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I don't even know who this person is? I take it she is on tv. Who cares what she does with her hair?


These are the same conversations that drive me batty with my girlfriends. "Did you notice so-in-so paid x amount of money for her nails?" "Can you believe blah, blah has been walking around with a y purse?"


Who the flip cares?


I'm honestly curious here but putting on the flame suit just in case...


Why do people post to threads in which they don't know anything on the topic and aren't seeking to find out? This post only serves to belittle those partaking in this discussion, imho. It's not hard to open a thread, roll your eyes, and click back to the main board without responding.

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I don't even know who this person is? I take it she is on tv. Who cares what she does with her hair?


These are the same conversations that drive me batty with my girlfriends. "Did you notice so-in-so paid x amount of money for her nails?" "Can you believe blah, blah has been walking around with a y purse?"


Who the flip cares?


I'm guessing someone does. I don't. The only time I care is when a waiter (who states he waited on J&K) tries to compare our large family to their's. Gag! I'm there to eat, not to hear about the local infamous, and especially not to be compared to a family that is a current train wreck :glare:

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It was. It was a judgment though. She judged that they looked very nice ;)


(says the Mommaduck who is making an attempt at humour to lighten up the thread)


I knew it was humor! :) In that manner, I suppose all opinions are judgments, though negative ones tend to get more backlash than positive ones. It's fun to consider the things we say in a different light sometimes!

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now has extensions. Hair extensions. What is she doing? She says she's a Christian (and I'm not doubting that) but now she looks trampy. Wow.


ETA: Please tell me where in my post I said that Christians shouldn't have hair extensions? I NEVER said that. What I am TRYING to say is that as a Christian woman I don't think she needs to be plastering her face all over magazines, etc. etc. She needs to be getting her house (and children) back in order and if she really doesn't care what people think of her (as she has said) then she needs to act like a grown up and move on. She is no better than her ex-husband. Again, I couldn't care less if Christian women have or don't have hair extensions. And I do happen to think that she looks trampy and that the extension job (which was very expensive, cuz the guy who did them was on T.V. this morning and he said how much they cost....aroudn $5000), look terrible.



Perhaps because she accepted to be a spectacle to society through the show we expect more from her. To me it looks like a "forced" hair do....not natural. IF she is a believer I don't think she has lost her salvation because of her extenstions.


However, I do know where you're coming at and :iagree:

She's calling attention to herself, it seems. As believers, we should be humble and not exalt ourselves.


With the little I know about the real story, I'm sure she and Jon both have issues, but I actually lean more in support of Jon.

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I'm honestly curious here but putting on the flame suit just in case...


Why do people post to threads in which they don't know anything on the topic and aren't seeking to find out? This post only serves to belittle those partaking in this discussion, imho. It's not hard to open a thread, roll your eyes, and click back to the main board without responding.


You are right. I allowed myself to become irritated and to say something I wouldn't have dreamed of saying in real life. In real life, I would have walked away. I should have done the same thing here. My apologies.

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I knew it was humor! :) In that manner, I suppose all opinions are judgments, though negative ones tend to get more backlash than positive ones. It's fun to consider the things we say in a different light sometimes!


Precisely. We can judge, that comes natural. But we don't need to sit around and gossip and just be nasty for no reason. Trust me, there are more issues at stake with that family than hair extensions and whether we think she looks trampy or not. Sigh. Light a candle, pray for them, send those kids good vibes to help them survive the mess, anything that your faith or lack thereof allows....but shoot, are the hive's intellectual minds really that concerned with Kate's hair extensions? This ranks up there with the hoopla over Michelle O. wearing a sleeveless dress. Yep, a real important waste of time.

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This ranks up there with the hoopla over Michelle O. wearing a sleeveless dress. Yep, a real important waste of time.


Or when Paris Hilton lost her dog a few years back? *eyes roll*


Does anyone think the hair extensions could have been partially a publicity stunt as well? I don't follow her... have people not been talking about her enough lately? I googled her to see what they looked like and got all sorts of stories about what people were saying.

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I've personally been a Kate fan from the beginning and love the new look. I think she looks younger and somewhat softer and less harsh. I would rather see her on People trying to make herself feel better with new hair (that People paid for) then read about Jon's newest girl of the week. I think reading about their mom's new hair and how she's trying to feel better and get on with life is less traumatic on the children then reading about their dad and his trashy ways and new fling every week.

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Have you considered www.google.com ?



I don't even know who this person is? I take it she is on tv. Who cares what she does with her hair?


These are the same conversations that drive me batty with my girlfriends. "Did you notice so-in-so paid x amount of money for her nails?" "Can you believe blah, blah has been walking around with a y purse?"


Who the flip cares?

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I thought her face looked alot thinner - unless there had been alot of airbrushing.


I thought it was a good photo of her.




I'm not a big fan of her... but DANG... she looked great! One part of the hair extension looks really bad in the photo... a little frizzy? Dunno who did her hair. But yup, she looked good. Hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. The People shoot most likely paid some big bucks.



ETA: Journey, I really don't see anyone here personally attacking you. Many on here simply do not wish to attack someone and malign her. That is what is going on. Lots of different opinions here in the Hive. As you can see, I don't care for J&K. But at the same time, I do not wish them ill will or try to judge their walk with God. I think that part got lots of us on the opposite "side" of your OP.

Edited by tex-mex
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I don't even know who this person is? I take it she is on tv. Who cares what she does with her hair?


These are the same conversations that drive me batty with my girlfriends. "Did you notice so-in-so paid x amount of money for her nails?" "Can you believe blah, blah has been walking around with a y purse?"


Who the flip cares?


Please note I apologized for these comments further into the thread. I am not erasing them b/c they were quoted by others. I should have walked away rather than engaging in this conversation. These kinds of thread bother me and I should have steered clear. Again, I apologize.


I don't think you need to apologize for expressing what's on your mind. Everyone else is doing it. And as far as posting to a thread that you don't know anything about, you were expressing your opinion about people's interest in celebrity lives. You stated that you didn't know anything about this particular person right up front. I just don't think you did anything wrong.


I feel that same way; I don't know her so I don't really care what she does with her hair. I know who she is because my daughters took an interest in that show way back in the beginning. I enjoy reading the differing viewpoints of the members, so I read a lot of threads that I don't know anything about. For the sake of conversation, and because I was curious, I googled her to see what her hair looks like. I think she looks really pretty.

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I saw this morning that they cost $7000 and took 20 hours. It didn't say if she paid herself or not. I probably wouldn't have even noticed the article if I hadn't seen this thread. I think they look good and figure if she has the cash who cares? I find it easier to wait for my hair to grow but to each her own.

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I saw this morning that they cost $7000 and took 20 hours. It didn't say if she paid herself or not. I probably wouldn't have even noticed the article if I hadn't seen this thread. I think they look good and figure if she has the cash who cares? I find it easier to wait for my hair to grow but to each her own.


Those of us not in the public eye and under their microscope can afford to wait for our hair to grow out.;) I can imagine the story.:lol:

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In an attempt to just run this thread off into a ditch:


We seriously don't have to wait for anything anymore. Not even for our hair to grow.



I would totally do it too, by the way. If I had that kind of moolah floating around. But I have to wonder if humans are just going to totally lose the capacity for patience. I suppose we can't make a baby cook any faster....can we? Or am I forgetting something?

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In an attempt to just run this thread off into a ditch:


We seriously don't have to wait for anything anymore. Not even for our hair to grow.



I would totally do it too, by the way. If I had that kind of moolah floating around. But I have to wonder if humans are just going to totally lose the capacity for patience. I suppose we can't make a baby cook any faster....can we? Or am I forgetting something?


Interesting observation! Delayed gratification is rather passe these days.


FWIW, I've had a few bad haircuts that I'd gladly have repaired with extensions, given the spare cash!

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In an attempt to just run this thread off into a ditch:


We seriously don't have to wait for anything anymore. Not even for our hair to grow.



I would totally do it too, by the way. If I had that kind of moolah floating around. But I have to wonder if humans are just going to totally lose the capacity for patience. I suppose we can't make a baby cook any faster....can we? Or am I forgetting something?


In the future there will be baby stores. Babies will be grown with cloning technology and then when parents are ready for a child, they will hop on over the baby store (right next to the Apple store in the mall) and pick out the make and model they want. No pregnancy, no waiting, perfect really.


I hope this is only a bad sci-fi storyline, but you do bring up a point very worthy of discussion. Isn't there value in waiting? Are we better off eliminating it? What important traits that we consider human are we losing in our instant world?

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I think she looks pretty good. Obviously, any magazine cover photo will be touched up in some way, but still she looks good. She's no fool, she knows what she is doing. She enjoys the money lifestyle and wants to hang on to it so she can continue to give the "best" to her kids. I don't know if I'd do the same thing, but she is none of my business so I really don't care what she does.

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I am sure it has been said a million times by the looks of this thread, but what on earth does being a Christian have to do with hair extensions???:001_huh: And what about long hair looks trampy? I have long hair and to top it off it is black...what does that make me???? I don't particularly care for the Gosselin saga, but how could anyone glace at a picture, make a snap judgement based on personal appearance and then drop the christain stuff! :confused:.

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From what I read People paid for the makeover for the photo shoot and article (which I'm sure they paid her some money to do) and TLC filmed the whole thing... So she did it, got it for free, and made money to support her children in the process... Wow better then her ex is doing? Go Kate!

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Guest janainaz

I thought Kate Gosselin looked really pretty. Even Christians get lost and lose their focus. She had fame and money thrown into her lap (I don't think she originally set out to become famous) and I think she probably would rather go that direction than face the single mom thing with 8 children. She's human and if she IS a Christian, God will still guide her and be there for her despite her decisions. People look at her and shake their head - judging. I'm not so sure how I would handle giving birth to six babies and having twins.


It's hard to watch a divorce. It's hard to witness and watch someone, especially a mother, put herself at the forefront of her life and leave her kids on the back-burner. Now more than ever, they could use a mother that is focused on them. Maybe she is. There is no sin with being attractive and famous. Hopefully she'll find her way and her kids will grow up ok. The whole thing is just sad.

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In an attempt to just run this thread off into a ditch:


We seriously don't have to wait for anything anymore. Not even for our hair to grow.



I would totally do it too, by the way. If I had that kind of moolah floating around. But I have to wonder if humans are just going to totally lose the capacity for patience. I suppose we can't make a baby cook any faster....can we? Or am I forgetting something?

I am under the impression that she did not pay for them.

From what I read People paid for the makeover for the photo shoot and article (which I'm sure they paid her some money to do) and TLC filmed the whole thing... So she did it, got it for free, and made money to support her children in the process... Wow better then her ex is doing? Go Kate!

This is what I heard too.

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I think she is handling things with a lot more dignity than I would.


If I had been married to that douchebag I would have totally run over him with a car..which would be bad because it probably would be caught on camera.


I think this is more or less how I feel as well.

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What I am TRYING to say is that as a Christian woman I don't think she needs to be plastering her face all over magazines, etc. etc. She needs to be getting her house (and children) back in order and if she really doesn't care what people think of her (as she has said) then she needs to act like a grown up and move on.

Does chatting online, disparaging someone's appearance meet the grown-up Christian woman standard, then?


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