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If you have decided to NOT get the H1N1 vax

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We've had probably all of the other vaccines (including chicken pox, hep A & hep B), however we don't do flu shots. Only exception is dh, who one year was at the doctor for something else, and the doc, I think, did it almost before dh realized.


Reason being, none of us are immune compromised or have any other health problems. In addition, we seldom get the flu, and if we do, it's always been very mild.


That said, my ds has already had it and dd has it now (at least as far as I can tell based on symptoms). Dh and I haven't gotten it. We may or may not since typically neither of us get the flu or it's just a 24 hour thing and we're fine.


IMHO, if I had someone elderly, an infant, or someone that had an illness such as asthma or something that would cause them to be at a greater risk for complications, I would get it. It does seem that while some are only getting a mild case of it, there are others who are being hit with it fairly severe. I would be more apt to take those who may already have health issues into consideration. It would be for them and their health, not so much me.

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We opted against it. My older 3 have all their regular shots, and the oldest 2 are currently going through the hep b series. I decided against this one, for the same reason that I decided against the chicken pox vaccine. I felt it had been rushed, and was created out of fear of a fairly normal disease that for the vast majority of people will be short lived and minor in the grand scheme of things. Like chicken pox the flu can cause other secondary infections and can cause death but I know the likelyhood of that is small for a normal healthy person. In end I would rather they catch the disease and have full immunity.


In the end it became a moot point for us. vax clinics opened Monday, the same day 3 of the 4 kids were Dx with H1N1(unconfirmed). They passed it onto Grandma who is sick today HOWEVER myelf and my one son have not caught it (knock on wood) and I am starting to wonder if we have either a killer immune system or a natural immunity to it.


To me the risk of side effect of the vax out weighed the risk of the disease itself kwim. For my youngest the decision was easier, she does not get any vax at anytime due to severe reaction to her 2 month shots. We do not do any with her now just in case.

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could you plesase share why you have made this descision? I'd especially like to hear from those who do other routine vax ( hib, MMR, polio etc) and have chosen to avoid the H1N1 vax.


I am still on the fence on whether my family should get it.


Thanks! :)


I have vaccinated all of my children. But when it came to "new" vaccinations, I always hemmed and hawed about them. It took a long time for me to decide on the chicken pox vaccine.


For *me*, the vaccinations I did agree on, were life threatning. Proven. And have also been around for years.


But this Chicken pox, Gardisil, flu, and H1N1 diseases to *me* are not life threatning.


H1N1 is so new. The vaccine is so new. The government has way more power today over things then they did years ago. I just don't trust it. At all. And this is coming from a mom who has a very sick child with the flu right now, and has asthma. Do I wish I would have given her the H1N1 vaccine? No.


When the polio vax came around, people were desperate for a vaccine. And rightfully so. And maybe I am wrong in all of this, but I think the pharmaceutical companies today will do just about anything to line their pockets with people's money and deal with the consequences later. Where as, when the Polio vax came around, it doesn't seem to me that it was "profit driven". Only a genuine concern for the overall health and safety for human beings.


Of course, the Pharm companies still make millions on polio, MMR's. Tetanus etc....but these new ones they are coming out with presently, just do not sit "right" wth me.


I hope that makes sense.:confused:

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We've had probably all of the other vaccines (including chicken pox, hep A & hep B), however we don't do flu shots. Only exception is dh, who one year was at the doctor for something else, and the doc, I think, did it almost before dh realized.


Reason being, none of us are immune compromised or have any other health problems. In addition, we seldom get the flu, and if we do, it's always been very mild.


That said, my ds has already had it and dd has it now (at least as far as I can tell based on symptoms). Dh and I haven't gotten it. We may or may not since typically neither of us get the flu or it's just a 24 hour thing and we're fine.


IMHO, if I had someone elderly, an infant, or someone that had an illness such as asthma or something that would cause them to be at a greater risk for complications, I would get it. It does seem that while some are only getting a mild case of it, there are others who are being hit with it fairly severe. I would be more apt to take those who may already have health issues into consideration. It would be for them and their health, not so much me.


What she said. :D



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We did most of the infant/toddler vax on the recommended schedule. We're not getting this one, for many reasons:


We don't normally get flu shots because we're not high-risk as far as immune system issues. If we get the flu, it stinks but our bodies will fight it out the old-fashioned way. Most years we don't get flu anyway, just with the regular hand-washing & precautions.


This vax was rushed through testing, and IMO wasn't proven safe yet.


I don't buy into the media hysteria - it's just another form of flu and this vax seems more of a marketing thing than a health thing.

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right now, it's too new, was rushed through testing. Also, so far this flu is mild in most people, the media is just way too good at making everything look like an emergency. I'm waiting to see if things change as far as how bad this flu is. If it becomes something where many people are dying, then I will reconsider. 3 of my kids have asthma and so are considered a high risk group, but* their asthma has gotten much better the last few years. If we were back 6 years ago when E.R. visits were a normal part of fall for me...my decision might be different. If I were 8 months pregnant, I would seriously consider getting it.


even with 3 kids with asthma, we don't do the regular flu shots, stressing their immune systems with the additives of the shot just seems like a bad idea to me.

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We do regular vaxes and seasonal flu vaxes, but we are not getting the H1N1 vax because the docs that my kids see have said it is not necessary. My youngest son's oncologist recommends the seasonal flu shot and hounds us until we get it, but she has not even mentioned getting the H1N1 shot. Their pedi is pro-vax, but he is not pushing this one. My feeling is that if these docs who are usually very vocal about vaxes are not concerned, then neither am I. It helped that the flu peaked and trailed off around here before the vax was even available.

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I am not doing the shot for myself because I had a reaction to a flu vaccine in the past and I can't take it.


I am undecided but leaning heavily toward NO on the shot for my kids. They are both fully vaccinated otherwise (ds6 has yet to get his last MMR and Varicella though) and both have gotten the flu shot for the last 5 years. My reasoning for not rushing out to get it is that I just don't know enough about the risks. While it seems like a lot of people dying when you just watch the news, etc. if you actually look at the numbers and compare them to other things (like how many people die in car wrecks every day), then the numbers are incredibly low. I want to see others get this shot and see if the side effects are much different from seasonal flu shots. I know there can always be reactions, but I hate to take the chance of a rxn for something that my kids are likely to not even get. KWIM? It is a hard decision for me/us.


I know two little girls right now who are in the hospital after having the H1N1 vaccine. This isn't out in the news because these are family friends. Thus far, the first little girl is on a vent. The second little girl is having some sort of complication that has yet to be determined. Until I know more and see more with this shot, I won't be sold on giving it to my kids.


I have also read that the shot is not 100% effective in preventing flu, though the flu is likely to be more mild if one has had the shot and does get it. I am not sure of the actual numbers on that and the search I did yielded no real results...and spending another night on the internet looking up H1N1 is just not in the cards for me tonight.

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Well, first, we got the flu over the summer.


We were not going to get the shot anyway because we view the flu shot as a convenience vax. I understand the flu CAN be dangerous, but we believe in building immunity naturally, which would be getting sick. I heard a dr. on TV say H1N1 was hitting the younger people more because they have weaker immune systems. So, mayber if we didn't vaccinate against so many things our immune systems would be stronger.


There are deadly diseases out there that we vaccinate against. But I do not want my family to be a guinea pig for something that doesn't pose a huge threat in our eyes.

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We did the routine ones on a more spread-out schedule than some for our kids (i.e. one at a time versus up to four at once!), and DH and I get the "ordinary" one because of asthma and his health issues.


The H1N1 skipped many of the normal steps for testing and quality control, and the whole reporting and support structure if there are problems is not in place. In my heart of hearts, I'm just uncomfortable with it still. Plus getting right now requires going into a germy doctor's office or clinic if you can find someone who has it. But I'm watching things. I've already been exposed multiple times, but no bug yet...

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could you plesase share why you have made this descision? I'd especially like to hear from those who do other routine vax ( hib, MMR, polio etc) and have chosen to avoid the H1N1 vax.


I am still on the fence on whether my family should get it.


Thanks! :)


Jean, I'm curious if they have the vax up there? I don't know anyone whose got the vax but a few who have had the flu----they say it is confirmed H1N1, but I don't believe that. I don't think they are testing for it right now unless someone dies from the flu. Call me a skeptic.


I'm not going to get the shot for ds or me...but I don't do flu shots anyway and never have.


My reasons are similar to everyone elses....too new, and risk from shot seems more to me than risk from flu.

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Jean, I'm curious if they have the vax up there? I don't know anyone whose got the vax but a few who have had the flu----they say it is confirmed H1N1, but I don't believe that. I don't think they are testing for it right now unless someone dies from the flu. Call me a skeptic.


I'm not going to get the shot for ds or me...but I don't do flu shots anyway and never have.


My reasons are similar to everyone elses....too new, and risk from shot seems more to me than risk from flu.


They aren't testing here either. I was sick ( not flu related) on friday and they tested me for the flu. I asked the nurse if they had a lot of confirmed H1N1 and she said they aren't testing but if you test positive for infuenza they are assuming it's H1N1 and treating for it.


I heard they don't have any of the vax but earlier on the news they mentioned a free clinic in FV that will have a limited amount of the H1N1 for at risk people.


We have never gotten flu shots before and so far we have decided against the regular flu and the H1N1 but I am not 100% sure.

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Of course, the Pharm companies still make millions on polio, MMR's. Tetanus etc....but these new ones they are coming out with presently, just do not sit "right" wth me.


I hope that makes sense.:confused:


Please forgive me for jumping in here and sidetracking the thread... I do apologize. But pharmaceutical companies do not really profit off vaccinations. The huge money maker are drugs for mental illness, pain meds, and more. Oxycodone alone is a huge moneymaker for "legalized" heroin use. Who profits? The drug maker and corrupt doctors. Here is a good documentary on the abuse:




Take for example, the medicine I have to take daily. It is $7500 a month for my insurance to pay for it. (I'm on traditional medicaid.) When I was on regular insurance they refused to pay for it -- I had to go get a grant through the National Organization for Rare Disorders. I have to take 13 pills -- 3 times a day. 39 pills daily. I look at my medicine cupboard to see the boxes of Buphenyl and think I have close to $20,000 that the pharmaceuticals are profiting off of for a 3 month supply. My drug is actually a money "loser" for the company -- they are forced to make the drug via FDA legislation (Rare Orphan Drug Act) in the 80's. Quite sad.

Edited by tex-mex
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1--We never get the flu shot anyway.

2--It was rushed out, and i don't feel they have had a proper amount of time to study the full side effects.

3--I think it (the swine flu) is over-hyped by the media. I think many of the people who died had other physical problems to begin with.

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In a nutshell, I am not the governments or medical society's lab rat.

:iagree: And considering both the short term and long term effects we've had to deal with due to past vaccinations, there is not a chance in hades that I would intentionally expose my child to such, nor could you pay me enough.

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We just went for two well child visits on Tuesday.....I was still on the fence about H1N1, but I didn't even need to make a choice -- my kids do not qualify for the limited number of doses that are available. Dr. said there probably won't be enough for another month anyway. Interestingly, the pediatrician said they have tons of cases, all mild at this point (like 60+ cases in a public school).




could you plesase share why you have made this descision? I'd especially like to hear from those who do other routine vax ( hib, MMR, polio etc) and have chosen to avoid the H1N1 vax.


I am still on the fence on whether my family should get it.


Thanks! :)

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Guest Cindie2dds
It's too new.

Production was rushed.

I don't feel it was adequately tested.

I don't want my family to be guinea pigs.

We don't get regular flu shots.




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My children are vaccinated for illnesses like polio and diptheria: life threatening diseases for which the vaccine has been used for decades with very few problems. At this stage, I wouldn't have them vaccinated against H1N1, because:


1. It's FLU. Millions of people get flu every year, this is just another strain of it. It's extremely unlikely that you'll die of flu if you are a healthy active person with no underlying issues to complicate it.


2. The vaccine has been rushed onto the market on huge financial incentives. It doesn't seem to have been fully tested and my kids aren't guinea pigs. The bottom line is we don't know that it works, and we don't know that there aren't major risks of long term side effects.

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I know two little girls right now who are in the hospital after having the H1N1 vaccine. How old are the girls? This isn't out in the news because these are family friends. Thus far, the first little girl is on a vent. The second little girl is having some sort of complication that has yet to be determined. Until I know more and see more with this shot, I won't be sold on giving it to my kids.




Are these two girls local to where you are? I've been searching to see if there are any reported problems/reactions with the vaccine and thought it was very odd that I can't find ANY. I've felt like any negative on the vax is being withheld from the public, so I'm very curious about this. My neighbor is also keeping her eyes out for reactions before she decides whether to vax or not. I would really like to hear anything you know about these two, like how long after the vax and what symptoms they had. I'll also pray for them tonight. That is my worst fear with the vaccine, that I choose to use it in order to protect my kids and instead it hurts them.



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Are these two girls local to where you are? I've been searching to see if there are any reported problems/reactions with the vaccine and thought it was very odd that I can't find ANY. I've felt like any negative on the vax is being withheld from the public, so I'm very curious about this. My neighbor is also keeping her eyes out for reactions before she decides whether to vax or not. I would really like to hear anything you know about these two, like how long after the vax and what symptoms they had. I'll also pray for them tonight. That is my worst fear with the vaccine, that I choose to use it in order to protect my kids and instead it hurts them.




No. They are in other parts of the US (Eastern side, though). I don't want to get too detailed because there is no "official" anything yet and I don't want to incite fear or anything. Both girls are young (around 6) and are in different states. Each feel ill within 24-48 hours after receiving the vaccine. Both could be total coincidence, but until I know for sure, I won't rest easy with my kids taking the vaccine.


OTOH, I will say that I know plenty of people who have gotten the vaccine for their kids and the kids are FINE. One woman in my area got it for her kids the first week in October and her kids are doing great still...they got the mist and never developed even a sniffle from it.

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We are not getting it for many of the same reasons that have already been mentioned.


Also, my Dad's unit (Army - stationed in Germany) received the 70's rushed swine flu vax and almost all of his unit suffered side effects. (many long term, serious side effects) He has voiced his opinion of this vax and he does not want us to get it. I just do not feel comfortable about this vax at all. We don't do the seasonal flu shot either.

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I am not satisfied with the information regarding this vaccine. In fact the more I read the more I am worried about why they are actually pushing this vaccine to the degree they are. From what I have read and those who I have spoken too, there is little difference between H1N1 and the regular flu assuming you are not health compromised to begin with. The process is still the same, wait it out, get rest, fluids etc. In my opinion it is not something I am willing to "try" on my kids.

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We are not getting it for many of the same reasons that have already been mentioned.


Also, my Dad's unit (Army - stationed in Germany) received the 70's rushed swine flu vax and almost all of his unit suffered side effects. (many long term, serious side effects) He has voiced his opinion of this vax and he does not want us to get it. I just do not feel comfortable about this vax at all. We don't do the seasonal flu shot either.



The fact that there were more deaths from the vaccine in the 70's than the flu is enough for me. I worry when there is such a rush on something like this. These things should be studied long and hard before they are pushed on elderly, sick, children and pregnant women especially.

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No. They are in other parts of the US (Eastern side, though). I don't want to get too detailed because there is no "official" anything yet and I don't want to incite fear or anything. Both girls are young (around 6) and are in different states. Each feel ill within 24-48 hours after receiving the vaccine. Both could be total coincidence, but until I know for sure, I won't rest easy with my kids taking the vaccine.


OTOH, I will say that I know plenty of people who have gotten the vaccine for their kids and the kids are FINE. One woman in my area got it for her kids the first week in October and her kids are doing great still...they got the mist and never developed even a sniffle from it.


Thank you so much. I understand that there are always reactions from vaccinations. I was actually getting paranoid that I hadn't heard about any! Thanks


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From what I have read and those who I have spoken too, there is little difference between H1N1 and the regular flu assuming you are not health compromised to begin with. The process is still the same, wait it out, get rest, fluids etc. In my opinion it is not something I am willing to "try" on my kids.


The difference is that almost 1/2 the hospitalized cases have NO underlying conditions and are predominantly young. That's what makes it different.


We have NO way of predicting which healthy people will recover fine and which will require ventilation and which will die.


This week in Canada we have seen a # of deaths, including a healthy 13 year old boy, who was a minor hockey league player, active, no previous health probs, mother is an RN so this kid's serious condition was not overlooked by parents who didn't know what they were seeing. Sore throat Friday night. Typical flu symptoms Saturday. Collapsed at home on Monday. Dad did CPR. Paramedics did CPR. Child could not be revived.


This was a healthy child.


This is not what happens with seasonal flu.


BTW, you are "trying" something with your child. You are trying what happens in an unvaccinated individual. Most people do recover just fine. But some don't. The Dead Children Thread. Many had underlying conditions which made them more vulnerable, but many did not. And the #'s just keep going up.

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The difference is that almost 1/2 the hospitalized cases have NO underlying conditions and are predominantly young. That's what makes it different.


We have NO way of predicting which healthy people will recover fine and which will require ventilation and which will die.




The instances where the healthy people who recieved the vaccine already and ended up in the hospital is what I am most concerned about. If you are vaccinated isnt the point not to get the flu? Here locally the ER has been flooded with people thinking they have H1N1 while 99% don't even come close. The hype surrounding this is alarming and is causing issues here in my small town.


I am not down playing the severity of those who do in fact get it but everyone here locally that has gotten it is fine in a few days as with any other type of flu.


There is never a way to predict who will be perfectly fine from any sickness. It is impossible. Having a shot may be peace of mind for many but it isnt for me. We continue to work on preventative measures in our home and for us that will work for now. Until I am satisfied that the shot is less harmful than the flu our family will not recieve it.

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So many people have taken the H1N1 vaccine, and I still haven't heard anything negative, but it's possible these are the first. It does seem unlikely that you would know both of the first cases, so it could just be a coincidence.


We have 5 cases in my town that I can think of right off the top of my head. An entire family got it as soon as it was available and now they are down for the count. Their baby was hospitalized (for precausions sake) but released later that day as he was doing fine. I dont know the state of their health before hand or any more of the situation as I havent felt like bugging them when they feel so awful! :)


An friend of ours who is an ER P.A. has said they have seen a handful of cases such as this. My town is only 3000 people! I imagine that across the US there are many more instances such as these.

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I have never had a flu shot.


My 22yodd, her DH, and her 2yodd have been vaccinated for H1N1. When dd talked to me about it...I just...didn't....feel like I need to get it. Yes, I'll feel terrible if one of us becomes seriously ill. Hind sight is 20/20, right? But, at this time I don't feel compelled to do this.


We may have already been exposed. One of the neighborhood dad's is recovering from H1N1. Our youngest daughters play together 4-5 days a week.

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No. They are in other parts of the US (Eastern side, though). I don't want to get too detailed because there is no "official" anything yet and I don't want to incite fear or anything. Both girls are young (around 6) and are in different states. Each feel ill within 24-48 hours after receiving the vaccine. Both could be total coincidence, but until I know for sure, I won't rest easy with my kids taking the vaccine.


OTOH, I will say that I know plenty of people who have gotten the vaccine for their kids and the kids are FINE. One woman in my area got it for her kids the first week in October and her kids are doing great still...they got the mist and never developed even a sniffle from it.


We got ours almost 3 weeks ago and we have not had any trouble at all.


We have all got our seasonal flu shots for years without any trouble and since the H1N1 is manufactured in the exact same way as the seasonal flu I am certain that there won't be any adverse effects from it either. That is why we opted to get it.

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We have 5 cases in my town that I can think of right off the top of my head. An entire family got it as soon as it was available and now they are down for the count.


It can take up to 2 weeks to get full immunity. They could have been vax'd, not got enough immunity & come down with the virus acquired through contact with an infected person.


There is still some controversy about whether 1 shot is enough. Last I heard, Japan is going for 2 shots, a month apart. This is controversial for a number of reasons, not the least of which is how many surplus vaccines will be available for developing countries. Those countries with poor to non-existent health infrastructure (where there are no doctors, never mind no ventilators or ECMO) are pretty much putting all their hopes on the vax.

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We have done all the routine childhood vaccines but nobody in my family is getting this one.


I am concerned about the substances in which it is stored.

We take heavy-duty supplements to strengthen our immune system.

If you follow the money trail, it's obvious that the general public is not

the first concern here.


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We did most of the infant/toddler vax on the recommended schedule. We're not getting this one, for many reasons:


This vax was rushed through testing, and IMO wasn't proven safe yet.


I don't buy into the media hysteria - it's just another form of flu and this vax seems more of a marketing thing than a health thing.



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The difference is that almost 1/2 the hospitalized cases have NO underlying conditions and are predominantly young. That's what makes it different.


We have NO way of predicting which healthy people will recover fine and which will require ventilation and which will die.


This week in Canada we have seen a # of deaths, including a healthy 13 year old boy, who was a minor hockey league player, active, no previous health probs, mother is an RN so this kid's serious condition was not overlooked by parents who didn't know what they were seeing. Sore throat Friday night. Typical flu symptoms Saturday. Collapsed at home on Monday. Dad did CPR. Paramedics did CPR. Child could not be revived.


This was a healthy child.


This is not what happens with seasonal flu.


BTW, you are "trying" something with your child. You are trying what happens in an unvaccinated individual. Most people do recover just fine. But some don't. The Dead Children Thread. Many had underlying conditions which made them more vulnerable, but many did not. And the #'s just keep going up.


Hornblower...I know you are passionate about this subject, but constantly posting to threads like this and reminding us how people are dying and they were healhy is very much like the media. Each person has to make their own decision and we KNOW people have died. However, the numbers are low, and the chances are low. If you look up even the Spaish Flu, you will see that mortality was still considered LOW in comparison to things like Polio and truly devistating child hood diseases. Personally I CAN'T take the vaccine, so pushing it on me any my family because a 13 year old died is not going to help. How many 13 year olds have gotten this virus and NOT died? How many 13 year olds died in car wrecks yesterday? Should we stop driving? Should we take the bus? I am not being snarky - I am just saying that 99% of us KNOW the numbers but are still trying to go on with life as normal. The chances are still something like 2 in a MILLION of dying from this.


I need some positives and I am sure you are tired of repeating the same things over and over and over as well.

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There is no h1n1 vaccine available in my area...so for me the question is hypothetical. (There was a very limited supply of the mist a few weeks ago, but it wasn't open.)


My concerns would be the thimerosal, the time it takes to get the immunity, (lots of cases of flu like illness fli around here) the question of 1 shot vs. 2 and the average percent of protection offered.


Ftr...I'm not real impressed with the distribution inconsistencies. They seem to be feast or famine with no logical sop. Confusion, conflicting information and the apparent general disorganization coupled with a lack of accountability, mystify me to say the least. :001_huh:


We are all up to date on our shots here.

Edited by Tammyla
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We get most routine vaccinations, but we do not get flu vaccines. I weigh the risk versus benefit of each vaccination. (It has nothing to do with the mercury.) There are risks associated with every vaccination. You have to decide whether that risk of the risk of the disease it protects against is greater to you, in your specific cirsumstances.

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