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TVs and computers in the bedroom

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Guest Virginia Dawn

We have one tv in the living room. We will not allow the kids to have tvs in their rooms. However, lately I've been wanting my own tv in the bedroom because I am the only female in a house full of males, and I'm just not interested in watching what they usually watch.


We have one computer in the living room also. My college ds is the only one with his own personal computer and there is no internet access in his room.

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When I was a young mother a lovely, wonderful neighbor explained to me that every time my kids said I was unfair or that they hated me I got a special gold star in heaven for doing my job. :D

I want this on a plaque.


ETA: Or a reward chart, just for me. The kids can add stickers whenever they think I've earned one :p

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We have two tv's and two computers; my laptop is downstairs and really only for dh and I to use. The kid computer is full of controls including time limits and is upstairs in the bonus room. One tv in living room, the other one is in our bedroom but that's really for evenings when dh wants to watch one thing and I want to watch something else. I have a comfy chair in my bedroom along with knitting and nice lighting so that I can read in peace or knit while watching Pride and Prejudice :). DH would much prefer to not watch Pride and Prejudice ever again, so there's that. The kids do not have anything but ipods in their rooms.

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Oddball here, yes we have computers and tv's in each of the bedrooms and one downstairs, each with video game of some sort. I almost feel like I have to defend it but I am not going to, its just the way we live and its good for us. :001_smile:


I don't think you need to defend it. Just as your choice is best for you, ours is best for us. We used to have tv and unlimited computer and internet, but it became a problem for my boys ... they were unable to exercise any self-control and it started interfering with real life. If the boys were able to handle themselves as my daughter does, we would probably still have free access to all of the electronics.

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Oddball here, yes we have computers and tv's in each of the bedrooms and one downstairs, each with video game of some sort. I almost feel like I have to defend it but I am not going to, its just the way we live and its good for us. :001_smile:


I could have written this.

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Up until our recent move my answer was no. But now we've moved to a much smaller house and lost our family room. So the girls bedroom has become the 'rec room' too. They have a TV (no cable or antenna), DVD/VCR, and their video game systems in there. But they still have the same no TV until the weekend rule :) No computers in there though.

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No TV's anywhere. Only 1 computer which we all have to share. A little "Air Card" which dh gets through his work and brings home - where we use it like I'm doing now - when I should be doing some reading to keep up with math and GB's and logic and ..... :blush: ..... well, now you know why we DON'T have all the electronic playtoys. :)

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We have TVs in our bedroom, I occasionally drag my laptop in there to work. Ds has laptop and TV and game systems in his room. He's proven trustworthy so far. He makes videos and uploads them so he is more often working than goofing at this computer.


He rarely watches TV and the lure of video games has passed. His passions are tech related, so it's more about allowing him time and space to explore those.

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We have a TV and a Computer in our bedroom. The kids do not. They think this is grossly unfair. I explained that we have plenty of tvs in the house and that it is not necessary for them to have one in their rooms.

The kids have laptops but they are only allowed to use them when either dh or I is in the room/area of use.

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Do you have a tv or computer in your bedroom? Do any of your children?


Yes. And though it's unpopular on this board, I don't monitor use on either. I believe, for MY family, that I've raised them to know what is appropriate and what is not. I do pay attention to a change in behavior patterns. One time my oldest daughter became very grouchy and depressed, and it was due to an online relationship. We talked about it, weighed the pros and cons, shared my opinions, and she chose to be happy like she was before. She made major changes by getting out of the house by taking a part-time job and made friends. Her demeanor changed within days. I'm very proud of her because she made the changes on her own and wasn't forced into them. She 'owned' those changes and felt more grown up than before. My baby is growing up and is almost out of the house. Aww..

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Do you have a tv or computer in your bedroom? Do any of your children?


Nope and never will.


Our computers (two) are in a publicly-accessible area, so there is no hiding anything.


OTOH, I don't actively monitor what the kids do on the computer ... I know they play a couple of online games (which I also play) and they have an online class ... but we have spent a lot of time talking about internet safety and dangers and so far I feel they are trustworthy. Maybe too much so, as it is a struggle sometimes when I tell my ds14 to google a topic for a paper or whatnot -- he doesn't want to google anything. Maybe he encountered something nasty at some point (?), but he's not saying ....


As for TV, we have raised them on restricted TV. They only watch classic movies when we have family movie nights or Mythbusters or sports (when dh is watching some sporting thing). I used to follow a couple of TV series, and they stayed out of the room for that time. As a family, we just don't engage with TV popular culture.



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We don't own a tv, so that's a no.


As far as computers - I do allow my daughter to have one in her room but not sure if that will be the case when she reaches the teen years. Right now at age 6, she uses KidZui browser and I get daily updates on where she goes and what she does. It works for now.


Most of her computer time is spent watching educational videos on the topic we are studying in history/science and playing educational games online. For example, she loves the Ancient Egypt videos on howstuffworks and various videos on Astronomy. Our local library also has an online audiobook checkout, so she listens to the classics while she cleans and plays in her room. In her "fun" computer time she will watch berenstein bears, etc.

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Every single one of my kids have both a tv and computer in their rooms in the hope that on the rare occassion that I want to watch tv the one in the living room will be available (as I don;t have one in my room). But no, lately it's HGTV all the time. Should I manage to claim to the tv for a small period of time, it never fails that I came back to find someone on my computer. I also have to chase them out of my bath, my bed and my reading chair. Apparently I have all the best stuff. :glare:

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Do you have a tv or computer in your bedroom? Do any of your children?


Much to the chagrin of my teen, no. (She did buy herself a laptop last Christmas, and she keeps it in her room, but it's not internet-connected. Oh, and a few months ago she dropped it and broke the hard drive and decided not to spend the money to fix it.)


It's in large part because there isn't a reliable way to monitor use when they are in the bedroom.


That and the fact that no one needs to use the computer/tv so much that they need their own in their bedroom.



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Currently, my two younger kids do not have a tv in their room. My older ds did have a tv in his room from about the time he was 12 or so. It had basic cable and his video games hooked to it. He rarely watched tv, but did use it a lot for his gaming. I simply did not want to listen to video games in my common area of the living room, dining room and kitchen. DH and I had a tv in our room the first 17 years of our marriage. Then we put our house up for sale and tried to declutter our room. We used to always watch tv in our bed at night. We haven't had it for about 3 years and don't miss it that much. Come to think of it, we stopped watching tv in our room when we bought a huge big screen. Anyway, dh and I both have laptops. Mine is on the dining room table and his is in his "man-cave". The kids share a laptop on the desk in our living room. Sometimes when dd has a sleepover, I let her take the laptop in her room to get away from her little brother. To make this even more confusing, we have a spare room that was our oldest ds'. There is a tv, couch, table for a computer in there. Sometimes the girls have sleepovers and they stay in there because of the pull out couch and bed.


My point... I don't police my kids. If they watch tv in their brother's room, I feel very secure they are watching The Wizards of Waverly Place. If they are on the laptop, I can bet you they are looking up Taylor Swift songs. I just don't sweat it all that much. I am not naive. I was a teenager and I wasn't all that perfect. I just don't feel the need to control every little thing my kids do.


When I was 13, my mother forbid me from watching Purple Rain. She had never done that sort of thing before, but somebody she worked with told her how awful Prince was. You know what? The first chance I got, I went into my parents bedroom, slid the slide dial for HBO - remember those old slider boxes and watched Purple Rain. My world did not crumble and I survived. It was because she forbid me that I was more determined to watch it. I know I will not have the popular voice on this, but that's okay. Just my honest opinion.

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We don't have cable and up until today there was no TV in kids rooms :P The older girls got the old playroom TV in their room today as the basement became just too cold for watching or playing anything. The littles have a computer in their playroom for educational games and movies. older DSD got her own notebook pc last year and DH just finished building younger DSD a PC out of old parts so she can play her educational game. We lock down all child accessed computers using glubble so they cannot go anywhere except what is on the safe list without a password. I am not keen on the TV thing period let alone in kids rooms but it wasn't my call and DSDs were begging.


on an offshoot. I grew up in a pretty strict environment. My mom is an elementary school teacher and we have very limited TV use and well the internet wasn't then what it is today (prodigy anyone?) I was an avid reader and did not suffer from the lack of quality TV programming :P If anything it greatly helped me in that I find so much more in books that TV cannot recreate and my love of imagination and learning would just not have been the same if it was spoon fed to me from a television. :P I think it is just obscene that today's children even as young as 11 should own a cell phone, laptop, Itouch and TVs. that to me is damaging. That to me strips away what it is to be a child it cannot be good to always be connected 24/7 but that it just me going off on a tech tangent :P just my 2 cents tho

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