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Anyone want to join an "I hate huge stuffed animals" group?

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I am OK with a few stuffed animals and a few dolls. But I hate the huge ones. Hate them. The kids can't seem to part with them - which is tough for me since my nickname in the house is "Chuck" for my decluttering tirades. UGH.


Thanks to my FIL for these lovelies.


I am now daydreaming about what *thing* to bless him with this Christmas... LOL!!!


Please tell me I'm not alone!!

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We go through and purge them about this time every year. Our local Red Cross will take them to give to children who've been through a fire, tornado, etc.


DD likes to pick out the ones she will donate. We usually give away a large trash bag full each year. The problem is, it seems that for every 1 we get rid of 2 more find there way in! they are taking over!


Sometimes she picks out ones that I want to keep and I pull them out of the donate pile.:blush:

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Not just the large ones that annoy me, they all annoy me. why does everyone think a little girls needs every stuffed animal out there. dH included in this. If he's on a trip and see's something baby girl would adore he buys it for her. She has 2 she sleeps with and carries around with her the rest are pretty much clutter in her room. She'll make tea parties and picnics once in a while but the rest of the time...clutter. Yes, she does have a big teddy bear dh could not resist. We boxed up a bunch and have them in the attic in case she suddenly remembers one she insists on having. I am hoping in the next few years she will be willing to part with some. Now if I can only resist the urge to bring her to Build a Bear....It would be so cute to have her build her own but then again it will become more clutter?

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I had the big Raggedy Ann and my best friend happen to have Andy so we dressed up in their clothes as the dolls for Halloween when we were four. But now she's in storage with 3 ft Paddington and a size 18 mos Madame Alexander doll from the 1960's. I can't bring myself to get rid of them even though we never had any daughters to enjoy them. My husband is fairly tolerant but he does occasionally have issues about them and my passion for children's literature and children's book illustrators (sigh!).

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I am SO happy my youngest got over her passion for Build-a-Bear. At 5yo, she NO Build-a-Bears, but I just counted 18 in her room. I may have missed some. She got BAB gift cards for her birthday and for Christmas and she spent all her allowance on them for a long time. Then she switched over to Webkinz. Those weren't so bad. At least they were small. She also has beanie babies. My dd used to play with all of her critters quite extensively. I'm sure she'll get to a point where she wants to purge. When she's done with something, she wants it gone. She purged all her My Little Pony and Polly Pocket stuff around 9.5yo. She still has all her Littlest Pet Shop stuff, but it hides in her closet, so it may stay put for a long time.


I still remember the year that my FIL decided to get GIANT Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus bears for each of the girls (5.5yo, 3yo, and 0.5yo). I had three pairs of those gigantic bears. They were bigger than my 3yo. They went straight to Goodwill. Another year he got each of them the entire collection of polar beanie babies. That wasn't so bad because they were small, but we still didn't need that many of them. I took two sets to Goodwill and kept the other for the girls to play with.

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My middle dd has asthma, so we can't have stuffed animals for the most part. She does have a doll that she made and a build-a-bear, but that's it. My youngest LOVES stuffed animals, but we have a 3 animal rule. If she gets a new stuffed animal, she has to throw an old one out. She has her build-a-bear, a huge monkey my dh got her (thaaaankkksss), and dog. She plays with them like they are real people...it's so funny.

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We have had one twice. Both times I laid down the law that they don't move. (We move every few years since we are military). Yes I hate them. My youngest is quickly approaching 13 but she still has quite a collection of stuffed animals. Almost all of them are hanging in this contraption I got at IKEA so I am okay with this.

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I hate the huge ones, too! Annoying, ugly, dust-collecting, good-for-nothing, bags of cloth and fiberfill. ick.


A good friend gave my 5yo a large (think 2 1/2 feet long) collie dog stuffed animal that her dd had grown out of. I wish MY dd would grow out of it. sigh It had been washed so its fur is all in pills and it sits there on her bed looking ratty and grungy. My dd loves it, too.

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If they didn't play with them they'd be gone. :D

They're not into barbies, dolls, or the like......but stuffies, OH MY!


If they go in the tub then they've learned their shelf life is about done. They get moldy no matter what I do. Some get dragged into the yard and left out in the rain.... opps! A date with the lawn mower for some.


Somehow we keep a status quo here but never are we without.

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I "recycle" stuffed animals in my basement. I cut out the stuffing and use it to make throw pillows. Then the "skins" of the stuffed animals fit into the garbage and no one knows they are gone. If the animals were important enough that even one time the kids went, "hey, where's my pink elephant?" I might feel bad about my sneaky deception, but they never miss them. But when I go to throw or give them away the kids see them in the garbage or the give away box.

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The ones from the county fair are the worst! I feel like I should send them through a decontamination chamber before I allow them in my house. They smell like they're loaded with chemicals and just seem so germy!


I have tried to ban stuffed animal 'wins' or purchases for years now but they just keep coming. My solution is to tie them up in blue recycling garbage bags so I see what they are, and throw them up in the attic. Usually, no one even notices they're gone! =)

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My middle dd has asthma, so we can't have stuffed animals for the most part. She does have a doll that she made and a build-a-bear, but that's it. My youngest LOVES stuffed animals, but we have a 3 animal rule. If she gets a new stuffed animal, she has to throw an old one out. She has her build-a-bear, a huge monkey my dh got her (thaaaankkksss), and dog. She plays with them like they are real people...it's so funny.


That is a GREAT rule!

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Nooooo! Say it ain't so...all you huge stuffed animal haters! I can't believe it! I'm shocked and appalled (not really).


But, I did move a 4ft bear around with me for about 25 years. I only threw him out (it was quite difficult) when we moved into a 659 sq ft. apt where there was no room for him. He wasn't even falling apart, although he couldn't hold his head up anymore.:sad: I still have my 30 year old tiger though. She's not so big. And I still have my (small) orphaned camel my dad got from Korea back in the 80's. His mom was the tiger's co-leader of the pack :D. I will not talk about her demise.


All the rest of my animals I gave away during Christmas toy drives during high school. But "I" got rid of them. I've had my daughter decide what things go or not as she receives new things. That way, we're not collecting "stuff." (We only live in 659 sq ft.) She's kind of like me, and it's better she do it than me, although I am ruthless about "helping" her :D.

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I "recycle" stuffed animals in my basement. I cut out the stuffing and use it to make throw pillows. Then the "skins" of the stuffed animals fit into the garbage and no one knows they are gone. If the animals were important enough that even one time the kids went, "hey, where's my pink elephant?" I might feel bad about my sneaky deception, but they never miss them. But when I go to throw or give them away the kids see them in the garbage or the give away box.



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