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Announcing our minivan baby!!! + Words of encouragement?

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Our newest little bundle of joy was born around 5:57 am on Dec. 29th in our minivan on the way to the hospital :driving::w00t: :auto: !!! I will try to get a birth story written, but no time for that right now :) We'll just say for now that Daddy is our hero!!! Our little guy was 9lbs. 6 oz. and he :seeya:and Mommy:svengo: are doing great .


What I would like to throw out is a plea for all experienced moms of many little ones to send me some encouraging words. We moved here for the military and we have no church home, no friends, and no family (except for Grandma that arrived on the day baby was born and is leaving in a few days). Daddy is only off of work for a few more days. I don't want to whine, but I have to admit that I do not deal well with change. I know that we are truly blessed and I am thankful for all the Lord has done for us. But, I could really use some wise words to help me navigate through this time of transition. I was already struggling with getting things done before baby, so I am even more confused about how to fit it all in now that I am in the midst of poopy diapers, sleepless nights, and feeding baby. My main areas of concern are getting school done and keeping the other children occupied throughout the day.


Please share any advice and wisdom that you have as to how to manage day to day with a new babe in the house. My children are 11(at the end of the month), 8, 6, 4, 2, and newborn :laugh:.


Thank you for any words you can share,



Mommy to 6 beautiful blessings!


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What I would like to throw out is a plea for all experienced moms of many little ones to send me some encouraging words. We moved here for the military and we have no church home, no friends, and no family




I'm not an experienced mom, but if you still live near me, hubby is around quite a bit and could run an errand for you in a pinch. PM me IF YOU LIKE, and I'll provide info on how to get a hold of him. Emergency plans are always good, and he does my grocery shopping and errands:D. I understand about not leaving children with a strange man, but he could pick something up for you so you wouldn't have to load the whole crew if your hubby is not available to sit...

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"Put "lessons" on hold for a few weeks. Give yourself a break. Read lots of books and give the kids lots of free time. The baby *is* the lesson. :D "





Where do you live? near Seattle? I'm familiar with plenty of churches and the REACH group - eventhough we live in VA now. I hope you will have a calm transition and make some new friends soon. Keep your expectations LOW - food, warmth, cheerfulness- and just enjoy your baby's first weeks. School can wait. I can't wait to read your birth story. You are amazing!! :001_smile:

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Our newest little bundle of joy was born around 5:57 am on Dec. 29th in our minivan on the way to the hospital :driving::w00t: :auto: !!! I will try to get a birth story written, but no time for that right now :) We'll just say for now that Daddy is our hero!!! Our little guy was 9lbs. 6 oz. and he :seeya:and Mommy:svengo: are doing great .


What I would like to throw out is a plea for all experienced moms of many little ones to send me some encouraging words. We moved here for the military and we have no church home, no friends, and no family (except for Grandma that arrived on the day baby was born and is leaving in a few days). Daddy is only off of work for a few more days. I don't want to whine, but I have to admit that I do not deal well with change. I know that we are truly blessed and I am thankful for all the Lord has done for us. But, I could really use some wise words to help me navigate through this time of transition. I was already struggling with getting things done before baby, so I am even more confused about how to fit it all in now that I am in the midst of poopy diapers, sleepless nights, and feeding baby. My main areas of concern are getting school done and keeping the other children occupied throughout the day.


Please share any advice and wisdom that you have as to how to manage day to day with a new babe in the house. My children are 11(at the end of the month), 8, 6, 4, 2, and newborn :laugh:.


Thank you for any words you can share,



Mommy to 6 beautiful blessings!



What an exciting story you will have to tell when he is older!


As for the many young children at home - there really is nothing that I can tell you to make things easier other than time. I have been through that and it is just difficult!


How can you work on getting more sleep? I have to sleep or I can't keep it together. Both of my older boys were able to care for their younger siblings at age 10 for a couple of hours so I could sleep if necessary. Could you nap when the younger ones are napping and have the older ones keep things under control?


Can your dh take care of things in the evening so that you can rest then?


Also, call your family support group leader - there may be someone (or two) that would be willing to help for a couple of hours at a time. Or, reach out to the homeschool world and see if someone has a teen that would be able to come help you for a few days a week.


As for getting school done - do read-alouds while you nurse, assign independent work where necessary, and don't expect to be back at full schedule for a few weeks.

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I actually found getting back into lessons, with me sitting and nursing on the couch all day, to be helpful -we ALL felt better when we had a bit of our routine back in place. Of course it's hard to do it when the baby is crying, etc...but we tried. Get the kids to do all the manual labor, though, even fetching stuff. I try to make everything a game if I think I'll get flak from them about doing something. ;) I time them, we play mother may I with chores/clean up, silly stuff. Honestly, I think I need to pull out some of these tricks again myself!


Hoping you have a swift recovery and easy baby. :grouphug:

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I am WOWing on the minivan - LOL! Oh my - that is exciting stuff!


Tomorrow is my dh's first day back at work since our twins were born on Dec. 14th - so I understand your feelings of concern. I am trying to get some things ready today so the kids can work fairly independently tomorrow. I can't possibly let my kids just run free for any longer - they are stir crazy right now and need to be directed to at least some degree. I'm hopeful I can occupy them well throughout the morning and then give them free time in the afternoon (when I can hopefully sneak in a nap).


Good luck and enjoy your little one!

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Congrats, wow 9 lbs au naturelle. Kudos.


As for hsing. Take it easy. Work around baby, do schooling during naps if possible. The beauty of hsing is working around your schedule.


One time we took off a whole six mos due to health. We caught up so no worries.


I hope you get help, dont feel bad to ask.

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I agree with the advice to rest.


Our last one came when the older two were 9.5 and 8, so I just took it easy until I felt able to handle it.

If the lessons didn't take place until the evening when Dad was around to help with either the lesson or the baby that was how it happened.


Youngest is now 6 and oldest is 16 and doing very well, so no irreparable harm was done :D.

It took me about 3 months before I really felt up to doing more than a little school a day and 6 months until we were back to full swing. And even then school was usually done during morning and late afternoon naps because I still felt the need for ALL OF US to lie down for quiet time after lunch. I highly reccomend the quiet time for the older kids. They didn't have to sleep, but they had to stay in thier room, on thier beds for the entire 2 hours of Quiet Time. It saved my sanity.


Congrats. Can't wait to hear the whole story when your up to it. :001_smile:

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WOW!!! Terri, congratulations! I am SO happy for you that you have a beautiful new bundle of love and that all's well. I can't even imagine having a baby in my car!


I agree to rest! I know the kids are stir crazy but you'll just have to get the olders to help with the youngers and just take it easy with school for a while. They'll catch up, even if you call this your "summer" right now.


Congrats again!!!

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Well, I was thinking about the baby being the lesson.


We have been trying unsucessfully to implement HOD for a while now. I was thinking maybe we should have science and history center around the baby with lots of library books and videos. How babies are formed, anatomy, nourishment, growth, etc. Tons of science involved with baby. As for history, I could probably come up with some baby related topics on that too. The beginning of civilizations, geneology, etc.


What do you all think? Should I just focus on the 3 R's and let the HOD science and history go for now?


Thank you all for the notes of encouragement! Oh, I forgot to mention, all 5 of the other children were in the van also when the baby was born! Baby was delivered in the front seat during fog and black ice (cars flipped off the side of the road!!!) while it was still dark outside.

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Please sleep whenever you can. Please. Take care of that, it is very important.


Then, if your husband can help with this, good, if you like the idea... divide up the all the toys/activities into a few buckets/boxes/whatever (include some stuffed animals, etc.) Put all but one in the garage. Rotate them each day. one box in at at time. When we did this, the children only had a couple things to play with in their room, period. The little ones get all excited about seeing the new box of toys and it does get their attention... at least it worked great for our little ones.


Stick to the very, very basics when it comes to schooling. My children were always MUCH better behaved when we had lessons... but keep it simple, take it easy... lots of read alouds with that box of toys in the room!


And keep homelife simple... easier meals... If you kids eat fresh veggies, get lots of them and lay out a veggie platter with pretzels for lunch... my kids loved this because I would put out broccoli, cherry tomatoes and pretzels and call them my little dinosaurs who would come eat their trees and sticks...


Congratulations... and... if this idea works for you... I have a lovely memory of nursing my son in the middle of the night and having next to my chair a stash of mixed chocolates!! Just brush your teeth real good in the morning!!

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Our newest little bundle of joy was born around 5:57 am on Dec. 29th in our minivan on the way to the hospital :driving::w00t: :auto: !!! I will try to get a birth story written, but no time for that right now :) We'll just say for now that Daddy is our hero!!! Our little guy was 9lbs. 6 oz. and he :seeya:and Mommy:svengo: are doing great .


What I would like to throw out is a plea for all experienced moms of many little ones to send me some encouraging words. We moved here for the military and we have no church home, no friends, and no family (except for Grandma that arrived on the day baby was born and is leaving in a few days). Daddy is only off of work for a few more days. I don't want to whine, but I have to admit that I do not deal well with change. I know that we are truly blessed and I am thankful for all the Lord has done for us. But, I could really use some wise words to help me navigate through this time of transition. I was already struggling with getting things done before baby, so I am even more confused about how to fit it all in now that I am in the midst of poopy diapers, sleepless nights, and feeding baby. My main areas of concern are getting school done and keeping the other children occupied throughout the day.


Please share any advice and wisdom that you have as to how to manage day to day with a new babe in the house. My children are 11(at the end of the month), 8, 6, 4, 2, and newborn :laugh:.


Thank you for any words you can share,



Mommy to 6 beautiful blessings!



We got our best school done here when we had new babies. I was FORCED to sit down to nurse...and that led to reading while nursing which led to lessons during the new ones naps...which led to lots of snuggles and fun ....I miss those days. It seems I never stop running now...


Your 11 y/o can fetch a diaper or help the little ones get their shoes. You can sit on the couch with new baby and read to them etc.


Enjoy your babymoon...and CONGRATS!!!!



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I'm in Tacoma, and would be willing to come by and help you out. The kids can play (my older two are the same age as your older two) and I can help with some basic housework and grown up conversation.



Joann, thanks so much for the offer. That is so sweet of you. Maybe we could work out something. Thank you!

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I'm not an experienced mom, but if you still live near me, hubby is around quite a bit and could run an errand for you in a pinch. PM me IF YOU LIKE, and I'll provide info on how to get a hold of him. Emergency plans are always good, and he does my grocery shopping and errands:D. I understand about not leaving children with a strange man, but he could pick something up for you so you wouldn't have to load the whole crew if your hubby is not available to sit...


What a kind offer. Thank you!

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Congrats, Terri! I had a minivan baby too (almost 5 years ago)! All my kids were in the van too..for us at least we made it to the hospital entrance though. DD was technically delivered by the ER staff, though her head was out when they got there! I'm in the Lake Tapps area--everything is far away, including the hospital. I was supposed to deliver in Tacoma, but we could only make it as far as Puyallup before I told DH we needed to get to the closest hospital NOW!


Anyway, unless it's easier for you to have routine, I would do no school for about a month. Let yourself and the kids adjust. They can catch up in the summer if that's important to you. Maybe you could request a bunch of library books and have your DH pick them up after work? That would give them something educational to do. I'd be all about the videos too. :)

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if this idea works for you... I have a lovely memory of nursing my son in the middle of the night and having next to my chair a stash of mixed chocolates!! Just brush your teeth real good in the morning!!



Oh yes,


Chocolate is definitely a sanity saver! Ask me what I have been eating while sitting at the computer!!!

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I'm in the Lake Tapps area--everything is far away, including the hospital. I was supposed to deliver in Tacoma, but we could only make it as far as Puyallup before I told DH we needed to get to the closest hospital NOW!



Hi Rosy,


How many children do you have?


You are not far from us. I actually wanted to use the midwife in Lake Tapps for our delivery, but it didn't work out. We were headed to St. Joseph's in Tacoma. We could have maybe made it to Good Sam's. He was born on River Road!


Maybe we can meet sometime!

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Hi Rosy,


How many children do you have?


You are not far from us. I actually wanted to use the midwife in Lake Tapps for our delivery, but it didn't work out. We were headed to St. Joseph's in Tacoma. We could have maybe made it to Good Sam's. He was born on River Road!


Maybe we can meet sometime!


I have 4 kids, ranging from 9 to almost 5. I have lots of friends who have used that midwife (Nancy, right?)...if we weren't done I would probably want to do that, though DH is anti-midwife so it probably wouldn't happen! :)


We were headed to St. Joe's too...although I do have to say I was glad not to give them my business since they sent me home a couple nights prior to DDs birth and said I wasn't really in labor. :glare:


How funny! I'll think of you next time I'm driving down River Rd. :D That would be fun to meet up!


So what did you do after you delivered? Did you just go back home, or did you go the rest of the way to the hospital???

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What do you all think? Should I just focus on the 3 R's and let the HOD science and history go for now?


I would drop the 3R for a while, if it were me. Get all the kids together and work on the 'history of baby' and the 'science of baby' as one family unit. It will create great memories for all involved (except baby in question).


BTW, congratulations! And I have to say, I'm quite happy it happened to you and not me! :tongue_smilie:

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Be easy on yourself and remember you can only do what you can... also get very good at nursing and moving ;)

My best advice though as a mom to many is to invest in a GOOD carrier that allows you to put your baby on your back. My favorite was a good quality woven wrap ( I like didymos). I could put the babe on my back and work comfortable for hours. It's well worth the price tag in sanity saved.

Check out attachedtobaby.com for ideas of nice carriers

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I have lots of friends who have used that midwife (Nancy, right?)...if we weren't done I would probably want to do that, though DH is anti-midwife so it probably wouldn't happen! :)




So what did you do after you delivered? Did you just go back home, or did you go the rest of the way to the hospital???



Well, I don't think it was at the top of my hubby's list to use a midwife. But, he was OK with it until I showed up for my FIRST appt. with her and she wasn't even there for the appt. No note, nothing. Just me trying to get someone to answer the door and my hubby at home so I could go to the appt. She said she was at another client's home (or something like that) when I called her about it later. Well, thanks for at least leaving a note on the door! (which she didn't!)


So, after that, hubby said no. And, I had to agree with him...who wants to use a midwife who can't be relied upon for a first time appt., much less having faith in her to be there when the baby is coming!!!


So, I chose St. Joe's because of their having a midwife option. However, now I know that was way too far away! I should have gone for Good Sam's.


Yes, because of the darkness and the fog we still aren't sure exactly where it happened, but it wasn't too far past the bridge off of Levee Rd.


Maybe we can get together for a playdate at a park this summer.

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