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My daughter graduated from college Friday

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She graduated summa cum laude, BA mathematics (with a minor in art). Because her fiance' was a biochemistry major, they were in the same college, and were able to sit side-by-side for the ceremony. Now we are less than a month away from the wedding. :)


My younger dd has one more semester of "home schooling" but will be a full time CC student this semester, and then we will graduate her in May. She is going to spend another year at the CC completing her AA in Graphic Design, and then go away to school (she can't choose between App and UNC at this point).


Thanks for holding my hand on this journey,



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Congratulations to you, your daughter and your prospective son-in-law. Lots of excitement in your neck of the woods, I bet! (How did the young man like his quilt? And what did you ultimately decide on as a graduation gift for your daughter?)




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She graduated summa cum laude, BA mathematics (with a minor in art). Because her fiance' was a biochemistry major, they were in the same college, and were able to sit side-by-side for the ceremony. Now we are less than a month away from the wedding. :)


My younger dd has one more semester of "home schooling" but will be a full time CC student this semester, and then we will graduate her in May. She is going to spend another year at the CC completing her AA in Graphic Design, and then go away to school (she can't choose between App and UNC at this point).


Thanks for holding my hand on this journey,




Congratulations, Lori! You did a wonderful job with both your children, and I hope you stay around to help all the new hs'ing parents as they navigate homeschooling and high school.


It's never easy letting our babies go. I cried when Taz graduated, and cried even harder when my DD, Storm, went to a school setting full-time this fall.

Edited by Carmen_and_Company
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Congratulations to you and your dd! Best wishes to her and her fiance as they enter married life. It's so wonderful to see these young adults moving on, but a little sad, too. At least I got to visit my newborn niece yesterday -- definitely reminded how precious life is.


Wonderful work, Lori, and thanks for all of your help and advice over the years.



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She graduated summa cum laude, BA mathematics (with a minor in art). Because her fiance' was a biochemistry major, they were in the same college, and were able to sit side-by-side for the ceremony. Now we are less than a month away from the wedding. :)


My younger dd has one more semester of "home schooling" but will be a full time CC student this semester, and then we will graduate her in May. She is going to spend another year at the CC completing her AA in Graphic Design, and then go away to school (she can't choose between App and UNC at this point).


Thanks for holding my hand on this journey,






My dd did the graduate...get married scenario a year and 1/2 ago...WOW!!! What a ride!


Good job Momma!



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She graduated summa cum laude, BA mathematics (with a minor in art). Because her fiance' was a biochemistry major, they were in the same college, and were able to sit side-by-side for the ceremony. Now we are less than a month away from the wedding. :)


My younger dd has one more semester of "home schooling" but will be a full time CC student this semester, and then we will graduate her in May. She is going to spend another year at the CC completing her AA in Graphic Design, and then go away to school (she can't choose between App and UNC at this point).


Thanks for holding my hand on this journey,




Congratulations. How wonderful news -incl. the impeding wedding.


BTW, how come they graduated in winter?

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Congratulations to you and your daughter, Lori! Haven't you mentioned that she is also going to attend grad school in math? Any idea yet where?


Jane (who would faint if her son ever announced a decision to major in math!)


Congratulations on the graduation and good luck for the upcoming nuptials.


Will they both go to grad school or do they have jobs lined up? Enquiring minds want to know.:001_smile:

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Congratulations to you, your daughter and your prospective son-in-law. Lots of excitement in your neck of the woods, I bet! (How did the young man like his quilt? And what did you ultimately decide on as a graduation gift for your daughter?)





The SIL *loved* his quilt, and it did turn out very nice. We gifted my dd my car, which was a nice upgrade from my old car that she'd been driving for two years. We put on new tires, got it all perfectly-maintained, and then handed over the keys. (We'll transfer the title after she marries, so it has her new name.) I'm driving the 1998 Jeep (LOL) for six more months until we have saved enough cash to buy me a car, and then we'll probably hand down the Jeep to the then-18 year old for her "first" car.


You know, we bought that Jeep in Dayton in February 2000, and I never in my wildest imagination would have thought it would be the vehicle my daughters would eventually drive. After all, they were 7 and 10 at the time!


We had a fun celebration for both graduates at the house Friday night. The adult crowd came from 6-8 p.m., and then the young adult crowd came from 8 p.m to 10 p.m. and then the teen locusts showed up at 10 p.m. and stayed to 1 a.m. (with a few spending the night). It was a hoot!

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Congratulations. How wonderful news -incl. the impeding wedding.


BTW, how come they graduated in winter?


Well, my soon-to-be SIL actually completed his degree requirements in August, and has been working for a few months, so the whole ceremony was silly to him, but his mom and I insisted. :) My dd actually began her college career in January 2006 with her dual-enrollment program, and it just worked out that she finished all her requirements this fall.


Ironically, we've followed a calendar year school year while homeschooling, but that has nothing to do with it. LOL! And despite following a calendar year at home, my older dd graduated from high school in July 2007, and my younger dd has requested May 2010. :)

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Double congrats to them. Did they have a graduation ceremony? Here many were cancelled due to snow.


We had snow flurries Saturday for about 10 seconds. :) It is cold, but no snow here in eastern North Carolina. It was a lovely ceremony...a sea of purple, and my dd was actually the first undergrad in the line!

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Congratulations on the graduation and good luck for the upcoming nuptials.


Will they both go to grad school or do they have jobs lined up? Enquiring minds want to know.:001_smile:


My dd is not going directly to grad school...she's going to work for a year or two. She's 20yo, and I think she needs some more "life" before she decides to be an academic forever. My SIL is working as a biochemist, but is talking about taking the Praxis and then getting his teaching certificate.


They are young and have lots of choices. It's fun to watch.

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Congrats Lori on a job well done! And thank you immensely for all the advice you have given me and many others on this board. I will never forget the advice you gave to me about having my son work out his problems on paper and not in his head......(Many moons ago....in a galaxy far, far away....)


And now, he is light years ahead of others in his physics class, because he can work out the problems on paper and not in his head. He came back just last week and said, "Thanks mom for making me do all that work on paper....."So and so" can't do that, and they are really struggling in class. They can't show their work to our teacher"


Thank you, Lori, for encouraging me to be firm.





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How wonderful Lori! It's so nice to follow these kids through the high school years, the college decision, the college track and now . . . marriage! It will be *really* interesting when the next generation starts posting on the board!



And thank *you* for holding my hand on several math decisions. I've always enjoyed your posts and your transparency as you've navigated the high school and college years.


Many blessings for the upcoming wedding,


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The SIL *loved* his quilt, and it did turn out very nice. We gifted my dd my car, which was a nice upgrade from my old car that she'd been driving for two years. We put on new tires, got it all perfectly-maintained, and then handed over the keys. ...


Glad to hear that the quilt was so well received by your prospective son-in-law. And an upgraded vehicle for your daughter ... what fun!


Enjoy all the wedding festivities.




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Christmas is going to seem anticlimactic at this point, eh?!!


I've warned the family that Christmas is a "blip" this year. :) However, we have a time capsule that we boxed up and sealed on New Year's Eve, 1999 (Y2K!) when the girls were 7 and 10, and we are going to open that as part of our celebration this year. Who knows what we will find in there...I have no memory. But it should be fun and special.


My girls are both dating lovely young men (with one soon to be my son, of course). One really nice thing this year is that my family sent gifts to the boys as well as the girls. I can't wait to see my younger dd's boyfriend's face when he realizes he has presents from the grandparents!


I guess the nice part about having children is that one day, the numbers double...and then the grandchildren come. GRIN. My mother was actually already a grandmother at my age (43!), but I hope they'll wait a couple of years.


Merry Christmas---thanks for all the well wishes, everyone! I'll post some wedding photos eventually.



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She graduated summa cum laude, BA mathematics (with a minor in art). Because her fiance' was a biochemistry major, they were in the same college, and were able to sit side-by-side for the ceremony. Now we are less than a month away from the wedding. :)


My younger dd has one more semester of "home schooling" but will be a full time CC student this semester, and then we will graduate her in May. She is going to spend another year at the CC completing her AA in Graphic Design, and then go away to school (she can't choose between App and UNC at this point).


Thanks for holding my hand on this journey,




Congratulations! Thanks for sharing the happy news! :)

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