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O.K. Some in DC are talking blizzard for Friday...

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DH was telling me the same this morning -- we are in Fairfax County, Va. We are scheduled to move back into our house on Saturday morning, but I am going to make a push today and tomorrow to get everything out of our hotel suite and into the house. We are still waiting for a dryer hook up, a stove hook up, and a final walk through with insurance adjuster and their contractor which is supposed to take place tomorrow morning.


I just learned that the Monday, February 15th ffx school holiday has been cancelled as all their snow days have been used -- this affects my dks as choir practices, etc, are scheduled based on whether or not it is a three day weekend.


And, at this rate, I cannot imagine when FFX will be able to have Lacrosse Assessment -lacrosse-girl-image.gif

Edited by MariannNOVA
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We have had a very unusual winter in the mtns of TN this year too. We had 10 inches back in December, several 2-3 inch snows in between, a 6 inch snow last week, ice and freezing rain yesterday, and they are calling for more snow and ice this Friday. BLAH. In the 5 years I have lived in this house, we may have had 1 other significant snowfall (before the one in Dec this year). This winter is definitely worse.

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DH was telling me the same this morning -- we are in Fairfax County, Va. We are scheduled to ove back into our house on Saturday morning, but I am going to make a push today and tomorrow to get everything out of our hotel suite and into the house.



Have fun in the snow, everyone! The southwest desert has been strange weather, too. LOTS of rain (it's an El Nino year, though.)

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We're ready for more. We had 11" last weekend, another couple inches overnight. I love snow! And, where I live, everything seems to stay open (well that's open in the off-season anyway :) ) We have plenty of plows in each town, and it seems to be a bit of a contest who can perform the neatest plow jobs. Good times here at the coast!!!

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Well, this is good to know! We were contemplating a trip down to Duke University this weekend because the son of really good friends, who is a senior at USAFA, is fencing for USAFA at a tournament there. But it sounds like this is not the best weekend for traveling, LOL. We were traveling the weekend before Christmas, when we got all that snow, and it was a real hassle to get back home! I think we'll stay put. Nothing like clear signs from God that something is a bad idea!

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My husband bought what he was told was the last snow blower for miles around this morning (so it probably won't snow now, LOL). When he called the Home Depot in Leesburg this AM to see if they had any they told him they sold out of about 100 yesterday. They are all sold out of snow shovels, too. The local tractor store said they sold more snow blowers yesterday than they had in the past 5 years combined.


Guess I better go to the grocery store sooner rather than later. I'm assuming that is going to be a zoo.

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My husband bought what he was told was the last snow blower for miles around this morning (so it probably won't snow now, LOL). When he called the Home Depot in Leesburg this AM to see if they had any they told him they sold out of about 100 yesterday. They are all sold out of snow shovels, too. The local tractor store said they sold more snow blowers yesterday than they had in the past 5 years combined.


Guess I better go to the grocery store sooner rather than later. I'm assuming that is going to be a zoo.[/QUOTE]


I am SO tired of doing this. Although there is a grocery store right here near the hotel that doesn't get crowded till everyone is out of work. OK, then, my priority is to get us moved out of the hotel and into our house.l

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No. Don't come. In the December snow storm the MEtro shut down without much warning and people were shut. THe museums and attractions were closed. It is never a good idea to travel to anywhere where a major natural disaster is happening. THey aren't sure but while we may only get a sleet and ice storm (not fun in itself), we also may be getting a blizzard.

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Sigh. It's also that one of my husband's best friends from when he was in the Air Force, who has moved to Seattle, will be there. My husband is so looking forward to seeing him. I don't think it's a good idea, but am not sure how to convince my husband of this. Darn it.

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For those of you who get Channel 7, the weatherman this morning said that we'll measure this one in YARDS! :willy_nilly:


My kids are loving it....not so sure if I am! :lol:


I MISS measuring snow with a yardstick. Here in NC, we're probably going to just get ice. :glare: The schools here are still closed because we got 5" last Friday-Saturday. :lol:

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No. Don't come. In the December snow storm the MEtro shut down without much warning and people were shut. THe museums and attractions were closed. It is never a good idea to travel to anywhere where a major natural disaster is happening. THey aren't sure but while we may only get a sleet and ice storm (not fun in itself), we also may be getting a blizzard.



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Here is an interesting weather website for DC. They are giving the following probabilities right now (48 hours early):


I love Capital Weather Gang, they are my go to for DC area weather.


I am kind of annoyed by this storm, only because I am going to miss it most likely and Tuesday's possible one as well. I have plane tickets out of Richmond on Sunday, so we're driving down on Friday morning most likely so that we can be there. Even if the planes out of Richmond are delayed till Monday, it doesn't sound like they are going to get hit as hard as the DC metro area. I am really hating the fact that I am going to miss the second huge snow storm of the winter.

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No. Don't come. In the December snow storm the MEtro shut down without much warning and people were shut. THe museums and attractions were closed. It is never a good idea to travel to anywhere where a major natural disaster is happening. THey aren't sure but while we may only get a sleet and ice storm (not fun in itself), we also may be getting a blizzard.


:iagree:as well. The problem with the DC area is that they don't budget a lot for snow removal because we usually get mild winters with little or no snow at all. When we get lots of snow they simply do not have the resources to deal with it. The National Cathedral sits on the highest spot in the capital, too - if there's any wind it will be absolutely outrageous up there. The elevator that comes out of the parking garage opens up to the outdoors and you have to walk a bit to get to the front doors of the cathedral - AACCKK - it will be a mess. And, yes, the museums will shut down.

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What I like is the band of snow that channel 7 has labeled as "crippling"! It goes right over Fauquier county. I am so sick of this!!! We haven't had school this week yet and I doubt they will go tomorrow. It figures that the week I plan to start homeschool with DS #2 I can't get the chance to do it!

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What I like is the band of snow that channel 7 has labeled as "crippling"! It goes right over Fauquier county.
So I turned on channel 7-2 to see what a "crippling" band of snow over Fauquier county looks like. It covers a LOT more than Fauquier county!! It covers the ENTIRE Washington area plus a lot more. I'm just glad we do not have any plans this weekend.
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Capitol Weather Gang now has a map of predicted accumulation amounts. Kristen, don't look because Fauquier County is in the very center of the 12 to 20"+ band.


ETA: As of 11:00 AM EST, here are their current probability predictions for snowfall amounts in the area:


5% chance: Less than 6"

15% chance: 6-10"

40% chance: 10-16"

40% chance: 16"+

Edited by RegGuheert
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We are in the 12 to 20" band as well. I guess I'd better stock up on milk, bread, and toilet paper :)


Heather in MD


Capitol Weather Gang now has a map of predicted accumulation amounts. Kristen, don't look because Fauquier County is in the very center of the 12 to 20"+ band.


ETA: As of 11:00 AM EST, here are their current probability predictions for snowfall amounts in the area:

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We are in the 12 to 20" band as well. I guess I'd better stock up on milk, bread, and toilet paper :)


Heather in MD


And whiskey. Or maybe that's just in Richmond, where I grew up. ;)


You guys and everyone else that lives here! :D

We have decided to sit this out at the extended stay hotel as our house is not quite 100% - some rooms have no electricity, range is not working....so I am running home for a bottle of Kahlua and then I will be set.

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I guess that is one of the benefits of having only one car... I'll be emailing the stock-up list to dh and he will have to go to the store on his way home from work :)


Heather in MD



Absolutely -- Dh is going to get to a store later tonight - who knows what will be remaining, but we don't need that much. I would avoid stores today if at all possible.


Kathleen: I'll be waiting to hear what things were like there!

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We had co-op this morning and I am going back soon to pick up my kids from 4H there. As soon as my 16yo gets home, she is going out to get supplies. I will be having an Odyssey of the Mind meeting at my house and wouldn't be able to get out till after 4. I am so scared of losing power. We didn't lost it in Dec. but I really don't want to lose it now. I already stocked up a lot for the Tuesday snow but we are almost out of milk again and I think she will buy some kiln dried wood just in case. Also water.

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I just wish the banks would open up Saturday, or stay open later Friday (knowing they'll be closed on Saturday). THAT has been a huge headache. We ran out of propane (heat) on Friday, the day dh gets paid, but because the banks were all closed Saturday, we had no money to get more........ :glare:


I'm glad that people have stopped stampeding the supermarkets, though :lol: No more runs on tp and milk (I hope).

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We are in Fairfax, VA. We are going to go out later today and try sledding on some cardboard, as we have yet to get a sled. We may go look for one tomorrow before the BIG snow this weekend. We have a nice hill beside our home that has just been begging us to slide down it!


My kids will often "sled" without anything at all!

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Y'all keep that stuff to the south of me. We are having one of the mildest winters we've had in years. I'd like to keep it that way if at all possible.


TIA :-)


This is what brings much of our snow: Lake Erie. And it is almost frozen, except the western end. Lake effect almost all gone!

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Oh I am so done looking at the predictions. I just saw 20-30 inches for the band that covers my county, over DC, Baltimore, and straight up through Philly!! I already ran to Safeway with everyone else in town and will be hitting the PO tomorrow to get some packages out.

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My kids will often "sled" without anything at all!


We might try that if we had snowsuits. We can't stay out long because everyone ends up with wet clothes.


What are the chances of this storm knocking out power? We live on a main road, so I'm hoping that if anyone has power, we will. I have plenty of food, diapers, etc, but unfortunately you can't stock up on electricity! I so wish we had a fireplace.....

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What are the chances of this storm knocking out power? We live on a main road, so I'm hoping that if anyone has power, we will. I have plenty of food, diapers, etc, but unfortunately you can't stock up on electricity! I so wish we had a fireplace.....


I hope it doesn't knock out power - at least not for a long period of time. With ds's medical condition, we need to be able to heat water. I guess we could bring the grill into the screened porch. It has a side burner we can use. Any other suggestions on how to heat water without electricity (or a fireplace)?


Heather in MD

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At least it's not the 50 they proclaimed at the beginning of the week. That had me a tinsy bit worried.


ETA Snowmagedden, I love it :D

which means they had a whole two days of school this week: Tuesday and Thursday.

Westmoreland County was out all week (they already cancelled tomorrow) and the town school down the street went today, but cancelled tomorrow :lol: One day of school this week. Do you know how badly ds wishes he was in ps this week?

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which means they had a whole two days of school this week: Tuesday and Thursday.


But they will be going President's Day and tacking on days to the end of the year.


I canceled school today so the kids could play outside in the sun and told them we'd do school Saturday. Snow days are getting old here, especially for my 3 yr old who gets frustrated playing in the deep snow. They'll go out to play in the snow I'm sure but I'm guessing they'll also be bored enough that C6 will be excited to do school. :)

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I hope it doesn't knock out power - at least not for a long period of time. With ds's medical condition, we need to be able to heat water. I guess we could bring the grill into the screened porch. It has a side burner we can use. Any other suggestions on how to heat water without electricity (or a fireplace)? I had to think long and hard about this -- your grill sounds like the best idea. In the alternative, i.e., if I didn't have a grill, I would probably use a duraflame log outside on a fireplace grate (home depot has them) and that's how I would heat up the water.


Heather in MD


But they will be going President's Day and tacking on days to the end of the year. Yup - I received that email.


I canceled school today so the kids could play outside in the sun and told them we'd do school Saturday. Snow days are getting old here, especially for my 3 yr old who gets frustrated playing in the deep snow. They'll go out to play in the snow I'm sure but I'm guessing they'll also be bored enough that C6 will be excited to do school. :)


Here too.

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Okay, so we are stocked up - Hershey bars, graham crackers, marshmallows for s'mores, and then bananas for banana boats. Does anyone else make these? We lost power in December and expect that we might again. Heat's not a problem b/c of our gas fireplace, wood stove, and real fireplace, but flushing potties is. Ugh. We'll just fill up the bathtubs with water. Last time we didn't and dh spent 2 1/2 days heating up snow to flush. This the worst part of losing power for us. We've done MEGA loads of laundry today knowing that we can fold even without power, but we can't run the washer/dryer. We have a gas stove, so I'm planning to make chicken noodle soup and chili. I did buy instant coffee. Last time we ground our beans with a mortar and pestal and then ran it through our coffee maker which works by displacement, but still ...


I have heard some RIDICULOUS amounts for our area. We'll just see. Our family is super-excited and can't wait to see the snow start to fall!

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