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My brother showed up today with his son running a 103 fever....

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Knowing he had been sick yesterday. They said they took him to the doctor and he tested neg. for the swine flu and strep and that it was just a virus. Yep, did you know that viruses aren't contagious because they are on the inside says their doctor????????? Oh and it isn't the swine flu if he isn't throwing up and his skin feels weird. What?


He is in town for the weekend for his 20 year reunion and wants to bring the child back tomorrow granted he is not running a fever again (just like he wasn't this morning). I don't want to be ugly and ruin his reunion weekend, but I have 4 kids and don't want them to come back tomorrow.

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kindly let him know that with everything going around you have to think of the health of your family and you prefer he not bring his son over. It's not easy, but you'd being doing what's is better for your kids. It's not fair to expose them, even if it isn't the swine flu. No one wants to expose their children and risk putting them through an illness.

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kindly let him know that with everything going around you have to think of the health of your family and you prefer he not bring his son over. It's not easy, but you'd being doing what's is better for your kids. It's not fair to expose them, even if it isn't the swine flu. No one wants to expose their children and risk putting them through an illness.





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Knowing he had been sick yesterday. They said they took him to the doctor and he tested neg. for the swine flu and strep and that it was just a virus. Yep, did you know that viruses aren't contagious because they are on the inside says their doctor????????? Oh and it isn't the swine flu if he isn't throwing up and his skin feels weird. What?


He is in town for the weekend for his 20 year reunion and wants to bring the child back tomorrow granted he is not running a fever again (just like he wasn't this morning). I don't want to be ugly and ruin his reunion weekend, but I have 4 kids and don't want them to come back tomorrow.


Sounds like someone needs to get his money back from wherever he went to med school. :thumbdown: I'd be interested in knowing this doc's thoughts on exactly how viruses are spread . . .

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The rapid tests have huge false negative rates.



from the CDC.


The sensitivity of this assay has been shown to range between [10-70%*] for the detection of novel influenza A (H1N1) virus and between [20-100%*] for seasonal influenza viruses. A negative result does not exclude influenza virus infection. If influenza is circulating in your community, a diagnosis of influenza should be considered based on a patient’s clinical presentation and empiric antiviral treatment should be considered, if indicated. If more conclusive testing is desired, follow-up confirmatory testing with either [viral culture or RT-PCR*] is warranted.



I think the rapid tests are not terribly useful.


If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck and ducks are migrating through your community - assume it's a duck and not a Patagonian purple chested giant mosquito.

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That's just plain inconsiderate. I would have no trouble at all telling him I don't want my children exposed to a virus. Why would he feel entitled to expose your children to illness so he can go to a party?


As to the doctor's words, I'm sorry, but no doctor would say things like that. My take on that is that he is lying and trying to convince you that it's safe for you to babysit his sick son.


Just say no, honey.

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He is in town for the weekend for his 20 year reunion and wants to bring the child back tomorrow granted he is not running a fever again (just like he wasn't this morning). I don't want to be ugly and ruin his reunion weekend, but I have 4 kids and don't want them to come back tomorrow.


I'm interested in an update as well. And just for the record, there should be at least 24 hours after the fever has gone down before accepting a child into care. Not next day...:glare:

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And just for the record, there should be at least 24 hours after the fever has gone down before accepting a child into care.


Some people seem to have never heard this part of it! The kid can have 102 temp at 10 pm but if they wake up fever free at 7 am, they get sent on their way (only to have the fever recur the next evening, as viruses are wont to do...).


And my own question... why do people (parents and students alike) seem to think that this does not apply to high schoolers and adults? I mean, 24 hours is 24 hours whether you are 4 or 14. :glare:

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This bugs me too. One of the kids on my son's baseball team had a 102 fever yesterday and flu symptoms. The mom couldn't get the fever to go down under 101 so she reluctantly kept him home. If she could get it to go down while using Tylenol she was going to send him anyway. Today he was at the game. Apparently his fever is gone but he wasn't feeling well. His dad is home with a 105 fever! Why would this family send their son to baseball when he had a fever less then 24 hours ago and why would they risk getting everyone else sick when something is obviously going through their family.

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Some people seem to have never heard this part of it! The kid can have 102 temp at 10 pm but if they wake up fever free at 7 am, they get sent on their way (only to have the fever recur the next evening, as viruses are wont to do...).


And my own question... why do people (parents and students alike) seem to think that this does not apply to high schoolers and adults? I mean, 24 hours is 24 hours whether you are 4 or 14. :glare:

I've always been a little skeptical of this though. If someone has a fever, they should stay home because they feel like crap. But I am not convinced that someone infected with flu who has a fever is any more contagious than someone infected with the flu who doesn't have a fever. If they're coughing and sneezing, they're spreading the virus and fever doesn't have anything to do with it. And nothing really magical happens after 24 hours. If they're hacking, they're contagious. And even if they're not, they can still shed virus for weeks, although it's less as time goes on.


I'm wondering if the recommendation came about because if you have a respiratory illness with a fever it's more likely to be influenza ( or something else more serious than a cold) than if you have a respiratory illness without a fever. Coughing and sneezing without fever is more likely to be a regular old cold, and most of us aren't going to miss school or work because of a mild URI.


I suspect this recommendation has a lot more to do with tradition than evidence.

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When I was a school nurse I always felt bad for the kids that came in on medication fever free and the fever kicked up again in the afternoon. I imagine if you keep them home 24 hours after the last fever spike they would be feeling quite a bit better and probably less contagious.

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I've always been a little skeptical of this though. If someone has a fever, they should stay home because they feel like crap. But I am not convinced that someone infected with flu who has a fever is any more contagious than someone infected with the flu who doesn't have a fever. If they're coughing and sneezing, they're spreading the virus and fever doesn't have anything to do with it. And nothing really magical happens after 24 hours. If they're hacking, they're contagious. And even if they're not, they can still shed virus for weeks, although it's less as time goes on.




I agree with you that coughing and sneezing or simply breathing on things or touching things with unwashed germy hands are what actually spread the virus. But if someone has a fever, then their body is attacking what it recognizes as a virus or infection. So I wouldn't want to be around them because even their body recognizes the problem. For that same reason, I don't give a fever reducer for a fever less than 102. I want the body to fight that virus or bacteria. So being around someone with an artificially reduced fever doesn't mean that they don't have the virus anymore - it simply means that they aren't fighting it as effectively! (Note - not all my comments here have anything to do with what Perry said - I'm just using her comments as a springboard for the conversation.)

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The rapid tests have huge false negative rates.



from the CDC.




I think the rapid tests are not terribly useful.


If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck and ducks are migrating through your community - assume it's a duck and not a Patagonian purple chested giant mosquito.


:iagree: I'm also thinking who at the 20th reunion does the brother want to impress so much... that he is dragging his poor sick child into this? That is nuts. :confused: If he flew, then the people sitting next to that child may get ill. Or if they drove, any rest stop would have them interacting with others -- possible sneeze or germy hand on a doorknob or door handle. Lovely. Such sensitivity for others. Gotta go to that reunion!


I'd tell my sibling off and create WWIII at the next family get-to-gether over it... in our family, son and I have a rare genetic disease that a simple cold or flu can trigger a crisis and lead to hospitalization, coma, or death.

Edited by tex-mex
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I'll go against the grain. I would keep the kid. It is a once in a lifetime event! But I would require that he stay in one room (preferably the bathroom) the whole time away from the rest of the family and hand my brother cleaning supplies when he got back. That would all be explained ahead of time.


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