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A Book-A-Month/12 Books a Year ~ Janunary

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Happy New Year!


What book are you reading this month? Share what you are reading, what you plan to read or link your blog with thoughts on your reading.

Comments about the book, what you got out of it and recommendations good bad or otherwise are always welcome, but not necessary.

What I am reading now: The Road by Cormac McCarthy

I started this book before Christmas, but now I am going to reread the beginning and finish it.

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I'm about 40 pages into Going Rogue by Sarah Palin. I'm not sure I like reading an autobiography about a current figure...the whole time I'm reading I hear her voice in my head and it gets annoying!!! I can only get through about 10-15 pages and then I have to put it down.:001_unsure:

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Hi! I'm reading Outliers. I didn't realize it was written by the author of The Tipping Point, which I had to read when I was still working! I'm feeling lots of pressure since picking up the book at the library last night: it's a 14 day loaner! :eek: Going to do my best to get through it. Luckily, it has big type, so even if I misplace my reading glasses, I'm hopeful to get 'er done.


Thanks Wildiris for starting this up! Happy New Year everyone!

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I'm re-reading Emma by Jane Austen. It's been probably a decade since I read it for the first time, so I don't remember all of the intricacies of the plot, which makes it pleasantly fresh as well as familiar. The Complete Works of Jane Austen is my favorite book, and also the most worn from use.

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Argh! Are we combining all the reading challenges into the one thread? Or not?


Do I belong here?



Rosie -who read a silly novel yesterday called Only Human by Susie Boyt. Only recommended if you don't want to pay attention to what you are reading; and started St Augustine's confessions.


Edit: Oh my goodness. I usually posted just above or just below Nakia in last years book threads. I don't know if I can handle this change of routine:svengo:

Edited by Rosie_0801
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Mine was pretty short and I'm done already-Fahrenheit 451. I can't believe I haven't read it before.

Amazing that the book was written in the 50's and feels so relevant today. And I clearly have people in my life that are more like Mildred, and some more like Clarisse. The hound was pretty creepy.

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The Black Swan is a book about the improbable and how humans aren't very good at understanding or adapting to things that are outside of the ordinary. The guy that wrote it is some super-geeky mathematician/philosopher. One of his big points is that humans like narrative so much so that we would rather throw out a good portion of the details of history in order to make a narrative of it.


At first I was a bit annoyed by the book, but it has grown on me. I had to slow down my reading pace in order to absorb and think about what he is saying. I bought it for myself for Christmas as part of my plan to read a challenging and thought-provoking book each month instead of just devouring my favorite sci-fi.

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I'm reading Diary of a Provincial Lady, Cathedral:the English Cathedrals and the world that made them and Howard's End is on the Landing. The last two I was fortunate to receive for Christmas; the former is a library book that's in a lovely series of reissues of (mostly) early 20th century novels.

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I'm currently reading Good Omens (which I'm finding hilarious). I've also just barely started Teach Like Your Hair is on Fire & already like it.



Well, I'm going to have to read these books. If you're reading them and like them, I must check them out. :D



and started St Augustine's confessions.




Good luck with that one. Took me forever because I was so bored.



I just started Jo's Boys by Lousia May Alcott. It's the last book in the Little Women series.

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I'm halfway through The Illuminator. It's about a man in 14th c England who is an artist and is contracted to illuminate a copy of scripture for the Catholic church, but is also secretly illuminating (more simply) a copy of scripture for Wycliffe in common English. So far I am loving it, but I need to pick up the pace because the library wants it back eventually I'm sure.:glare:


I am also reading Spirit Led Eating that I got from PBS. It's by a psychologist who has lost weight by imposing some eating rules he found in scripture. We'll see. I always take this stuff with a grain of salt. HA! No pun intended!:D


I have waiting Portrait of an Unknown Woman, which I had better get to because the library wants it back too! It's about an unknown woman in a portrait done by Holbein of Sir Tomas More's family. Can't wait to dig into it!

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Good luck with that one [st Augustine's Confessions.] Took me forever because I was so bored.

I just started Jo's Boys by Lousia May Alcott. It's the last book in the Little Women series.


Hehehe. Jo's Boys has a lot more action, yes :D Still, Confessions can't be as painful as War and Peace was. At least it is shorter ;)


Has anyone read Jostein Gaarder's letter to St Augustine? I had that recommended to me. Should I wait until I've finished studying 'Confessions?' Or would it be a lighter read to accompany it? I assume the former, since Jostein Gaarder is generally not fluffy reading.



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I just finished Innocent Traitor from a rec. here and it was just fabolous. I wrote a little summary at my blog Johnsen Crew linked below.


I am currently reading The Once and Future King which may take me awhile. I just started so I'm not into it enough to get motivated yet.

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I am currently reading The Once and Future King which may take me awhile. I just started so I'm not into it enough to get motivated yet.

Ahhh, had to read that in high school. Read it again in my 30s. To me, a worthwhile read. I hope you do get into it. :)

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I just finished Innocent Traitor from a rec. here and it was just fabolous. I wrote a little summary at my blog Johnsen Crew linked below.


I am currently reading The Once and Future King which may take me awhile. I just started so I'm not into it enough to get motivated yet.

I LOVED Innocent Traitor!!! I'll keep an eye out for your review of Once and Future King. You must be an English Hist Fiction lover like me! :D

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Argh! Are we combining all the reading challenges into the one thread? Or not?


Do I belong here?


Sorry you are getting confused. I'll be posting the first week for 2010 52 books on Sunday. Built into that will be the challenge of 12 classics in 12 months.


The first classic I plan on reading for 2010 is Aristotle's Poetics.

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I'll be posting the first week for 2010 52 books on Sunday. Built into that will be the challenge of 12 classics in 12 months.


The first classic I plan on reading for 2010 is Aristotle's Poetics.


Oops! I think I wrongly posted in this thread. I didn't realize it was for classics.


I'll be sure to pop over here & post if I do read any classics this year. Plus, I'll be reading to get some ideas.... :001_smile:

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Not sure where I belong! I hope to do more than a book a month but probably not a book a week. I've got some classics on my list before we head back into Ancients next fall--Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid. I was thinking of setting a goal of 10,000 pages for the year.


The book I just finished is the pick for my book club for January--Sarah's Key. Interesting and I learned a bit but I had a bit of trouble accepting a main part of the plot. And it kind of dragged on at the end.

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Oops! I think I wrongly posted in this thread. I didn't realize it was for classics.


I'll be sure to pop over here & post if I do read any classics this year. Plus, I'll be reading to get some ideas.... :001_smile:


Well, my goal is a min. of 2 books a month so I'm in between "A Book A Month" and the "A Book A Week" threads. ;)


I figure I won't be banished if I post in either thread. :tongue_smilie:

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The book I just finished is the pick for my book club for January--Sarah's Key. Interesting and I learned a bit but I had a bit of trouble accepting a main part of the plot. And it kind of dragged on at the end.


:iagree: It was a page- turner until you found out what happened to her little brother then it turned into a romance novel :confused:

Edited by SusanAR
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I started it back in the summer, and I've gotten about 3/4 of the way through it. I like it all right -- I don't have issues with its "non-theologically accurate" nature as I know others do -- but it's just not holding my interest as I had hoped. But my mom really wanted me to read it, so I will finish it because I told her I would. After that, I'm not sure... I want something that is light reading but not twaddle, and NOT school-related.

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Not sure where I belong! I hope to do more than a book a month but probably not a book a week.



I'm not sure either! I am lost LOL I think I signed up for the 20/20 one.


I am doing Under The Dome also. Got it for my birthday this week.

I am a King fan from waaay back, but finding his stuff of late kind of formula-ish. I hope this one is not. It is keeping my attention so far, already fallen into having to know who put the dome there and why. :tongue_smilie:

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I am reading Uncle Tom's Cabin for the first time. There are so many books out there that I should have read years ago- but haven't gotten around to. My goal is to tackle some of them during the next 12 months (at least)!



Good book. I'm glad I read it.



I have decided to listen to audiobooks from Librivox . . . I find I actually "read" a book when I can listen to it.


First book is "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain.


Adrianne in IL



I'm going to give audio books a go as well. I'm using dh's ipod. I started "The Book Thief" last night. It's 13 hours! After putting the boys to bed, I sat and crocheted while listening. I'm loving it so far. I love love the adjectives used.

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Finished Outliers last night because I couldn't sleep. I'm glad I got it from the library. It was more like a long journal article than a book, and the concepts are easily remembered. It wasn't something I need to have permanently on my bookshelf.


It did explain the redshirting threads here at The Hive, though. ;)

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