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What are you using for grammar?

What are you using for grammar?  

  1. 1. What are you using for grammar?

    • A Beka
    • Bob Jones
    • Rod and Staff
    • Other (please specify)

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We are using BJU Writing and Grammar DVDs for ninth grade. Mrs. Vick is a wonderful teacher. I chose the DVD instruction because I work outside the home two mornings per week and wanted a great teacher instructing my daughter when I could not be there.

My husband or older children are home with her when I am working but they do not teach.

Edited by ccm
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We're using Easy Grammar for my 8 & 9 yr. olds but we have Fix It! ready to go when they finish E.G. I like EG a lot but I wanted something that was more closely tied to their writing program and since we're doing IEW for writing, I thought it made sense to use their grammar program as well. hth!

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Originally chose it because WTM recommended it. (Don't think the current edition of WTM does, however.) Found it suited our needs very well. Liked the thoroughness, much drill, explanations, many examples, repetition from year to year, etc.


I usually love R&S curr., but dc tried R&S once and didn't like it as well. They said some of the terms were slightly different (can't remember what they were) and it didn't seem as thorough to them. They went back to ABeka and were content with finishing their grammar series.


They also preferred the ABeka writing sections included in the grammar books to most other writing programs they'd done.


Another thing we used which was especially helpful were some sentence diagramming books I found here:




We did these as a group after most of them had finished the ABeka series. They really enjoyed this and it was great for review. Even now, after they've finished the Moutoux books, they enjoy taking turns finding one sentence per week for all of them to diagram and compare and discuss on the following week.




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We use Rod & Staff through grade 8. Then we use a college text called Business Writing by Mary Ellen Guffey -- this is the most excellent workbook text, which I've used with 3 graduates so far. After this text (usually grade 10), they have all passed the English Comp CLEP test easily.



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I voted R&S because we use it in grades 5 and up, and I was assuming you meant for high school. For grades 3 & 4 we use Easy Grammar (I'm not going to reinvent the wheel when this has been fine for that age, and I really think it's an older skill in many ways.) Ds used FLL for grades 1 & 2 and it was great for him because we did it orally & he's an auditory learner for many things.

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I voted "other" because ds (8th grade) isn't using a formal grammar program and hasn't for a couple of years.


He did FLL, then Rod & Staff 3, Sonlight LA 2 - 6, and is now using Fix-it from IEW and some old Sonlight LA worksheets to keep things fresh.


We have been studying Latin for 6 years now and are almost done Henle 1. IMHO, the Latin does a great job of reinforcing the grammar he learned when he was younger, so I don't think it's a good use of his time to do a full grammar program right now when he is spending 1 hour/day on Latin.




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- Winston Advanced (grammar instruction review)

- The Chortling Bard (grammar mechanics practice, editing practice)

- Write Source 2000 / Writer's Inc (grammar handbook/resource)


We see grammar as a "support tool" (in contrast to a subject to pursue all on its own), used to assist with good writing and rhetoric, and in learning a foreign language. By the end of 8th grade, we were solid with grammar, and so in 9th grade we used the above as more of a review. After 9th grade, any grammar instruction or discussion seems to naturally stem from writing papers, giving speeches, and reading/discussing literature. I had intentions of touching on grammar 1-2 times a week throughout high school just to keep it "fresh", but that plan has fallen by the wayside, as:

1. we just don't have time for it

2. we don't seem to have a need for it


Perhaps we'll regret that decision at SAT time, but we're seeing that time is increasingly short and precious in high school, and we'd rather spend that time building good family memories, working on weak areas, exploring interests/talents, developing life skills, etc. rather than on a support subject that we are solid in. (Note: if we were weak in grammar, I'd feel differently!)


Warmest regards, Lori D.

Edited by Lori D.
fixed typo
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Analytical Grammar (in second season)


My dd used R&S 3rd-5th but couldn't do 6th. I kept trying and finally gave up. Analytical Grammar has been a blessing. I didn't think the kid would ever get past 5th grade grammar. I'm amazed at the parsing and diagramming going on. I'm working though it too. :blink:

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Ds is using Easy Grammar Plus for 8th grade. If things progress well we will add Fix It in the spring and use Easy Grammar Ultimate series for review through high school.


If he is still struggling we will go with Analytical Grammar in 9th and 10th with Fix It and then review with Easy Grammar Ultimate Series for 11th and 12th.

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I am using CLE for my kids...

It is a thorough as R&S...in a workbook format, so not as much copying.

It includes ALL of our LA including: Spelling, Grammar, Penmanship and Writing.

I find it very CM in a workbooky kind of way...short lessons...copy work...every exercise seems well thought out and profitable to the student...as in...not just busy work.


It also repeats and reviews constantly.


I love it!! (And their Reading and Math too.



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Right now, for 8th grade, we are using the Mcgraw Hill/Glencoe grammar workbooks that are free to print or use online. I actually think it's kind of great.


We had been using Easy Grammar for several years when we got to talking and learned that we had both always despised it. It's a very good program, mind you, it's just us. Neither of us had ever said anything because it seems to be sort of the Holy Grail of homeschool Grammar courses in my circles.


Beginning next year, we will begin using my old Warriner's high school texts. I have never seen anything I liked as well as Warriner's.

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For those of you using Warriner's, what edition do you use? In looking around for used copies, I see regular editions, "Heritage" editions, "Liberty" editions, revised editions, etc.


And is the "Complete Course" an all-in-one complete grammar course, or is that just the title of the final level (12th grade)?




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For those of you using Warriner's, what edition do you use? In looking around for used copies, I see regular editions, "Heritage" editions, "Liberty" editions, revised editions, etc.


And is the "Complete Course" an all-in-one complete grammar course, or is that just the title of the final level (12th grade)?





I use the 1988 edition also called the Benchmark edition. It was the last edition printed before the author died.


And yes, the Complete Course is the 12th grade edition. It goes over a lot of the easier grammar very rapidly and then spends more time on advanced grammar and syntax.

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