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"Well, knock me over with a feather duster!" What are your favorite sayings?

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That really burns my grits.


I'm going to snatch you bald-headed.


Shut my mouth.


Run away, run away!


I fart in your general direction.


And anything else from Monty Python.


Bertie Wooster:


All this is due to fish, you say?


Hellooooooo Bertie!




One is shocked, one raises the eyebrows.


You namby pamby, I will beat you to jelly.

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From the Pink Panther-


I would like to buy a damburger.


I think I got myself a pretty good deal.


Good one.


Cat in the Hat-


I can't believe you just whizzed on my taco.


(We are too easily influenced by movies.)


And from my horse tapes-


Make the right thing easy and the wrong thing hard.


As gentle as possible, as firm as necessary.


Come on Precious.


You're being a "Betty".

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Some of mine:


"He/She/It looked like it fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down."


"Wantin' ain't gettin'." I know, already been used, but we love it.


"Tastes so good it'll make your tongue want to slap your brains out."


"Tastes so good it'll make you want to slap yo' momma."


"Bless your/her/his heart." This phrase is often used in the South to hide an insult, such as "Bless her heart, her cooking could kill a horse."


"Delicious and nutritious"


"Looks like you swallowed a hundred dollars and got it back in pennies." Dh is a freckled fellow, and the dc are following suit.


Some of dh's (I take no responsibility for these):


"I see said the blind man to his one-eyed sweetheart."


"So clean it shines like a diamond in a goat's butt." (you asked!)


"It's colder than a well-diggers' end in Idaho."


"I'm so hungry I could end the South end of a North-bound possum."


"My stomach thinks by throat's been cut."


"My stomach is rubbing a blister on my backbone."


Yes, we are from the South.



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of a fiddle factory.


My Mother always said this and I guess it stuck. Or maybe we know a lot of people with a lot of nerve. I have no idea, really, what it means. I guess if you were to work in a fiddle factory, you might need good nerves, but the factory itself? Still, I say it all the time.

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You get what you get and you don't throw a fit.


We need an attitude of gratitude.


What in the world? (my 6yo DS is now saying this with almost my exact inflection).


That's a corker.


Run, Forrest, Run (b/c my child does everything soooo slowly).


And I tend to spout off maxims, rhymes and Scripture randomly through-out my day. Must have been all that memory work as a child.

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Don't get your panties in a wad.


For cryin' out loud in a bucket. (Why we cry in a bucket I don't know, but my dad said this a lot when we played cards.)


He/She's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.


Her elevator doesn't go all the way to the top.


The lights are on, but nobody's home.


I can dress you up, but I can't take you out.

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We have a lot of expressions around here --


From my parents (bless their hearts!):


Well I'll be a monkey's uncle!

Oh, Fiddle faddle!

Aw, horse sh*t!

Son, you'd lose your head if it wasn't attached

What in the Sam Hill are you doing?!!

If you don't stop that I'm gonna tan your hide!

You're acting like a one legged goat with his p*cker caught in the door (my father was famous for making up ridiculous sayings like this...each more colorful than the next. We call them "Bob-isms" after my father, Bob, who is Southern to the core.)



My own:


Who peed in your cornflakes?

First day with the new feet?

Is it my imagination, or was I talking?

Who made you Queen?

S/he's almost as exciting as a box of rocks.

We're off like a herd of turtles

The lights are on but nobody's home

Holy dirty dishes (or whatever noun applies), Batman!


From the Bill Cosby albums of my youth:


That's it, everybody outa the pool!

We used to have a rhinoceros.

All Right...who put the bullet in the furnace?!

You're gettin' silly. Go to bed!

What is your name, child....And don't lie to me because you live here and I'll find out who you are!




Doran -- who has enjoyed this little nostalgic trip :001_smile:

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Colder than a witch's t*t (my Mom's :-0)

That's just flithy dirty, Fixin to, honey darlin' (my MIL's expressions)

Stop that grab assing (my dad's)

Like white on rice

rat's ear, I'm sweatin' like a stuck pig (DH's)

you make my eye's twitch (From French Kiss)

I’m finer than frog hair split four ways (BIL's)

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Dh's --

That'll make a puppy pull a freight train.

Finer than frog's hair split four ways. (I see he's not the only one!)

Can't died, and we buried him yesterday.

Slicker than snot on a doorknob.

Colder than a well-digger's butt.

Tighter than a tick on a dog's back.

I want God to come down and kiss earth, and I want to get caught in the middle of the smack. (says this when he's preaching)



Me --

You're killing me, Smalls.

I wish I had 12 kids, so I could kill the ones I've got and not miss them. (this is only said *to* my kids, not *about* them!)

I never promised you a rose garden.

I never promised you fair.

This isn't Burger King. You can't have it your way.

That's an awfully strong emotion to waste on an inanimate object. (said when my children say they 'hate' something)

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Pull up/put on your big girl panties and get the job done.

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My husband always says:


"I'm full as a tick"


I had never heard it until I met him and I laugh all the time when he says it.

He is from the south and I am from MI. He says it is common down there.

He has a few others but that is the one that came to my mind when I read the OP.



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This one is from my husband and he got it from his "hillbilly" Dad who I'm sure got it from the hills of Tennessee...

"You tell 'em cabbage, you're the one with the green head!" What it really means? The world may never know. It just means, "You said it!" or "Tell it like it is!" :D

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My current favorite is something my mil used to say: When that boy gets something in his head, it ain't in his toes (because it is SO my younger son, LOL.....)


Oh, and another of hers: {They} don't have a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out of.... (for those who like to put on airs, but really have nothing)



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My husband always says:


"I'm full as a tick"


I had never heard it until I met him and I laugh all the time when he says it.

He is from the south and I am from MI. He says it is common down there.

He has a few others but that is the one that came to my mind when I read the OP.




I'm in TN and have never heard it BUT I may start using it:tongue_smilie:

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A few of my favorites are:


You know why you're alive? You're alive because I let you live!


Are your hands painted on?


Good grief!


From the movie Lonesome Dove:


Well go if we're goin'!


I guess you go where I say go, girl. (My husband says this to me)




From my mother:

Well paint me red and set me on fire! I think that means that she was shocked that we actually used common sense.


Your sister's butt!


Your grandmother's foot. (These two take the place of curse words.);)



When we first moved to NC, I heard someone say, "Look at that rain, it's like a cow peein' on a flat rock." Oh.My.Lord! I fell in love with it immediately. This past January we were in Florida with my parents and one night it began to rain. Hard rain. I exclaimed, "Look at that rain, it's like a cow peein' on a flat rock!" My father almost fell on the floor he was laughing so hard. I try to use that one at every possible opportunity.

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Guest Virginia Dawn


I didn't ask you if you wanted to.

Somebody's gotta do it, it might as well be you.

Nobody promised you a rose garden.

What do I look like, chopped liver?



Call him butter, cause he's on a roll.



You die if you don't et.

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