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Been Crying For The Last Hour

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Got a letter from my Workers Compensation Hag (aka manager) She's received the report from the nurse about what assistance I need at home. She (the hag) says that I've chosen to manage my own in home health care, and am therefore responsible to hire, train, etc the PCA, AND follow WCB standards, Labour Board and provincial and federal requirements...aka taxes. Oh, and I get $94.86 a month to pay them with.


WTH? First, I *never* said I wanted to manage my own in home health. 2nd, there's no way under the sun that $94 is going to pay for the three hours housekeeping a WEEK, plus the one handed chopping board, electric can opener, etc etc that the nurse said I was entitled to have. How the h*ll am I supposed to manage this? I can't handle hiring, training and everything else. Its just more on my plate that I can't do...and no WAY is the money going to provide what I need. I couldn't even get ONE session of 3 hrs housekeeping for that!


Then I get a call from the new nurse that's to be doing my lidocaine infusion. Suddenly, she doesn't have time for me, so I'm not getting a nurse to the house anymore. We're to meet at the pharmacy, and they're going to show Wolf how to do it...which could potentially get us in trouble with WCB. I'm guessing its because I complained about the dangerous nurse that was here that reused a needle, didn't clean site, etc.


I'm a sobbing wreck. Every single time this case manager has a chance to screw with me, she does. Cancelling my medication coverage while there was a case review, something completely unheard of, she did. I'm so freaking tired of this. I'm tired of having to fight for EVERYTHING that I have a RIGHT to, as an injured worker. I'm just so ****ed tired. I want it over. I can't keep this up.


And no, giving up homeschooling would not make my life easier. Its the only thing left, pretty much, that I can do completely, without RSD taking huge chunks of it away, that benefits my family.

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I am so sorry you are going through this. My sadness for you doesn't help though, does it? I wish there was some way to help. I am not exactly sure what you are dealing with because you are in Canada and it is different than what I have experienced here. My mom broke her sholder at work and had to have surgery with a screw and months of PT. Her workman's comp was incredible and they settled with her after paying all of her medical bills for the loss of a certain amount of use in her arm.


Is there any way you could go to someone higher up or ask for a difference case manager?



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:grouphug: How can they ask you to coordinate your own services? :confused: You did not sign anything saying that wanted to do that did you? Can you find another agency? There are 5 or 6 in our area, but I don't know how many would take our particular ins. Sorry, I am no help, but that just seems wrong. Can your ins. company call a new service for you? Our ins. coordinates all of that and quickly takes care of 'bad' nurses. It is in the best interest of the ins. company to only use good nurses, because bad service could cause customers to find new ins. KWIM.


:grouphug::grouphug: Hopefully you can get this worked out very soon.


ETA: Oops, I forgot you are in Canada. I have no idea how your system works, but hopefully there is someone higher up the food chain that can help you.

Edited by dwkilburn1
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Have you considered contacting a lawyer? I've never had an WCB issue but I did have a go around with ICBC (prov auto ins.) and having a lawyer was definitely the key. I know other people who have had to use lawyers to sort out their WCB claims. There are lawyers who specialize in this......


I don't suppose a union was involved at all? They will help too.....


The other issue I know from working in a federal bureaucracy for years is that there are always avenues for complaint. They just don't necessarily tell you what they are ;) & you have to dig around & write letters, make phone calls.


Don't forget to enlist the help of your MLA and MP. Their offices have staff members who can help move things along.


Best wishes -

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Have you considered contacting a lawyer? I've never had an WCB issue but I did have a go around with ICBC (prov auto ins.) and having a lawyer was definitely the key. I know other people who have had to use lawyers to sort out their WCB claims. There are lawyers who specialize in this......


I don't suppose a union was involved at all? They will help too.....


The other issue I know from working in a federal bureaucracy for years is that there are always avenues for complaint. They just don't necessarily tell you what they are ;) & you have to dig around & write letters, make phone calls.


Don't forget to enlist the help of your MLA and MP. Their offices have staff members who can help move things along.


Best wishes -


:iagree: Impish it is time for a lawyer to be involved. I know they cost money but you can have that added to your overall claim to be covered by WCB. What a bunch of kaka they are putting you through. That case worker of your sounds like a peice of freaking work.

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Oh Imp, I am so sorry you are going through this. Prayers that this all works out very soon to your benefit. Stay strong and keep fighting. I know it is hard (never been in this situation, but fighting in general), but you mustn't give up. :grouphug: to you and lots of them...sure wish I could be there in person!

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I've called lawyers. None will touch me unless and until I'm in an appeals process. In which case, I'm not getting ANYTHING from WCB at all. Since I'm still being paid, I've been told by the one lawyer that would actually pick up the phone (rather than have the secretary tell me no) I should just be grateful, and put up with whatever, since there are lots of folks not even being paid, and appeals can last 6 mths and more. Being in Canada, I cannot sue my workplace.


Thank God that yes, I do have a union. I called and left some weepy messages on his voice mail. I'm calling again in a min, cause I'm not sure he can understand the msgs I left :o


My MLA does squat, and tells me to be glad I'm being paid. WCB in AB is NOT a government body...even though they act like one. MLA's have no more power over them than they do any other insurance company.

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I've considered that. Union dude says its pretty worthless, since they HATE covering WCB issues, because their phones jam with calls for days after from folks who have issues with WCB.


Reality of it is, WCB is as good or as bad as your case manager. And by all accounts, I have one of the worst. My union rep has at least seven other files dealing with her. I can't request another, as they're assigned by category (ie health care workers) rather by names. She's so bad, she's already been transfered within WCB once, which is how I ended up with her.

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I am so sorry. Wish you had more choices & allies!

Me too. I'm grateful to have my union rep (who I didn't even think about til my pain specialist told me to call my union!) and most especially my Wolf and SpecialMama. No idea where I'd be without them :001_wub:



my older daughter (29 yrs old) goes through this all the time with Soc. Sec. Dis. All.....the.....time.


Truly sorry -- I hate it.

I'm so sorry she has to deal with that :grouphug:

gentle left-sided :grouphug:


hang in there...

Trying, girlie...trying.

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:grouphug: Being in Canada I know how horrible it can be to deal with WCB. I also know that it's hard enough dealing with intense chronic pain, any added stress puts life over the top. My husband has bilateral TOS and after a bad car accident this summer has developed RSD on one side. We will be praying for you.

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Call your PM. Call every day until someone calls you back. They depend on your vote to keep their lousy jobs.



Interesting idea. I don't know how much good it would do, since WCB in Alberta is NOT a government office, but interesting...hmmm.

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:grouphug: Being in Canada I know how horrible it can be to deal with WCB. I also know that it's hard enough dealing with intense chronic pain, any added stress puts life over the top. My husband has bilateral TOS and after a bad car accident this summer has developed RSD on one side. We will be praying for you.

I'm so sorry that your dh has RSD. Not something that I'd wish on anyone. :grouphug:

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I've been thinking about this while getting dinner on the table:


I don't know what I can do to help.....but I have tons (unfortunately) experience with the type of technical writing that these things tend to require (gained b/c of dd's disability). If I can proof anything for you, edit anything for you (we would have to do all this via email but it can be done)pls let me know. I haven't worked with Unions outside of the US, only with Unions in the US so I don't know if I can be of any help there, BUT I would be more than willing to provide you with whatever guidance you may need in a given situation...if you wanted to bounce ideas, strategies, etc off of me.


Pls let me know if I can help -- there were afternoons when my daughter and I were dealing with this stuff when I would just put my head in my hands and cry. Again, I am so sorry.

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Thank you for your generous offer, Mariann. My union is actually my biggest (only) source of help, so its not them that's the problem. Its literally my case manager. Not even the WCB itself, as she's gone against their own rulings and rules time and again.


Terabith, I'm leaving that to my union. Calling her nets me nothing. Never has. She had my lidocaine infusion treatment labelled 'experimental' despite the fact that WCB was paying for the exact same treatment for other clients. It took three months for her to finally put it in writing, during which time she also cut off all approval for my meds during a 'medical review'. My union was able to get all my Rx reinstated for coverage, AND the infusion...something I'd been completely unable to do on my own.

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have you had a case manager who was effective? If so, is there a way to get that individual again? If not, is there a process to get a better case manager?


I should have been more clear -- when I did Union work, I worked for the Union - gosh it was a million years ago (read the post about me being in third grade in the 1800s :glare: which I just posted) -- I worked with the Union President (not sure if that's what she was called, but she was the head of the whole kitten caboodle).


More ?s: How does one, or is one able to get a different case manager? Is there a way to undo the damage done by an ineffective case manager? I'm just trying to look at the situation as someone not embroiled in it as you are and identify the issues separately.


Tell me to go away if I am making you nuts --:001_huh:

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can you get the union to handle it all for you?


my husband was on workers compensation for 9 years. it was A BATTLE EVERY DAY! unfortunately he wasn't in the union. and found out that if he had been, the union would have fought most of the battles for him.


He finally changed to a disability pension. Not as much money, but a lot less hassle.

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Case mgrs are assigned by category (ie health care worker) not by # or name. I've asked (more than once) how to get a new mgr, and its simply not an option. Again, my union has been incredible, its Worker's Comp thats the nightmare.


The union rep goes several levels above her head. Ita b/c of the political clout of the union that he's able to get the results he does. He even says its unfair that he gets results I cant, but tis the nature of WCB, unfortunately.

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can you get the union to handle it all for you?


my husband was on workers compensation for 9 years. it was A BATTLE EVERY DAY! unfortunately he wasn't in the union. and found out that if he had been, the union would have fought most of the battles for him.


He finally changed to a disability pension. Not as much money, but a lot less hassle.

Union does what they can, unfortunately, I can't simply hand it over to them, its not the way it works. A pension through the federal government would be per month approx 1/4 of what I now get biweekly...not something I can afford to do.

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Union does what they can, unfortunately, I can't simply hand it over to them, its not the way it works. A pension through the federal government would be per month approx 1/4 of what I now get biweekly...not something I can afford to do.




the federal government pension was over half cut in money per fortnight for us.:glare:

not criticising you at all. please don't take me wrong. I am just sympathising with you over how awful workers comp is. they treat everyone like they are making up their injury. even when there is clear evidence that it is a work related injury.

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I'm so sorry that you're dealing with this. :grouphug:


Case mgrs are assigned by category (ie health care worker) not by # or name. I've asked (more than once) how to get a new mgr, and its simply not an option.


Is there not a supervisor who is OVER this case manager with whom you can speak?

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I've tried her case manager. Left a message.

Hag called back. :glare:


Faxed the supervisor while she was on vacation.

Supervisor put it on her desk to answer when she came back :glare:


Only time the supervisor has responded to anything is when the union went to HIS boss :glare:

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