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How many hours of school does your grade 3 do on an avg day?

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If things go well (no excessive dawdling - does a day like this exist?:tongue_smilie:) how many hours of school work does your grade 3 child do on an average day (a day that you're home and have no outside commitments). I need to know. Really. Please vote. :tongue_smilie:


**This is not including breaks.


We start at 8:30 and are done by 3:30 but have long breaks in the middle, so our total hours comes to 5.5 hours x 4 days per week. Our fifth day consists of only 2 hours of school.

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My DS8 is in 3rd. We have an odd schedule due to outside commitments:


M: 9am-12pm with a 30 minute break = 2.5 hours

T: 1pm-3:30pm with a 30 minute break = 2 hours

W-F 9am-3pm with three 30 minute breaks = 4.5 hours


We do art and family read alouds in the evenings for an additional 30-60 minutes 5-6 days a week. PE is one of our outside commitments.


We work in 30 minute time periods. If his work is done before the next 30 minute time period, he gets free time until it is time to move on to the next subject. He often has time left for free time.

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If things go well (no excessive dawdling - does a day like this exist?:tongue_smilie:) how many hours of school work does your grade 3 child do on an average day (a day that you're home and have no outside commitments). I need to know. Really. Please vote. :tongue_smilie:


**This is not including breaks.


We start at 8:30 and are done by 3:30 but have long breaks in the middle, so our total hours comes to 5.5 hours x 4 days per week. Our fifth day consists of only 2 hours of school.


I spend about 1-1.5 hours with her, tutoring her through her skills work, then she spends maybe 15-30 minutes finishing math problems/diagrams/mapwork. She has quiet reading/play time for two hours after lunch.

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It really depends on what you count as school.

here is my currently schedule -

1 hour 4 x per week French

1 hour 4 x per week math

1 hour 4 x per week English - writing, grammar and assigned reading

1 hour 4 x per week read aloud on various topics - science, history, literature

20 minutes 4 x per week poetry



7 hours 1 x per week enrichment school - science, Spanish, PE, music, art, chess


1 hour daily free reading

30 minutes exercise daily - treadmill or yoga this time of year

30 minute nature walk daily

lots of time in handcrafts or art daily - she's currently spinning and weaving


And yeah- math takes an hour, but it is working and there aren't tears with any of the work.

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I spend about 1-1.5 hours with her, tutoring her through her skills work, then she spends maybe 15-30 minutes finishing math problems/diagrams/mapwork.


I'd say two hours, if we do everything on "The List". (French, piano practice, math, grammar, copywork, and reading--which is how we cover history and science; she reads some to me, I read some to her.)

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We start at 8:30 and are done by 3:30 but have long breaks in the middle, so our total hours comes to 5.5 hours x 4 days per week. Our fifth day consists of only 2 hours of school.



Do you do year round or 36 weeks?


I intend to do "no more than 3", plus music and art fun and free reading and field trips, but I do school 5-6 days per week year round. For 2nd, we are doing "usually 2-2.5 but sometimes 3 on the weekends".

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Do you do year round or 36 weeks?


I intend to do "no more than 3", plus music and art fun and free reading and field trips, but I do school 5-6 days per week year round. For 2nd, we are doing "usually 2-2.5 but sometimes 3 on the weekends".


I aim for 36 weeks. I really enjoy having the summer off. I've tried to do year-round for two years in a row, but it's simply not a good fit for our family.

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If things go well (no excessive dawdling - does a day like this exist?:tongue_smilie:) how many hours of school work does your grade 3 child do on an average day (a day that you're home and have no outside commitments). I need to know. Really. Please vote. :tongue_smilie:


**This is not including breaks.


We start at 8:30 and are done by 3:30 but have long breaks in the middle, so our total hours comes to 5.5 hours x 4 days per week. Our fifth day consists of only 2 hours of school.


We're pretty close to this. We go about 4-4-1/2 hours and sometimes we don't finish. I think it's long, but dd dawdles on seatwork. We go through mistakes as well and contains a break; about an hour. I'd like to see it take less time. Seems long to me as I only have one.

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My ds takes about 3 - 4 hours to do his work. We do 4-5 days a week, and go year round (though it works out to about 36-40 weeks total after we take our breaks/holidays). This is our basic schedule:

1. Latin, math, spelling: 1.5 hours

2. Writing, grammar: .75 - 1 hour

3. Reading, narration, history/science/Spanish/etc.: 1 - 1.5 hours

Some days it is faster and some days it takes that long.

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If I remember correctly my ds got through 3rd grade lessons in less than 2 hours most days but never more than 3hrs. He was a very (what word am I looking for?) self motivated child? and wanted to get his work done so he could have the afternoon off to play. He really did not want to take scheduled breaks very often, he wanted to move on the the next lesson so he could be done for the day.

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It really depends on what you count as school.

here is my currently schedule -

1 hour 4 x per week French

1 hour 4 x per week math

1 hour 4 x per week English - writing, grammar and assigned reading

1 hour 4 x per week read aloud on various topics - science, history, literature

20 minutes 4 x per week poetry



7 hours 1 x per week enrichment school - science, Spanish, PE, music, art, chess


1 hour daily free reading

30 minutes exercise daily - treadmill or yoga this time of year

30 minute nature walk daily

lots of time in handcrafts or art daily - she's currently spinning and weaving


And yeah- math takes an hour, but it is working and there aren't tears with any of the work.


I think that adds up to more hours than there are in a week :glare: (not really, but i feel that way when i read this list). Seriously, your 3rd grader gets all that done in one week, or is this your ideal list?


my ds 8 does 3-4 hours of school work a day. we do the 3rs every day and then either history or science, or both if we can squeeze it in.

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Let's see... there were few days where there was NO dawdling, but if I added up the 'no-dawdle' times for each subject, it should have been 2 to 3 hours last year (her 3rd grade year), not including time spent reading (which could vary from 30 minutes to 2 1/2 hours, depending on what she was reading and how interested she was). Near the end of the year I bumped it up a bit more and it was probably 3 to 3 1/2.

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My third grader has older siblings, he's the youngest. We do school from 8:30 am until 2:30 pm, four days per week (generally speaking). However, part of that time he draws, plays lego, plays computerized math games, etc. We do school year-round, taking off a week at a time here and there, as necessary (mostly due to visitors!).

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I'd say 18-20 hours a week. M-Th we do a 3-4 hour schedule (depending on dawdling). Friday we do about 3 hours of art and science.


Then there's Latin vocab practice in the car, miscellaneous chapter book reading and SSR time, history reading...maybe more like 20-23 hours a week total? But seatwork averages 18-20.

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Gosh.. first time ever... I got mine to do about 3 real hours today. Memory Work done online... (12 wks of Classical Conversations Work...) Listening to SOTW.... and Famous Men of Rome... on CD.... Math.... and.... also... Bible Catechism at the end of the day. Oh... and Science...YAY..... But... this isn't usual (he's 6)

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Alex is technically 2nd grade but working at 3rd grade level in some core subjects....


We do school in the morning from 9-12 (includes a 30 min nature walk/bike ride as a break after math). After lunch we finish up whatever history or science didn't get finished, have recorder practice, do some knitting (for handwork) and have 30 minutes of independent reading time.

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