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I'll just come right out and say it...

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I use an orange oil cleaner instead. I get a concentrated amount and make my own spray cleaners. One product I like is Citrasolv concentrate. Another one that can be found at Whole Foods is Orange Plus.


I think it does a great job without adding toxic chemicals to my house - I am pretty sensitive. I vary the concentration based upon how heavy duty the cleaning job is.

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My kids hated it so much that when they were little I told them that if they kept saying, "But I..." they would have to take a tablespoon of it. We now call it the "But I " juice! They never had to take a taste they would get ready to say it and then stop! So it works for kids mouths too.:lol:

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When my daughter with clubfoot was an infant/toddler, we had to soak her casts in water and vinegar in a bathtub prior to her appointments and wrap her leg (hip to toe) in vinegar soaked towels etc for a one hour car trip to the ortho to have her cast removed (and we did this weekly for several weeks). To this day, the smell of vinegar makes me gag. I just have to look for the safest alternatives I can find.

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I hate the smell of vinegar, and no one in my family has ever had an adverse reaction to Pinesol, 409, or any of the other "poisonous" cleaners. Costco has a biodegradable all-purpose cleaner that I've used too, it's not really strong enough to mop with though.

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I hate the smell of vinegar, and no one in my family has ever had an adverse reaction to Pinesol, 409, or any of the other "poisonous" cleaners. Costco has a biodegradable all-purpose cleaner that I've used too, it's not really strong enough to mop with though.


I like Mrs Meyers Cleaning Day for that :) or Bio-Kleen It lasts us awhile and smells nice.

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Are you using it full strength? I use mine with half water. I don't mind the smell so much. It reminds me of salt-and-vinegar potato chips which were always my favorite! LOL The smell is really offensive to my husband though so I have to use it when he's not home.

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I wonder how people can deal with artificial fragrances :ack2: I have to hold my breath on the rare occasions I venture into the laundry aisle of the supermarket!


I don't love vinegar smell but it doesn't hang around long so I deal with it.




I hate the smell of vinegar, but I can't go down the detergent isle either.


My best friend makes an awesome cleaner with borax, tea tree oil, lavender oil, peppermint oil (just for the smell), and some kind of peroxide powder. It isn't poison and it isn't vinegar.

Well that's not exactly true - borax isn't as safe as vinegar. It can't be consumed by animals or children.


I used to not like it but have gotten over it. have you tried adding a drop of essential oil?

Same here - I just got used to it and it doesn't make me gag anymore.


Are you using it full strength? I use mine with half water. I don't mind the smell so much. It reminds me of salt-and-vinegar potato chips which were always my favorite! LOL The smell is really offensive to my husband though so I have to use it when he's not home.

I always cut it with water.


Now tea tree oil--mmm---the smell of turpentine! I use both vinegar and tea tree oil for various things, but I don't like the smell of either!
LOL! I know - tea tree oil is great stuff though


My friend adds peppermint essential oil to her products for its smell covering properties.
This really helps!
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