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Does your dh get paid for sick days?

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My dh is military (active duty) so he doesn't get sick days. I mean if he's really ill and sees the doc on board that says he shouldn't be there he might come home but in 12.5 years of marriage that has yet to happen, so he just usually takes some cold tablets and pushes through.

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Dh gets sick days. I'm not sure how many a year. He has had enough built up for two surgeries this year. I think all together he had 4-5 weeks off all paid.


For one day off here and there they are allowed to swap days off for a sick day. Such as if dh was supposed to be off Sat and Sun but needed Tuesday off he could be off Tuesday and work either the Sat or Sun that he was supposed to be off.

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Technically, yes. My DH owns his own business and so we get his full pay check every week, no matter how many days he works. With that said, I can't remember a day where he ever took the entire day off because he was sick or one of us was sick. He always goes in for a little bit. Also, if he is out, work usually suffers - when the cat is away, the mice will play. So, vacations are usually long weekends.

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My dh is military (active duty) so he doesn't get sick days. I mean if he's really ill and sees the doc on board that says he shouldn't be there he might come home but in 12.5 years of marriage that has yet to happen, so he just usually takes some cold tablets and pushes through.




Technically, they get 30 days of paid leave per year. They rarely use it all and they rarely take off sick (as in, it's never happened with my husband unless he was in the hospital).

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and he can take any day off he wants as long as he pulls in profits and does his work.


Realistically, though, no. He would only take a sick day if he were absolutely incapacitated or if he were otherwise actually not busy. Most days he has court hearings, depositions, mediation. He would never cancel any of these things unless it were a true emergency because people have to wait months sometimes to get into court and it just would be so unfair to them.


I would never ask him to stay home if I were sick and if staying home would mean that someone who waited weeks or months to have their case heard would end up being delayed. So while his boss would not care if he took a day off, he often can't or won't. If he has an infectious illness, he will cancel if that just delays consults and other routine work. I think if his client had waited for months for a hearing, though, he probably would just go anyway. He's a fanatical hand washer and sanitizer, and rarely gets sick.

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No. We are self employed, so there are no paid sick days.

If the work is not done, the invoices are not paid.


:iagree:If he's truly sick he will take the day off, but only if it will interfere with his safety on the job (carpenter). He's worked with two broken wrists before and went back too soon after a concussion :glare:.


Same thing with vacation days, they have to be carved from his schedule and we never truly know if he'll be able to take it off until a few days beforehand.

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Since we're talking about sick days for both mom and dad, I just thought I'd see how many of our dh's get paid if they take a sick day. So, do they? How many days do they get per year? If they don't get paid, do you use vacation days or go without pay, or...??


No sick or vacation days.

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Yes and no. :001_smile:


My dh is a PhD student on a stipend. If he gets sick and cancels a class, he still gets his stipend, but his committee chair will probably want to know why he canceled class. He only cancels if he is is sick enough to go to the doctor... which isn't often.


He also tutors student athletes in the evening, and if he doesn't show he doesn't get paid... and there is a good chance they will re-assign his student if he calls out more than once.

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Since we're talking about sick days for both mom and dad, I just thought I'd see how many of our dh's get paid if they take a sick day. So, do they? How many days do they get per year? If they don't get paid, do you use vacation days or go without pay, or...??


Yes, thank goodness, though it's hard for him to actually TAKE all those sick days he accrues. He's a county police officer, so he accrues personal leave and sick leave per every certain number of house he works.

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He gets Paid Time Off. He can use it for anything he wants to use it for. Same for all of the guys he works with. Thus, the passing around of every illness that comes down the pike. They all go to work sick. :tongue_smilie:


Also, they must use it up every year. No carrying over anything.


I just asked him. He has 10 holidays plus 4 weeks and 2 days PTO.

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My husband gets PTO- Paid time off. It can be used for vacation, sick days, or whatever. I think he's up to 19 days/year. It's actually done in hours so he can take a half day off if needed. He's salaried and works about 50 hours a week. Usually, if he needs to leave a little early, like an hour or two, he does not have to use his PTO since he does not get paid for hours over the 40/week.

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It is funny you asked this now. Last week, my dh took his first ever PAID sick day. He has been working for 23 years and has never had a job where he got paid sick time. A couple of months ago, he took a mechanic job with the state. The pay is substantially lower than what he could make working in a small auto repair shop, but the benefits are wonderful. We really need health insurance and that is nearly impossible to get at a small shop, so he took this state job. One of the amazing perks is 15 sick days a year. He can use up to 10 of those days for family illness or doctors appointments. Typically, he would tough it out and go to work when he was sick. If he called in sick at a typical small shop, he would have h*ll to pay when he came back. He was nervous about taking the day off, but he was tossing his cookies with no end in sight. He was so pleasantly surprised how nice everyone was when he came back the next day. The HR guy had even already filled out his sick leave form for him. So, the pay isn't great, but we do like the perks!

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Yes, but he rarely takes them.


He gets 11 sick days per year. They can be used or saved up for early retirement.


They are ONLY for sickness. He cannot use them to take off and have fun. Two of those eleven sick days are "dont ask, don't tell" days which he uses to go down to Mexico with Hands of Mercy every year.


Hmm, he is kinda paid for vacations in that he is salaried and still gets a pay check after spring break. But, as a school teacher, he cannot choose his vacation days. So he isn't taking off in October to take us to the beach.


He gets 10 paychecks per year. We go all summer without any kind of income unless he wins the lottery to work the 5 wks of summer school.


I can't really complain, although it would be awesome if he could use those eleven days to take us to the Aquarium or some place fun or could cash them out to help pay for the summer.

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