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Let the cookie baking begin!!!

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Some folks asked a week or so ago if I could list the 18 different types of cookies I do each year and between one thing and another I didn't get to it. Since I just finished cookie number 1 and will do number 2 after a break, I thought I'd list them here. Note - a freezer is your friend, and all listed can be frozen until you need them for cookie trays, etc. (except as noted. Unfreezeables get baked at the last minute.)


1. Date things (date-filled brown sugar cookies rolled in chopped nuts)

2. Andes Mints (will do this twice - the first DOUBLE batch will be consumed within a day!!!)

3. Almond pretzels

4. Nurenburger (honey/chopped fruit cookies)

5. peanut butter kisses

6. chocolate cherry (maraschino cherry covered with chocolate cookie, and chocolate/cherry icing)

7. Chocolate cake cookies with white icing and sprinkles

8. gingersnaps (with minced candied ginger in the dough)

9.pignoli (expensive! Two cans of almond paste, honey, pine nuts - too good for kids!)

10. cardamon butter cookies with drizzles of dark chocolate and espresso icing

11. lemon iced lemon drops

12. coconut

13. orange cranberry drops

14. praline butter

15.chocolate-filled walnut


16. iced sugar cookies (I use the recipe off the C&H sugar bag)

(also do gingerbread men as long as I hae to roll and cut dough.)

17.brandy balls (or rum - depends what I have. Tequila?;))

18.Russian tea cakes (aka Mexican wedding cakes.)

19 Mint meringues. Almost forgot these!

20. Chocolate truffle cookies!!!


Oh, and biscotti, but they do not go on cookie trays.

plus I like to try one or two new things each year. I try for a mix as hubby likes fruit-filled cookies, one kid won't eat nuts, another had braces...we are all picky.


So - what is everyone else baking?????

Edited by JFSinILnewme
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I attempted to begin our cookie baking today as well, but discovered (after making the dough) that I left my baking sheets at church last Sunday. :glare:


At least the dough will be okay until I can pick them up. I really want to make some nice looking sugar cookies this year - the kind with the fancy, hard, shiny icing.


I've also bookmarked a few others I'd like to try - like the andes mint cookies. I'll probably do molasses crinkles, mexican wedding cookies, oatmeal chocolate chip, and peppermint bark as well.


I love baking!

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We don't have 18, but we're getting there!


These are all from a Land-O-Lakes cookie cookbook I picked up ages ago (because how could you possibly go wrong with butter?? :D):


Chocolate Shortbread Trees

Double Cherry Chocolate Drops

Chocolate Peppermint Shortbread

Macadamia and Irish Cream Cookies (only I use Amarula instead of Irish Cream)

Tangy Lime Creams

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pinwheels

Brandied Buttery Wreaths (we make them pretzel-shaped instead)

Lemon Shortbread

Orange-Cranberry Slices


Then from www.epicurious.com I've got a new recipe to try - Seven-Layer Cookies (that's tonight! and I'm not coloring them -- they're going to be plain cookie colored) and from the Food Network, a Dried Cherry and Almond cookie that I'm going to make twice - once with the original ingredients and once with dried cranberries and walnuts.


Then we're also making fudge and chocolate caramels. All in all I think we're up to 8 pounds of butter. ;)

Edited by KAR120C
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pb kisses

chocolate w/ white chips

choc. chip



oatmeal w/ dried cranberries

lemon bars

citrus thumbprints

fruits of the forest thumbprints

date rolls

sugar cookies with sprinkles

vanilla biscotti

almond biscotti

choc. biscotti

choc. fudge

pb fudge

almond bark

cranberry-orange scones

pumpkin scones


That's what I have planned, but I have gotten a couple of requests I'll consider if time allows. My whole fridge is full of butter.

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A couple of days ago I made molasses sugar cookies. They're almost gone. Today I made iced butter cookies (my mom's recipe). I've only baked about half so far--the other half of the dough is in the fridge--and iced about half of what I baked. They look so pretty! Growing up, we always iced the cookies by spreading the frosting with a knife. Today I decided to use my cake decorating supplies, and used an icing bag and tips. I think it was much easier this way, plus the nonpareils stick better.


ETA: picture! They look much better in real life (and taste better too).



Edited by gardening momma
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2. Andes Mints (will do this twice - the first DOUBLE batch will be consumed within a day!!!)



That's what happened to the rum balls we made the other day. We have another triple batch in the works right now.


2 batches fudge

rum balls

Chocolate Revel Bars

Crystallized Orange Pecans

frosted sugar cookies


Pecan cups

Chocolate Crinkles

frosted pretzels

old fashioned marzipan - Rumor has it that my kids will be making these when I'm laid up after surgery.


I have my aunt's old spitzbuben recipe and I'd really like to give those a try this year.


I'm in the process of making fruit cake this year for the first time. :001_huh:


Thanks for the ideas everyone. I'm really feeling like some new recipes this year.

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This year I think I'm making:



  • Soft Lemonade Cookies
  • Chocolate Chip
  • Wintermint Wafers
  • Cream Cheese Spritz
  • Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
  • Oaty Chocolate Chunk Cookies
  • Peanut Butter Balls
  • Peppermint Meringues
  • Sugar Cookies
  • Rolo Turtles
  • Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies



I might have to add the Andes Mint Cookies.

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You people just need to stop it! You're making me hungry! ;)


I don't have a real cookie plan. I'm going to a cookie swap party Sunday and I'm making almond lace cookies for that. I have to make rugelach next week for Hanukkah. We'll make gingerbread on Christmas Eve for Santa. Beyond that I have no set plan, but now I'm fully intending to steal some of your ideas!

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I'm totally cheating by baking cake mix cookies! Generally, it's a cake mix adapted to make cookies (very simple: Cake mix, 2 eggs, and 1/2 cup of oil).


I have made Macadamia nut cookies with a french vanilla mix, double chocolate chip/white chip cookies, cho. cake mix with Reeses/Andes mints and similar stuff for Thanksgiving. Haven't started on Christmas yet!

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Cranberry Hootycreeks (allrecipes.com)

chocolate crinkles

mincemeat bars

gingerbread men (the big kids will come do this so they can pipe on icing bikinis, flowered swimtrunks, whitey-tighties, shocked facial expressions, and the like.)


want to make for the first time: filled date cookies

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I got the Andes mint cookies recipe from here. My family loves it. They get made every Thanksgiving and Christmas.


Andes Mint


3/4 cup butter (not margarine)

1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar

2 tablespoons water

12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips

2 large eggs

2 1/2 cups flour

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 1/4 teaspoons baking soda

Andes mints candies, broken in half (I usually use a whole one)


1. Over low heat, combine butter, sugar and water.

2. Heat until melted and add chocolate chips until partly melted.

3. Remove from heat and stir.

4. Pour into large mixing bowl.

5. Let stand 10 minutes to cool slightly.

6. Beat in eggs one at a time on high speed.

7. Reduce mixer to low speed and add flour, salt and baking soda.

8. Beat until well-blended.

9. Chill one hour (dough is almost liquid before chilling but hardens and is easy to shape after chilling).

10. Heat oven to 350°F.

11. Roll into balls, place two inches apart on parchment paper-lined baking sheets.

12. Bake for 10 minutes.

13. Place an Andes Mint half on top.

14. Allow to melt slightly and spread with a spoon.

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JudoMom, what are Rolo Turtles?


Not JudoMom but there is a recipe that's popular in which you take a small square pretzel, put a Rolo on top & melt it in a low oven for a 2 to 3 minutes. Remove it and press a pecan on top of the Rolo. Let harden.


You can do the same thing with pretzel, hershey's kiss, M&M.

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We don't have 18, but we're getting there!


These are all from a Land-O-Lakes cookie cookbook I picked up ages ago (because how could you possibly go wrong with butter?? :D):


Chocolate Shortbread Trees

Double Cherry Chocolate Drops

Chocolate Peppermint Shortbread

Macadamia and Irish Cream Cookies (only I use Amarula instead of Irish Cream)

Tangy Lime Creams

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pinwheels

Brandied Buttery Wreaths (we make them pretzel-shaped instead)

Lemon Shortbread

Orange-Cranberry Slices


Then from www.epicurious.com I've got a new recipe to try - Seven-Layer Cookies (that's tonight! and I'm not coloring them -- they're going to be plain cookie colored) and from the Food Network, a Dried Cherry and Almond cookie that I'm going to make twice - once with the original ingredients and once with dried cranberries and walnuts.


Then we're also making fudge and chocolate caramels. All in all I think we're up to 8 pounds of butter. ;)


Do you have the title or possibly the ISBN # & pub date?


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That's what happened to the rum balls we made the other day. We have another triple batch in the works right now.


2 batches fudge

rum balls

Chocolate Revel Bars

Crystallized Orange Pecans

frosted sugar cookies


Pecan cups

Chocolate Crinkles

frosted pretzels

old fashioned marzipan - Rumor has it that my kids will be making these when I'm laid up after surgery.


I have my aunt's old spitzbuben recipe and I'd really like to give those a try this year.


I'm in the process of making fruit cake this year for the first time. :001_huh:


Thanks for the ideas everyone. I'm really feeling like some new recipes this year.


That is the coolest word for a cookie ever.

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They were my favorite as a child, but my mom tossed the recipe when she discovered Chocolate Crinkles, and no one else seems to have it. I'm reluctant to use a random recipe from the internet--I want something tried and true.


Here's my version:



4T butter

1/2 cup sugar

1 egg

1oz unsweetened chocolate

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 cups flour

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

3 cups powdered sugar


1/2 teaspoon vanilla



Cream butter and 1/2 cup sugar. Add egg. Melt chocolate with vanilla in microwave and add to mixture. Add flour, baking powder, salt. It will be pretty stiff, if you don't have a good mixer, you may have to finish adding the flour by hand. Make balls (probably get 30 or so).


Bake 10-12 minutes. Let cool completely before glazing.


Mix powdered sugar and water and vanilla until smooth. Start with 3T water and increase as needed.


I put the balls onto a rack set into a cookie sheet lined with parchment. Then as you glaze them the extra is caught on the parchment and can be reused.


We have added coconut after glazing. We have also sprinkled them with colored sugar.

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We make a different cookie recipe (ok not all of them are officially cookies, but you get the idea) every day from the day after Thanksgiving until December 23. So far we've made:


Reindeer snack mix (it didn't last long, eaten while we decorated the tree)

Macaroon Kisses

No bake cookie balls

Layered mint fudge

chocolate pinwheel cookies

angel pillows

caradmom snaps

tangerine butter cookies


Today will be gingerbread people and tomorrow penuche.

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You people just need to stop it! You're making me hungry! ;)


I don't have a real cookie plan. I'm going to a cookie swap party Sunday and I'm making almond lace cookies for that. I have to make rugelach next week for Hanukkah. We'll make gingerbread on Christmas Eve for Santa. Beyond that I have no set plan, but now I'm fully intending to steal some of your ideas!


I could use a good rugelach recipe, hint hint. That is one thing I ahve nto made successfully (yet).

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JFS, is it possible that you are using Betty Crocker's Cookie Book? I have a copy that is ancient - falling apart - and has most of the recipes you have listed. LOL. I'm 48 and I think I've had that book since I was ten.


I got a reissued copy on Amazon a couple years ago - my dad kept the original. Several recipes are from my stash of clipped recipes from Gourmet magazine too, and other cookbooks - 1001 Cookie Recipes by Gillespie and Great American Cookies by Bodger.



this is the reissued red-cover copy. There looks to be a new edition out, too - probably with new recipes. I stick with what I grew up with. I am 107 yeas old (in 57 years!)

Edited by JFSinIL
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I got a reissued copy on Amazon a couple years ago - my dad kept the original. Several recipes are from my stash of clipped recipes from Gourmet magazine too, and other cookbooks - 1001 Cookie Recipes by Gillespie and Great American Cookies by Bodger.



this is the reissued red-cover copy. There looks to be a new edition out, too - probably with new recipes. I stick with what I grew up with. I am 107 yeas old (in 57 years!)


I'm doing a happy dance over here. That is indeed my beloved Cookie Book. I can still use my original (the cover fell off) but I can buy reissued editions for my daughters. LOL I think over the years I have memorized that book and every photo it contains.

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That is the coolest word for a cookie ever.


Spitzbuben taste yummy too! They're nutty shortbread wafers with jam inbetween. My aunt always dipped them in a thin lemon glaze.


I went looking for the recipe and don't remember where I put it. I see others online but of course I want the one I grew up with!

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I'm sad this year as we found out my ds can't have wheat or any nuts. I haven't even begun to hunt for new cookie recipes.


Someone on this board has an absolutely awesome gluten- free sugar cookie recipe. A few years ago we made it for one of my dd's friends that is on a gluten free diet. My dd's friend--and her family--loved it. We liked it too.

Does anybody remember who it is ? I was thinking it was Jean from blog Shades of White (awesome blog by the way--breathtaking pictures) but I couldn't find the recipe.

Anybody remember these cookies besides me?



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Here's what I'm making:


Mazola Oil Cookies (chocolate chip)

Snowball Cookies



Butter Cookies

Oreo Balls

Cheese Fudge

Alton Brown's Peanut Butter Fudge

Chocolate Pecan Toffee

Peanut Clusters

Peppermint Bark


So far I've made the first four on the list, with the exception of dipping the 160 buckeyes into chocolate and actually baking the rugelach (it's hanging out in the freezer for now)....

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Does anyone have a recipe for Buckeyes that uses crunchy peanut butter and Rice Krispies (at least I think it had Rice Krispies)...all of the recipes I have seen show creamy peanut butter and no Rice Krispies.


Our neighbor from a while ago used to make a really awesome Buckeye that I thought contained these two ingredients.


Thanks :D


Our list of cookies


Buckeyes (if I can find a good recipe)


Butterscotch pan cookies

sugar cookies

Peanut Blossoms


Snowball cookies

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Does anyone have a recipe for Buckeyes that uses crunchy peanut butter and Rice Krispies (at least I think it had Rice Krispies)...all of the recipes I have seen show creamy peanut butter and no Rice Krispies.

I've seen Buckeye recipes with Rice Krispies at www.recipezaar.com. You can type in buckeyes, and then click on filter by ingredient. Here are 4 recipes.

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I'm sad this year as we found out my ds can't have wheat or any nuts. I haven't even begun to hunt for new cookie recipes.


Can you use spelt flour? Some people are less allergic to spelt than regular wheat.


I am way behind you all with baking. I am still recovering from our decadent Thanksgiving table to be thinking of more baking.


But when it comes, we will have:



Almond Cookies




perhaps I will think of a few more...


Edited by Liz CA
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Do you have the title or possibly the ISBN # & pub date?


It's not a proper cookbook - just a promotional thing, but the title is "Holiday Cookies" and it was November of 2000, and says "Issue #66". I think almost all the recipes are on their website (I linked it in my post where I could), and a bunch of others that look really good too. :)

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I got a reissued copy on Amazon a couple years ago - my dad kept the original. Several recipes are from my stash of clipped recipes from Gourmet magazine too, and other cookbooks - 1001 Cookie Recipes by Gillespie and Great American Cookies by Bodger.



this is the reissued red-cover copy. There looks to be a new edition out, too - probably with new recipes. I stick with what I grew up with. I am 107 yeas old (in 57 years!)


The reissued book is supposed to be identical to the original, but it's not. Spritz cookies are changed--I can't remember what else is, but those definitely are. I checked against my mom's copy.

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They were my favorite as a child, but my mom tossed the recipe when she discovered Chocolate Crinkles, and no one else seems to have it. I'm reluctant to use a random recipe from the internet--I want something tried and true.

Do you mean those little round chocolate cookies rolled in powered sugar? I've got a recipe for those. The cat is in my lap and the dogs and kid are quiet so I'll pm it to you tonight.

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I usually make:

Chocolate chip, oatmeal, cocount, pean, raisin cookies - use the recipe for chocolate chip cookies and had about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of the other stuff.

Pumpkin-Pecan Tasies

A Cranberry cookie that uses a cranberry bread mix and some added ingredients. I can't remember the name


The peanut butter cookies iwth the chocolate kisses on top

Sugar cookies

Almond spritz cookies

Mexican Wedding cakes

Chocolate snowballs




I know there is another one that I usually do, but can't pull it out of the memory banks at the moment.


I want to try fudge one more time. The last time I did tried it was yucky,

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Ok, this sounds like a really stupid question, but my mom never did "Christmas baking". What in the world do you do with all those cookies? Eat them all? Give them to friends?

And every year someone invites us to SOMETHING that requires something... a potluck, a cookie exchange, a Holiday Tea and Poetry Reading Bring Your Favorite Cookies to Share.... and DH has a Christmas party at work... and we go to someone's house for dinner... and I didn't think to get a present for someone who's about to be on our doorstep in twenty minutes.... And for each of these I grab whatever looks good from the freezer, mix up a quick glaze (brandy + powdered sugar = Mmmmm) or whatever last minute something it needs, and voila! It looks like I'm not racing around like a headless chicken trying to get one last Geometry test graded, and science fair door-prizes arranged, and laundry done, and all those packages to the post office..... :willy_nilly:


So as much as I start the season thinking "we're just going to eat them alll, aren't we"... it never seems to work out that way. I already need to make a second batch of a few things, just so I can have SOME. :glare:

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Some folks asked a week or so ago if I could list the 18 different types of cookies I do each year and between one thing and another I didn't get to it. Since I just finished cookie number 1 and will do number 2 after a break, I thought I'd list them here. Note - a freezer is your friend, and all listed can be frozen until you need them for cookie trays, etc. (except as noted. Unfreezeables get baked at the last minute.)


1. Date things (date-filled brown sugar cookies rolled in chopped nuts)

2. Andes Mints (will do this twice - the first DOUBLE batch will be consumed within a day!!!)

3. Almond pretzels

4. Nurenburger (honey/chopped fruit cookies)

5. peanut butter kisses

6. chocolate cherry (maraschino cherry covered with chocolate cookie, and chocolate/cherry icing)

7. Chocolate cake cookies with white icing and sprinkles

8. gingersnaps (with minced candied ginger in the dough)

9.pignoli (expensive! Two cans of almond paste, honey, pine nuts - too good for kids!)

10. cardamon butter cookies with drizzles of dark chocolate and espresso icing

11. lemon iced lemon drops

12. coconut

13. orange cranberry drops

14. praline butter

15.chocolate-filled walnut


16. iced sugar cookies (I use the recipe off the C&H sugar bag)

(also do gingerbread men as long as I hae to roll and cut dough.)

17.brandy balls (or rum - depends what I have. Tequila?;))

18.Russian tea cakes (aka Mexican wedding cakes.)

19 Mint meringues. Almost forgot these!

20. Chocolate truffle cookies!!!


Oh, and biscotti, but they do not go on cookie trays.

plus I like to try one or two new things each year. I try for a mix as hubby likes fruit-filled cookies, one kid won't eat nuts, another had braces...we are all picky.


So - what is everyone else baking?????


That sounds amazing!! Since dh and I are doing Weight Watchers, and our finances are tight anyway, I'm cutting way back on baking this year. I'm planning to make sugar cookie cut-outs (dh's fave), caramel heavenlies (coconut, marshmallows, and slices almonds baked on graham crackers- my fave), and one more kind that my kids request. I'm also making saltine toffee to take to a Christmas party next week, so that I can just have a piece or two and not pig out on the whole tray like I do most years. :tongue_smilie:

I'm waiting until next week so that the cookies I make then will last through Christmas. Most years I make them early, then have to make more the week of Christmas, which adds a lot of extra cookie eating around here.

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Ok, this sounds like a really stupid question, but my mom never did "Christmas baking". What in the world do you do with all those cookies? Eat them all? Give them to friends?


In our house, eat them all.


Today I made 1 batch of Peanut butter Blossoms and 1 batch of (almost finished baking) Snowballs (Russian Tea Cookies). The Peanut butter Blossoms are almost gone already. I need to whip up another batch. Cookies don't last long in a family of 5.

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