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S/O Who IS Planning For Next Year?


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I am also. I've been trying to get our main literature books purchased, and I've selected most of what we'll use for history. I have our writing, grammar, vocabulary, and math selected. Science decisions are already taunting me, as well as Latin and the possibility of adding a modern foreign language next year.

Edited by patchfire
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Nope. September to December is a time when I really focus on teaching the current stuff. Sure I read posts about curricula and look ahead a bit, but I don't start really thinking about the next year until January or February. And who has time with teaching, Christmas, etc.? Buying curricula lasts from February to August, usually with 1 or 2 big RR orders and several smaller orders for stuff they don't carry.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

I'm happy with all of my curriculum choices and (barring brick walls) they should see us through the elementary years, so I'm no longer shopping for programs. However, when I need some down time or some fun online window shopping, I hit Amazon to search for history and art books and music cds for next year (the second half of American history). The music search in particular is quite fun! :D

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I do school year round, but I generally try to start new things in January. So around this time, I'm always looking at whatever area I want to try something new, or increase in importance. I've been focusing on writing and math. I'll ponder and research over the next month or so, and look for used curriculum.

Michelle T

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but our new year begins in February, so now is the time to get orders in so that I'll have the books in hand in January to type out plans for term 1.




:iagree: Me too. I think I've finally got our plans raedy for next year - well, as ready as they ever get :lol:

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We school year-round, so we'll start 3rd grade in June.

I've already bought science books:blush:

Trying to decide about writing and have at least talked myself out of buying the MCT books to look at this weekend. (Although I don't know if that'll last through November.)

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Yup almost done. I picked up a few books to preview for next year. I drove across town in the rain to the better library, quite surprised these books were in our library system at all.


I have one subject left to make a final decision on and that is dependent upon where ds is academically next spring.


My list is made, the budget is being finalized, and I'll remind dh in December that I need to start getting money in January or February.


I planned early last year and it worked out well. I like having a summer vacation too.

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Yes, I'm planning for next year, but mostly because I will have a new high school student, and he will be doing history in a different order than his older siblings did. Oh, and I am not in love with our high school science choices, so I want to try something different there too.



Abeka Physical Science

Oak Meadow 9th grade literature (with several more books added)

America: The Last Best Hope with Roadmap

Saxon or Foerster's for Algebra I

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Nice to know I'm not alone - especially on the science front as it looks like several others are still looking into that one. I realized I might have done some over-reaching this year and have to figure out what to do for next year. (AGGH!)


And, as always, the annual Language Arts debate for the eldest. A Beka or ??? Writing Tales? CW something?


I *love* new things. But, you know, we really haven't started "full school" yet for this year. So, for now, I'll continue to look, ponder, and prepare for buckling down. :001_smile:

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I am. I try to buy history books a year in advance to save by buying used. We use a lot of living books so the cost really climbs. I may try a new LA program so I shop around, plus we're only into our second year so I continue hunting to learn as much as I can to avoid an "Oops, wish I had used that idea." In fact, I've just received a plea from DH to stop buying for awhile.:001_huh:

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I seem to always be planning for the next year.


We're pretty content with our current curricula, but that can change. So I always have an excel spreadsheet with my current wishlist of next years curricula purchases and their prices. I do make sure to update the prices every month or so.

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I am! A lot of it was determined by what we are doing this year as it carries over (history for example is a 3 year study of the same topic). But other things like science I am currently researching and making decisions on. I have bought most of my books already because I had ample funding this year AND had a good chunk of money come in this month, and next year will have no funding, so now is the time to buy it all for then.

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I have been looking and thinking about it.


I have bought a few things this week. I still am trying to decide on the science though for next year.


We did our own thing this year and while we are having fun I think I want a curriculum since I will have a full Kindergartner, 1st grader (or maybe 2nd depending on how much we get done this year) and 2 year old.


I already put in my requests on paperback swap for the next 3 years for some of the books I know we will need.

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Me. :blushing: Actually, I've got pretty much everything planned out and have started purchasing. I wanted to start early so I could buy as much used as possible. I've already got math, science, Latin and language arts. All I've got left are social studies (DH wants Ariel to focus more on social studies than history next year) Spanish and art to purchase.


I'm actually still trying to figure out exactly how to do the social studies thing. I'll probably do the next level of MBtP, but only use half that curriculum and supplement with unit studies, but I'm not sure. I love lit based courses, but buying all the pieces costs so much! :sad:

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purchasing---done...& this weekend I filled in ds#2's weekly assignment sheets for the 40 weeks of school we'll do in 2010. I usually plan by the term & fill in sheets a couple weeks ahead, but by mid-year life gets crazy & I fall behind in writing out the assignment sheets. No assignment sheet = very little school work done. I, also, seem to want to shift gears every July; but looking back we would have been better off sticking with somethings longer & not always "jumping ship" for what looks to be the ideal curriculum. I feel relieved now that I have 2010 planned out & seeing what I've chosen will be able to be completed before Christmas. With the work written in I can't decide to add more work & ds#2 can see how if he works consistantly, he's be finished most things by mid-Nov. & can start his summer holidays early. I can see where he'll need my help & what he can do himself.


Now I need to do the same for ds#1, but some things our still up in the air for him. He turns 16yo in April & will start some NZ Correspondence courses after Easter. He may also attend full-time an alternative education program in town that is for teenagers who are aiming on enlisting in the military, police, or fire department. This program helps to make sure the teens are prepared to pass the academic requirements & the physical requirements for the forces. He would be able to earn English & Maths credits that I can't give him at home. Science will have to be through the correspondence school, But if he decides to wait until next year to do this program, I'll have him at home all year. So I'd better have some plans in hand anyway. That's next weekend's work for me.

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Guest Cindie2dds

Nope. Done. Wow, it feels great to say that! For the first time in over two years I'm not searching!


Hopefully I can say the same thing next year. :D

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Cue the panic attack.


No, really. Now I feel totally behind since I am starting to realize that my daughter WILL be coming home next year and I need to work out what to do with her. Kindergarten is a whole other world compared to first grade.


At least I know pretty much what my son will be doing.

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I am. I order by January or February so there will be plenty of time for things to arrive (I live overseas). I also like to know what I will not need to order (like what things I will reuse with younger children), so that requires planning, too.


This year there are a couple of things I will need by late spring, so I will have to plan and order by January.





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As soon as I get November revamped (:001_huh::glare::lol:) I'm on it! LOL What!?! It's already Nov????? :svengo:


:iagree:LOL, that's where I'm at too. I do have some used CW Aesop on the shelf that I took down and skimmed through (again) last week - to see if I still want to switch to that after WWE or sooner. I've also got books on request at paper back swap for the next 2-3 years. I finally plugged in the TOG 3-wk. sample CD-ROM that I've had forever but have been too afraid to look at (fear of liking it combined w/ fear of the "TOG fog"). TOG is now a strong contender for once we're done w/ WP AS 1 & 2. Can this count as planning? :D


I'm still blown away that it's already November. :001_huh:

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