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to post here? To read and keep up on the goings on?


I used to be around more, when my kids were smaller, and I could pop in while they were finishing worksheets or doing projects that didn't require so much input from me. I have formed lasting friendships based on this board and I'm grateful for that opportunity. The kids are bigger now, I'm the only adult here 99.999% of the time, and even when I come looking for specific information (which has been very helpful, TYVM), I often find myself looking at politically oriented things or just completely frivolous threads. Even if it's only reading the title of the thread (and the first line in the hover feature), it can still constitute a not insignificant time-suck. I struggle to find time to exercise, to keep up with the daily things of life, much less to keep tabs here, especially as the group has grown.


How do *you* do it?


The kids are ready to move to the next thing now, so it's back to schooling. :)

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Thanks, Unicorn. I'm realizing that I often do the same -- lunch, breaks, up too late. :D


And to the person who added the tag "here we go again": I'm presuming that you meant my OP and not the SPAM. I'm sorry.


Thanks to a tip from a friend, I skimmed the other recent thread on this very (similar) topic. And I disagree that we're going anywhere "again". I used to spend a LOT more time here than I have lately. TWTM and the boards have been invaluable to me over the last six-ish years, whenever I can get here. What's changed? My big kids are older and needing more discussion time. The littles are doing projects that require more input from me. I try to squeeze in some tiny money-making pursuits, I have another child (SN), I'm a single parent, I'm only home three full days a week (therapies, lessons, dr. appointments). I rarely get adequate sleep (see SN kid), spend time with friends, or accomplish most of the things I'd like to IRL. Things have not always been this way for me and mine. They may not always be this way. I sincerely hope they are not always this way. (And I'm "here" today because I'm coaxing along a cranky printer so I can get the worksheets/cut-outs organized for the next couple of weeks.)


Thus my OP -- life changes, then changes and changes and changes again. I came here, as I have before, with a sincere question and a head full of bemusement. For better or worse, Life is a series of trade offs, and this far into the parenting gig, I am not so naive that I think anyone has it all going on. (Well. Maybe SWB. Or her mom. ;) )


So I'll restate: When things have changed for you, what methods do you employ to regain balance? What does balance look like for you? If you're spending lots of time here, what slides? How do you manage that? Any ideas for me? If you're spending less time here than you have before, why? How did you arrive at that decision? Tips? Witticisms? Slogans? Coffeeeeeeeee??? :D

Edited by Mama Bear
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I spend too much time here, unfortunately. Usually that means my house is a wreck or dinner is slapped together. However, I console myself that if I weren't here I would think of some other reason not to clean my house. ;)


I am finding that I don't have as much time. Dh and I have agreed that once our asbestos removal is finished and the house put back together, I will need to enforce stricter limits here. For now, though, my ten-minute slams onto the board throughout the day provide the breaks I need.

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For me, my disability means that I can't do many things that I used to, including most housework. Sitting here, one handed typing, is one of the things I *can* do sometimes when waiting for meds to kick in and take a slight edge off.


Although, thinking about it, I would be further ahead writing than posting here :lol:

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Thanks, Unicorn. I'm realizing that I often do the same -- lunch, breaks, up too late. :D


And to the person who added the tag "here we go again": So I'll restate: When things have changed for you, what methods do you employ to regain balance? What does balance look like for you? If you're spending lots of time here, what slides? How do you manage that? Any ideas for me? If you're spending less time here than you have before, why? How did you arrive at that decision? Tips? Witticisms? Slogans? Coffeeeeeeeee??? :D


What a rude tag....but anyway, as to your question---When I'm on here a lot my house goes to pot. It is awful right now. And my life has chanaged A LOT over the summer, stbxh moved out in June and I don't have to worry about taking care of him anymore. Since I'm not working I find that being a single parent is EASIER for me---but I only have 1 child.


I've lost your blog address....do you mind to send it to me in a PM?

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I'm the opposite. I wasn't on the computer too much when the kids were younger because they needed so much of my time. Now that they are older, ages 11, 13, and 17, they simply don't need me as much. As far as schooling, it simply doesn't take us long to get it done. We follow the program schedules, but some of the programs are combined subjects. We finish schooling in about 2 hours, and I feel they are covering an appropriate amount of material. Though I know it won't raise sympathy, I have too much free time. It's not a good thing for me though.

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And I disagree that we're going anywhere "again".


Don't worry about the tag. I hate that they are anonymous, though the moderators can see the poster.


It sounds like you have alot going on in your life right now. Of course your time and energy are spread thin. If you feel these boards would be a daily boost, pick a time frame to read/post. It might be hard to leave once you're here though. Stick to your given time and consider that to be a small luxury that you no doubt deserve. Is there a time in the day when the kids are having free time?

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to post here? To read and keep up on the goings on?

Here's one thing that makes it easier for me to keep up...I just posted this in another thread:

If you want to find a thread that you've posted in that's been "lost" (moved down a few pages in the list), do an Advanced Search, and just put your name in the "Search by User Name" box. You'll see all threads you've posted in, and the ones in bold are the ones with new responses that you haven't read yet.
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ROFL, Audrey. As long as it has a lid with optional tie-down, we can discuss it calmly. Otherwise, it is to be considered an interloper, and will make mockery of The Cause.



I think you're really pushing it now. You're going to get your own thread locked or deleted. You know very well that the optional tie-down is extra-manual. Quit being such a rabble rouser.

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The first time I saw your tag re: apostrophes I laughed for days. Still makes me snort and hiccup when I read it. I have to laugh quietly, lest the children require explanations that reveal they've been left in the charge of someone less than, erm, grown up.


Ha! I get PMs about both of my signature lines all the time! :lol: I try really hard to do 2 things in life: make people laugh and make people think. When I can do both it makes me particularly happy.

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I visit during my morning coffee, while I'm waiting for the boys to finish something, when school's over and I sit down for a break before starting dinner, and when they go to to bed.


I am very busy too, but it's something I choose to do in those little cracks of time. I don't watch television, and I typically only watch movies while I am using my exercise bike in the morning.


I skim over a lot of posts, but I do try to pass along anything that I think might be helpful, so this does take up some time.

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And my life has changed A LOT over the summer, stbxh moved out in June


Hi Scarlett,

I'm very rarely here anymore, but MB alerted me to this thread, so I popped over. I saw your post right away, and I just want you to know that I'm so sorry that you're going through a rough time. :grouphug:

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My kids (3 of them, anyway) are older and require much less direct supervision.


In the last week, however, I have had to sit on my fanny for about 6 hours proctoring tests sent home by their co-op class teachers. Also, dh travels and that gives flexibility to my days.


Honestly, I need to use the wait time more effectively, like finishing up on the 9/9/9 reading challenge!

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In all seriousness... to answer the original question...


I have short spurts of down time throughout the day. Sometimes it is at home and I will check out a forum or two. Sometimes I am on the road and check in from my BB. I don't usually post from the BB unless it's a quickie because I am cursed with clumsy thumbs.

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My "baby" is six today and we don't school on birthdays :) I "hover" around the computer a bit to keep in touch with DD in Germany and dear niece in Honduras. I choose a few threads to read and post just a little. This summer I wasn't on much at all because DD brought the granddaughters to us for 6 glorious weeks and dear niece was here, too, for a nice visit :)

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to post here? To read and keep up on the goings on?


I used to be around more, when my kids were smaller, and I could pop in while they were finishing worksheets or doing projects that didn't require so much input from me. I have formed lasting friendships based on this board and I'm grateful for that opportunity. The kids are bigger now, I'm the only adult here 99.999% of the time, and even when I come looking for specific information (which has been very helpful, TYVM), I often find myself looking at politically oriented things or just completely frivolous threads. Even if it's only reading the title of the thread (and the first line in the hover feature), it can still constitute a not insignificant time-suck. I struggle to find time to exercise, to keep up with the daily things of life, much less to keep tabs here, especially as the group has grown.


How do *you* do it?


The kids are ready to move to the next thing now, so it's back to schooling. :)


My computer is right here in the kitchen, where I am for much of the day for schooling, cooking, etc., so it's easy (too easy! ;)) to hop online for a few minutes here and there.

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