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Would this be of intetest to you?


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Question for the hive. A friend of mine is a teacher in a small private school. He has proposed the idea to his bosses that they should look into being a resource school for homeschoolers. Allowing students to enroll ala carte for classes. For example-your student is really into science and you don't have a science lab in your home. You would be able to sign your student up for the science class.


The questions he had for me are:

Would you be interested in being able to sign up for classes that way?

Would you as a parent be interested in taking a workshop offering teaching tips while your student was in class?

Would being able to take an online class be of interest?


What would be helpful to you as a homeschooling parent?


The school is located in Rockland County, NY.

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yes, no, no


Problem I see is that at $7000/year for tuition (at our school) it would have to cost someone around $100 month for that one class. Cost is one reason I brought my kids home - that and the fact that the classes at school were not challenging my kids.


A teaching forum/exchange would be much more helpful to me than a lecture.


I AM hoping to get my 5th grader into band this year (they start band in a few weeks). I know for sure that our school allows hsed kids to take hischool band and choir for a fee. I still have to find out what the fee is.

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I would have the feeling with a teacher tips class that they were being condescending, assuming that they have useful knowledge about teaching that I, as simply a homeschooling mother, couldn't possibly know...

I think they would attempt to give tips that would be more useful in the classroom, and might not realize what would be more useful at home.

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Would you be interested in being able to sign up for classes that way? Possibly

Would you as a parent be interested in taking a workshop offering teaching tips while your student was in class? No

Would being able to take an online class be of interest? No

It would have to be affordable. I would mostly be interested in fun sociable type activities. P.E., Art, Music, Recess. If they could structure one or two days a week where she could get all of them in a row I would be pretty happy.

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1. Yes, possibly when they are older and I can't help them as much as I'd like with certain subjects: art, math, possibly science


2. No. That's what certified teachers are for, right?


3. Maybe...if I was convinced the online class was better than anything I could offer them. This is a tough one, though, because our resources for online classes as homeschoolers are fairly numerous, I think (I've seen them, but I haven't used them). So it would need to compete in both cost and content.


I had a similar conversation with the "head master" when a local private school opened about 2 years ago. I was most interested in extra curricular - the school had the $ to bring in the chess coach we wanted for ds, which would get the coach up here (he teaches 1 1/2 hrs away from here), but that fell through. The other extras were not anything any of us were interested in.


All in all, I think it is wonderful that private schools want to extend thier resources to the homeschoolers; its more than the public schools are willing to do (in our area, anyway), and I would probably choose private over public if I had to make the choice. Its good to have options.

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Yes, I'd register my children for classes. I was actually trying to find a part-time school around my area but the only thing I could find was a couple of schools that insisted I use all of their curriculum on their schedule even though my kids would only be in class one day per week. I don't think so!


No, I don't need a class for me. That smacks of school superiority and treats my homeschooling abilities as being inferior.


Online classes might be interesting. I would need to know if they are real time or pre-recorded, and if work would be turned in and who would see/grade it.

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A school in my area allows homeschoolers to take classes a la carte. It doesn't interest me only because of the drive time. It's not feasible for me to have my son there every day for 55 minutes.


On the other hand, we have always participated in a one-day-a-week enrichment class for homeschoolers that could include a science lab.


So, yes, if I could make the drive one-day-a-week for a full school day, I'm interested.


But, no, if I have to make five drives a week for one hour-long class, it's not feasible.


However, I think it's nice that your friend's school is thinking about including us.

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I think the middle question could be formed into something that would be useful to homeschool moms... like a "Resource Time", in which they could browse the school resources and make copies of activities, or check out resource books (this is one thing I have not done and wish I had... make use of the local ps's resource library). If they're looking for a way to occupy hs moms so they don't have to sit in the car outside or in the lobby, LET US AT THE CURRIC!


So for me it would be yes, no, yes, unless they made the middle question into something that is useful and respectful of me as a fellow teacher.

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For the 2nd question, I agree that it would have to be a different subject for moms, not teaching tips. It would be hard for a school to pull together teaching tips for parents of their own children. Most teachers learn tips for teaching large groups or for tutoring children not their own. It's a different ballgame teaching your own kids. You need a different set of skills.

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I think the middle question could be formed into something that would be useful to homeschool moms... like a "Resource Time", in which they could browse the school resources and make copies of activities, or check out resource books (this is one thing I have not done and wish I had... make use of the local ps's resource library). If they're looking for a way to occupy hs moms so they don't have to sit in the car outside or in the lobby, LET US AT THE CURRIC!


So for me it would be yes, no, yes, unless they made the middle question into something that is useful and respectful of me as a fellow teacher.

:iagree:Yes, yes, yes. When I started with Sonlight I found that most of the Usborne books and some others that they use were in PS libraries. I would have loved to get a look at them. I even tried to find them at our downtown library to no avail. I ordered a few that I am very disappointed in.
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Before signing up my child, I would secure clear information on what, if any, implications such dual enrollment would have for my legally continuing to homeschool in NY state. Although this is a private school being discussed, does "outside enrollment" of any kind jeopardize ones standing as a homeschooler ?


See also my interpolations below. . .


The questions he had for me are:


Would you be interested in being able to sign up for classes that way? -- Yes.


Would you as a parent be interested in taking a workshop offering teaching tips while your student was in class? -- No ! I would, however, be willing to TEACH such a workshop.


Would being able to take an online class be of interest? -- Possibly. (this refers to the child/student, I assume)


What would be helpful to you as a homeschooling parent?



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I would sign up for a la carte classes!:iagree: I would esp like classes for science, middle school and up (but they would HAVE to be top-notch!)...music, art, and PE. I have daydreamed about having a school where the morning was devoted to skill areas, afternoons to science/histoy/literature....and parents could choose a whole day, just the morning classes, or just the afternoon classes. It's a great idea...tweak it to your area.


The workshop...notsomuch..:iagree: ...unless the workshops directly pertained to HSing. Are we bringing in HS speakers...or is the 1st grade teacher giving a lecture on teaching Abeka materials? Maybe there is a wonderful specialist at the school??? (thinking special needs) Maybe there is a dynamic music/art teacher who can inspire and give ideas... HS moms seem to be pretty set in our ways when it comes to the main curriculum and HS style. If the a la carte classes brought in lots of HSers, I could see basing a bonifide HS support group out of the ps...and letting the HSers plan the workshops.



Online classes? nah..unless...say science is online M-TH and then the kids come in on Friday for the lab. Something like that - maybe.

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Would you be interested in being able to sign up for classes that way?

Would you as a parent be interested in taking a workshop offering teaching tips while your student was in class?

Would being able to take an online class be of interest?


What would be helpful to you as a homeschooling parent?




Yes. Actually some of the private schools in our area offer these classes (they offer pe, art & music mostly). I personally would only be interested in elective type classes though because we handle the core classes at home.


No. No workshops on teaching tips needed. Have those skills down pat. ;)


No. No online from any private schools for us since we have access to virtual school through the state and it is free.

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The private school here did this for a couple years. They actually changed their high school to block scheduling, the second year, in order to accomodate homeschoolers.


I'm not interested in them teaching ME though.


Online might be an option, but generally I think we homeschoolers have most of that covered. A local school would be beneficial for in-person discussions, practice at foreign languages, socialization, labs, etc.

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We have several private Christian schools that are close by. I'd love if we could take a few classes (especially classes like orchestra and science) once the kids get to high school.


I'm not interested in teacher tips and would only be interested in an online class if it had a physical class portion - like meet a couple of days, online discussions other days. I can get purely online classes from various places on the web, so that's not as much of a pull.

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