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AI picked Ellen Degeneres why?

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Well, I'm not sure that Ellen is any stupider than . . . wait, I won't go there. :tongue_smilie:


If I understand correctly, Ellen is a huge music *fan*. I mean, she LOVES music, loves to dance, loves to chat with musicians . . . so I guess when it comes to judging who could conceivably be a star, she has as many credentials as anyone. I mean, it's music -- it's very subjective.


I'm curious as to why you think Ellen is a particularly bad choice: is it because she isn't a musician or some other reason?

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I love Ellen. I am just not sure that she can be serious enough to keep with the mood set by the judges. But I do like Ellen. I didn't care at all for Paula Abdul.




I love, love, love Ellen D. And, the way I see it they NEED someone on the judges panel with an unbiased opinion. People in the music industry tend to have a certain mindset. At least Ellen can be like any other person listening to an audition. How many times were you at home watching the auditions, and screaming SHE SHOULD HAVE GONE THROUGH!!. I think this is what Ellen is going to bring to the table.


And ultimately, it is the American public who decides anyways. And we all know how well that works sometimes.:confused:

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Well, I'm not sure that Ellen is any stupider than . . . wait, I won't go there. :tongue_smilie:






Well, I do appreciate someone who knows something about music in that job.


I actually didn't like adding in a 4th judge, so when Paula left I was thinking, okay, stick with just three.


Also, Ellen can be a bit too stilly for my taste...I don't want to hear a bunch of jokes on AI, I want to hear the singing, hear the experienced judges opinion, etc.


And lastly, yes it's her personal preferences, but only in the way that I don't want any wayward comments being made because my kids usually watch the show with us. I have only heard minimal poor comments that I think weren't G rated on the show and I don't want that to change (I do think they need to delet any cross dressers on there though).


I hope this doesn't offend anyone here, if so then my apologies.



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I think Ellen is hilarious, but I'm not sure how the dynamics will play out. I can't imagine how Simon and Ryan agreed to her coming onboard. She'll steal the spotlight! And that is precisely why I wonder how it will work--she shouldn't steal the spotlight from the contestants, and I'm afraid she might.


But we'll just wait and see.

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Guest janainaz

Ellen D. was a guest judge on So You Think You Can Dance last season. She was funny, but not over-the-top. I think it will be interesting to see how she does on the show.

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Well, I do appreciate someone who knows something about music in that job.


I actually didn't like adding in a 4th judge, so when Paula left I was thinking, okay, stick with just three.


Also, Ellen can be a bit too stilly for my taste...I don't want to hear a bunch of jokes on AI, I want to hear the singing, hear the experienced judges opinion, etc.


And lastly, yes it's her personal preferences, but only in the way that I don't want any wayward comments being made because my kids usually watch the show with us. I have only heard minimal poor comments that I think weren't G rated on the show and I don't want that to change (I do think they need to delet any cross dressers on there though).


I hope this doesn't offend anyone here, if so then my apologies.




Honestly, if you weren't offended by all of the innuendo thrown about between Simon and Paula, from Simon to Ryan, etc -- I can't imagine Ellen is going to say anything that you'll find offensive. I've watched her talk show and some of her stand up -- seriously, Simon is more suggestive.

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Surely there has to be something better than Paula, right?


I think Ellen is funny most of the time. She bothers me sometimes, but like someone else, I don't think she'll go over-the-top with inuendo. And I agree that I was uncomfortable more than once with Paula and Simon while my dc were watching. :mad:

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She is not a musician, not a vocalist, and doesn't produce any records. What is she going to bring to the table in judging... fashion talk, were they funny in their presentation of a song? She isn't qualified for a serious talent contest. Great talk show host... funny fish voice in Nemo.... pretty quiet on controversial stuff, seems really nice & sincere... but just b/c she likes music.


heck, i like music.... they aren't taking the show seriously. Abdul may have been quirky & press really tried to demean her alot... but she was a singer and a dancer... .she knew the industry. Way more than singing in the shower and having a huge album collection.:confused:

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She wasn't over the top, but she also wasn't a serious judge. I don't think I could take that week after week.


:iagree: She basically just cracked jokes. Funny for stand-up, but not for a judge. She had not one single actual comment on the quality of performance. I had to fast-forward through most of it; it was painful. Yay TiVo.

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Who are we going to laugh at now (for being unintentionally funny)? Paula always added that special bit of, "what in the world is she going to do, say, wear" feeling to the show. Seems like a nice lady, though.


I don't think that Ellen is an awful choice, just an unlikely one. Is Kara staying on? I kind of liked her -- she comes across as very knowledgeable and smart about the industry.

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I never watched AI, but I love Ellen! She was a guest judge on So You Think You Can Dance this last season. Most of the time she was joking around and goofy. But there was one dance that she got very serious and gave a very honest, emotional review. The goofiness is an act, she seems like a genuinely nice person beneath that. Maybe she'll be the Anti-Simon.

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She is not a musician, not a vocalist, and doesn't produce any records. What is she going to bring to the table in judging... fashion talk, were they funny in their presentation of a song? She isn't qualified for a serious talent contest. Great talk show host... funny fish voice in Nemo.... pretty quiet on controversial stuff, seems really nice & sincere... but just b/c she likes music.


heck, i like music.... they aren't taking the show seriously. Abdul may have been quirky & press really tried to demean her alot... but she was a singer and a dancer... .she knew the industry. Way more than singing in the shower and having a huge album collection.:confused:


Although I do not agree with her chosen lifestyle, I do like Ellen. I think that she is halarious. I also know that she does alot of really good things. I think that it will be very interesting to see her on the show; however I do agree with the above post. She does not have any professional music experience and this is a music talent show. Should be interesting!:glare:

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I guess I really have no business contributing to this thread, as I've never watched an episode of American Idol in my life (yes, I'm apparently the last remaining American who has not) but I was under the impression that ultimately, the viewing public "votes" via computer? So if the judging for the final prize or whatever is done by the public, the vast majority of whom bring nothing to the table in terms of talent or credentials, why not Ellen?



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I guess I really have no business contributing to this thread, as I've never watched an episode of American Idol in my life (yes, I'm apparently the last remaining American who has not)




Nope I have never seen the show either. :D


I think Ellen is one of those people whom you either love or hate. I never had any intentions of watching AI (I am extremely tone deaf and they all sound alike to me anyway) adding Ellen to the line up isn't going to change that. :auto:

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She is not a musician, not a vocalist, and doesn't produce any records. What is she going to bring to the table in judging... fashion talk, were they funny in their presentation of a song? She isn't qualified for a serious talent contest. Great talk show host... funny fish voice in Nemo.... pretty quiet on controversial stuff, seems really nice & sincere... but just b/c she likes music.


heck, i like music.... they aren't taking the show seriously. Abdul may have been quirky & press really tried to demean her alot... but she was a singer and a dancer... .she knew the industry. Way more than singing in the shower and having a huge album collection.:confused:



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I guess I really have no business contributing to this thread, as I've never watched an episode of American Idol in my life (yes, I'm apparently the last remaining American who has not) but I was under the impression that ultimately, the viewing public "votes" via computer? So if the judging for the final prize or whatever is done by the public, the vast majority of whom bring nothing to the table in terms of talent or credentials, why not Ellen?




I was wondering the same thing. I've only watched a few of the first season shows, but I thought it was the public that decides who wins. Why would it matter if Ellen was a judge?

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Oh wow! I didn't know! I think that's a BRILLIANT move! She'd be EXCELLENT!!!


For me, a sense of humor is appropriate and desirable in ALL situations. I *LOVE* her style!!!!!!!!!!!!


A *HUGE* :thumbup: here!!!!


YEAH!!! It's going to be a GREAT season!




I totally agree! I didn't watch last season; I'll make sure to watch this time!

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I guess I really have no business contributing to this thread, as I've never watched an episode of American Idol in my life (yes, I'm apparently the last remaining American who has not) but I was under the impression that ultimately, the viewing public "votes" via computer? So if the judging for the final prize or whatever is done by the public, the vast majority of whom bring nothing to the table in terms of talent or credentials, why not Ellen?


You're exactly right.

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I guess I really have no business contributing to this thread, as I've never watched an episode of American Idol in my life (yes, I'm apparently the last remaining American who has not) but I was under the impression that ultimately, the viewing public "votes" via computer? So if the judging for the final prize or whatever is done by the public, the vast majority of whom bring nothing to the table in terms of talent or credentials, why not Ellen?




You aren't the last. I haven't watched one either. My dh used to watch it when we had a TV and I'd walk through the room. I've heard the judges and thought they were either rude or just plain boring.


Ellen is very funny and I think she'd bring something to AI and your last point is good. Why not have her when the public gets a huge part anyway.

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woops, my quote didn't work.


A couple of you have put into words what I wanted to (I didnt'have WWE when I was a kid). I wish she had musical talent. I sent an email to Fox expressing my displeasure at their choice and their form email said they thought she'd bring that everyday person's viewpoint. Maybe she will, but I wrote back and said "she's a lesbian celebrity, this is not an average person."


I do not want this to sound like a sexual orientation thing. I used to love Ellen's old show, and I rarely watch the new one because I don't have alot of time, and I just don't care for it. I know she's a really talented person, just totally not my pick for AI. I do love her fish voice though :D



Edited by Alison in KY
messed it up
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but I wrote back and said "she's a lesbian celebrity, this is not an average person."


Not to be dense, but is the problem because she is a lesbian?


And if you (not just the OP, but anyone who doesn't like Ellen for her being a lesbian) have a problem with her being a lesbian (translation: her lifestyle choice) then were you a fan when it was a panel of 4 heterosexual judges?


Because Simon Cowell, to me, has questionable moral values. He is a huge womanizer. And he is smug about it. Paula has had some questionable behavior around prescription drugs. If you watched while those two were on, why is Ellen's lifestyle worse?


Does the fact that Simon is a straight male make it okay that he probably does more to mock the institute of marriage than Ellen who has been in a steady, commited relationship?


I just don't get it.

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Although I do not agree with her chosen lifestyle, I do like Ellen. I think that she is halarious. I also know that she does alot of really good things. I think that it will be very interesting to see her on the show; however I do agree with the above post. She does not have any professional music experience and this is a music talent show. Should be interesting!:glare:
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I'm the OP and my problem isn't that she's a lesbian celebrity...it's that she's a comedian and I just don't get it. I also didn't like it when they switched to four judges.


The reason I wrote that "she's a lesbian celebrity" is because my form letter from Fox said that Ellen would give a different perspective, a perspective from someone who is an average person that enjoys music but doesn't really know anything about it or the music business...that someohow Ellen being on would give an uneducated music opinion much like my own...So, my point is how can a lesbian celebrity relate to an average American such as myself...where most people are straight and most people are not celebrities.


I'm not gay bashing at all. Really.


I just consider a music talent show would have judges that know something about music and the music business/world.



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Not to be dense' date=' but is the problem because she is a lesbian?


And if you (not just the OP, but anyone who doesn't like Ellen for her being a lesbian) have a problem with her being a lesbian (translation: her lifestyle choice) then were you a fan when it was a panel of 4 heterosexual judges?


Because Simon Cowell, to me, has questionable moral values. He is a huge womanizer. And he is smug about it. Paula has had some questionable behavior around prescription drugs. If you watched while those two were on, why is Ellen's lifestyle worse?


Does the fact that Simon is a straight male make it okay that he probably does more to mock the institute of marriage than Ellen who has been in a steady, commited relationship?


I just don't get it.[/quote']


:iagree:Great questions.....been wondering the same thing.



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Thanks for responding. I guess I was taking what you had written earlier:

And lastly, yes it's her personal preferences, but only in the way that I don't want any wayward comments being made because my kids usually watch the show with us.


and coupling it with some other comments people had made.


I remember many an AI show where a girl who had a skimpy outfit on or was well built would get comments from Simon. Remember when he made "bikini girl" jump up and down? How awful and degrading was that? Bring on the lesbian comments any day over that crapola. My children would do better off listening to Ellen than watching Simon debase women. If that didn't make you swear off AI then I wouldn't worry so much about Ellen. I think she is a wee bit more classy than the likes of Simon.


I do agree with the idea that someone with music experience could be a better judge (Randy sometimes makes some great points) but the addition of Kara has also shown that that is not always the case. In my opinion she has added nothing to the show, even with all her experience, and just eats up time. I would rather have someone who has a more interesting personality all the way around.


BTW, I am a straight woman married to the same guy for 25 years. I am completely average and definitely not a lesbian celebrity. However, when see Ellen on t.v. she seems like someone you could sit down and have a real conversation with. She is a rich lesbian, but she is also a very nice human being who has been blessed with a wonderful personality. THAT makes her relatable. Not who she sleeps with, but her personality.


I would spend time with her any day.


Most people may be straight (although I don't know how accurate the term "most" is) and most people aren't celebrities, but most people aren't pompous middle aged man-whores with English accents either. But people accept Simon and not just because he has a music industry background. It is his personality that gets him over. And Ellen's will too.

Edited by Home'scool
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Remember when he made "bikini girl" jump up and down? How awful and degrading was that?


I haven't followed this thread' date=' but this made me laugh--if you wear a bikini to an AI audition, can you really object that being made to jump up and down is degrading? Do you [i']really [/i]have the moral authority to protest the objectification of women in America? If ever someone was asking to be treated like a piece of meat, Bikini Girl was.



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Thanks for responding. I guess I was taking what you had written earlier:



and coupling it with some other comments people had made.


I remember many an AI show where a girl who had a skimpy outfit on or was well built would get comments from Simon. Remember when he made "bikini girl" jump up and down? How awful and degrading was that? Bring on the lesbian comments any day over that crapola. My children would do better off listening to Ellen than watching Simon debase women. If that didn't make you swear off AI then I wouldn't worry so much about Ellen. I think she is a wee bit more classy than the likes of Simon.


I do agree with the idea that someone with music experience could be a better judge (Randy sometimes makes some great points) but the addition of Kara has also shown that that is not always the case. In my opinion she has added nothing to the show' date=' even with all her experience, and just eats up time. I would rather have someone who has a more interesting personality all the way around.


BTW, I am a straight woman married to the same guy for 25 years. I am completely average and definitely not a lesbian celebrity. However, when see Ellen on t.v. she seems like someone you could sit down and have a real conversation with. She is a rich lesbian, but she is also a very nice human being who has been blessed with a wonderful personality. THAT makes her relatable. Not who she sleeps with, but her personality.


I would spend time with her any day.


Most people may be straight (although I don't know how accurate the term "most" is) and most people aren't celebrities, but most people aren't pompous middle aged man-whores with English accents either. But people accept Simon and not just because he has a music industry background. It is his personality that gets him over. And Ellen's will too.[/quote']


Actually i missed all of this. I really just watched the end of the show 2 yrs ago, and the top 16 or so last year. Other than Simon being a bit to blunt, and picking on Paula, I'd missed what you are talking about. If I were watching that with my kids I would have turned it off. I also hated it when Kara did her little bikini moment, and another time when they had a really weird scantily clad singer on there. Maybe their target audience is not the family, I kinda thought it was.


And maybe your right about Ellen.


My opinion at it's simplest is that someone who knows about music should have been picked...next behind that opinion is that there is simply no reason to have four judges. :D

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