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TOG users, please check in here!


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I know there are a lot of us on the WTM forum, but I'm curious to know just how many are here. Would you mind adding yourself to the thread, say what year you are using and dc's ages/levels?


I have tried to use the TOG website, but it just isn't as varied and as active as the Hive.




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1st year with TOG . My son10(almost 11) went to a classical Christian school and he ended at the Renaissance so we picked up at YR2 unit 3 and will continue thru Year 3 unit 1. We are doing dialectic level


I am so glad you started this thread. I find this board more active and easier to navigate than the TOG board and it will be nice to see who else is on board.

The Yahoo groups are beneficial as well.




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4th year of TOG here - we're finishing Week 4 of Year 2. This year, I have 1 Rhetoric student, 2 Dialectic, 1 Upper Grammar, and still trying to figure out what to do with the almost-5 year old!


I really love TOG. It fits how I think, I can tweak it to how my kids learn, and we all learn together. Can't imagine anything else, and I'm pretty jazzed to start my second go-around next year!:D

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Wow! Lots of us here.


And does anyone else supplement their TOG with SOTW history? Dd and I are reading SOTW and really admire SWB's writing format, putting it into all into a story. We think this is going to really compliment her UG reading and study experience.




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Wow! Lots of us here.


And does anyone else supplement their TOG with SOTW history? Dd and I are reading SOTW and really admire SWB's writing format, putting it into all into a story. We think this is going to really compliment her UG reading and study experience.



We're doing TOG for the first time this year. We're doing Year One. Dd9 is doing a mom-created hybrid of UG and Dialectic. Ds5 is doing LG. I am using SOTW with ds as a spine for LG. We just finished up Unit 1 and we're loving it!

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This is my first post!


We have not started TOG yet. I had bought it to start this fall, but felt it might go over better next year. We will start in Aug with TOG 1 with 1LG student. It is exciting to see so many people positive about TOG. I really think I made the right curriculum choice!



p.s. where is the spell check....spelling is not my gifting!

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This is our first year with TOG. We are on YR 1, Unit 1. We will be using SOTW as scheduled in the "alternative" section. I have only one, 7r old, dd and she is LG.


We chose the "other start" as outlined. We started in wk 4 instead of 1. So, we will go through wk 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9. This is in-order of history instead of the order the Bible was written. When we repeat in D stage we will go in the original order.

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Ugg! I am currently here on the bed surrounded by weeks 27 -36 of year 2 that I printed off last night from my digital yr 2. We have used yr 1 redesigned and yr 2 unit 1 & 2. I really was burned out and disappointed about everything going digital instead of print. I. don't. like. digital. BUT I really don't like what we have tried for history in its place!!!! So, here I sit thinking of just picking up in TOG where we are and going on from there.


I picked up yr 3 an 4 in classic for next to nothing a book sale sooooo I think I am back in the TOG camp.

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Wow! Lots of us here.


And does anyone else supplement their TOG with SOTW history? Dd and I are reading SOTW and really admire SWB's writing format, putting it into all into a story. We think this is going to really compliment her UG reading and study experience.





Hi Lucinda!


I have done Y2 U4 classic, Year 3 classic and am now doing year 4 classic. I also own year 1, 2 and 3 redesign and really which I could swing the new redesign year 4 but it just isn't happening right now. :D


I think this is our 3rd year. We often take longer to finish, so our years don't exactly follow TOG years.




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This is our 3rd year with TOG. We are in week 3 of Year 3 Redesign. I have 5 kids using YR 3 TOG. 1 R ds, 1 D ds, 1 UG ds, 2 LG dds.


BTW- My eldest is in her sophmore year in a Christian College. She called to ask me to bring several of our Rhetoric TOG books from year 1 to help with her Old Testament paper.:)


dd17 is a senior and going fast pace through TOG 3 & 4 to finish her last year at home.




Edited by Leanna
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Hi Lucinda :001_smile:

This is our 3rd year using TOG. We're on Redesigned Y2 and loving every minute of it!


ETA: this is the first year we're doing SOTW from the alternate reading page. We'll be using it to supplement, until unit 4, when we will use it to cover all of the history books. We're in Canada, and that unit in particular is very heavy into U.S. history. We do want to cover it, but in a simpler, cheaper, fun way. Using SOTW fit the bill perfectly, and it allows us to have more time to throw in some Canadian history to boot.

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This is going to be our first full year using Tapestry of Grace. We did nine weeks of year one last year and had to set it aside due to life circumstances. We are starting back soon with TOG Year 1 Redesign DE (but I ordered the printed version too). All three of our children are LG students.

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