anthology: Classic Fairy Tales by Scott Gustafson


favorite Mother Goose: tie between Favorite Nursery Rhymes from Mother Goose illustrated by Scott Gustafson (dd's favorite) and Richard Scarry's Best Mother Goose Ever (boys' favorite)


favorite poetry anthology for littles: Here's a Little Poem: A Very First Book of Poetry


favorite poetry anthology for biggers: The Golden Books Family Treasury of Poetry


It is too hard to pick just one!

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Has anyone read Socks for Supper? I believe it is out of print now, sadly. A simple, heartwarming story. I could recite it as a child!


I was so excited to see so many favorites already listed.


Very dangerous question to ask a group of home schooling moms! :)

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One of my absolute favourites to read to my kids has been Where is that cat? We all know it by heart and it is most definitely a family favourite.


Other favourite picture books include Harriet You'll Drive Me Wild by Mem Fox and Mortimer by Robert Munsch/Michael Martchenko. I find most of the Robert Munsch books to be great hits with the kids.


We're also a fan of the Dr. Suess books, especially Green Eggs and Ham and One Fish, Two Fish.


Oh! I can't forget Imagine a Day. Fabulous artwork! It's the kind of book you could stare at for hours.


For chapter books I'd have to go with most anything by Rould Dahl, with my favourites being Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach (I still remember my 4th grade teacher reading this one to us!), The Chronicles of Narnia, Island of the Blue Dolphins, Pippi Longstocking, anything we've read by Kate DiCamillo...


Gosh, I think I could go on all night!

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The 20th Century Children's Book Treasury has some of my very favorite books for little ones:



In chapter books, some of my favorites are:

- Robin McKinley, especially Beauty and Hero and the Crown and The Blue Sword

- Susan Cooper's The Dark is Rising series

- Little House on the Prairie series

- Anne of Green Gables series

- Ramona series

- The Great Brain series

- Emil books by Astrid Lindgren

- Narnia series

- Over the Hills to Fabylon by Nicolas Stuart Gray (sadly OOP, but adorable)


This *is* a dangerous question to ask fellow book-lovers! :D

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In chapter books, some of my favorites are:

- Robin McKinley, especially Beauty and Hero and the Crown and The Blue Sword




Wow, it's been years since I read those books. They were good! Thanks for the reminder, I will have to go get them from the library tomorrow!


My kids and I really enjoyed Ox Cart Man recently. The illustrated Old Mother West Wind by Burgess was also well received. My boys love anything by Richard Scarry.

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Holy cow. I posted this yesterday morning and then left for the day and didn't check it again. Now there are FIVE PAGES of book suggestions for me to look through! I should have plent of ideas! :001_smile:

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George & Martha are probably my favorites. ETA: Ok, looking again--these are simply brilliant. Beautiful. The best books EVER.


A Box of Peppermints has redeemed children's poetry imo.


The Monster at the end of this Book, someone mentioned--I've always loved that one.


I really loved biographies as a kid, too, & one of my favorite pic book bios was Louis Pasteur: The Power of Believing in Yourself. The illustrations are SO happy.

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What a great list of books, I could go on and on listing the ones already listed! As far as board books I love Sandra Boynton and we can't get enough Seuss in our house but my absolute favorite book growing up was 'The Westing Game' by Ellen Raskin. I still enjoy reading it and tear up every time at the end!!!!

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Older/Original Dr. Seuss books - in particular, *The Lorax* (absolute favorite) and Green Eggs and Ham


A.A. Milne - Now We are Six, Winnie the Pooh


Raggedy Ann and/or Andy stories


Where the Wild Things Are


The Little Engine That Could


Ahhh, memories....

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