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Face Book, Can someone explain?

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Ok, maybe I am just to old to get it but I simply don't get it. To me it seems like just one more place where people spend time putting on this false face and never really being real.

Why would I want the rest of the work to see my notes to other individuals?

I am just having a difficult time figuring out what the real purpose of it is.

My oldest son sort of hornswaggled me in to joining but now I really wished I hadn't.

Am I missing something here?

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The format of it is a bit confusing to me as well and their chat is awful. It seems to me to be more set up as a way to keep in touch with people who are all spread out and to just "keep tabs". I don't see it as a replacement for a telephone or an email for meaningful conversation, but rather as a way to keep track of people so they don't go off of your radar. Then you can use their inbox to drop them a line to exchange phone numbers and call them to have a meaningful conversation.

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it's not for everyone. I never got into myspace, but....


Generally, on FB, every day or two (though sometimes more than once a day), I put something on there that has happened and sometimes people respond. All my friends can see what I write and the responses I get. More often, I respond to what other people say. I think there is a way because of my settings that others could see those things if they chose to specifically look, but it's pretty rare except on pictures and videos for me to see what anyone else has said unless we're talking to a mutual friend.


At first, I wasnt' thrilled, then I started playing some of the games (FarmTown, Egg Breaker). I got a few more friends. I kinda got into it. But now that school has started, I'm really too busy. At least here (wtm), we can help or debate something interesting where I don't see that happening on FB.


OHHHHHHHH, one neat thing is that extended family is on FB. I have talked to my aunt more times in the last week than I have in the last decade IRL. And my uncle and grandfather are on there also. And I've met up with some old high school buddies. I did have a conversation about homeschooling with a guy I "dated" in high school. I was able to calm some of his concerns and give him some ideas; however, he's since gotten custody and sent his son to school.


Mostly, it's a time waster.

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It seems to me to be more set up as a way to keep in touch with people who are all spread out and to just "keep tabs". I don't see it as a replacement for a telephone or an email for meaningful conversation, but rather as a way to keep track of people so they don't go off of your radar. Then you can use their inbox to drop them a line to exchange phone numbers and call them to have a meaningful conversation.


I don't understand how it's "...just one more place where people spend time putting on this false face and never really being real".


I mean, if the folks you "friend" are that way to begin with, then, yeah...they're not going to be any different on Facebook than they are anywhere else, KWIM?


It's a network. That's all. And as someone else said, it's not for everyone, just like message boards aren't for everyone, ladies' group meetings aren't for everyone...


If it's a frustration, then don't do it! Although I do get the getting hornswaggled into it by a child. :tongue_smilie: It is advisable, imo, to "friend" your children, and see what's going on in their (cyber) world, if you allow them to take part in FB, etc.


I'm sorry you're not having fun, though. :-( Maybe lowering your expectations for what it should be like would help?

Edited by Jill, OK
blatant overuse of the word "though"
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Yeah, it's mostly just a way to keep tabs on people with whom you don't regularly communicate otherwise. And it's nice for sharing pictures with people you probably wouldn't specifically send them to. I wouldn't ever use it for necessary conversation, but it's a nice way to pop in with someone you don't see in the usual course of your life.


What I don't get is Twitter. Why does anyone care that I went to the dentist? Or ate pancakes? Or am heading out to soccer practice? :confused:

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Sandy - when I first got on FB, it was an area of duality for me - both inviting and anxiety-producing! I would hate it, stay up at night thinking of "is so and so going to BE my friend". Now, I love it. It can be trite, sure. But you get to keep in touch with people you would have never (in my case) kept in touch with. And my family is there, so thats great.


I enjoy FB, I do try not to reveal too much and I certainly dont feel as though I have to update people on my every thought.

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I felt the same way at first.. but I was/am very selective about who I friend and those that I do are close friends.. perhaps not living close by. It's nice to see what they are doing etc and catch up with them. I'm very careful about my privacy settings and keep personal info off there.. my friends there know me and how to reach me IRL.. I don't need to post it to the world.. even with tight privacy settings.. I'm not a trusting person of the security of the internet/websites.

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I was reluctantly dragged onto fb by my cousins, who are spread from Nigeria to California.


Now that my grandmother is facing her last days, I'm so thankful. We've all been keeping each other up to date on the latest, sharing memories, and reconnecting. That would never have happened had we needed to pick up the phone.


My privacy settings are high - and I chose not to reveal my high school or college or even maiden name - but I love it for what I use it for.

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I know someone who loves people. He is social, but he has a deep shy streak, and is a bit old-fashioned.


He would love to chat at a place like this, but he would be too shy about doing it with strangers. I visited him and he logged onto Facebook to share his new-found pleasure in it: it was full of happy, silly, chatty posts of people he knew and trusted, and "new" people, but ALL OF WHOM were trusted by people he trusted.


It makes sense for him. It is a place like here, for him, but more secure and more select. He is newly retired AND newly empty-nested after being a single dad. It is a good fit for him.

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I have found out so much about myself by taking facebook quizzes, it's amazing I could function before facebook. :tongue_smilie:


I grew up in the 80s when you would cruise in your car on the weekends and hang out at the mall. I liken facebook to those activities. Except without the blue eyeshadow and poofy hair. Unless you yearbook yourself, then you could do both.

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I LOVE facebook! I moved 800 miles from my home town 5 years ago. But now that I'm on facebook, I am closer to all my old friends again! I know when my far away friend's car breaks down, or when her son is sick. I can comment and offer pray, help or advice. I can commiserate, encourage, agree or disagree with what ever. I get to see pictures of their kids or grandkids, wish happy birthdays...just about anything I'd do in real life if I lived closer. I am actually able to carry on a friendship with my old freinds that I wasn't able to before. I can't call 30 or 40 old friends from back home often enough to keep up a friendship. But now, when I visit home and I see my old friends, whom I love, I will be able to TALK to them instead of just saying, "Oh, Hi! I'm good, the farm's good. How are you all?" I think it's FANTASTIC! And it only takes me a couple of minutes a day to keep up. I DON'T do any of the games or other things. I just read the wall posts and comment, post my own updates and often chat if someone is online at the same time. Love it! Love it!


Oh, yeah...you don't have to post a message to the wall, you can send it privately. Every bit of information doesn't have to be public. Just send a private message.

Edited by katemary63
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1) People (most especially young people) seem to use it as a popularity contest of sorts. One of my son's friends has over 1700 friends (and others have large numbers as well). Really? Someone can have that many friends? Acquaintances, sure, but real freinds - hardly. One would have to post messages continuously to keep in touch with that many friends.


2) I've noticed that people tend to post things like what they're doing that moment, or what they're going to be doing (e.g. "going to get my nails done") or have done. I think this is a result of a growing trend of narcissisitic behavior in our society. People automatically assume others actually care about what they think and what they're doing all the time. I don't think people actually care about what I'm doing during the day, not even my close friends. If they do, they ask. I mean, really, who cares that I got my hair done yesterday other than my family and perhaps a couple of others? (Twitter gets on my nerves for the same reason.)


I do see that FB has a good purpose, though. I use it to post pictures of my family that my out of town relatives can see and download if they wish. It's easier than any other method I've found to upload pictures and it saves me from mailing pictures. Other than that, though, I'm not a big fan.

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As with any other internet tool it can be a big time waster. However, I love it for keeping up with my close friends who are spread out pretty far.


When my hometown was devastated by a tornado we used it to find out what was going on, who was safe, who had been killed, etc in the first days following when phone service was so non existant.


I think the way young kids friend 100s and sometimes even 1000s of people is just nuts. In fact, I found myself getting competitive with my stbxh (before I kicked him out) trying to get as many friends as he had. I am about to go in and delete a bunch of them that really mean nothing to me norm me to them. Having only people on there that you WANT to share with is fun though.

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What I don't get is Twitter. Why does anyone care that I went to the dentist? Or ate pancakes? Or am heading out to soccer practice? :confused:


Twitter is a lot more than just random status updates ;)


I've met a lot of hs'ers on twitter, had an old IRL friendship from childhood come back to life, learned about all sorts of interesting websites that I'd never heard about before, discovered new musical artists, movies, books, recipes,etc, entered (and won) a few contests, and just all 'round had fun 'connecting' with people. :D


Yes, there's junk on Twitter ~ in fact, while I would let my daughter have a blog or get on FB, I would NOT let her get on Twitter. There are spammers with some, ummm... interesting accounts. Twitter deletes 'em, but they're visible at different points. Overall though, my Twitter experience has been pretty cool. :)

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I was very close to cousins 1350 miles from me when I was young. We visited there and they visited here. Now, after marriages and kids and jobs, that doesn't happen. But FB has been a way for me to get back in touch. And regularly. My cousin, for instance, doesn't do FB, but her daughter (I've never met) is in college to become a teacher -- like ME! We have lots to talk about! I can tell her how fun her mom was and she can tell me about her brother and sister and what everyone is doing . . .


College friends in Germany and England . . .


Neighborhood friends who moved away . . .


People telling me what they remember about my mom . . .


Yes, it can be a time-waster, but it can also be a fun social outlet for this mom who's stuck at home studying and researching on the computer way too much.



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I keep up with friends, share prayer requests, and communicate through fb. It, like anything, is what you make of it. You can use it for good or ill. Fb isn't "good" or "bad." It is just fb. What people do with it makes the difference.


I second that! DD's youth pastor use it to communicate with kids and parents and friends about his daily life - what he is doing, reading, thinking, quotes... His facebook, blogger really inspired even us as parents.

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I LOVE facebook! I moved 800 miles from my home town 5 years ago. But now that I'm on facebook, I am closer to all my old friends again! I know when my far away friend's car breaks down, or when her son is sick. I can comment and offer pray, help or advice. I can commiserate, encourage, agree or disagree with what ever. I get to see pictures of their kids or grandkids, wish happy birthdays...just about anything I'd do in real life if I lived closer. I am actually able to carry on a friendship with my old freinds that I wasn't able to before. I can't call 30 or 40 old friends from back home often enough to keep up a friendship. But now, when I visit home and I see my old friends, whom I love, I will be able to TALK to them instead of just saying, "Oh, Hi! I'm good, the farm's good. How are you all?" I think it's FANTASTIC! And it only takes me a couple of minutes a day to keep up. I DON'T do any of the games or other things. I just read the wall posts and comment, post my own updates and often chat if someone is online at the same time. Love it! Love it!


Oh, yeah...you don't have to post a message to the wall, you can send it privately. Every bit of information doesn't have to be public. Just send a private message.


:iagree: I've been able to connect better with some of the people at my church and in my homeschool group. People who I wouldn't feel comfortable calling on the phone to visit because I didn't think I knew them that well. It gives us things to talk about the next time we see each other. It's been a great icebreaker.

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I love facebook.


I have moved around so much that I have more friends from different times in my life but I've never been of a letter writer or caller. People just fade away when I move to my next stage. It's been great catching up with people, even a few that I thought didn't like me in high school that send me requests.

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I love it because it allows me to keep up with friends all over the world, see photos of what they're doing, how their kids are growing... These are often friends who are important to me, but we're so far spread out and so busy in different stages of our lives that nurturing relationship via phone and email just isn't feasible right now. Certainly it's not the same as getting to spend time together or chat regularly -- but it does allow more connection in times when we just can't do that.


With local friends, I can know right away if someone that I wouldn't otherwise see this week is sick and needs some help without her having to call or email all of her friends to say, "Hey, I could really use some home-made soup!"


I can see photos, even start *real* conversations based on someone's comment about an article they found intriguing or...


It did take me a little while to get used to FB. I only joined because my brother was headed off to Iraq and pointed out that this would be an easier way for him to keep more people updated as to how he was, and allow us to see photos, etc.


But I've gotten used to it and found good things about it.


But I don't think the people I've friended are particularly "fake". Some post more, some less. But they're all basically the same people I know in real life. I guess if I found they were presenting false personas, I'd not stay friends on FB -- but I'd probably not be tempted to maintain relationships with them offline either.

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I like FB for keeping in touch with old friends. A lot of people from high school and college who I had lost touch with are there, and I'm so happy to get to see what they're doing and their photos, etc. 3 friends from high school even got together for a weekend (I couldn't afford to go :().


My church congregation uses it for fast news. My friend had a baby the other day, and the husband could easily post the news on FB instead of having to call people and be interrupted with calls. A lot of things like that go on. And more than one person keeps an eye out for discouraged-sounding posts so she can call or make cookies or something.


And sometimes it's just funny little things.


I don't do the games or quizzes, I don't have time for that. But I like the friendly updates.

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I don't understand how it's "...just one more place where people spend time putting on this false face and never really being real".


I mean, if the folks you "friend" are that way to begin with, then, yeah...they're not going to be any different on Facebook than they are anywhere else, KWIM?


It's a network. That's all. And as someone else said, it's not for everyone, just like message boards aren't for everyone, ladies' group meetings aren't for everyone...


If it's a frustration, then don't do it! Although I do get the getting hornswaggled into it by a child. :tongue_smilie: It is advisable, imo, to "friend" your children, and see what's going on in their (cyber) world, if you allow them to take part in FB, etc.


I'm sorry you're not having fun, though. :-( Maybe lowering your expectations for what it should be like would help?


I don't know why you quoted me as I said nothing of a false face or frustration, but don't worry I ain't mad at ya! ;) It's Friday after all! :)




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I have found out so much about myself by taking facebook quizzes, it's amazing I could function before facebook. :tongue_smilie:


I grew up in the 80s when you would cruise in your car on the weekends and hang out at the mall. I liken facebook to those activities. Except without the blue eyeshadow and poofy hair. Unless you yearbook yourself, then you could do both.



Oh I haven't done the quizzes yet. I'm still somewhat new there. hehehe I do have a farm though now! hehehe :)

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Lol, Jen. I think Jill was agreeing with you, backing up what you said, then continuing with her own response to the OP (who seems to think that people present themselves as other than they are on FB, etc)... :)



Oh! :svengo: :D hehehe


Ay, it's so hard to judge intent over the internet. I thought she thought I was saying that so I was totally confused. Well, tbh I'm confused a lot especially towards the end of the week, but shhhh don't tell anyone else okay? It will be our secret between just you and me! ;) :grouphug: hehe

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Ok, maybe I am just to old to get it but I simply don't get it. To me it seems like just one more place where people spend time putting on this false face and never really being real.

Why would I want the rest of the work to see my notes to other individuals?

I am just having a difficult time figuring out what the real purpose of it is.

My oldest son sort of hornswaggled me in to joining but now I really wished I hadn't.

Am I missing something here?


NO! You are NOT missing anything!!!! More and more people are quitting FB... read this very insightful blog post (that itself links to a recent article in the New York Times about social-network quitters) by PhD candidate Owen Strachan, which was linked off of influential blogger and book reviewer, Tim Challies. (link, link, link...)


I pulled the plug about a month ago after "collecting" 170 friends. FB was such a rush in the beginning: "wow! So-and-so from 1st grade is a surgeon now? Who knew!?" "She looks like THAT now?!" etc... But I found that the people that I actually communicated with on a meaningful level were the SAME people I communicated with IRL anyway! Yes, it's a convenient way to share pictures, etc., but in my opinion, this convenience comes at a high price.


In my opinion, Facebook creates a false sense of community. Additionally, it was a giant waste of time for me. Finally, it is a mechanism for marketing and advertising, collecting volumes of personal information on your interests, reading habits, spending, etc. What started as a college experiment to get invitations out for social gatherings on campus is now a multi-bazillion dollar marketing machine. Am I cynical or what!?


Perhaps some people can manage their account in such a way that it doesn't collect all of that data by not playing the games that ask your preferences on movies, books, etc., don't post websites that you like, don't "friend" entities (like celebrities or stores (I'm a fan of Target or The Food Network! Woo hoo!).

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NO! You are NOT missing anything!!!! More and more people are quitting FB... read this very insightful blog post (that itself links to a recent article in the New York Times about social-network quitters) by PhD candidate Owen Strachan, which was linked off of influential blogger and book reviewer, Tim Challies. (link, link, link...)


I pulled the plug about a month ago after "collecting" 170 friends. FB was such a rush in the beginning: "wow! So-and-so from 1st grade is a surgeon now? Who knew!?" "She looks like THAT now?!" etc... But I found that the people that I actually communicated with on a meaningful level were the SAME people I communicated with IRL anyway! Yes, it's a convenient way to share pictures, etc., but in my opinion, this convenience comes at a high price.


In my opinion, Facebook creates a false sense of community. Additionally, it was a giant waste of time for me. Finally, it is a mechanism for marketing and advertising, collecting volumes of personal information on your interests, reading habits, spending, etc. What started as a college experiment to get invitations out for social gatherings on campus is now a multi-bazillion dollar marketing machine. Am I cynical or what!?


Perhaps some people can manage their account in such a way that it doesn't collect all of that data by not playing the games that ask your preferences on movies, books, etc., don't post websites that you like, don't "friend" entities (like celebrities or stores (I'm a fan of Target or The Food Network! Woo hoo!).


My experience is the opposite. I've become closer to the people I chat with on FB than I am with some real life folks. Too many of my IRL friends are so busy they don't have time to sit down over a cup of coffee...and I can do FB without having to drive into town. I don't just chat through status updates, I also use the private message feature to chat with these folks. Yes, I could have used email, but before FB, I didn't have some of those addys or feel close enough to be a part of their lives.


It's been a blessing to me. I don't do the games and only a few of the quizzes. It's all about connecting for me. It's a great big piazza with lots of comings and goings.

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I don't know why you quoted me as I said nothing of a false face or frustration, but don't worry I ain't mad at ya! ;) It's Friday after all! :)





I was quoting the OP. :001_smile: Just hit the wrong button, and it came out underneath you. (Sorry)


Hey...no worries. It's not only Friday...it's a long weekend Friday! Woo hoo! :D

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NO! You are NOT missing anything!!!! More and more people are quitting FB... read this very insightful blog post (that itself links to a recent article in the New York Times about social-network quitters) by PhD candidate Owen Strachan, which was linked off of influential blogger and book reviewer, Tim Challies. (link, link, link...)





Hey, I just read a rebuttal of the New York Times column!


Similar to many of you, I live farther away from family than I would like, and Facebook is a nice way to share pictures with everyone at once and keep up on what they're doing.


Here's the weird thing about it, though. I'd imagine we all post photos and updates so others will see them and maybe comment. So why, when I'm looking at other people's profiles, do I feel like I'm stalking them? :lol:

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My experience is the opposite. I've become closer to the people I chat with on FB than I am with some real life folks. Too many of my IRL friends are so busy they don't have time to sit down over a cup of coffee...and I can do FB without having to drive into town. I don't just chat through status updates, I also use the private message feature to chat with these folks. Yes, I could have used email, but before FB, I didn't have some of those addys or feel close enough to be a part of their lives.


It's been a blessing to me. I don't do the games and only a few of the quizzes. It's all about connecting for me. It's a great big piazza with lots of comings and goings.


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Hey, I just read a rebuttal of the New York Times column!


My favorite quote is actually from one of the comments:


"I know people who quit Facebook after playing around with it for two months. I know others who joined and still use it once or twice a month to stay in touch with a few people. I know other people who are on it all the d@mned time."


ROFLOL! Exactly!

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I love Facebook. I love being in contact with important people in my life. I love catching up with old firends who mean so much to me but I don't have the time to call. I love that I can talk to friends in Sweden and Australia and Vietnam and Thailand and see pictures of these beautiful places they now call home. It isn't for everyone. And for goodness sake, if you aren't enjoying yourself with FB, just don't use it. No one will think less of you. Really. It's there for people who enjoy it.

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My favorite quote is actually from one of the comments:


"I know people who quit Facebook after playing around with it for two months. I know others who joined and still use it once or twice a month to stay in touch with a few people. I know other people who are on it all the d@mned time."


ROFLOL! Exactly!

Well, kinda. They missed one category (the one to which I belong): people who check in a couple of times every day.
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...Well, tbh I'm confused a lot especially towards the end of the week, but shhhh don't tell anyone else okay? It will be our secret between just you and me! ;) ...


Clearly some sort of chocolate-deficiency syndrome... I recommend some pretty hefty supplements to get you back up and going. ;)

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Wow, Thanks for everyones experience with FB. I think I will be one of those that seldom or never do anything on it but I have gained a little different perspective of it.

I guess one of the things that bothered me was within a short time of joining to see these videos that my ds said I just had to see, I had several invites from people from the church, most of them leadership there, that had pretty plainly informed me that I might be better off looking for a church that would better suit my needs. This person had been my pastor for close to 25 yrs but was definitely not going to make any consessions for my dc and myself with chemical sensitivities.

These people that are now 'my friends' have never taken the time to stop and see the kids and myself, call to see how we are doing or even send me a note via email and yet they are my friends? Well I will at the very least disengage myself from their links. Didn't reallize I could do that until reading here.

I can't understand why one would send an invite to someone you don't really care for but I guess I did accept, not really knowing what I was doing but I did accept non the less.

Well, thanks for all the input. I will move on now. ;)

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Clearly some sort of chocolate-deficiency syndrome... I recommend some pretty hefty supplements to get you back up and going. ;)



ROFL actually I have BIRTHDAY CAKE in my fridge! Can't get better than that! :) When a big hunk is missing I will tell my dh that it was a medical emergency to ward off my mommy brains. ;) :D

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My experience is the opposite. I've become closer to the people I chat with on FB than I am with some real life folks. Too many of my IRL friends are so busy they don't have time to sit down over a cup of coffee...and I can do FB without having to drive into town. I don't just chat through status updates, I also use the private message feature to chat with these folks. Yes, I could have used email, but before FB, I didn't have some of those addys or feel close enough to be a part of their lives.


It's been a blessing to me. I don't do the games and only a few of the quizzes. It's all about connecting for me. It's a great big piazza with lots of comings and goings.


:iagree: Oh gosh, I can't believe how negative some people are about Facebook!?? I just don't get it. I can't see ANYTHING negative about how I use it. I guess if you just wasted too much time on it, that would be a problem. And if you were friends with a gazillion people, it would be hard to keep up with them all - and silly. But for me, it is WONDERFUL and a HUGE blessing. I'm thinking, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water!" There are enough people who have been blessed by it to help you all to realize there is a good way to use it and that it fills a need that can't really be filled any other way for some people. Facebook isn't bad. It's a tool and can be used to great benefit. Again, I LOVE IT!

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You know, I was thinking this very thing just yesterday. I completely agree w/the op. Am I just an old fart (like my parents with thier crazy 8-track tapes and thier manual turn console tv, refusing to get 'one of them crazy computer things'??)? I'm not even 40, so I'm getting nervous here!


Dh has a facebook acct for his business...I don't really understand the whole network of facebook at all. It annoys me. But reading the other posts, I guess I can see keeping it as a portfolio of pics and news for friends and family far away - but isn't that was the 'blog' is for?


I don't understand texting, either, though. If I press just 7-10 keys, I can use my voice instead of cramping my thumb. Way faster.


I guess in the end, if I really wanted to communicate with an old friend from highschool, I'd make an effort to pick up the phone. Several have contacted us since he's had his account. We didn't really hang out with any of them then, so why would we be all fuzzy about hearing from them now?? If I didn't want to talk to them enough to call them now, I'd email (safe and generic, one sided conversation) or leave it alone altogether.


Just my (seemingly sour :001_huh:) 2 cents worth.

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